NServiceBus pub/sub - where have my messages gone? - nservicebus

Well I've been doing this NServiceBus project for a while and once I got it working for PubSub I then spent the rest of the time on the actual workflow logic. However, I can see a serious issue which I want to get around (or rather learn how to handle correctly).
A publisher publishes a message to the storage queues of any subscribers as far as I understand. Great. But what happens when the subscriber isn't running (I've read other posts about this and they don't seem to be asking the same question).
Scenario - I get the publisher to Publish a message when no subscribers are running (attached/requested messages to be relayed to them).. I then find that.. the message is "gone" just simply isn't there! where did it go? Did the publisher say "hey, no one's subscribing to this, so I wont bother publishing it?", shouldn't it NOT do that and require at least one subscriber?
Can anyone shed any light on this? (nservicenewbie)

You should publish an event that has happened - a statement of fact, that other handler may or may not be interested in. It's perfectly valid to have zero subscribers! If this is not the case then maybe you should be Send()ing a command instead of Publish()ing an event.
If you are using a persistent subscription storage, start the subscriber up once and it will always be subscribed. If the subscriber is offline, messages for it will pile up in its Input Queue, ready to be processed when the subscriber comes back online.
If you're just testing with NServiceBus, the NServiceBus.Host.exe is running in the Lite profile, which uses in-memory (non-persistant) subscription storage, which would result in what you are seeing.

Ah ha! Well though it's not always an error to have no subscriber for a message type, there is a way to handle it.
In your publisher simply modify the:
IBus Bus
To use (you will need NServiceBus.Core.dll and the NS NServiceBus.Unicast):
IUnicastBus Bus
Then you can attach an handler to:
Bus.NoSubscribersForMessage += .......
This can then put the message in an error queue.. or perhaps retry forever.. or publish something else etc.. etc.. what ever you want. Thus ensuring there is nothing lost where your particular system (from a business perspective) requires an outcome


RabbitMQ: how to handle unwanted duplicate un-ack message after connection lost?

In my app(multiple instances), we occasionally see the case where connection is lost between my app and rabbitmq due to network issues(my app and rabbitmq are both alive), then after connection is recovered(re-established) we will receive messages that are unacked.
This creates an issue for us, because my app wasn't dead, and it is still processing the same message it received before, but now the message is redeivered, and it causes the app to process the message again (which can be fatal to us).
Since the app has multiple instances, it is not easy for an instance to check if another instance is processing the same message at the same time. We can't simply filter out redelivered message, because we need this feature to handle instance/app crashes/re-deployments.
It doesn't seem that there is an api to tell rabbitmq when to not redeliver unacked messages.
So what is the recommended practice to handle this situation ?
The general solution for such scenario is to make the consumers handle the messages in an idempotent manner . Generally what I do is from the producer side ( in case there is no unique identifier in the message body ) I add an attribute idempotencyId to the message body which is a guid and on the consumer side for each message this id is validated against the stored value in database , any duplicates are rejected.
This approach also works for messages which might be shoveled from another cluster or if in a same cluster multiple instances of consumers are listening then too this approach guarantee one time processing.
Would suggest to go over the RabbitMQ Reliability Guide here
Yeah, exactly-once delivery is not something RabbitMQ is good at. In fact, I'd say you should probably not be using it for these kinds of problems. Honestly, the only way to truly fix this is to use distributed transactions or locking.
Anyway, you could turn the problem on its head by ack'ing the message as soon as the consumer gets it, before it starts working on it. That would avoid the RabbitMQ-related duplication issue at least. This is at-most-once delivery.
Of course, it means that if the consumer crashes, the message is lost forever. So you need to persist the message right before you ack it so you can recover it later and also the consumer should remove it once it's complete.
Considering that crashes are rare, you can then have a single dedicated process that just works on those persisted messages. Or for that matter, handle them manually.
Just be aware that you are pushing the duplication problem in front of you, because the consumer might fail to remove the persisted message after it's done working with it anyway, but at least you have the option to implement it however you want.
Storage in this case could be anything from files, a RDBMS or something like ZooKeeper or Redis to lock/unlock in-flight messages.

RabbitMQ+MassTransit: how to cancel queued message from processing?

