How to show numeric input modal view like on iPad's lock screen? - cocoa-touch

when I unlock my iPad I get a small modal view where I can enter a PIN. I'd like to use the same thing within my app to protect a sensitive setting with a PIN.
Which UI element is used here? How can I fire it up?

Umm i dont think that view it available to use use by default, but you can build your own you can use the following code to get the numeric pad
UITextField tf;
tf.KeyboardType = UIKeyboardType.NumberPad;
or you can create a custom keyboard with interface builder you just need 12 buttons ans 4 text boxes then do it programmatically pretty straightforward hope this helps


Add Stickers in Custom KeyBoard Extension

I am looking to create a Custom Keyboard for iPhone,iPad. I have successfully integrated Phrases and Emoticons into the Keyboard, But couldn't get any idea how to add stickers in the keyboard.
Anyone knows how to add ?
I recently created a custom keyboard for sending stickers on iPhone. I noticed this question is tagged as Objective-C but I will be responding in Swift since that’s how I did it.
If I am understanding your question correctly, “add stickers in the keyboard” may refer to stickers similar to those on Facebook Messenger or Peach. My personal inspiration came from wanting to create something similar to Kim Kardashian’s KIMOJI app. This custom keyboard extension works by allowing the user to tap on a sticker, copy it, and then paste it into an input field to send.
To begin with, I found this great custom keyboard tutorial on AppCoda: Creating a Custom Keyboard Using iOS 8 App Extension (written in Swift). The tutorial walks you through how to create a new keyboard extension within an app, add a view which holds buttons (or keys), and apply appropriate constraints. However, I found all the details of creating keys less necessary for a sticker keyboard.
Following the tutorial, once you create a basic keyboard with a KeyboardViewController and KeyboardView xib, I added UIButtons. In my case, I added six buttons to correspond to six stickers. The first UIView row and second UIView row both held three buttons each. I applied constraints so that each button was equal height and width (approximately 100 x 100). In Storyboard, I clicked on each button and in the attributes inspector I set the button “image” property to the corresponding sticker image I had in my assets. Also, to determine an appropriate height for my keyboard, I found this helpful resource: iPhone Development 101 - iPhone & iPad Keyboard Sizes.
Note: In order to create stickers you need images of some sort. I drew / designed my own. You could also design them using Adobe Illustrator or an equivalent program.
Once you set the images for each button and run the app, the images may not appear. To fix this, I had to visit my sticker keyboard Target > Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources to ensure Assets.xcassets was included. Running the app again, the images appeared.
Next, assuming you have created a KeyboardViewController that corresponds to your KeyboardView.xib, you can create a corresponding #IBAction for each button/sticker in the view controller. We want the user to copy the sticker selected to Pasteboard so they can send the stickers. To enable your custom keyboard to access Pasteboard, go into the keyboard extension’s Info.plist file. Under Information Property List > NSExtension > NSExtensionAttributes, change the RequestsOpenAccess property to YES.
Now, the IBAction method you created can assign the appropriate sticker image path to the Pasteboard! This is very generally how my code looked:
#IBAction func stickerPressed(sender: UIButton) {
let image = UIImage(named: "sticker")
UIPasteboard.generalPasteboard().image = image
When you run and test your app on a device and install it, click the globe icon on the keyboard to switch to your custom keyboard. Tap on a button/sticker, then tap in an input field to paste. In Facebook Messenger, options may appear to “Send Photo” “Edit” or “Cancel.” In Peach or Messages, it will send inline. It just depends on the app.
This process worked for me and I hope it can help someone else out there!
You can create UIImageView inside UICollectionView or UITableView, and show sticker images inside these UIImageViews. And when user taps on them, just get the UIImage present in that view.

