TRAC: Help needed to start with trac - trac

i'm new with "Trac" and i need to start managing a project with it, but i don't how and where to begin.
What i need is to understand the way to approach "Trac", any suggestions?
milestones----> assign ticket to users----> users process tickets----> milestone----> project done!
Is this passages correct?
Thanks a lot ;)

I based my Trac system off of the system that the open-source project Haiku OS uses. See for a well-written description of the ticket process.
As for my system, I have a milestone named "unscheduled" that all tickets default to. When they get reviewed by a triager, they get re-assigned to a particular milestone or to a pseudo-milestone ("wishlist", "decision pending", etc). When all of the tickets for a milestone are closed, we declare that milestone complete and start putting together a release.
The best way to manage a Trac system is to first be a Trac user. Find a public Trac system (like Trac's homepage,, etc), make yourself an account, and start using it. Discover what works and what doesn't and adapt your own methods accordingly.


VSTS Restrict access to sensitive work items

Foreword: I've searched around on this question a fair bit and found answers which are close to a solution, but not what I'm looking for. So here I am, and I hope someone can help me. I'm relatively new to VSTS, so be gentle (or at least constructive) ;P
The Question: I'm looking for a way to restrict access to specific tickets (NOT by ticket type) that contain NDA protected data, whilst keeping them in the same backlog and iterations as the rest of the tickets related to a project.
We have many different NDA protected customers, so whilst creating a new ticket type per NDA, and restricting access to this, could work, it's not the solution I'm looking for.
Alternatively, I'm barking up the wrong tree, and there is an entirely different and "better way" to support this use-case?
Edit 1 - More info: Let's say I have 1 backlog for a product. It contains only 2 work items. It's important there is only 1 backlog for planning and overview by a product owner.
One of the two work items contains sensitive information only half the development team should have visibility to. How do I keep both tickets in the same backlog and iterations, but hide the sensitive one from some team members?
Thanks in advance for your time!
Regarding permission of work items in a team project, you can set the permission in area and iteration scope, but can’t for specific work items.
So, you need to put these work items in different area and manage permission for this area. Simple steps:
Go to team project admin page
Click New/New child, to create a new area.
Click …=>Security, set the permission for the group(s) or user(s)
Click the default team’s settings => Areas
Click + Select areas to add that area in order to show related work items (in that area)

How to add new field tab in prestashop product backoffice?

I want to add new field in prestashop product backoffice . This tab is same description tab.Please find attached screenshot what I need .
Prestashop overrides their core (all their code files) every time you use the one-click-update in order to prevent developers to mess with their core.
Any modification on this page will be overridden on your next update unless you are willing to update the files manually with FTP and the database via PHPMyAdmin (or with MySQL workbench via remote connection) without overriding anything related to this interface.
I strongly advise you against this as you'll most certainly face incompatibility between your version and Prestashop core pretty quickly.
If you think your request is good for the whole community, you might try to pull a suggestion here:
Do not put to much hope on this as Prestashop team is quite busy.
If it's something specific to your shop, you'll need to hire a freelancer to as suggested by Raghubendra Singh in his comment. I'll add to his comment that it will need to be in a custom module. You might try to pull a proposal on this website:
If you do so, make sure that the developer you hire have a good experience both with PHP/MySQL and Prestashop itself (as it is a complex system). Even if you hire a developer from Filipino or India, you'll probably need to invest at least a thousand US dollars in order to have something sharp.
Also, please note that you'll need to hire the developer once more at least for every major update (by example 1.7.X => 1.8.X) to fix the incompatibility with Prestashop core.
the simplest way is to use an addon. For instance, this one.
It allows adding an unlimited number of tabs, some of them have a predefined structure (contact form or attachments). Others are changeable. So it's possible to add any content you need: additional pictures, video, text, etc.

