How to assign the output of a program to a variable in a DCL com script on VMS? - vms

For example, I have a perl script that writes "5" to stdout. I'd like to assign that output to a variable like so:
$ x = perl ! not working code
$ ! now x would be 5

The PIPE command allows you to do Unix-ish pipelining, but DCL is not bash. Getting the output assigned to a symbol is tricky. Each PIPE segment runs in a separate subprocess (like Unix) and there's no way to return a symbol from a subprocess. AFAIK, there's no bash equivalent of assigning stdout to a variable.
The typical approach is to write (redirect) the output to a file and then read it back:
$ PIPE perl > temp.txt
$ open t temp.txt
$ read t x
$ close t
Another approach is to assign the return value as a JOB logical which is shared by all subprocesses. This can be done as a one-liner using PIPE:
$ x = f$logical("RET_VALUE")
Since the "RET_VALUE" is shared by all processes in the job, you have to be careful of side-effects.

Look up the PIPE command. It lets you do unix like things.

I wanted to identify a particular ACE from a file's ACL and then assign the value to a variable I could refer to later in the script. I wanted to avoid the overhead of writing to/reading from a file as I had 1000s of files to iterate over. This method worked for me.
$ PIPE DIR/SEC filename | SEARCH SYS$PIPE variable | (READ SYS$PIPE variable && DEFINE/JOB/NOLOG variable &variable)
$ SHOW LOGICAL variable


How to grep inside while loop with two files or one file

I have this use case where I am trying to list some keys from s3 and filtering the results based on a grep command
fileA - abc/def
After listing the keys, I am trying to remove this exact key from the list. For example, if list return 2 other keys with the same prefix
list - abc/def/123
I want to remove the keys matching the pattern read from file i.e. abc/def and def/123
Code :
while read line; do
prefix = $(echo "$line"| grep -oPw '[A-Za-z0-9]*')
aws s3api list-objects --bucket blah-bucket --prefix "$prefix" | grep -vFfw "$line" > result
done < fileA
I am getting this error that command not found : prefix
What am I missing here in the loop?
This is a common problem that has been addressed in various questions posted here for years and years. :-)
The notation you want should look more like this:
prefix="$(echo ...)"
Remember that the shell is a shell, not really a full fledged programming language. Its parsing rules were intended to facilitate calling other programs, and setting up the plumbing to allow those programs to interact with each other.
Here are the various ways mis-placed spaces can be interpreted by shells in the Bourne family (sh, bash, ksh, zsh, ash/dash). Consider:
var =val
var= val
var = val
var=val: this is the correct syntax for variable assigment -- an unquoted word followed immediately by an equals followed immediately by an argument.
var =val: this runs the var command with =val as its argument.
var= val: this assigns an empty string to the var variable, then runs the val command as if var had been exported to it. This is meant to provide single-use environment variables to commands called by the shell.
var = val: this runs the var command with = and val as arguments.
Other (non-Bourne-style or non-POSIX) shells will have different interpretations.
Also, beware that you will be overwriting the file result for every iteration of this loop.
Well, you had simple syntax error. But, if I understand the what you mean by remove the keys matching the pattern read from file, you're working too hard.
If the following solution does what you want, I guarantee it will run faster and be easier to understand:
$ head patterns input
==> patterns <==
==> input <==
$ grep -vf patterns input
Any shell solution that iterates over the data is bound to be the wrong approach. Look for ways to let grep and friends operate on whole files, and use the shell to choose the files. It always a safe bet your problem can be solved that way, because over the decades lots of problems looked like your problem. :-)
You can also use the following chain of commands:
$awk 'BEGIN{ORS="\\\\|"}{print}' | sed 's/\\|$//' | xargs -I {} grep -v {}
awk will be used to create a regex from file with | between each line that will be used by grep -v to exclude the lines from file
sed 's/\\|$//' is used to remove the last | at the end of the regex string
then you use xargs to pass the resulting regex string to your grep command

How to assign the output from an Awk command to a shell variable?

