Bitwise operators - when/how do you use the operators &, |, ^, >> etc? - operators

I know what they do, I just don't understand when you'd get a use for them..

When you need to manipulate individual bits of a chunk of data (like a byte or an int). This happens frequently, for example, in algorithms dealing with:
audio / video processing
networking (protocols)
persistence (file formats)

I've used them for bit masks before. Say you have an item that has a list of items that can have either a yes or no value (options on a car for instance). You can assign one integer column that will give a value for every option by assigning each option to a binary digit in the number.
Example: 5 = 101 in binary
that would mean:
option 1 - yes
option 2 - no
option 3 - yes
If you were to query on this you would use bitwise & or | operators to select the correct items.
Here is a good article that goes over it in more detail.

One example is if you have an (A)RGB color stored as a 32 bit integer and you want to extract the individual color components:
red = (rgb >> 16) & 0x000000ff;
green = (rgb >> 8) & 0x000000ff;
blue = rgb & 0x000000ff;
Of course as a high level programmer you would normally prefer to use a library function to do this rather than fiddling with bits yourself. But the library might be implemented using bitwise operations.


how do I divide large number into two smaller integers and then reassemble the large number?

i have tried the below but do not seem to get the correct value in the end:
I have a number that may be larger than 32bit and hence I want to store it into two 32 bit array indices.
I broke them up like:
int[0] = lgval%(2^32);
int[1] = lgval/(2^32);
and reassembling the 64bit value I tried like:
CPU: PowerPC e500v2
lgval= ((uint64)int[0]) | (((uint64)int[1])>>32);
mind shift to right since we're on big endian. For some reason I do not get the correct value at the end, why not? What am I doing wrong here?
The ^ operator is xor, not power.
The way you want to do this is probably:
uint32_t split[2];
uint64_t lgval;
/* ... */
split[0] = lgval & 0xffffffff;
split[1] = lgval >> 32;
/* code to operate on your 32-bit array elements goes here */
lgval = ((uint64_t)split[1] << 32) | (uint64_t)(split[0]);
As Raymond Chen has mentioned, endianness is about storage. In this case, you only need to consider endianness if you want to access the bytes in your split-32-bit-int as a single 64-bit value. This probably isn't a good idea anyway.

How to manipulate bits in Smalltalk?

I am currently working on a file compressor based on Huffman decoding. So I have a decoding tree like so:
and I have to encode this tree on an output file by following a certain criteria:
"for each leaf, write out a 0 bit, followed by the 8 bits of
the corresponding character. Write out the bits in the order bit 7, bit 6, . . ., bit 0, that is high bit first. As a special case, if the byte is 0, write out bit 8, which will be a 0 for a byte value of 0, and 1 for a byte value of 256 (the EOF marker)." For an internal node, just write a bit 1.
So what I plan to do is to create a bit array and add to it the corresponding bits in the specified format. The problem is that I don't know how to convert a number to binary in smalltalk.
For example, if I want to encode the first leaf, I would want to do something like 01101011 i.e 0 followed by the bit representation of k and then add every bit one by one into the array.
I don't know which dialect you are using exactly, but generally, you can access the bits of Integer. They are modelled as if the representation was in two-complement, with an infinite sequence of bits.
2 is ....0000000000010
1 is ....0000000000001
0 is ....0000000000000 with infinitely many 0 on the left
-1 is ....1111111111111 with infinitely many 1 on the left
-2 is ....1111111111110
This is also true for LargeIntegers, even though they are generally implemented as sign magnitude (the class encodes the sign), two-complement will be emulated.
Then you can operate with bitAnd: bitOr: bitXor: bitInvert bitShift:, and in some flavours bitAt:put:
You can access the bits with (2 bitAt: index) where the index starts at 1 for least significant bit, or grows higher. If it's missing, implement it with bitAnd: and bitShift:...
For positive, you can ask for the rank of high bit (2 highBit).
All these operations should create a new integer (there's no in place modification possible).
Conceptually, a ByteArray is a collection of unsigned integers on 8 bits (between 0 and 255), so you can implement a bit Array with them (if it does not already exist in the dialect). Or you can use an Integer (but won't be able to control size which will be infinite, nor in place mofifications, operations will cost a copy).