Using a single JIRA Task ticket or create Sub-Tasks

We are using JIRA to work with a team of Developers and a QA team. Currently the 'Dev Team Leader' creates a 'Task' ticket, assigns it to the development member, who work on that ticket and then informs the JIRA ticket number to the QA team, who create a separate QA ticket for testing it. And of the test is pass or failed they inform the DEV team, who either fix it or change the ticket status to 'In Deploy'.
My question is as follows:
Should they create single ticket and use that to do the Development and Testing ? (ie. shift the ticket between the DEV Team and QA Team)
Should the DEV team create a Parent TASK ticket for Development and then assign it to the QA team, who will create a Sub-Task for the Testing and link it to the Parent Development ticket?
We need to identify which team member worked on the development
Which team member worked on the Testing ?
How much of tie spent on Development as a whole?
How much of time spent on Testing as a whole?
What is the best way of doing this ?
You only need one ticket or an Issue in JIRA context. Your Project should have a workflow with, for example, the following Statuses: To Do -> In development -> In testing -> from here, the Issue can go in two directions, back to In development if the QA is not satisfied or Done.
When the Issue is moved to the next step, it will/should be assigned to the proper person, i.e. in To Do it's assigned to your project lead or whoever distributes the tasks, In Development it's the developer, In testing the QA, etc.
This is the most widely-accepted way to use JIRA as a ticket tracker. Each transition will be recorded in the Issue Activity Log with the corresponding datetimes, Assignees, etc. You will have access to all the information you've asked for.
It sounds to me like the workflow is in need of granular tracking of development work and testing, where a single ticket (suggested idea) doesn't satisfy.
I found the following design useful:
1. Create a USER STORY that has a set of criteria that needs to be met.
2. Sub TASKS can be created as children of the STORY especially if they need to be worked on by different people.
3. Once all tasks are completed, the USER STORY can be moved to TESTING / IN TESTING (whatever the workflow defines).
4. The QA/QE Engineer then can create TESTS / TEST CASES (children) for the User Stories and and execute them accordingly. Similarly, defects can be filed as BUGS as children of the story.
Ultimately in this workflow the story must meet a set of criteria and level of quality (based on what is acceptable to pass the story for the business) in order to be considered "completed" or ready for release.

Request for Existing Source Code on Defect Trend App

I started modifying/developing Rally apps about a week ago using the existing Rally apps provided on the Github repository so far. However, for one of my final tasks I've been asked to recreate a tailored Defect Trend Report App and unfortunately, the source code is not available for the App. I tried to start from scratch but I've ran into numerous errors and am a bit overwhelmed.
I was wondering if anyone had the src code for the app or knew of a way to extract the src code from the existing app. Of course if there is custom code that an individual has worked on that could also help me progress in this process and wouldn't mind sharing it, that'd also help a ton.
I saw that there were a few snippets that could be used from the Hackathon repo, but they're not quite on the mark of what I want to do with the app. I'm just trying to have the existing app filtered by delivery versions (currently filtered by iteration/release).
All help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks fellas!
There is an example of a 'bare metal' chart app in the App SDK 2.0 docs. It should give you the basics on how to do a chart.To get to it, go to the help pages (click on avatar in top right corner) and search for "Rally App SDK"
After that, you need to work out how to select defects from the various releases and do a count of each. There are two ways to do this:
Get all defects in the project you are in (don't forget whether you need to scope down to child projects too) and then do something like _.uniq() on the release field to find the list of releases (or do another request to get all the releases into a different store and use that for names and a count).
Get the releases and then for each release request the related defects.
If you do ask for child projects, you will need to handle all the scenarios of different releases for different projects - can get complicated!
#1 is effectively one big fetch, #2 may be many smaller ones.
You may want to decide whether to count all defects, sum the estimates, ignore those not finished, etc., etc.

Trac plugin to send email number of new and closed tickets and their details based on define schedule

I am looking for a way or a plugin so that trac sends me email about the number of new or closed tickets (and some information about these tickets also ) for a specific duration lets say for the last three days.
Basically I need to know how many tickets have been created in last week and how many of them have been closed at the end of week.
Of course the email only should be sent to the admin and not to all the users.
For additional Trac funcionality we have Trac plugins, yes. And the first place to look for them is .
The excellent TagsPlugin in use overthere already delivers some hints on resources tagged with notification or notifications. The most comprehensive and mature solution is certainly TracAnnouncer with a just reworked configuration interface providing a highly sophisticated opt-in and opt-out subscription system. Unfortunately digest notification are not integrated today.
Still there are other plugins, that fill in the gap, i.e. check the XMailPlugin. It claims to do configurable instant, daily and weekly notifications, so this may be for you. Since this is a relativly new plugin, you should expect some pending issues, but the author might be very open to your suggestion. If you're becoming a heavy user giving valuable test feedback and a bit lucky too, asking kindly could be enought to make things happen.
There's a slightly different way to solve this problem that doesn't require any plugins. First, create a custom "timeline" view that displays the information that you want. In your example, this would be all "opened and closed tickets" starting from "today" and going back three days. When viewing this custom view, you should see a link at the bottom of the page that says "RSS Feed" (on my system, the resulting URL looks something like this: http://myserver/timeline?ticket=on&max=50&authors=&daysback=3&format=rss). Click on this link to subscribe to the feed using your web browser, email client, or other program capable of reading feeds. Now, you can view the results live at any time. What you can do at this point is only limited by the capabilities of your feed reader app, but most can at least be configured to notify you when the feed is updated.