CruiseControl.Net Web Dashboard not displaying results - msbuild

Having problems displaying the results in web dashboard.
I've built a config file which kicks off a build of the project. It then runs nunit over my tests, they execute and finish just fine (I can open the log and see the results there). The ccnet logs show that the log files were successfully merged. However, try as I might, I can't get it to appear in the web dashboard. It just gives the frustrating:
Project: GroundControlTests
Date of build: 2011-01-07 17:16:36
Running time: 00:00:58
Integration Request: mmayo triggered a build (ForceBuild) from PC0098
Projects built with no warnings at all :-)
Modifications since last build (0)
message, despite failing.
I suspect it has something to do with the xsl transforms, but have tried just about everything I can think of.
Certainly if I click View Build log, it shows, but the main report doesn't show passes and fails :(
My config files are below, any suggestions appreciated!
<project name="GroundControl" default="cleanNunit" basedir=".">
<description>Cleanup tasks</description>
<target name="cleanNunit"
description="removes nunit log file">
<delete file="${CCNetArtifactDirectory}\nunit-results.xml"
failonerror="true" />
<cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder">
<project name="GroundControlTests">
<projectFile>GroundControlReboot.sln</projectFile >
/p:ReferencePath="C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.5.9\bin;C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0"
/p:AdditionalReferencePath="C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0"
<targets>ReBuild</targets >
<timeout>180</timeout >
<!-- <logger>C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server\Rodemeyer.MsBuildToCCNet.dll</logger>-->
<executable>C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.5.9\bin\net-2.0\nunit-console.exe
</executable >
<xmllogger />
<statistics />
<artifactcleanup cleanUpMethod="KeepLastXBuilds"
cleanUpValue="20" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<server name="local" url="tcp://localhost:21234/CruiseManager.rem" allowForceBuild="true" allowStartStopBuild="true" backwardsCompatible="false" />
<farmReportFarmPlugin />
<cctrayDownloadPlugin />
<administrationPlugin password="" />
<serverReportServerPlugin />
<projectReportProjectPlugin />
<viewProjectStatusPlugin />
<latestBuildReportProjectPlugin />
<viewAllBuildsProjectPlugin />
<buildLogBuildPlugin />
<simpleSecurity />

When I deployed the nunit package from the dashboard admin it generated three things:
Under buildReportBuildPlugin it added xsl\unittests.xsl. This is for the build summary page.
It also generated two items for the sidebar to see nunit details (xsl\tests.xsl) and nunit timings (xsl\timings.xsl). It looks like you have the nunit details xsl file defined for the build summary page which may be why you don't see anything. If you use xsl\unittests.xsl instead (and reload the dashboard so it actually reads the updated file) that may work. Another option is to just deploy the nunit package from the web dashboard administration page which will update the dashboard.config file for you.
<buildLogBuildPlugin />
<xslReportBuildPlugin description="NAnt Output" actionName="NAntOutputBuildReport" xslFileName="xsl\NAnt.xsl"></xslReportBuildPlugin>
<xslReportBuildPlugin description="NAnt Timings" actionName="NAntTimingsBuildReport" xslFileName="xsl\NAntTiming.xsl"></xslReportBuildPlugin>
<xslReportBuildPlugin description="NUnit Details" actionName="NUnitDetailsBuildReport" xslFileName="xsl\tests.xsl"></xslReportBuildPlugin>
<xslReportBuildPlugin description="NUnit Timings" actionName="NUnitTimingsBuildReport" xslFileName="xsl\timing.xsl"></xslReportBuildPlugin>


