How to serialize java.sql.Date as Long, when using web services? - glassfish

I have a simple web service method that returns a simple java class as return value.
public SimpleClass myMethod();
public class SimpleClass {
public java.sql.Date myDate = new java.sql.Date(new java.util.Date().getTime());
I want that java.sql.Date will transmitted as Long value in the XML (because the client is J2ME that cannot handle complex things).
For this puprpose I took the solution that was mentioned in many places before, and worked great on Glassfish v2.
First, I declare the following adapter:
public class MyDateAdapter extends XmlAdapter<Long, java.sql.Date> {
public java.sql.Date unmarshal(Long v) throws Exception {
return new java.sql.Date(v);
public Long marshal(java.sql.Date v) throws Exception {
return v.getTime();
Then, I declare its usage in package-info file like this:
package mingler.tracker.ejb.client;
The problem happens on GlassFish 3. The date is transmitted as "xs:dateTime" value, instead of Long, although I defined the adapter properly.
This is the response I get from GlassFish 3 server, when I call my web service:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:myMethodResponse xmlns:ns2="">
<myDate xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:dateTime">2010-12-09T12:44:06.875+02:00</myDate>
I also checked with the debugger -- the functions in the adapter are never called.
On the other hand, the adapater is not useless, because if I try to remove it I get JAXB exception,
telling me that java.sql.Date cannot be handled because it doesn't have no-arg constructor.
Any ideas?
20/12/2010 -
I added links to a project jar with sources and the results for glassfish2 and glassfish3:
jar file ,glassfish3 result , glassfish2 result

I have posted a bug for this issue, it should be solved on version 3.1 (link)

You have the #XmlJavaTypeAdapter declared at both the property level and the package level. Have you tried only declaring it in one spot?
public java.sql.Date myDate = new java.sql.Date(new java.util.Date().getTime());
package mingler.tracker.ejb.client;
Instead of both.


FLOWABLE: Executing Service Tasks from java code without using xml

I am using Flowable 6.4.1 in spring-boot to create processes and run from my java code, but requirement is to not use any xml, so due to this I have hit a blockade.
I have a user task, taking input from user, depending on that input, call to corresponding service task is made.
Below is a short example of what I am going to do:
<process id="basicprocess" name="Basic Process" isExecutable="true">
<startEvent id="startEvent"/>
<sequenceFlow sourceRef="startEvent" targetRef="getInput"/>
<userTask id="getInput" name="Get input from user" />
<sequenceFlow sourceRef="getInput" targetRef="decision"/>
<exclusiveGateway id="decision"/>
<sequenceFlow sourceRef="decision" targetRef="firstServiceTask">
<conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression">
<sequenceFlow sourceRef="decision" targetRef="secondServiceTask">
<conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression">
<serviceTask id="firstServiceTask" name="Number is greater than predefined target"
<sequenceFlow sourceRef="firstServiceTask" targetRef="greaterEnd"/>
<serviceTask id="secondServiceTask" name="Number is less than predefined target"
<sequenceFlow sourceRef="secondServiceTask" targetRef="lesserEnd"/>
<endEvent id="greaterEnd"/>
<endEvent id="lesserEnd"/>
Above, XML shows the process and I'm starting the process using REST API
Below is the controller:
public class DefinitionsController {
private RepositoryService mRepositoryService;
private RuntimeService mRuntimeService;
private TaskService mTaskService;
public String startService(#RequestBody String input) {
Integer request = Integer.parseInt(input);
Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
variables.put("number", request);
ProcessInstance instance = mRuntimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("basicprocess", variables);
Task userTask = mTaskService.createTaskQuery().processInstanceId(instance.getId()).taskDefinitionKey("getInput").singleResult();
return "ProcessInstance id is "+instance.getProcessInstanceId();
public class FirstServiceTask implements JavaDelegate{
public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) {
System.err.println("Came in first service task");
Same for except the sysout statement.
REST RESPONSE: I get the processInstance Id and sysout statement of respective service task gets printed in console..
Pretty easy to wire the Service Task classes from xml, however if I were to not use XML, I would need to create the same process using flowable-modeler api of FLOWABLE.
So, basically I want to have control over those service tasks from my java code and in order to do that how do I wire the Service Tasks that are created using flowable-modeler with my java code ?
I have gone through docs, but found the xml way only.
Configuring Service Tasks (created using flowable-modeler) with Java code can be done by the 4 ways shown here.
The delegate expression which is going to be configured should be either present on the classpath or should have a spring-bean created.
I created bean using a method in main class, and put the name of method in delegate expressionattribute in flowable-modeler/process api and that's what was needed to do that.
Attached image should clarify things, which shows the way to wire Service Tasks (created using flowable-modeler API) with Java classes in workspace.
firstServiceTask in highlighted field is the method which returns bean of FirstServiceTask
EDIT: Apart from above solution, we can also specify class name in class field alone and all configuration is done. Forex: I have a class called in package org.flowable.learning, so I'll just specify org.flowable.learning.TestClass in class field, which is just above highlighted Delegate expression field in attached screenshot