In some exceptional situations I need somehow to tell consumer on receiving point that some messages shouldn’t be processed. Otherwise two systems will become out-of-sync (we deal with some outdates external systems, and if, for example, connection is dropped we have to discard all queued operations in scope of that connection).
Take a risk and resolve problem messages manually? Compensation actions (that could be tough to support in my case)? Anything else?
There are a few ways:
You can set a time-to-live when sending a message: await endpoint.Send(myMessage, c => c.TimeToLive = TimeSpan.FromHours(1));, but this will apply to all messages that are sent (or published) like this. I would consider this, after looking at your requirements. This is technical, but it is a proper messaging pattern.
Make TTL and generation timestamp properties of your message itself and let the consumer decide if the message is still worth processing. This is more business and, probably, the most correct way.
Combine tech and business - keep the timestamp and TTL in message headers so they don't pollute your message contracts, and filter them out using a custom middleware. In this case, you need to be careful to log such drops so you won't be left wonder why messages disappear now and then.
Almost any unreliable integration can be monitored using sagas, with timeouts. For example, we use a saga to integrate with Twilio. Since we have no ability to open a webhook for them, we poll after some interval to check the message status. You can start a saga when you get a message and schedule a message to check if the processing is still waiting. As discussed in comments, you can either use the "human intervention required" way to fix the issue or let the saga decide to drop the message.
A similar way could be to use a lookup table, where you put the list of messages that aren't relevant for processing. Such a table would be similar to the list of sagas. It seems that this way would also require scheduling. Both here, and for the saga, I'd recommend using a separate receive endpoint (a queue) for the DropIt message, with only one consumer. It would prevent DropIt messages from getting stuck behind the integration messages that are waiting to be processed (and some should be already dropped)
Use RMQ management API to remove messages from the queue. This is the worst method, I won't recommend it.
From what I understand, you're building a system that sends messages to 3rd party systems. In other words, systems you don't control. It has an API but compensating actions aren't always possible, because the API doesn't provide it or because actions are performed inside the 3rd party system that can't be compensated or rolled back?
If possible try to solve this via sagas. Make sure the saga executes the different steps (the sending of messages) in the right order. So that messages that cannot be compensated are sent last. This way message that can be compensated if they fail, will be compensated by the saga. The ones that cannot be compensated should be sent last, when you're as sure as possible that they don't have to be compensated. Because that last message is the last step in synchronizing all systems.
All in all this is one of the problems with distributed systems, keeping everything in sync. Compensating actions is the way to deal with this. If compensating actions aren't possible, you're in a very difficult situation. Try to see if the business can help by becoming more flexible and accepting that you need to compensate things, where they'll tell you it's not possible.
In some exceptional situations I need somehow to tell consumer on receiving point that some messages shouldn’t be processed.
Can't you revert this into:
Tell the consumer that an earlier message can be processed.
This way you can easily turn this in a state machine (like a saga) that acts on two messages. If the 2nd message never arrives then you can discard the 1st after a while or do something else.
The strategy here is to halt/wait until certain that no actions need to be reverted.

Why is NServiceBus Bus.Publish() not transactional?

I have a couple of subscribers subscribing to an event produced by a publisher on the same machine via MSMQ. The subscribers use two different endpoint names, and are run in its respective process. (This is NSB 4.6.3)
Now, if I do something "bad" to one of the subscribers (say remove proper permission in MSMQ to receive messages, or delete the queue in MSMQ outright...), and call Bus.Publish(), I will still have one event successfully published to the "good" subscriber (if the good one precedes the bad one on the subscriber list in subscription storage), or none successful (if the bad one precedes the good one).
The upshot here is that Bus.Publish() does not seem to be transactional, as to making publishing to subscribers all succeed or all fail. Depending on the order of the subscribers on the list, the end result might be different.
Is this behavior by design?
What is the thought behind this?
If I want to make this call transactional, what is the recommended way? (One option seems to enclose Bus.Publish() in a TransactionScope in my code...)
Publish is transactional, or at least, it is if there is an ambient transaction. Assuming you have not taken steps to disable transactions, all message handlers have an ambient transaction running when you enter the Handle method. (Inspect Transaction.Current.TransactionInformation to see first-hand.) If you are operating out of an IWantToRunWhenBusStartsAndStops, however, there will be no ambient transaction, so then yes you would need to wrap with your own TransactionScope.
How delivery is handled (specific for the MSMQ transport) is different depending upon whether the destination is a local or remote queue.
Remote Queues
For a remote queue, delivery is not directly handled by the publisher at all. It simply drops the two messages in the "Outbox", so to speak. MSMQ uses store-and-forward to ensure that these messages are eventually delivered to their intended destinations, whether that be on the same machine or a remote machine. In these cases, you may look at your outgoing queues and see that there are messages stuck there that are unable to be delivered because of whatever you have done to their destinations.
The safety afforded by store-and-forward mean that one errant subscriber cannot take down a publisher, and so overall coupling is reduced. This is a good thing! But it also means that monitoring outgoing queues is a very important part of your DevOps story when deploying an NServiceBus system.
Local Queues
For local queues, MSMQ may still technically use a concept of an outoging queue in its own plumbing - I'm not sure and it doesn't really matter. But an additional step that MSMQ is capable of doing (and does) is to check the existence of a local queue before you try to send to it, and will throw an exception if it doesn't exist or something is wrong with it. This would indeed affect the publisher.
So yes, if you publish a message from a non-transactional state like the inside of an IWantToRunWhenBusStartsAndStops, and the downed queue happens to be #2 on the list in subscription storage, you could observe a message arriving at SubscriberA but not at Subscriber B. If it were within a message handler with transactions disabled, you could see the multiple copies arriving at SubscriberA because of the message retry logic!
IWantToRunWhenBusStartsAndStops is great for quick demos and proving things out, but try to put as little real logic in them as possible, opting instead for the safety of message handlers where the ambient transaction applies. Also remember than an exception inside there could potentially take down your host process. Certainly don't publish inside of one without wrapping it with your own transaction.