What does PACK8/16/32 mean in VkFormat names?

I'm trying to understand the names of the items in the VkFormat enum, and so far I think I get all the structure of the names of all of the (non-block) formats, but I can't figure out what it means when they have a suffix of PACK8, PACK16, PACK32. If I add up the channel sizes, they always add up to 8, 16, or 32, nothing irregular, so I don't understand what it would mean to bit-pack these values, since they seem to be 100% efficient, using all their bits.
As usual, the documentation is not very helpful, just saying the format is packed without saying what that means.
The PACK fields mean exactly what the specification says they mean:
whole texels or attributes are stored in a single data element, rather than individual components occupying a single data element
Though if you find that too confusing, you could just look at the actual format descriptions. Vulkan goes into excruciating detail about them, to the point of needless repetition.
The difference between VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_RGB and VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_RGB_PACK32 is the same difference between a uint8_t[4] and a uint32_t. One is an array ("individual components"), while the other is a single value ("single data element") made up of smaller values.
If you have a uint8_t color[4] array, which stores B8G8R8A8, then color[0] stores the blue component. The order of the components in the array is defined by the order of the components in the format's name.
If you have a uint32_t color value, which stores B8G8R8A8, then (color & 0xFF000000) >> 24 will retrieve the blue component. The highest byte is the first, followed by the next highest and so forth.
The reason the packed-vs-not-packed distinction matters is because of endian issues. Arrays of bytes don't have endian issues. But values packed into 16 or 32-bits do have endian issues. The endian of the packed formats is always assumed to be the native endian of the host.

Accepting user input for a variable

So, this should be an easy question for anyone who has used FORTH before, but I am a newbie trying to learn how to code this language (and this is a lot different than C++).
Anyways, I'm just trying to create a variable in FORTH called "Height" and I want a user to be able to input a value for "Height" whenever a certain word "setHeight" is called. However, everything I try seems to be failing because I don't know how to set up the variable nor how to grab user input and put it in the variable.
: setHeight 5 ACCEPT ATOI CR ;
I hope this is an easy problem to fix, and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Take a look at Rosettacode input/output examples for string or number input in FORTH:
String Input
: INPUT$ ( n -- addr n )
Number Input
: INPUT# ( -- u true | false )
0. 16 INPUT$ DUP >R
R> <> DUP 0= IF NIP THEN ;
A big point to remember for your self-edification -- C++ is heavily typecasted, Forth is the complete opposite. Do you want Height to be a string, an integer, or a float, and is it signed or unsigned? Each has its own use cases. Whatever you choose, you must interact with the Height variable with the type you choose kept in mind. Think about what your bits mean every time.
Judging by your ATOI call, I assume you want the value of Height as an integer. A 5 byte integer is unusual, though, so I'm still not certain. But here goes with that assumption:
: setHeight ( -- )
StrBuffer 8 ACCEPT
The CELLS call makes sure you're creating a variable with the number of bits your CPU prefers. The DECIMAL call makes sure you didn't change to HEX somewhere along the way before your ATOI.
Creating the StrBuffer variable is one of numerous ways to get a scratch space for strings. Assuming your CELL is 16-bit, you will need a maximum of 7 characters for a zero-terminated 16-bit signed integer -- for example, "-32767\0". Some implementations have PAD, which could be used instead of creating your own buffer. Another common word is SCRATCH, but I don't think it works the way we want.
If you stick with creating your own string buffer space, which I personally like because you know exactly how much space you got, then consider creating one large buffer for all your words' string handling needs. For example:
This also keeps you from having to make the 16-bit CELL assumption, as 200 characters easily accommodates a 64-bit signed integer, in case that's your implementation's CELL size now or some day down the road.

Is there a practical limit to the size of bit masks?