Apache CXF doesn't select by http method when #DefaultMethod annotation is used

I have two POST methods and one DELETE in my resource. They have same path.
I annotated one of POSTs with #DefaultMethod, so when someone doesn't send correct Accept header, correct method will be selected. But this causes that when DELETE is called, cxf selects POST instead of correct delete method. Is there any workaround for this?
CXF version: 3.1.17
public Response post(MeasurementRepresentation measurementRepresentation, #HeaderParam(value = HttpHeaders.ACCEPT) String acceptHeader) URISyntaxException {
public Response post(MeasurementCollectionRepresentation measurementCollectionRepresentation, #HeaderParam(value = HttpHeaders.ACCEPT) String acceptHeader) {
public Response delete(
#QueryParam("fragmentType") String fragmentType,
#QueryParam("source") String source,
#QueryParam("dateFrom") DateTime dateFrom,
#QueryParam("dateTo") DateTime dateTo,
#QueryParam("type") String type) {
Two things:
1) DefaultMethod appears not to refer to the default method to select, but the default HTTPMethod. So it's essentially overriding the httpmethod of your call. This is a CXF extension to JAX-RS, so you may be able to ask the CXF team to update the functionality or create a new annotation for your use case.
2) If I understand you correctly, you would like the first method to be called if someone sends the body of {"Hello" : "World"}? Wouldn't you then get errors when trying to construct your MeasurementRepresentation? If they send a bad request, why not let CXF respond with an appropriate HTTP error code?

Retrieve WS request in CXF Web service

I got a CXF OSGi Web service (based on the example demo in servicemix:
The Web service works fine and i call all the available implemented methods of the service.
My question is how can i retrieve the request inside a WS method and parse in a string XML format.
I have found that this is possible inside interceptors for logging, but i want also to the WS-Request inside my methods.
For storing the request in the database I suggest to extend the new CXF message logging.
You can implement a custom LogEventSender that writes into the database.
I had similar requirement where I need to save data into DB once method is invoked. I had used ThreadLocal with LoggingInInterceptor and LoggingOutInterceptor. For example in LoggingInInterceptor I used to set the message into ThreadContext and in webservice method get the message using LoggingContext.getMessage() and in LoggingOutInterceptor I used to removed the message(NOTE: Need to be careful here you need to explictly remove the message from thread context else you will end up with memory leak, and also incase of client side code interceptors get reversed.
public class LoggingContext {
private static ThreadLocal<String> message;
public static Optional<String> getMessage() {
return Optional.ofNullable(message.get());
public static void setMessage(final String message) {
LoggingContext.message = new ThreadLocal<>();
Not an answer to this question but i achieved to do my task by using JAXB in the end and do some manipulations there.

Spring Data Rest Content Type

I am writing unit tests for my application with Spring Data Rest MongoDB. Based on Josh's "Building REST services with Spring" get start guide, I have the following test code:
public void readSingleAccount() throws Exception {
+ this.account.getId()))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.id", is(this.account.getId())))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.email", is(this.account.getEmail())))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.password", is(this.account.getPassword())));
And this test fails on the content type.
Content type expected:<application/json;charset=UTF-8> but was: <application/hal+json>
Expected :application/json;charset=UTF-8
Actual :application/hal+json
I don't see MediaType come with HAL. Is the content type defined in another class?
Had the same Problem when not using tomcat (which is configured to return utf-8 using Spring Boot). The solution is to set the accept header in your GET request so the response gets the correct content type:
private MediaType contentType = new MediaType("application", "hal+json", Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
and in your request, do
public void readSingleAccount() throws Exception {
+ this.account.getId()).**accept(contentType)**)
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.id", is(this.account.getId())))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.email", is(this.account.getEmail())))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.password", is(this.account.getPassword())));

WCF: (MTOM) is there any way to change the scheme used in xop:Content reference uris generated by WCF?

