Make NSWindow Front But Not In Focus - objective-c

I'm looking to bring a new NSWindow in front of all other windows, but not have it take focus.
I can make it appear in front with focus with the following:
NSApplication *thisApp = [NSApplication sharedApplication];
[thisApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
[self makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
Any clues on how to make it appear on top but not take focus away from another application?

Instead of makeKeyAndOrderFront:, try just orderFront: (docs)

Try something like this:
[window setLevel:NSScreenSaverWindowLevel + 1];
[window orderFront:nil];
This will show the window above other application's windows, but without making it active. A window with a normal window level in application A cannot be shown in front of a window of application B, if application B is the active application. (There is good reason for this, btw).
Please use this method with discretion. In many cases, it will likely violate the human interface guidelines. If misused, it can have a tendency to piss a user off. (For example, in my testing just now, the window appeared placed directly over the location I happened to be looking at in Safari. The fact that it was in the way of what I was doing, yet had the audacity to not become key, made it even more irritating. If it were up out of the way in a corner of my screen, it might be a different story).

The order front methods and level to the screensaver +1 didn't work for me. This answer from The-Kenny did, though:
[yourPanel setLevel:kCGMaximumWindowLevel];

In case you're using orderFront, try orderFrontRegardless instead. The former isn't consistent every time it's called. The latter seems to work consistently.


NSApplication mainMenu returns nil

the problem I'm having is I cannot add a menu to my app programmatically!
here's where I'm at:
in app delegate
create a window and make key and order front.
EDIT:( here if I log [NSApplication sharedApplication].mainMenu prints (null) ) anyway...
create a NSMenu object and [[NSApplication sharedApplication] setMainMenu:myMenu]
also tried [[NSApplication sharedApplication] setMenu:myMenu]
menu is not there!
( if still not understanding: )
make a osx app, remove the menu object, run, you'll still see a menu up there with the name of your app, you click it, it turns blue but no submenus, now how do I get a pointer to that!
You won't be able to do this as the OSX menus conform to the Aqua layout. Is there any reason why you'd remove it completely?
It's probably going to be a nightmare for a few reasons:
1) In the standard 'Aqua Menu' you have menu's like 'Services' which are handled by the system and not by the Application.
2) Apple are specific about their design guides, and menu's aren't mentioned and I'd HIGHLY doubt it apple would like you changing the Aqua layout.
I remember once upon a time coming upon a discussion which mentioned setAppleMenu etc... but that was back in the Tiger (I think) days.
edit you won't be able to get a 'pointer; to it using Documented API's, it's system-driven, not application driven i.e. complying with Aqua.
Personally, I'd remove all of the menuItems which can be changed in a sandboxed app, i.e. in User Land, and add/remove the various menuItems yourself.

UIWindow makeKeyWindow: versus makeKeyAndVisible:

My app is using a 2nd UIWindow to show a special screen if iOS wants to take a screenshot of the app.
By accident I used [UIWindow makeKeyWindow:] on my main window if I wanted to remove the 2nd window again. This really should be makeKeyAndVisible: instead but I'm wondering why it worked at all.
I mean: most of the time (99%), my 2nd window was removed as expected and my main window became visible.
I'm asking because I'm wondering if I have really found the problem or if there might still be something else?
Or could it be that the method was incorrectly bound in (previous) MonoTouch versions?
Each method maps to the selector of the same name makeKeyAndVisible and makeKeyWindow.
Or could it be that the method was incorrectly bound in (previous) MonoTouch versions?
GIT history shows (me ;-) that both never changed since they were first added (more than two years ago).
Documentation about the former states:
You can also hide and reveal a window using the inherited hidden property of UIView.
Maybe this happens in your code (or even within the iOS code).