Bringing up the iPad keyboard which is predominantly symbols

Apologies in advance if this is answered but I genuinely couldn't find it. I'm trying to bring up the keyboard type on iPad which appears when pressing the "#+=" button. I've tried going through all the types on the docs and I'm sure that this wasn't successful. Am I missing something or does the user have to click this button every time?
Edit: this question was closed as "off-topic" because it didn't include code or ideas or what I've tried already... Therefore for a bit of extra detail, I used EVERY keyboard type that is available on the docs e.g.
theTextField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad;
This did not yield the results that I require, which is the keyboard plane that appears when you press the #+= button because I wanted users to go straight to that one.
Unfortunately, this is impossible. It's not a keyboard type you want, it's a keyboard plane. There is no public API to switch or in any way access the keyboard planes.
One solution could be to create your own keyboard with the symbols you want. Another solution would be to open the keyboard and then generate a touch event that will switch the keyboard plane. However, this would be complicated, non-portable and a bit dangerous.
You have no ability to affect the built-in keyboards.
You can however create your own custom input view which you would set on the inputView of your text editing view before you make it first responder. Then iOS will show this view instead.
Have a look at this project of mine which implemented a "Morse keyboard" (April Fool's joke), but demonstrates how to achieve a custom keyboard that still interacts with a text field as you'd expect.

adding an invisible button to the background in IB

I'm working with Xcode doing a Ipad app.
i simply want user to click anywhere on screen (not counting text fields) to perform some IBAction.I'm using an invisible button that covers my whole view.
Since I have some text fields in my view,i need to add this invisible button to the background of my user interface. I cant seem to find this option in the button attributes? any help?
Just set the button's type to custom.
Did you try setting the opacity of the button to zero?
I guess i got your point. You just want to put the UIButton(invisible) on the back of all the UITextField. The simple solution to this is open the Document Window in the IB. Now expand the view tree in the list view. Just drag your UIButton above the UITextFields and set the alpha value for the button in the property to be zero.
Hope this helps!!
iPad users don't "click". They "tap" or "touch".
In Interface Builder, I believe views are constructed with a z-index from top to bottom as they appear in the document window, so dragging your button so that it appears as the first subview of your main view should be a quick fix for this.
Have you considered other approaches? This doesn't sound like standard behaviour for an app and will probably cause havoc with anybody using Voice Over. What are you trying to accomplish?

how to make dropdown box for iphone app

how can i add a dropdown box (html select tag) in my iPhone application?
I think you cannot have a drop down list in the iphone.Instead of that it has the UIActionSheet.If you have more options like greater than 8 the UIActionSheet will have its own scroll and alert looks like table and the view will get an awesome look.Thats the only option we have.If you anything or if i am wrong just let me know
You can create a custom combo box control. I have done this in one of my projects. You can do something like this. Create a ViewControlle with tableView in it. Make it's frame smaller. Add it's view on the view where you want to display combo. On tap of a button that looks like down arrow display tableView with some animation starting frame should just below the combo button.Hope it helps. First try this then if still you are unable to do let me know.

Animating Tab Bar page switching

I'm quite confused with the whole animation stuff in iPhone SDK. I tried to study throught the SDK documentation, this website or tried googling it out without success.
I'm unable to get my scenario work.
I have single XIB file, with tab bar and a 4 tabs.
In a special event i want to switch from one page to another "in code", so I call eg: [tabController selectedIndex: 0].
I need this transition to be animated. Is there a way?
If user switches tabs manually, no animated transitions are needed
Also I have one subquestion:
In one of the tabs I have a UITableView with set of items. When user clicks any of these items, another set of items are beign shown (sort of hierarchy browser)
I tried to animate this transition using -deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation: and -insertRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:, but without luck.
Desired transition is shifting the old items set to the left side and the new items from the right side.
This is first time of my iPhone development, when I got lost even with all the forums and documentation. :)
Thanks in advance to anyone trying to help me!
As for your first question: Yes you can.
Try this link for some answer:
transition on tab bar sample code.
In short words: you should add a delegate object to handle the tab bar switching by setting the tabBarController.delegate = self.
Yet, what this forum post won't tell you is that you need to "import" some framework to do it.
First - right-click on the framework folder on the left hand list in Xcode and add an existing framework named: "QuartzCore.framework".
Than - add these lines to your tab bar holder (on .h file):
#import <QuartzCore/CAAnimation.h>
#import <QuartzCore/CAMediaTimingFunction.h>
As for your second question, try to replace the datasource (array or what ever) or create login function on the cell to replace its content.
First Question: No, you can't animate tab switching. Please read Apple's Human Interface Guidelines on this. Tabs are meant to switch instantly. An animated transition would break the "tab" paradigm.
Second Question: When you tap on a row, the user does not expect other rows to disappear and new ones to appear. Instead, this sounds like a case for a UINavigationController. Please refer to Apple's sample code, specifically the UICatalog for sample code on how to implement this.