I've tried to assign the output of an Awk command to a variable but I receive an error. I would like to assign and the echo the result in the variable.
count = `awk '$0 ~ /Reason code "68"/' ladb.log | wc -l`
I've enclosed the statement in backticks and receive this error below
/lsf9/db/dict/=: Unable to open dictionary: No such file or directory
DataArea = does not exist
Your main problem is your usage of spaces. You can't have a spaced assignment in shell scripts.
Backticks may be harmful to your code, but I haven't used IBM AIX in a very long time, so it may be essential to your Posix shell (though this guide and its coverage of $(…) vs `…` probably don't suggest a problem here). One thing you can try is running the code in ksh or bash instead.
The following code assumes a standards-compliant Posix shell. If they don't work, try replacing the "$(…)" notation with "`…`" notation. With these, since it's just a number being returned, you technically don't need the surrounding double quotes, but it's good practice.
count="$(awk '$0 ~ /Reason code "68"/' ladb.log | wc -l)"
The above should work, but it could be written more cleanly as
count="$(awk '/Reason code "68"/ {L++} END { print L }' ladb.log)"
As noted in the comments to the question, grep -c may be faster than awk, but if you know the location of that text, awk can be faster still. Let's say it begins a line:
count="$(awk '$1$2$3 == "Reasoncode\"68\"" {L++} END { print L }' ladb.log)"
Yes, Posix shell is capable of understanding double-quotes inside a "$(…)" are not related to the outer double-quotes, so only the inner double-quotes within that awk string need to be escaped.

Run awk on file being decoded continuously and then print patterns from decode file using awk

I a command which decodes binary logs to ascii format
From ASCII format file, I need to grep some patters using awk and print them
How can this be done?
What I have tried is as below in shell script and it does not work.
command > file.txt | awk /pattern/ | sed/pattern/
Also I need command to continously decode file and keep printing patterns on file being updated
Thanks in advance
command to continously decode file and keep printing patterns
The first question is exactly how continuously manifests itself. Most log files grow by being appended to -- for our purpose here, by some unknown external process -- and are periodically rotated. If you're going to continuously decode them, you're going to have to keep track of log rotation.
Can command continuously decode, or do you intend to re-run command periodically, picking up where you left off? If the latter, you might instead try some variation of:
cat log | command | awk
If that can't be done, you'll have to record where each iteration terminates, something like:
touch pos
while -f pos
command | awk -v status=pos script.awk > output || rm pos
where script.awk skips input until NR equals the value of the number in the pos file. It then processes lines until EOF, and overwrites pos with its final NR. On error, it calls exit 1, and the file is removed, and the loop terminates.
I recommend you ignore sed, and put all the pattern matching logic in one awk script. It will be easier to understand and cheaper to execute.

