Is there any way to programatically determine what key is set in System Preferences to change to a specific Space.
This setting is configured in the Expose & Spaces preference, under the Spaces tab. The last drop down box is titled "To switch directly to a space" and you can choose from the control key, the command key, the option key or no key.
This is the value I'd like to programatically determine.
You could try using AppleScript's GUI scripting to programatically open the preferences pane and see what is in the drop down box. An example is here. To invoke it from Objective-C, check out Scripting Bridge if you're using OS 10.5 or later, otherwise there's an older API but I can't seem to find it at the moment.
If you want a solution that doesn't require popping up the System Preferences window and showing all its animations to the user, the actual value is stored somewhere in ~/Library/Preferences/, but the format is not human-readable. You could change the key binding from System Preferences and compare that file before and after. Keep in mind that this may be different between versions of OS X.
Hope this helps, and welcome to Stack Overflow!
As best as I can tell, Visual Studio 2019 completely removed the ability to jump to matching brace.
I tried the hotkey I've been using for years (Ctrl-]) and it changes indent instead (why would I need that? This is C#, not Python). I also tried looking up the KeyMap (Environment->Keyboard) setting and searching for match, and there was nothing relevant. As far as I can tell, Microsoft has completely removed this feature, but I wanted to confirm that Fattie and I are not the only ones with this problem.
(for reference, here is the question for VS 2008 whose answer no longer works because the default keyboard shortcut has changed.)
EDIT: The setting still exists, but has been renamed to not contain the all-important keyword "match". See accepted answer.
The control is still there.
Go to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard and lookup Edit.GotoBrace to see the current key combination for this feature:
You can set the key combination from the pictured menu.
just for the ones among us with non-us keyboard. On my keyboard, I need to press 'AltGr' to access "]". Therefore Ctrl+] doesn't work. Interestingly, VS has already compensated for that problem and changed the hotkey to Ctrl+`, which works nicely for me. You just need to know the hotkey has changed (depending on your keyboard).
Hope this saved a few minutes of your time ;)
On a Finnish/Swedish keyboard the Edit.GotoBrace field is mapped to Ctrl+Å
I'm trying to bind the cmd key in Pharo 3.0 to another key because my system (linux+xmonad) already uses the alt key for other things.
I am trying to bind cmd key, currently mapped to alt, to the win/super/meta key.
I changed method defaultModifier in UnixPlatform class, from:
^KMModifier control
^KMModifier meta
But nothing changed. Should I do something else?
There is no easy way to change it in the image short of manually rewriting the shortcuts, because there are many tools that define the shortcut explicitly for each platform by themselves plus there no consensus on what the default shortcut for linux should be (right now it is ctrl and alt).
However this is something that might be tackled in the next version (=5) (4 was released today).
I had to change my dwm (xmonad predecessor) keybinding to the "win" key because of it. (On the plus side it has freed alt, so I can now use alt for example to switch tabs in Chrome and many other.)
There are two places where you might want to make changes:
either at the vm level, where you could change the keyboard event handling (not recommended)
in the keymapping packages you'll find the code to deal with the different key combinations. The different packages then add shortcuts using this mechanism.
I am trying to figure out how to programmatically change System Preference settings on the Mac OS X. If that is not possible, create some post-installation automation script (using Apple Script or other means) and run it as part of the installer. I am particularly interested in making changes to the "Language & Text" settings which are part of the "personal" settings in System Preferences.
Here is more description of my problem:
I am trying to create an installer for a custom keyboard layout I wrote for Mac OS X. The keyboard layout basically allows people to transliterate ASCII keboard input to foreign letters. The foreign language does not exist on Mac OSX*. I was able to use Apple's PackageMaker to create a basic installer that dumps all the necessary files (.keylayout file, icons and the custom fonts) in their respective directories in the target computer. But there are a couple of personal settings that need to be configured in System Preferences before the keyboard layout can be selected and used. I would like to auto-configure these "one-time" settings for the user during the installation process. Is it possible to make changes to the settings using Cocoa/Objective-C. If not, I would like your help on how I can use Apple Script to automate the configuration. Please include some sample code or pointers to examples if possible. Thank you.