Set web.config transform in Asp.NET Core

I've just came across with problem of web.config transformation in core.
There are two files: base web.config and My aim is to use transformation inside when publishing my project.
I have the following "prod-zone-a" configuration settings in .csproj:
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'prod-zone-a|AnyCPU' ">
</PropertyGroup> looks like:
<add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModule" resourceType="Unspecified" />
<environmentVariables xdt:Transform="Replace">
<environmentVariable name="ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" value="prod-zone-a" />
I tried to run publish by two commands:
dotnet msbuild /t:Publish /p:OutputPath=c:\delivery /p:Configuration=prod-zone-a
dotnet publish --configuration prod-zone-a --output c:\delivery
But no transformation applies to web.config on output - just the default value.
Do I miss something in configuration or command executing?
This worked for me:
Add web.release.config file to the project root.
In Visual Studio 2017, Publish using Web Deploy (make sure it is set to Release). Settings will automatically be picked up.
Sample transformation:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
<environmentVariable name="ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" value="PRODUCTION" xdt:Locator="Match(name)" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" />
Update: If you want to remove web.config.release file and others on publish, simply edit your .csproj file and add something like this:
<Content Remove="appsettings.Development.json" />
<Content Remove="web.release.config" />
<None Include="appsettings.Development.json" />
<None Include="web.release.config" />
There is a well-documented tool on github for xdt-transformations.
Also it doesn't depend on command, both of dotnet publish and dotnet msbuild works fine
With the latest version of dotnet cli (2.1.400 or greater), you can just set this msbuild property $(EnvironmentName) and publish tooling will take care of adding ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environmentVariable to the web.config with the specified environment name.
Also, XDT support is available starting 2.2.100-preview1.
IIS Web Deploy ASP.NET Core (2.1) in Visual Studio 2017 (VS2017)
First do this: (ref:
Install package - dotnet add package DotNet.Xdt --version 2.1.0
Modify .csproj - add package - refer github
Modify .csproj - add transform code (ApplyXdtConfigTransform) at the end - refer github
Add web.DEV_Server.config transfor file by right-clicking on DEV_Server.pubxml
Added following to web.DEV_Server.config
<environmentVariable xdt:Locator="Match(name)" name="ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" value="Development" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" />
Modify DEV_Server.pubxml to modify following setting value.
Validate Connection & Publish
Deploy still uploads other config files, not sure how to stop that.
Following on from user1820686's answer above:
The github page misses out some of the steps required to add this for MSBuild/csproj tooling:
You need to open a command prompt in your project directory and run
dotnet add myProj.csproj package Microsoft.DotNet.Xdt.Tools --version 2.0.0
Then you need to open the csproj file and add
<DotNetCliToolReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Tools" Version="2.0.0" />
<DotNetCliToolReference Include="Microsoft.Dotnet.Xdt.Tools" Version="2.0.0" />
<!-- ... other package references ... -->
may be i don't clear question. For mine case web.config override all settings in web.Release.config file.
Fix for me, i just add reference for transformation xmlns:xdt="" to configuration file.
so, .config file should start:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
After some time, the best solutions is using dotnet-transform-xdt tool
This is now supported by dotnet publish from SDK version 2.2 with a whole bunch of options.
I think in the example from the question, it would then work when published as
dotnet publish --configuration prod-zone-a
This worked for me with the 1. & 2. above:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
<httpErrors existingResponse="PassThrough"
xdt:Transform="InsertIfMissing" />