WCF uses http://tempuri/1/number for Content-ID uri references when handling streamed MTOM requests.
Is there any way how to force WCF to use a different Content-ID references for the xop:Include?
Background of the problem:
I am building a .NET client for MTOM enabled jax ws java web service that handles streamed large data uploads. I have hand crafted the service and data contacts (the WSDL generated contracts were not correct and did not allow streaming).
The problem is that the web service (jax ws) does not receive the request body containing the data.
It receives the data that is transferred in headers.
We have built a java client for the ws - this one works.
I have captured and compared the HTTP traffic when issuing requests from java and wcf, and the only difference is in how Content-ID reference is generated when posting the multipart data:
WCF uses http://tempuri/1/... Content-ID references which yield in encoded value, like href=""
Java client uses "email-style" uris, like href=""
These yield in the following xop-includes (Data is the only element in the soap body) (XOP includes specification)
<xop:Include xmlns:xop="" href="" />
<xop:Include xmlns:xop="" href=""/>
later on, in the multipart data, the content is referred to by unencoded Content-ID:
Content-ID: <>
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
I guess there may be a bug in the jax web service framework and it is not recognizing WCF-generated+urlencoded Content-ID uri references.
Is there any way how to force WCF to use a different Content-ID references for the xop:Include?
EDIT: I have found the XmlMtomWriter which has the GenerateUriForMimePart method, this is used to generate Content-IDs.
public static string GenerateUriForMimePart(int index)
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
"{0}/{1}", new object[] { index, DateTime.Now.Ticks });
It does not seem that the ID generation is in any way overridable.
A similar issue is described here, the answer provided does not help:
Asnwering to myself after long investigation: Not possible without reimplementing the whole XmlMtomWriter and other related layers and concerns in WCF - almost everything involved in the mtom implementation is internal.
I know it is an old question. But I'm faced the same problem two days ago.
I found a way which works BUT it is a VERY VERY dirty hack (I know that. I thought about not publishing it here but perhaps it would help somebody.) Hopefully you will not blame me for that.
The ContentId is formatted with the use of CultureInfo.InvariantCulture. I didn't find an official way for replacing it with a custom CultureInfo. But with the help of reflection I got it running. The following implementation is only for .Net 4.0.
public class NoTempUriInvariantCultureInfo : CultureInfo, ICustomFormatter
private static CultureInfo originalCulture;
private static object originalCultureLock;
private static int enableCounter;
private NoTempUriInvariantCultureInfo(CultureInfo invariantCulture)
: base(invariantCulture.Name)
originalCulture = invariantCulture;
public static void Enable()
if(originalCultureLock == null)
originalCultureLock = new object();
lock (originalCultureLock)
if (enableCounter == 0)
var mInvCultField = typeof (CultureInfo).GetField("s_InvariantCultureInfo", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
mInvCultField.SetValue(null, new NoTempUriInvariantCultureInfo(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
public static void Disable()
lock (originalCulture)
if (enableCounter == 0)
if (enableCounter == 0)
var mInvCultField = typeof (CultureInfo).GetField("s_InvariantCultureInfo", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
mInvCultField.SetValue(null, NoTempUriInvariantCultureInfo.originalCulture);
public override object GetFormat(Type formatType)
var result = originalCulture.GetFormat(formatType);
return result ?? this;
public string Format(string format, object arg, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
if (format == null)
return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(arg.ToString().Replace("", ""), "http[:][/][/]tempuri[.]org[/][0-9]+[/]*", "");
return String.Format("{0:" + format + "}", arg);
I enable my own "InvariantCulture" only before a WCF call.
// make your call
CultureInfo.InvariantCulture is a global state object. Enabling my own InvariantCulture affects every other thread.
Again, it is a dirty hack. But it works.
Both of the XOP includes samples that you indicated are correct and acceptable according to the W3C. I refer to them as the URL format and the Email format respectively.
I am not a JAVA developer, but recall a similiar problem when interfacing with a particular JAVA web service. I recall there being a bug in a particular JAVA release and after they (the JAVA developers) upgraded to the next release version, this issue simply went away. I wish I could provide you more details, but at the time, there were enough problems for me to address from my end of the wire and I was just glad to have one less item on the defect log.
//WCF: using URL format
<xop:Include xmlns:xop="" href="" />
//JAVA: using EMAIL format
<xop:Include xmlns:xop="" href=""/>