Here are the settings that need to be configured on System Preferences
Select System Preferences --> Language & Text -- Input Sources
Select "The Language Name" from the list
Click on "Keyboard Shortcuts" and enable "Select the previous input source" and "Select next source in Input Menu".
Double click on the shortcut combinations "⌘ space" and change them to "⌘ L" for the "Select the previous input source" and "ctrl⌘L" for "Select next source in Input Menu"
Exit systems preference. Done
NB: *The system language need not be changed. Only the input source (keyboard layout).
See NSUserDefaults. The values you want to set are probably in NSGlobalDomain.
I found a lot of tutorials and forum questions around remapping key bindings in Textmate and for the most part I know what needs to be done as far as copy the KeyBindings file and then make the changes needed. More on what I am talking about here
I am interested in re-mapping the esc key for nextComplete to control + spacebar. The problem is I am having a hard time finding what the code is for the spacebar or if this is even supported.
I mainly do actionscript development in eclipes and code hinting dialogue is triggered by this key combo and I would like to have the same in Textmate. Hitting the esc key kind of sux. I thought I would get used to it but the fact is that it just kills the flow of typing the rest of your code.
I could use some help figuring out what he code is for the space bar. I know control key is the ^ symbol. I tested this by changing the keybinding to ^s and it remapped just fine.
I think this one can be done with the OS X gui:
System Preferences, Keyboard, Click Keyboard Shortcuts Tab
Click the little Plus, and choose Application:, Menu Title: Next Completion, Type Command Space (or Control Space) and click Add and that should work. You might want to remove conflicting shortcuts - possibly spotlight?
For future reference, I used Key Codes to find the key for space is: \UF20
I have a Cocoa app I'm working on and I get a different result in appearance for the NSToolbar I am using for the main window.
Specifically, I'm using a search field as the last NSToolbarItem and, whereas under Snow Leopard it is displayed correctly:
it is cut under Leopard:
Looking at those two versions it appears that the spaces I put between the items are not respected under Leopard. I also saw that sometimes, after I make some update at the toolbar in Interface Builder, these changes are not mirrored in the running application even under Snow. I have to drag the default bar from the customizing menu in order to see them.
The reason for the NSToolbar not always mirroring what is in the .nib file resides in the autosave mechanism that was enabled for me, as NSGod suggested.
What can be the cause of this misbehavior?
Is there something about constraints, (minimum and maximum) sizes that I should have taken into account?
Feel free to point some documentation to me
Is there a way to programmatically introduce item and spaces into a NSToolbar or check the consistency (at run time) of those entered with Interface Builder?
While I do recall having a couple of oddities with search fields in NSToolbars, I've never seen the behavior where the right side of it is cut off.
Are the NSToolbarItems that are spaces the fixed one-unit space, or the flexible spaces?
"I also saw that sometimes, after I
make some update at the toolbar in
Interface Builder, these changes are
not mirrored in the running
application even under Snow. I have to
drag the default bar from the
customizing menu in order to see them."
You need to keep in mind that if you've enabled user customization and autosave behavior in the toolbar, then when the user explicitly makes a change, it will be saved to user defaults. If you then re-arrange your toolbar in IB and run the app, it's possible that the configuration saved in user defaults is overriding the default configuration you've specified in the nib file.
What I usually do is during testing, delete the prefs file for my app so changes can't be overridden. (FWIW, I usually use an AppleScript saved as an application that I keep in my Dock. It just runs a do shell script command which deletes the prefs file. Being a GUI-oriented type of person, it's easier for me to just click it to have it run right before debugging. This version of the script asks for the prefs file to delete, though it can also be customized: If you've never run it before, you get the choose file dialog, and the chosen file is saved as an alias inside the actual AppleScript, so you're not asked again. You can drag the icon onto AppleScript Editor to take a look at the script or change it).
Anyway, then, if I'm going to release a new version of an app that uses a new toolbar layout, and want to prevent the config from being overridden, I'll change the toolbar's identifier (or autosave name) to something like "docToolbar2.0".