Storing default instances of an NSManagedObject in every new file - objective-c

I have a core data document based application. Part of my model works by having a DeviceType table, and a Devices table with a relation between them. I would like my application to be able to store the list of DeviceTypes separately from each file, and possibly be able to sync that to a server later.
What would be the best way to accomplish this?

You're using a lot of database terminology with Core Data. You should break that habit as soon as possible (the reasons why are given in the introductory paragraphs to the Core Data Programming Guide).
I assume your "usually-static" device list is something you want to be able to update as new devices come out? I would actually recommend just storing the list as a PLIST resource in your app bundle and pushing an update to the app when new devices come out (for simplicity). Using a dictionary-based PLIST, your keys can be device IDs and that key can be a simple string attribute of your managed objects. It's perfectly reasonable to look things up outside your Core Data model based on some ID.
If you must update, I'd still include the "default" list with the app (see above) but if a ".devicelist" (or whatever) file is present in the documents folder, use that instead. That way you can periodically check for an updated list and download it to the docs folder if it differs.
If I've misunderstood you, I encourage you to clarify either by editing your question or posting comments.


Add objects to core data only once

I want to create a large database. I am thinking of using core data for this purpose.But i want to insert the data to it manually and only once. This data is never deleted or edited but only read. How can i use core data to add such large number of objects to database? How to create database in core data and write only once.
Your question is quite general but I'll try to give you some hints on it.
Based on my experience, the simplest way to achieve it, it's to follow these two steps:
1) You could create an external file, in XML, JSON or plist format, that you can parse and use to create a prepulated a Core Data store. You can find some info in core-data-tutorial-how-to-preloadimport-existing-data-updated. In particular, you could set up a dummy project (or just use the AppDelegate methods) and use it to create the store, e.g. MyDataStore.sqlite.
2) Once you created, forget about the routines you have previously used and you ship the store in the application's bundle of your app. There the store is read-only. Otherwise, if you need to modify it, you are not allowed to do it and so you need to move it, for example, to the document directory.
You cand find additional info in the following SO topics:
Is Core Data useful for readonly data too?
How can I ship my app with a pre-populated Core Data database?
Core Data Store included in App Bundle
P.S. If you are in production and you need to make same change to your store, you need to republish the app (since the store is within the main bundle). To avoid this you need to move the store to a different directory and set up, for example, a sort of sync mechanism.
Hope that helps.

Is it possible to store and retrieve objects created using Objective-C? (in a database, for use in iOS app)

I'm working on an iOS app that creates "location sets" where each row contains a location name and a GeoPoint, and each set has its own name. Each of these sets are stored in an object inside our program (all belonging to the same class). Now we want to give users the capability to create sets and upload them to a database, allowing other users to access and download them to their device.
I've been looking in to back-end solutions for work like this, but pretty much everything I've found so far focuses on relational databases and adding and deleting rows and using SQL-like language to retrieve them. Is there a way to store these objects just as objects (and not unpack the info inside to tables), and then retrieve them? It feels like that would be a much simpler way of going about this.
I'm an absolute beginner when it comes to databases, so forgive me if there's info missing here that you would need to help me out. I'll make sure to keep checking back in case someone asks for more info.
Coredata might be useful for you as its based upon the entity. So you can play multiple things around it by using queries (predicates).
But if you just want to save and retrieve back, then as a simplest solution I would suggest to create array/dictionary with entity data, save that into NSUserDefaults so you can retrieve back same while re-launching the app.
Webservices for iOS development:
WSDL Webservices
Response data parsing, it would be either JSON or XML:
JSON Parsing
XML Parsing
Hope these links would be helpful for you.
I ended up using Parse's mobile back-end service. That was the type of service I was looking for. I've found other similar services since then, like Applilcasa and StackMob, but we're pretty happy with Parse so far.

iOS Core Data: When is data recreatable?

My iOS Application has been in review, but was rejected regarding the iOS Data Storage Guidelines. In the end, it was rejected because my Core Data database (sqlite) was located in the /Documents folder. I'm was aware, that this folder should only be used, it the data could not be recreated by my application. The reason why I chose to put it there anyway was, that one of the entities in my database contains an attribute telling if the given news has been read. This information cannot be recreated. Is this not enough to put the database in the /Documents folder?
Another thing is, that the current version of my application does not use this value to visualize if the news item has been read or not. So, should I tell the review-team about this attribute and argument why I think it should be placed in the document-folder -- or should I just move it to the /Library/Cache/?
The app review team wants you to split your data apart. Store the re-creatable parts in the Cache folder and the stuff that can't be re-created in the Documents folder. It's okay if there's a little bit of stuff in Documents that could theoretically be re-created—nobody will even notice a title or datestamp—but long text documents, video, audio, or images should be kept in the Cache folder if they can be downloaded again later.
There are a couple different ways you could do this:
Store the downloaded content in the Cache folder and only put the content's filename in your Core Data database (or calculate the filename from something else, like the SHA-1 hash of the URL it was downloaded from). Make sure your code will re-download any content that's not in the cache.
Use two Core Data stores with a single store coordinator. Note that you can't split an entity's attributes across two stores, so you may have to break some of your entities in half. Nor can you create a relationship from an object in one store to an object in another, so you'll have to store the object ID URI instead. See "Cross-Store Relationships" in the "Relationships and Fetched Properties" section of the Core Data Programming Guide for more details.
Whatever you do, keep in mind that iOS may purge your Cache folder at any time. Be prepared for files in your Cache folder to have disappeared; if that happens, you should re-download the files as the user requests them.