Publish and subscribe from same Queue in Rabbitmq

I am trying to set up broadcast messaging to all nodes in the system. When a new node joins the system, it publishes a message to everyone else to announce its entry. The way I have designed is that, a exchange exists to which all nodes will bind its own queue. Whenever a new node joins the system, it will bind its queue as well to the exchange and publish a message to the exchange. All nodes will receive this msg(including itself) and all other nodes(except this message) will send a "ack" message so that the new node will get to know the available nodes in the system. But somehow I couldn't able to get this working. My broadcast messages doesn't propagate to every node in the system. A simple one node publishing and rest consuming is working. But same node publishing and consuming is somehow screwed up somewhere.
Is there any other efficient way of doing this apart from the logic mentioned above? Or is there any restriction from rabbitmq perspective to achieve the above or is my code buggy and do I have to take a closer look at it.
The way you described it, your solution should work. However, without more detailed code examples (of the consume/publish logic in the "announcer" and the consume/acknowledge-publish logic in the other peers) it's difficult to debug.
A couple common problems could be tripping you up, though:
If you're considering "did I get responses back from all the other nodes" as the authority for "did the other nodes get my announce message?", you might need to acknowledge (basic.ack in AMQP) the messages your announcer is receiving as it gets them. Otherwise, it's possible you're not seeing subsequent messages due to consumer prefetch, though in most client libraries you'd have to be explicitly turning that on somewhere first.
Make sure your other peers (the ones receiving the "announce" and sending a message back) are acknowledging the message as well, or are consuming in "no-ack" mode. Otherwise, if they get blocked (via flow, rate-limiting, or prefetch), they will probably receive announces for awhile and then stop.
Make sure you're using a "fanout" type exchange. It sounds like you want unconditional-fanout behavior, so you don't need to muck about with topic routing. If you're using a topic or direct exchange, you may have a bug in your routing logic, in which case switching to fanout will work. I suspect you're already doing this though.
This is likely not the issue, but: you mention that your peers (not the announcer) are "acknowledging" the announce. Make sure that they acknowledge the announce by publishing a new message back to the announcer's queue directly (with no exchange, just a routing key), not by sending a basic.ack to RabbitMQ (that doesn't notify the sender of anything), and not by publishing an announce-received to the fanout exchange.
As an aside, I don't know why you're doing declare-queue/bind/publish as opposed to publish/declare-queue/bind; is there a good reason you need an announcing node to receive its own announce message? If you're after a "self-test" behavior, I think it's probably better to just implement a periodic "can things announce successfully?" health-check somewhere instead, though that's entirely subjective.
Have you tried the RPC style message, with a callback queue that you identify in the broadcast message's propeties? Like at the rabbitmq tutorial.

Removing Subscribers from NServiceBus/Raven

Using NserviceBus 3.3 with Raven for subscription persistence.
I'm creating a prototype application that will consume messages from a publisher in our test environment. The application will only be used for a few weeks, at which point it may be (essentially) thrown away in its current form.
I don't want the publisher to continue to send messages to the outbound queue for this subscriber. In effect, I want its existence to be completely removed from the system.
How would I go about removing all knowledge of this subscriber from the system?
To do this you need to manage subscriptions manually.
Have a look at the PubSub sample, specifically this file and you also need to tell the bus not to autosubscribe, this sample should provide you with all the code required to do this.
The link to the PubSub article is broken. Here is the new link: https://github.com/Particular/NServiceBus.Msmq.Samples/tree/master/PubSub