NHibernate using wrong table alias - nhibernate

I am trying to filter a collection based on a foreign key. I have two classes which are mapped with
public class GroupPriceOverrideMap:ClassMap<GroupPriceOverride>
public GroupPriceOverrideMap()
.KeyReference(x => x.Service,"ServiceCode")
.KeyReference(x => x.CustomerAssetGroup, "GroupID");
Map(x => x.Price);
public class CustomerAssetGroupMap:ClassMap<CustomerAssetGroup>
public CustomerAssetGroupMap()
Id(x => x.GroupID).Unique();
Map(x => x.Description);
References(x => x.Customer).Column("CustomerID");
HasMany<GroupPriceOverride>(x => x.PriceOverrides).KeyColumn("GroupID");
I query it using
_session.Linq<GroupPriceOverride>.Where(x => x.CustomerAssetGroup.GroupID == groupID)
However this is generating
SELECT this_.ServiceCode as ServiceC1_9_0_, this_.GroupID as GroupID9_0_, this_.Price as Price9_0_ FROM accGroupPriceOverride this_ WHERE customeras1_.GroupID = #p0
there where clause is referencing a table alias which doesn't exist(customeras1). This is probably an alias for crossing with customerassetgroup but there is no need to perform that cross. I'm sure that it is just something in my mapping with is wrong but I can't find it. I've tried various column renaming in case the presence of GroupID in both tables was causing problems but that didn't fix it. Any ideas?
I found that if I queried doing
_session.Linq<CustomerAssetGroup>().Where(x => x.GroupID == groupID).FirstOrDefault().PriceOverrides;
then I got the correct result. I also found that if I saved a GroupPriceOverride and then queried for it using HQL then it wouldn't be found but I could still find the entity by loading the parent and looking at its collection of overrides.
_session.CreateQuery("FROM GroupPriceOverride i").List().Count;//returns 0
_session.CreateQuery("FROM CustomerAssetGroupi").List().FirstOrDefault().PriceOverrides.Count;//returns 1

Looks like a bug in the old LINQ provider. Could you file a bug here:
You might be able to get around it via:
_session.Linq<GroupPriceOverride>.Where(x => x.CustomerAssetGroup == group)
and let NHibernate figure out the ID. If you don't have the group already, you could do this:
var group = _session.Load<CustomerAssetGroup>(groupID);
_session.Linq<GroupPriceOverride>.Where(x => x.CustomerAssetGroup == group)
The ISession.Load(id) will only generate a proxy, but won't actually hit the database until you access a property (which you wouldn't be since you're just using it to specify the ID).


For Fluent NHibernate experts: Join with where condition

SQL Server syntax is:
select tableAColumn1, tableAColumn2, tableBColumn1
from tableA, tableB
where ISNUMERIC(tableAColumn1) = 1
and CONVERT(INT, tableAColumn1) = tableBColumn1
and tableAColumn2 = 'something'
What would be the best way to achieve this in Fluent NHibernate? How many classes would I need to help get the resulting ClassMap and how would it look like?
public class BarausInfoMap : ClassMap<BarausInfo>
public BarausInfoMap()
Id(x => x.nr);
Map(x => x.betrag);
Join("BARAUSLANG", m =>
m.Map(x => x.bezeichnung);
m.Map(x => x.sprache);
m.Map(x => x.la);
this.Where("m.la = 'SPE'");
nr column is int and ula column is string, but I need to join those 2. also, the this.where refers to the outer table I guess, it should however refer to the inner table.
Maybe it's better to use separate entities and separate mapping, than you build query like
queryOver<BarausInfo>.JoinQueryOver(x => x.BarauslangObject, barauslangAlias, JoinType.InnerJoin, conjunction)
and the conjunction will contain the ISNUMERIC(tableAColumn1) = 1 and tableAColumn2 = 'something'. And n the BarausInfo Mapping you can spefify something like References(v => v.BarauslangObject).Formula("CONVERT(INT, tableAColumn1) = tableBColumn1"). Just find out how to specify columns in formula properly.