Core Data Alternatives on iOS

I've been developing several iOS applications using Core Data and it has been an excellent framework to work with. However, I've encountered an issue whereby we more or less have distributed objects (synced) across multiple platforms. A web/database server backend and mobile devices.
Although it hasn't been a problem until now, the static nature of the data model used by Core Data has me a little stuck. Basically what is being requested is a dynamic forms system whereby forms can be created on a server and propagated to the devices. I'm aware of the technique for performing this with a set number of tables with something like:
Forms table
Fields table
Instance of Forms table
Instance Values table
and just linking everything together. What I'm wondering however is if there is an alternative system to Core Data (something above talking to an SQLite database directly) that will allow for a more dynamic object graph. Even a standard ORM would be good if there are options for modifying the schema at runtime. The main reason I want to go down this route is for performance in the sense that I don't want the instance values table exploding with entries (on the local device or server).
My other option is to have the static schema (object-graph) on the iOS devices but have a conversion layer on the server's side which fetches the correct object, populates the properties and saves it to the correct table. Then when the devices comes to sync, it does the reverse and breaks it down into instances. While this saves the server from having a bloated instance value table, it could still be a problem on the device.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Using specific tables/entities for forms and fields, and entities for instances of each, is probably what I would recommend. Trying to manipulate the ORM schema on the fly if it's going to be happening frequently doesn't seem like a good idea in general.
However, if the schema is only going to change infrequently, you can probably do it with Core Data. You can programatically create and/or manipulate the NSManagedObjectModel prior to creating a NSManagedObjectContext. You can also create migration logic so data stored in an old model can be preserved when you update the model and need to recreate the context and stores.
These other SO posts may be helpful:
Customize core data model at runtime?
Handling Core Data Model Changes
You need to think carefully about what you are actually modeling.
Are you modeling: (1) the actual "forms" i.e. UI elements, (2) data that might be presented in any number of UI versions e.g. firstName or (3) both?
A data model designed to model forms would have entities like:
You would use this to store data about form as displayed in the user interface. Then you would have a separate entities and probably a separate model to store the actual data that would populate the UI elements that are configured by the first data model.
You can use Core Data to modeling anything you just need to know what you are really modeling.

Testing on blackberry device - adding and removing app multiple times

It would be useful for many people to know how to completely remove an application from your device when testing.
I have downloaded my app many times now, and likewise have deleted it many times. The problem is when deleting the app, it does not remove things like the persistent object related to my app, or the images downloaded through the app. So, when I download the next build, I have no idea if something broke that is related to building the persistent object or fetching the images since those elements already exist from the last build.
I don't know if this is a cache thing. I don't know if this is expected and I have to use some utility to wipe this data after deleting the app. I can't really find much info through basic web searches.
Any information would be appreciated.
Blackberry Bold 9000. 4.6 OS. tested with both SD card and no SD card.
Objects stored in the PersistentStore are automatically deleted on uninstall if their interfaces were defined in your project. If they are from the standard BlackBerry API then they will stick around until they're deleted. E.G if you save a String in the PersistentStore it will stay in the PersistentStore but if you save a class you created it will be deleted on an uninstall. So if you want to have those objects be deleted automatically just create a wrapper class and save that.
Images stored on the filesystem will not be deleted until you or some application deletes them. However, it should be easy for you to write an app that clears everything out.
Another solution you could implement is making your app somewhat self-aware of its data.
Create a simple String value that you persist (or optionally, persist it in a Hashtable so you can store many properties this way) that includes "Version".
At startup of the GUI app, compare the stored "Version" against the application's current version. If the stored version doesn't exist, or if it exists and matches, take no action.
If it exists and does not match, automatically clean up old persisted data; or alternatively prompt the user to see if they want that data to be deleted (which one is better will depend on your implementation)
You can also use CodeModuleListener to listen for an uninstall event -- when that happens, you can clean up at that time as well or instead.
(As an aside and a bit of shameless self promotion, I am actually currently working on a shareable library for Blackberry that makes managing persistence much easier, as well as desktop data backup/restore. I'm doing this as part of the BBSSH project, but I'll be splitting it off into a separate library of core components and publishing it under a dual GPL/optional commercial license. It will contain hooks for data cleanup and data versioning. )