CruiseControl.NET 1.8.5 - Not creating msbuild-results xml file

I'm pretty new to build servers but have been asked by my employer to do some testing (because F5 is not a build process, as the excellent article by Jeff Atwood says). At this stage, I'm working on getting some sample builds and test reports up and running on a CruiseControl.NET server. So far, I've gotten a build up and running (the configuration file will need some tidying up before adding new builds/projects but the proof of concept is there) but the reporting is causing something of a headache.
The main report I'm looking for is for out NUnit tests and SpecFlow integration tests. The tests run fine (as I'm getting a sensible looking xml file generated) and am looking to merge that in to the main build results so that I can show the results of the NUnit/SpecFlowtests.
Whenever the build completes, the following is reported in the messages (in ViewFarmReport.aspx): "Failing Tasks : XmlLogPublisher "
This combined with the following error reported in the Windows application log (source - CC.Net)
2015-03-24 08:36:52,987 [Initech.SuperCrm-DEV] ERROR CruiseControl.NET [(null)] - Publisher threw exception: ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.CruiseControlException: Unable to read the contents of the file: C:\CCNet\BuildArtifacts\Initech.SuperCrm-DEV\msbuild-results-7c657954-2c3e-405f-b0f1-7da1299788fd.xml ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\CCNet\BuildArtifacts\Initech.SuperCrm-DEV\msbuild-results-7c657954-2c3e-405f-b0f1-7da1299788fd.xml'.
(company/application name "censored")
This leads me to suspect that the failure to merge in the msbuild results (which I believe CruiseControl.NET automatically scrapes since version... 1.5 or 1.6?) is preventing the NUnit results from being merged in.
There is no msbuild-results file in the BuildArtifacts folder, which does not surprise me as I do not believe my current msbuild configuration allows for xml based logging as I am using the ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MsBuild.dll logger.
According to the online documentation for CruiseControl.NET there is XML enabled custom logger: ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MsBuild.XmlLogger which can be used, however the download location for this logger: here
appears not to exist any more.
Can anyone say whether I'm thinking along the right lines here and what my options are?
For reference, here is my complete configuration:
<cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder">
<cb:define MSBuildPath="C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319" />
<cb:define WorkingBaseDir="C:\CCNet\Builds" />
<cb:define ArtifactBaseDir="C:\CCNet\BuildArtifacts" />
<cb:define MSBuildLogger="C:\Program Files (x86)\CruiseControl.NET\server
\ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MsBuild.dll" />
<cb:define NUnitExe="C:\Jenkins\Nunit\nunit-console.exe" />
<cb:define name="vsts_ci">
<project name="Initech.Libraries" description="Shared libraries used in all Initech projects"
<state type="state" directory="C:\CCNet\State"/>
<sourcecontrol type="vsts">
<project name="Initech.SuperCrm-DEV" description="Initech.SuperCrm Application, Development
Version" queue="Q1">
<cb:define ArtifactDirectory="$(ArtifactBaseDir)\Initech.SuperCrm-DEV" />
<cb:define WorkingDirectory="$(WorkingBaseDir)\Initech.SuperCrm-DEV" />
<cb:define OutputDirectory="$(WorkingDirectory)\Initech.SuperCrm\bin\Debug" />
<cb:define ProjectFile="Initech.SuperCrm.sln" />
<cb:define NUnitLog="$(WorkingDirectory)\NunitResults.xml" />
<state type="state" directory="C:\CCNet\State"/>
<!-- check the source control every X time for changes,
and run the tasks if changes are found -->
<sourcecontrol type="vsts">
<executable>C:\Program Files (x86)\DXperience 12.1\Tools\DXperience
<buildArgs>/xml=$(NUnitLog) /nologo $(WorkingDirectory)\$(ProjectFile)
<xmllogger logDir="C:\CCNet\BuildArtifacts\Initech.SuperCrm-DEV\buildlogs" />
<artifactcleanup cleanUpMethod="KeepLastXBuilds"
cleanUpValue="50" />
I've been tearing my hair while trying to figure this out, and I don't have much to begin with, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
After a prolonged period of banging my head against the wall, I seem to have finally found the solution (well solutions).
1) Kobush.Build.dll ( can be used as the logger for MSBuild. Looking at the attributions in CruiseControl.NET's documentation, it appears to have been written by the same developer (but extended).
2) Some tweaks were needed due to the default location of the msbuild-report output. Because, by default, it was dumped to the buildartifacts folder then it is susceptible to being prematurely deleted.
I no longer clean the publish directory prior to copying (in the buildpublisher) and perform the merge and xmllogger portions of the publisher before artifact cleanup.
As a result, I now have msbuild and nunit output/results integrated in to the main build log and these can be consumed through the CruiseControl.NET dashboard.
There's probably a tidier way of handling this, but at the moment I'm just getting a proof of concept going.

Msbuild just produces a package but does not deploy it when using a publish profile. Why?