NHibernate still issues update after insert

I have a very simple unidirectional mappings. see below:
public ContactMap()
Id(x => x.Id).GeneratedBy.Assigned();
Map(x => x.Name);
References(x => x.Device);
HasMany(x => x.Numbers)
public PhoneNumberMap()
Id(x => x.Id).GeneratedBy.Native();
Map(x => x.Number);
According to this post after nhibernate 3 and above, setting key as non-nullable should fix the insert-update issue (The issue when NHibernate issues an insert with foreign key set to null and then an update to update the foreign key to correct value), but this is not the case for me. When I set the key as not nullable, NHibernate issues a correct insert statement
INSERT INTO ContactNumbers
VALUES ('(212) 121-212' /* #p0 */,
10 /* #p1 */);
As you can see, it inserts ContactId field, but after that, it still issues update statement
UPDATE ContactNumbers
SET ContactId = 10 /* #p0 */
WHERE Id = 34 /* #p1 */
So to clarify the problem. NHibernate inserts Contact row with foreign key assigned correctly and after that, it issues an update statement to update the foreign key (ContactId) which is redundant.
How can I get rid of this redundant update statement?
BTW, I'm using latest version of NHibernate and Fluent NHibernate. The database is SQLite
You have to set "updatable"=false to your key to prevent update.
public ContactMap()
Id(x => x.Id).GeneratedBy.Assigned();
Map(x => x.Name);
References(x => x.Device);
HasMany(x => x.Numbers)
.Not.KeyUpdate() // HERE IT IS
You can't as of 3.2.0 BETA.
In v3.2.0 BETA an improvment to one-to-many introduced this anomaly to uni-directional one-to-many relationships (actually I am not sure if anormaly is what you would call this).
Before 3.2 you would need to set the foreign key to allow nulls for this type of relationship to work. So I would ignore the fact that this happens and just go with it. Otherwise you will need to change it to a fully bi-directional relationship.
[NH-941] - One-Many Requiring Nullable Foreign Keys
Release notes or JIRA issue
edit Also the answer to the post you point to is to fix save null-save-update rather than fixing the addtional update
Try setting inverse to true on the mapping and assigning the relationship in code.
Inverse means that the child is responsible for holding the ID of the parent.
var contact = new Contact();
var phoneNumber = new PhoneNumber();
phoneNumber.Contact = contact;
That way, when you do the insert for the PhoneNumber record, NH can insert the ContactId without having to do a separate update.
That's what I used to do in NH 2, I would assume the behaviour still works the same in 3.
I don't know if you really can get rid of it.
Try using another id generator as native. It forces NH to insert the record only to get the id. The id is used for every entity in the session, so it can't do the insert later. It may case subsequent updates. Use hi-lo or something similar.
Why aren't you using a component in this case? You don't need to map the phone number separately, if they consist only of a number. Something like this (I'm not a FNH user, so it may be wrong):
public ContactMap()
Id(x => x.Id).GeneratedBy.Assigned();
Map(x => x.Name);
References(x => x.Device);
HasMany(x => x.Numbers)
.Component(c =>
Map(x => x.Number);
It is what Trevor Pilley said. Use inverse="true". If you choose not to have inverse="true", this is the consequence of that choice. You can't have it both ways.

Fluent nHibernate Getting HasMany Items In Single Query

I have a Topic map which has many posts in it i.e… (At the bottom HasMany(x => x.Posts))
public TopicMap()
Id(x => x.Id);
Map(x => x.Name);
*lots of other normal maps*
References(x => x.Category).Column("Category_Id");
References(x => x.User).Column("MembershipUser_Id");
References(x => x.LastPost).Column("Post_Id").Nullable();
HasMany(x => x.Posts)
*And a few other HasManys*
I have written a query which gets the latest paged topics, loops through and displays data and some posts data (Like the count of child posts etc..) . Here is the query
public PagedList<Topic> GetRecentTopics(int pageIndex, int pageSize, int amountToTake)
// Get a delayed row count
var rowCount = Session.QueryOver<Topic>()
var results = Session.QueryOver<Topic>()
.OrderBy(x => x.CreateDate).Desc
.Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize)
var total = rowCount.Value;
if (total > amountToTake)
total = amountToTake;
// Return a paged list
return new PagedList<Topic>(results, pageIndex, pageSize, total);
When I use SQLProfiler on this, as I loop over the topics is does a db hit to grab all Posts from the parent topic. So if I have 10 topics, I get 10 DB hits as it grabs the posts.
Can I change this query to grab the posts as well in a single query? I guess some sort of Join?
You can define eager fetching using Fetch.xxx on your HasMany property mapping. Available options are Fetch.Join(), Fetch.Select() and Fetch.SubSelect(). More info on each type of fetching can be found on NHibernate's documentation.
HasMany(x => x.Posts)
In my opinion, the best way is defining a reasonable batch-size for the collection (rule of thumb: your default parent page size)
That way, after getting the parent items, you'll get a single query for each child collection type you iterate.