awk: setting environment variables directly from within an awk script

first post here, but been a lurker for ages. i have googled for ages, but cant find what i want (many abigious topic subjects which dont request what the topic suggests it does ...). not new to awk or scripting, just a little rusty :)
i'm trying to write an awk script which will set shell env values as it runs - for another bash script to pick up and use later on. i cannot simply use stdout from awk to report this value i want setting (i.e. "export whatever=awk cmd here"), as thats already directed to a 'results file' which the awkscript is creating (plus i have more than one variable to export in the final code anyway).
As an example test script, to demo my issue:
echo $MYSCRIPT_RESULT # returns nothing, not currently set
echo | awk -f scriptfile.awk # do whatever, setting MYSCRIPT_RESULT as we go
echo $MYSCRIPT_RESULT # desired: returns the env value set in scriptfile.awk
within scriptfile.awk, i have tried (without sucess)
1/) building and executing an adhoc string directly:
cmdline="export MYSCRIPT_RESULT=1"
2/) using the system function:
cmdline="export MYSCRIPT_RESULT=1"
... but these do not work. I suspect that these 2 commands are creating a subshell within the shell awk is executing from, and doing what i ask (proven by touching files as a test), but once the "cmd"/system calls have completed, the subshell dies, unfortunatley taking whatever i have set with it - so my env setting changes dont stick from "the caller of awk"'s perspective.
so my question is, how do you actually set env variables within awk directly, so that a calling process can access these env values after awk execution has completed? is it actually possible?
other than the adhoc/system ways above, which i have proven fail for me, i cannot see how this could be done (other than writing these values to a 'random' file somewhere to be picked up and read by the calling script, which imo is a little dirty anyway), hence, help!
all ideas/suggestions/comments welcomed!
You cannot change the environment of your parent process. If
MYSCRIPT_RESULT=$(awk stuff)
is unacceptable, what you are asking cannot be done.
You can also use something like is described at
Set variable in current shell from awk
unset var
declare $( echo "foobar" | awk '/foo/ {tmp="17"} END {print "var="tmp}' )
echo "var=$var"
The awk END clause is essential otherwise if there are no matches to the pattern declare dumps the current environment to stdout and doesn't change the content of your variable.
Multiple values can be set by separating them with spaces.
declare a=1 b=2
echo -e "a=$a\nb=$b"
NOTE: declare is bash only, for other shells, use eval with the same syntax.
You can do this, but it's a bit of a kludge. Since awk does not allow redirection to a file descriptor, you can use a fifo or a regular file:
$ mkfifo fifo
$ echo MYSCRIPT_RESULT=1 | awk '{ print > "fifo" }' &
$ IFS== read var value < fifo
$ eval export $var=$value
It's not really necessary to split the var and value; you could just as easily have awk print the "export" and just eval the output directly.
I found a good answer. Encapsulate averything in a subshell!
The comand declare works as below:
#Creates 3 variables
declare var1=1 var2=2 var3=3
#Exactly the same as above
$(awk 'BEGIN{var="declare "}{var=var"var1=1 var2=2 var3=3"}END{print var}')
I found some really interesting uses for this technique. In the next exemple I have several partitions with labels. I create variables using the labels as variable names and the device name as variable values.
#Partition data
lsblk -o NAME,LABEL
├─sda5 System
├─sda6 Data
└─sda7 Arch
#Creates a subshell to execute the text
#Pipe lsblk to awk
lsblk -o NAME,LABEL | awk \
#Initiate the variable with the text for the declare command
'BEGIN{txt="declare "}'\
#Filters devices with labels Arch or Data
#Concatenate txt with itself plus text for the variables(name and value)
#substr eliminates the special caracters before the device name
'{txt=txt$2"="substr($1,3)" "}'\
#AWK prints the text and the subshell execute as a command
'END{print txt}'\
The end result of this is 2 variables: Data with value sda6 and Arch with value sda7.
The same exemple in a single line.
$(lsblk -o NAME,LABEL | awk 'BEGIN{txt="declare "}/Data|Arch/{txt=txt$2"="substr($1,3)" "}END{print txt}')

How do I iterate over all the lines output by a command in zsh?

How do I iterate over all the lines output by a command using zsh, without setting IFS?
The reason is that I want to run a command against every file output by a command, and some of these files contain spaces.
Eg, given the deleted file:
foo/bar baz/gamma
That is, a single directory 'foo', containing a sub directory 'bar baz', containing a file 'gamma'.
Then running:
git ls-files --deleted | xargs ls
Will report in that file being handled as two files: 'foo/bar', and '/baz/gamma'.
I need it to handle it as one file: 'foo/bar baz/gamma'.
If you want to run the command once for all the lines:
ls "${(#f)$(git ls-files --deleted)}"
The f parameter expansion flag means to split the command's output on newlines. There's a more general form (#s:||:) to split at an arbitrary string like ||. The # flag means to retain empty records. Somewhat confusingly, the whole expansion needs to be inside double quotes, to avoid IFS splitting on the output of the command substitution, but it will produce separate words for each record.
If you want to run the command for each line in turn, the portable idiom isn't particularly complicated:
git ls-filed --deleted | while IFS= read -r line; do ls $line; done
If you want to run the command as few times as the command line length limit permits, use zargs.
autoload -U zargs
zargs -- "${(#f)$(git ls-files --deleted)}" -- ls
Using tr and the -0 option of xargs, assuming that the lines don't contain \000 (NUL), which is a fair assumption due to NUL being one of the characters that can't appear in filenames:
git ls-files --deleted | tr '\n' '\000' | xargs -0 ls
this turns the line: foo/bar baz/gamma\n into foo/bar baz/gamma\000 which xargs -0 knows how to handle