Customized Buttons on a UIActionsheet - objective-c

I am trying to create a UIActionsheet with several buttons as options.
Is it possible?.
If it is, will apple let in onto apps store. I have seen in some blogs that these types of windows are rejected?
if not possible is there an alternative to UIActionsheet, that will achieve similar functionallity?.

It is possible and I don't think Apple will reject it (why would they ?).

Action sheet is like a UIView you can add anything in that. Yes! you can create a UIActionsheet as you specified.
Apple will not be rejecting if it is customized. it may be due to some other issues.
Refer answer 1. Why cant you use a normal UIView.
To know more about UIActionsheet read the documentation


How to add the iOS "Open In..." feature to an app

I would like to know how to present the "Open In..." Action Sheet (iPhone) / Popover (iPad) from my app, preferably an IBAction
I would hope that it'd be similar to declaring a file type then creating the view and opening the app selected by the user, but I know it is more complicated then that.
I realize that a similar question has been asked on StackOverflow, but I cannot make sense of the answer that was accepted: How to use "open in..." feature to iOS app?, and I have found some Apple Documentation on Document Interaction Programming. But, I can't really make sense of these.
Create a UIDocumentInteractionController by using the interactionControllerWithURL: class method (pass the URL of the file you want to open in another app).
Then call either presentOpenInMenuFromRect:inView:animated: or presentOpenInMenuFromBarButtonItem:animated:. The controller takes care of presenting the popover with available apps for that file type and opening the selected app.
If you want to know when the menu was dismissed and which app was selected, you need to implement the UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate protocol.
omz makes some good points on how to do that in his answer, however this procedure is much easier with the introduction of new APIs in iOS 6. Here's a simple and efficient way to show the UIActionSheet Open-In-Menu in iOS 6 and up:
NSArray *dataToShare = #[contentData]; //Or whatever data you want to share - does not need to be an NSArray
UIActivityViewController *activityViewController = [[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems:dataToShare applicationActivities:nil];
[self presentViewController:activityViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
Also, if your app is compatible with versions of iOS lower than 6.0 you may want to check if the Share Service exists:
if ([UIActivityViewController class])
Once you present the sheet, iOS will automatically handle the rest for you. It will display a beautiful uiactionsheet with icons showing each app or service the user can open / share your data with:
Note that depending on the contents of the data, iOS will show different services in the Share Sheet
EDIT: The method above shares the file content, but not the file itself. Refer to omz's answer for more on that.
I've personally never had to do this, but your answer can most certainly be found in this Apple Documentation:

The correct way to user custom UITableViewCells

I have seen a lot of different ways of implementing custom cells in a table view.
Like different file owners, get it from bundle and call the the latest obj of the array and a lot more.
But all did not feel right.
What is the best and correct way to create and use custom table view cells (with interface builder).
I think Storyboards are the new proper way. I use this method:
And it works quite well. I think it's somewhat proper in that you are asking the OS to do most of the work, although it's a little sneaky that the cell is assigned to a property as part of the NIB loading as a side effect.
Had the same problem. For me it is now solved with storyboards in ios5.

Using -presentModalViewController:animated: with UITabBarController NOT animated

So the rootViewController for this application is a UITabBarController subclass. And we're having a bizarre issue where we cannot get a UITabBarController to -presentModalViewController:animated: if we're passing NO to animated. We've tried a variety of methods: -viewDidLoad, -viewWillAppear, -viewDidAppear and can only get it to work if we do it after a delay, which is hacky.
I decided to break this out into a test and found that if I have a UIViewController that calls -presentModalViewController:animated: in the -viewDidAppear method it works as expected with both YES and NO for the animated parameter. However if this VC is instead a UITabBarController, it works if animated is YES but not if it is NO.
Any ideas? Is this a bug? I've searched online and through documentation and can't find a reason that UITabBarController shouldn't be able to present a view this way.
This definitely sounds like a bug. I'd suggest you file a bugreport with Apple. If it's blocking your project, you could submit it through one of your support incidents with Apple, and if they find it really is a bug they'll refund that support incident (so you don't loose anything). If it isn't a bug, they'll be able to give you a solution.

Flip UIAlertView

I have not found a way to do this without using private APIs, which is quite a shame, as it is something my app and many others could benefit from. I have an UIAlertView with a Details... button on it, which I want to sort of 'flip' to the other side and show a different UIAlertView, much like UITwoSidedAlertViewController, but not using any private APIs.
First of all, is this even possible? I looked over the UIAlertView header, but I couldn't see anything relating to this. UIAlertView does inherit from UIView, so I suppose that simple view animation might just be the key, but as I said, I've never done anything like view animation flips.
Why not just use one of the several UIAlertView replacements that have been created and then add the flip functionality yourself?
You can find a UIAlertView replacement here:
The flip can be created using a standard flip animation block via [UIView transitionWithView ...]

How to make a Mac OSX Cocoa application fullscreen?

I have been trying to make my Mac application enter fullscreen now for a while but can't get it to work. According to the Apple developer center, I should use enterFullScreenMode:withOptions: which gives me, method enterFullScreenMode not found.
Everywhere I google there seems to be people having issues with making their app fullscreen, so what is the way to make it work?
Of course enterFullScreenMode is for the NSView and I used it on a NSWindow; it's not the view I want to have fullscreen, but the window. I can't find any function for the NSWindow though.
Lion has some new APIs for full screen.
To do it with NSWindow, do this
[window setCollectionBehavior:
To do this with NSApplication do this
[[NSApplication sharedApplication]
A bit more about it here.
Modern day Mac Os X developers (who use storyboard) need only to click on their main.storyboard, select the NSWindow (not the NSWindowController), Use the right panel to find the attributes panel (the one that to the left of the ruler, it looks like a drag-bar thing) look for "Full Screen" and select "Primary Window" rather than its default value of "Unsupported". You can also set up Auxiliary windows if that's what you want.
Don't fight the change, use storyboard. One of us... one of us...
As mentioned in the link Jonathan provided in the comments, enterFullScreen:withOptions: has a number of drawbacks that can make you want to tear your hair out. The best way to do fullscreen is still the older CGDirectDisplay API. Cocoa Dev Central has an article on fullscreen apps that covers pretty much everything you need to know.
You'll notice the article is pretty ancient and the dev tools have changed a lot since then (Project Builder! Ah, the good old days), but the code itself will still work.
[self.view setFrame:[[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame]];