Optional many-to-one/References results in foreign key violations on insert

I currently have the following relationship: ProductUom -> ProductImage
They both have the same primary keys: PROD_ID and UOM_TYPE
I have them mapped like this:
public ProductUomMap()
.KeyReference(x => x.Product, "PROD_ID")
.KeyProperty(x => x.UomType, "UOM_TYPE");
References(x => x.Image)
.Columns(new string[] { "PROD_ID", "UOM_TYPE" })
public ProductImageMap()
.KeyReference(x => x.ProductUom, new string[] {"PROD_ID", "UOM_TYPE"});
Map(x => x.Image, "PROD_IMAGE").Length(2147483647);
Whenever I create a ProductUom object that has a ProductImage it tries to insert the ProductImage first which results in a foreign key violation. I swear this was working at one time with the mapping that I have but it doesn't now.
I need the ProductImage to be a Reference (many-to-one) because the relationship here is optional and I want to be able to lazy load product images. The inserts do work correctly if I use a HasOne (one-to-one) mapping but the I cannot lazy load when I do this and querying a ProductUom seems to cause issues.
Is there something that I'm missing here? How can this mapping be modified to get what I want?
can you use LazyLoaded Properties? Then you could use something like this
Join("PROD_UOM_IMAGE", join =>
join.KeyColumn("PROD_ID", "UOM_TYPE");
join.Map(x => x.Image, "PROD_IMAGE").Length(2147483647).LazyLoad();
another option is:
Id().GeneratedBy.Foreign(x => x.ProductUom);
can't test it here though, i'm writing on Mobile

HasMany relation inside a Join Mapping

So, I'm having a problem mapping in fluent nhibernate. I want to use a join mapping to flatten an intermediate table: Here's my structure:
Note that DTValueRange does not have a VehicleID. I want to flatten DTVehicleValueRange into my Vehicle class. Tgis works fine for AverageValue, since it's just a plain value, but I can't seem to get a ValueRange collection to map correctly.
public VehicleMap()
Id(x => x.Id, "VehicleId");
Join("DTVehicleValueRange", x =>
x.Map(y => y.AverageValue).ReadOnly();
x.HasMany(y => y.ValueRanges).KeyColumn("DTVehicleValueRangeId"); // This Guy
The HasMany mapping doesn't seem to do anything if it's inside the Join. If it's outside the Join and I specify the table, it maps, but nhibernate tries to use the VehicleID, not the DTVehicleValueRangeId.
What am I doing wrong?
Can you explain the average value column in the DTVehicleValueRange table? Isn't this a calculated value (i.e. no need to persist it)?
It looks like you have a many-to-many relationship between Vehicle and DTValueRange, which of course would not be mapped with a join, rather with a HasManyToMany call.
Ran into a similar issue today using a Map to create a view. The SQL generated showed it trying to do the HasMany<> inside the join based on the Id of the ParentThing and not WorkThing (same problem you were having)
After much mapping of head-to-desk it turns out adding the propertyref onto the hasmany solved it.
public class ThingMap : ClassMap<WorkThingView> {
public ThingMap() {
Id(x => x.ParentThingId);
Map(x => x.ParentName);
Join("WorkThing", join => {
join.Map(m => m.FooCode);
join.Map(m => m.BarCode);
join.Map(x => x.WorkThingId);
join.HasMany(x => x.WorkThingCodes)