There's a common way to store multiple values in one variable, by using a bitmask. For example, if a user has read, write and execute privileges on an item, that can be converted to a single number by saying read = 4 (2^2), write = 2 (2^1), execute = 1 (2^0) and then add them together to get 7.
I use this technique in several web applications, where I'd usually store the variable into a field and give it a type of MEDIUMINT or whatever, depending on the number of different values.
What I'm interested in, is whether or not there is a practical limit to the number of values you can store like this? For example, if the number was over 64, you couldn't use (64 bit) integers any more. If this was the case, what would you use? How would it affect your program logic (ie: could you still use bitwise comparisons)?
I know that once you start getting really large sets of values, a different method would be the optimal solution, but I'm interested in the boundaries of this method.
Off the top of my head, I'd write a set_bit and get_bit function that could take an array of bytes and a bit offset in the array, and use some bit-twiddling to set/get the appropriate bit in the array. Something like this (in C, but hopefully you get the idea):
// sets the n-th bit in |bytes|. num_bytes is the number of bytes in the array
// result is 0 on success, non-zero on failure (offset out-of-bounds)
int set_bit(char* bytes, unsigned long num_bytes, unsigned long offset)
// make sure offset is valid
if(offset < 0 || offset > (num_bytes<<3)-1) { return -1; }
//set the right bit
bytes[offset >> 3] |= (1 << (offset & 0x7));
return 0; //success
//gets the n-th bit in |bytes|. num_bytes is the number of bytes in the array
// returns (-1) on error, 0 if bit is "off", positive number if "on"
int get_bit(char* bytes, unsigned long num_bytes, unsigned long offset)
// make sure offset is valid
if(offset < 0 || offset > (num_bytes<<3)-1) { return -1; }
//get the right bit
return (bytes[offset >> 3] & (1 << (offset & 0x7));
I've used bit masks in filesystem code where the bit mask is many times bigger than a machine word. think of it like an "array of booleans";
(journalling masks in flash memory if you want to know)
many compilers know how to do this for you. Adda bit of OO code to have types that operate senibly and then your code starts looking like it's intent, not some bit-banging.
My 2 cents.
With a 64-bit integer, you can store values up to 2^64-1, 64 is only 2^6. So yes, there is a limit, but if you need more than 64-its worth of flags, I'd be very interested to know what they were all doing :)
How many states so you need to potentially think about? If you have 64 potential states, the number of combinations they can exist in is the full size of a 64-bit integer.
If you need to worry about 128 flags, then a pair of bit vectors would suffice (2^64 * 2).
Addition: in Programming Pearls, there is an extended discussion of using a bit array of length 10^7, implemented in integers (for holding used 800 numbers) - it's very fast, and very appropriate for the task described in that chapter.
Some languages ( I believe perl does, not sure ) permit bitwise arithmetic on strings. Giving you a much greater effective range. ( (strlen * 8bit chars ) combinations )
However, I wouldn't use a single value for superimposition of more than one /type/ of data. The basic r/w/x triplet of 3-bit ints would probably be the upper "practical" limit, not for space efficiency reasons, but for practical development reasons.
( Php uses this system to control its error-messages, and I have already found that its a bit over-the-top when you have to define values where php's constants are not resident and you have to generate the integer by hand, and to be honest, if chmod didn't support the 'ugo+rwx' style syntax I'd never want to use it because i can never remember the magic numbers )
The instant you have to crack open a constants table to debug code you know you've gone too far.
Old thread, but it's worth mentioning that there are cases requiring bloated bit masks, e.g., molecular fingerprints, which are often generated as 1024-bit arrays which we have packed in 32 bigint fields (SQL Server not supporting UInt32). Bit wise operations work fine - until your table starts to grow and you realize the sluggishness of separate function calls. The binary data type would work, were it not for T-SQL's ban on bitwise operators having two binary operands.
For example .NET uses array of integers as an internal storage for their BitArray class.
Practically there's no other way around.
That being said, in SQL you will need more than one column (or use the BLOBS) to store all the states.
You tagged this question SQL, so I think you need to consult with the documentation for your database to find the size of an integer. Then subtract one bit for the sign, just to be safe.
Edit: Your comment says you're using MySQL. The documentation for MySQL 5.0 Numeric Types states that the maximum size of a NUMERIC is 64 or 65 digits. That's 212 bits for 64 digits.
Remember that your language of choice has to be able to work with those digits, so you may be limited to a 64-bit integer anyway.