MSBuild really seems to like me.
Recently I am trying out the different possibilities to build and deploy from command line.
However I am experiencing some seemingly strange behaviour when I pass a publish profile to MSBuild.
Here is an example of what I just did:
I deploy to a local IIS for the moment with a command such as this:
msbuild D:\PathToFile\DeployDBVariation01\DeployDBVariation01\DeployDBVariation01.csproj
And this works! After that it is successfully deployed and I can call it in a browser.
However, since Visual Studio gives us the comfort of using publishing profiles I wanted to try that in conjunction with MSBuild over command line and tried the following command:
msbuild D:\PathToFile\DeployDBVariation01\DeployDBVariation01\DeployDBVariation01.csproj
ReleaseLocal is a profile I created in Visual Studio and it looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<LastUsedPlatform>Any CPU</LastUsedPlatform>
<SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish />
<RemoteSitePhysicalPath />
<UserName />
<Objects xmlns="">
<ObjectGroup Name="DefaultConnection" Order="1" Enabled="False">
<Destination Path="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=HorstDataProductive;User ID=sa;Password=GuessWhat" />
<Object Type="DbDacFx">
<PreSource Path="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=HorstData;User ID=sa;Password=GuessWhat" includeData="False" />
<Source Path="$(IntermediateOutputPath)AutoScripts\DefaultConnection_IncrementalSchemaOnly.dacpac" dacpacAction="Deploy" />
<UpdateFrom Type="Web.Config">
<Source MatchValue="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=HorstData;User ID=sa;Password=GuessWhat" MatchAttributes="$(UpdateFromConnectionStringAttributes)" />
<MSDeployParameterValue Include="$(DeployParameterPrefix)DefaultConnection-Web.config Connection String">
<ParameterValue>Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=HorstDataProductive;User ID=sa;Password=GuessWhat</ParameterValue>
As you can see I have some additional connection string replacement there that I want to test.
So I execute that last MSBuild-command that I have shown you and it executes without any errors. Instead it says that the web deployment task was successful and that a package has been created in a certain path. Now that is actually the right package. When I import that manually in my IIS it is the result I expect, also the connection string replacement has been done.
But I do not understand why it actually is just creating the package but not deploying it in one run, like in my first command.
Can someone explain?
(Or even better, what do I have to do to make it also deploy that package immediately)
You need to specify the VS version.
msbuild /P:DeployOnBuild=True /P:VisualStudioVersion=11.0 /P:PublishProfile=Dev.pubxml
Don't forget to allow untrusted certs if you're using a 'fake' internal certificate
Looks like you're missing the deploy target.. it's got all the necessary info, but doesn't know what you want it to do. Try this;
msbuild D:\PathToFile\DeployDBVariation01\DeployDBVariation01\DeployDBVariation01.csproj