Cocoa Message with no action required

I'm trying to figure out a way to give a user feedback when they have saved settings. similar to Microsoft's "File Saved" dialog Is there a class for this type of dialog? I do not want to require any action by the user. Just "Your setting have been saved" then disappears after a short delay. Maybe a better way to describe would be like a jQuery message box with a fade in fade out type thing
Is there a class for this type of dialog?
That isn't a "dialog", because you're not accepting input from the user. At best, it's an alert, and you could therefore use NSAlert (see also "Dialogs and Special Panels") however, what you are contemplating is contrary to the recommendations given in the HIG for "Alerts":
Avoid using an alert merely to give users information. Although it’s important to tell users about serious problems, such as the potential for data loss, users don’t appreciate being interrupted by alerts that are informative but not actionable. Instead of displaying an alert that merely informs, give users the information in another way, such as in an altered status indicator.
In other words, this probably wouldn't be considered a good user experience by the OS X-using population.
You can still do this, if you absolutely must, by creating a sheet or alert window and setting a timer to dismiss it.
A much better plan would be to have a label somewhere in your interface whose text could display this information, again using a timer to clear the notice after an appropriate duration.
Yet another option (possibly the best) would be to put this notice somewhere that the user only sees it upon request. The HIG mentions's information area at the bottom of its sidebar, for example.
It is simple to fade a window in and out using the NSViewAnimation see also NSAnimation Class
An example I use something like this.
- (void)fadeWindowIn{
//--make sure the window starts from 0 alpha. Or you may get it jumping in view then try and fade in.
[theWindow setAlphaValue:0.0];
//-- set up the dictionary for the animation options
NSDictionary *dictIn = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
NSViewAnimation * fadeWindowIntAnim = [[[NSViewAnimation alloc] initWithViewAnimations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:dictIn]] autorelease];
[fadeWindowIntAnim setAnimationCurve:NSAnimationLinear];
[fadeWindowIntAnim setDuration:2];
[fadeWindowIntAnim setFrameRate:20.0];
//--start the animation
[fadeWindowIntAnim startAnimation];
//--set the timer for the fade out animation
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:4.8 target:self selector:#selector(fadeWindowOut) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
//-- fade the window.
NSDictionary *dictOut = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
NSViewAnimation * fadeOutAnim = [[[NSViewAnimation alloc] initWithViewAnimations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:dictOut]] autorelease];
[fadeOutAnim setAnimationCurve:NSAnimationLinear];
[fadeOutAnim setDuration:1.2];
[fadeOutAnim setFrameRate:20.0];
[fadeOutAnim startAnimation];
theWindow is the NSWindow or NSView you want to fade in and out. Read the references to understand the options.
You can create your own such popup (using NSTimer to dismiss as needed), but perhaps an easier way would be to use the existing third-party library at This library emulates Android's "toast" functionality.
Note that this library is for iOS development (not OSX), but wasn't sure which platform you were planning to target. Regardless, it should be adaptable with a little work.
The other answers about timers and such cover that aspect of it pretty well. I just wanted to jump in and suggest you take a look at the Growl framework. This seems to be the preferred way to do this sort of passive notification until Apple builds it into the OS.
Among other things, it gives the user a lot of control over how the notifications look, where they live on the screen, how long they stay up, and which apps are even allowed to display them. And they do this without you having to write any code. The downside is that it's another thing for your users to have to install, which could be a deal breaker for your app.
They also recently moved into the App Store and started charging a nominal fee ($2 or $3, I think) which could be seen as a downside but I think of it as a more positive thing: users will have a much easier time installing it now.
Some apps that make use of Growl notifications include BBEdit, Transmission, Scrivener, Twitteriffic, etc. Which is to say that it's not a fly-by-night thing.
As a user, I hate it when apps try to roll their own notifications since I lose all of the control that I get with Growl.
Just a thought, anyway.

How to make a Mac OSX Cocoa application fullscreen?

I have been trying to make my Mac application enter fullscreen now for a while but can't get it to work. According to the Apple developer center, I should use enterFullScreenMode:withOptions: which gives me, method enterFullScreenMode not found.
Everywhere I google there seems to be people having issues with making their app fullscreen, so what is the way to make it work?
Of course enterFullScreenMode is for the NSView and I used it on a NSWindow; it's not the view I want to have fullscreen, but the window. I can't find any function for the NSWindow though.
Lion has some new APIs for full screen.
To do it with NSWindow, do this
[window setCollectionBehavior:
To do this with NSApplication do this
[[NSApplication sharedApplication]
A bit more about it here.
Modern day Mac Os X developers (who use storyboard) need only to click on their main.storyboard, select the NSWindow (not the NSWindowController), Use the right panel to find the attributes panel (the one that to the left of the ruler, it looks like a drag-bar thing) look for "Full Screen" and select "Primary Window" rather than its default value of "Unsupported". You can also set up Auxiliary windows if that's what you want.
Don't fight the change, use storyboard. One of us... one of us...
As mentioned in the link Jonathan provided in the comments, enterFullScreen:withOptions: has a number of drawbacks that can make you want to tear your hair out. The best way to do fullscreen is still the older CGDirectDisplay API. Cocoa Dev Central has an article on fullscreen apps that covers pretty much everything you need to know.
You'll notice the article is pretty ancient and the dev tools have changed a lot since then (Project Builder! Ah, the good old days), but the code itself will still work.
[self.view setFrame:[[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame]];

Event path in Mozilla plugin on Mac

I'm writing a mozilla plugin on the mac. I'm trying to capture events like button clicks, etc. I've done the normal thing of creating my views in inteface builder, and linking the sentActions to methods in my program. This works in stand-alone programs.
However, in my NPAPI plugin, those methods never get called. The button reacts, depresses, whatever, but it doesn't do its action.
Instead, the NPP_HandleEvent method gets called, but I never get the MouseDown or MouseUp event, only the UpdateEvt.
I set up the buttons to accept clicks via: (superview is the Mozilla view, topview is the top of my view hierarchy.)
[superView setNextResponder: topView];
[topView setNextResponder: nil];
[browserWindow makeFirstResponder: topView];
NEVER MIND: I'm an idiot. It IS calling the button sent actions. I was looking at the wrong method. That'll teach me to leave around a zoom: method when I'm actually using a doZoom: method... D'oh,.
So, the problem was that I wasn't able to get buttons to work. The buttons were supposed to (for example) zoom an image in an IKImageView. (or rather, zoom the view). It didn't appear that it was working. The screen was flashing a lot, but nothing was happening... I put a printf in my zoom method, and it was NEVER GETTING CALLED! and so I asked the question.
Later, I noticed that I wasn't TRYING to call zoom, I was calling doZoom! doZoom WAS being called. And the reason that it wasn't zooming was an unrelated problem.
The problem ended up being that I was sending setImage to my IKImageView on every event, which re-set the view to 1-1, rightside up mode. Once I took out the extra setImage call, things started to work.
In the unlikely event that anyone else every experiences this, the answer is my cunning plan for world domination:
step 1: Don't be an idiot.
step 2: ???????
step 3: Dominate the world.
(If I could master step 1, I might just be able to figure out what step 2 was B-)