Displaying a PDF in a control in Visual Basic 2010 - vb.net

I just installed Visual Basic 2010, went through some tutorials on how to display files, but can't find any material on how to select and embed existing PDF files into a form. Any suggestions or pointers in the right direction would be great, thanks!

Just embed a browser control in your form and navigate that to the PDF file. That should do the trick.

There aren't too many out of the box controls for that. Anyway, this guide might be helpful:

Disclaimer: I work at Atalasoft.
We make a GUI control that can load a bunch of image formats, and an add-on to turn PDF pages into images. The GUI control (ImageViewer) is part of our free SDK (DotImage Photo) and you can learn about the add-on here: http://www.atalasoft.com/products/dotimage/pdf-reader


Digital Rights Management in Umbraco

I have an Umbraco website and I want to share some PDF files on it. However, I also want to ensure that no one can copy the content of these files - to the extent that even print screen button doesnt work when someone wants to print the screen displaying those PDFs. I know there is a software Copysafe - https://www.copysafe.net/ which prevents screenshots of the page. I have two questions:
Is there any way I can display PDFs and prevent someone from copying my data (disabling PrtScr button, watermarks etc) using Umbraco out of box functionality or some simple development work?
Is there any add on that Umbraco has which will help me use copysafe functionality on my website?
Thanks for reading my question and hope you could help :)

how to display PDF file in webBrowser contron in 64-bit winforms application

I have WebBrowser control in my Winforms application which is displaying the PDF file using the ceTe.DynamicPDF.20 to merge the PDF document into WebBrowser. When I run my application on 64-bit version the WebBrowser control is not displaying the PDF.
Is anyone know how to display the PDF file into 64-bit version?
It's hard to tell without more details, but according to this forum topic (scroll to the bottom for the useful part), you may need a different dll for the different architectures indeed. As for how to refer to the correct dll in both cases, you may wish to take a look at this question.

Is there such thing as embedding an HTML editor in visual basic?

I was recently asked to do some research on some third party HTML editors to be embedded into our current software (Which is built in VB).
I began doing some research, but no luck.
I don't know much about building HTML editors, but is this something that can easily be done?
From what I've been told, I need something like CKEditor, but not for web use.
My quick search:
Microsoft WinForms HTML Editor
TX Text Control
Definitely what I was looking for

Change thumbnail size in Sharepoint 2010

I tried to find it using google, but there are only tips for 2007.
I want to change a few layout things, which are:
The thumbnail size of an image library
The thumbnail size in a slide library
I found this good explanation here:
But I can't find the screenshot view (these nice options) anywhere inside my Sharepoint Designer. Its 2010, so maybe they moved it somewhere else. Anyone has an idea where to find this options tab from the screenshot?
Thanks a lot,
The linked article does not describe SharePoint Designer, but rather SharePoint Manager, which appears to be a third party tool created by the author.
You could give it a try. Like the U2U CAML Query Builder, it might still work for SharePoint 2010, especially if it uses web services to connect to the site.
But if it doesn't, you should be able to write a Feature Receiver that will accomplish the same thing by modifying the ThumbnailSize property. That has to be what the SharePoint Manager tool is doing.
Regarding changing the thumbnail size of the Slide Library (which you cannot use Sharepoint Manager to do unlike the picture library)
This worked for me to get a bigger thumbnail..
Note that the solution relies on having a naming convention for your files which you apply after you have loaded them up to the slide library eg ENG_02_0010, ENG_02_0020 rather than leaving them named as is when uploaded to Sharepoint.
Create another field called Preview say and make it a picture (format url as picture)
For each uploaded slide put the url link as http://siteName/slidelibraryName/_t/ENG_02_0010_pptx.jpg (same name as your slide with a _pptx.jpg extension)
Get rid of the standard thumbnail from your view and put this new column next to the selection box
Worked for me, much bigger and readable thumbnail!
In SP designer you can find all the jpg thumbnails in the _t directory under the slide library
You can also use CSS on the page where you're displaying the thumbnail images. Here is an example:
<style type="text/css">
img[alt="Thumbnail"] {height:100% !Important;width:100% !Important;}
This looks for the images with an alt attribute of 'Thumbnail'. I successfully tested this with a Slide library in SharePoint 2013 using IE & Chrome.

PDF rendition on Sharepoint

I'm currently running a SharePoint 2007. The documents in my libraries will get a PDF rendition when they are approved.
Is there a way to show the PDF rendition in stead of the file when browsing the libraries. Users should be able to edit these files when selecting edit from the context menu.
Disclaimer: I work at Atalasoft
We sell a SharePoint solution (Vizit) that has PDF rendition and annotation capabilities: http://www.atalasoft.com/products/vizit
There is no support for doing this in SharePoint alone unless you implement a solution. You'd need to turn PDF into something web-browser compatible, and then implement the editing features you need.
If you have Acrobat installed on clients, you may be able to do what you need by using their ActiveX controls. The trick is getting the edits back into SharePoint and playing nice with version control, etc (Vizit does all of this for you).
If you just need reading, you can serve the PDF with an HTTP header called "Content-disposition" set to "inline" -- they will not be able to edit.