MSBuild hangs after NUnit is finished

I'm trying to set up a MSBuild with NUnit as unit test driver but the script keeps hanging after NUnit is done. It doesn't seem to finalize its work and let MSBuild get on with its job.
I'm working in .NET 4.0 and using NUnit 2.5.8.
If I run the test manually or using the gui (either VS2010 or NUnit) it works fine but not when called by MSBuild.
I'd appreciate any help with error finding or just a heads up on where to looks for answers.
The manual command looks like this:
C:\....>nunit\nunit-console.exe buildbinaries\YYYY.XXXX.Extractor.Test.IntegrationTest.dll /xml=nunit.xml
and the abbreviated MSBuild:
<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
<!-- define folders for build output and reports -->
<PublishFolder>c:\ZZZ Applications\published builds\</PublishFolder>
<!-- specify assemblies that should be included in coverage report -->
<NCoverAssemblyList>YYYY.XXXX.Extractor.Business.dll; YYYY.XXXX.Extractor.Common.dll YYYY.XXXX.Extractor.Configuration.dll YYYY.XXXX.Extractor.DAL.Access.dll YYYY.XXXX.Extractor.DAL.Facade.dll YYYY.XXXX.Extractor.Service.Contracts.dll YYYY.XXXX.Extractor.Service.dll YYYY.XXXX.Extractor.Service.Host.WebHost.dll YYYY.XXXX.Extractor.ServiceGateway.dll</NCoverAssemblyList>
<!-- define item group for deliverables -->
<Binaries Include="$(BuildPath)/**/*.*" Exclude="$(BuildPath)nunit*" />
This is the default target that will be executed if MSBuild is not started
with a specific target (this is decided by the DefaultTargets attribute in
the root element of this XML document)
<Target Name="BuildAndTest">
<CallTarget Targets="SetupDirs" />
<CallTarget Targets="Build" />
<CallTarget Targets="UnitAndIntegrationTest" />
<CallTarget Targets="FxCop" />
<CallTarget Targets="CopyToReleaseFolder" />
<!-- Setup folders used during the build -->
<Target Name="SetupDirs">
<RemoveDir Directories="$(ReportPath);$(BuildPath);$(ReleaseFolder)" ContinueOnError="true"/>
<MakeDir Directories="$(ReportPath);$(BuildPath);$(ReleaseFolder);$(AssemblyVersionFolder)" ContinueOnError="true"/>
<Target Name="Build">
<!-- build the software using msbuild -->
<!-- Build error in the Install build-->
<MSBuild ContinueOnError="true" RebaseOutputs="false" Targets="Clean;Rebuild" Projects="YYYYXXXXExtractor.sln" Properties="Configuration=Release;OutDir=..\$(BuildPath)" />
<!--Run the coverage stats-->
<Target Name="UnitAndIntegrationTest">
<Exec Command="nunit\nunit-console.exe buildbinaries\YYYY.XXXX.Extractor.Test.IntegrationTest.dll /xml=$(ReportPath)nunit.xml "/>
<CallTarget Targets="UnitTest" />
<Target Name="UnitTest">
<Exec Command="nunit\nunit-console.exe buildbinaries\YYYY.XXXX.Extractor.Test.UnitTest.dll /xml=$(ReportPath)nunit.xml"/>
<!-- Run FxCop -->
<!-- The ForceError.bat fires if the xml file is not found... aka an error was found -->
<!-- The quiet command forces an Xml file ONLY if warnings or Errors are found -->
<Target Name="FxCop">
<Exec Command="..\tools\fxcop\FxCopCmd.exe /p:..\FxCopSettings.FxCop /o:$(ReportPath)fxcop.xml" />
<Exec Condition="Exists('$(ReportPath)fxcop.xml')" Command="..\tools\fxcop\FX_Cop_Failed_Rule_Checks.bat" />
<!--STATS: Run again but don't fail and this time run for all rules.-->
<Exec Command="..\tools\fxcop\FxCopCmd.exe /p:..\FxCopSettingsALLRULES.FxCop /o:$(ReportPath)fxCopAllRules.xml" />
</Target >
I had the same problem with NUnit 2.5.8. There is some discussion of this at the nunit site about the test process hanging. I switched to NUnit 2.5.7 and the problem went away.
It looks like this was fixed a couple of weeks ago in 2.5.9.
I have noticed similar behaviour on out build server since upgrading to .NET 4. MsBuild seems to intermittently hang on either NUnit, FxCop or Dotcover EXEC commands. If you check task manager the process for externally executed command (e.g. Nunit.exe) is still hanging around. If you manually kill the process MsBuild continues on it's merry way - which is far from ideal!
Could this be a bug in the latest version of MsBuild? Our build server was running quite happily until the .NET 4 upgrade.
If you run ProcessExplorer on your server you will notice that an out of band process called nunit-agent is spawned which ends up blocking the nunit runner.
I have not validated that this is fixed in 2.5.9, but it might be some info that could be helpful.

Finding TeamCity Agent's working path for use in MSBuild script

I want to copy the output files from my build to a staging server, but I can't figure out how to find the path used by TeamCity to store the build output in from in MSBuild. Any help?
The $(teamcity_build_workingDir) property did it.
The best way is to upload the files to teamcity. Choose step1 (General Settings) and enter artifacts path. It should be something like /SourceOfProject/bin/releaese/*.dll.
I zip files before I upload them, because you only want to download 1 file that contains the complete build.
My build always has 2 steps in a nant - file.
Step1 - call msbuild
Step2 - use 7zip to create zip
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="MyProjectBuild"
default="build" basedir="."
<description>Build Script</description>
<target name="build" >
<exec program="C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe" >
<arg value="MyProject\MyProject.csproj" />
<arg value="/t:Build" />
<arg value="/p:Configuration=Release" />
<exec program="7z" >
<arg value="a" />
<arg value="MyProject\bin\release\" />
<arg value="MyProject\bin\release\*.dll" />
Anyway my working path is: