Multiple Counts On Same Row With Conditions - sql

I am trying to calculate a summarised view of the data in my table, at the moment the query works but it isn't very efficient seeing as my table will eventually hold 10,000 + contracts. I also need to filter each by the same date, I realise I could do this in the where statement for each count but this isn't very efficient.
Also the final calculation at the end would be much easier if I could operate on fields rather than selects.
(SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Contracts WHERE contractWon = 1) Won,
(SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Contracts WHERE contractPassedToCS = 1) PassedtoCS,
(SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Contracts WHERE contractPassedToCS = 0) as OutstandingWithSales,
(SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Contracts WHERE contractIssued = 1) as ContractsIssued,
(SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Contracts WHERE contractReturned = 1) as ContractsReturned,
(CONVERT(decimal, (SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Contracts WHERE contractReturned = 1)) / CONVERT(decimal, (SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Contracts WHERE contractIssued = 1))) * 100 as '% Outstanding'
I understand there is probably some joining needed but I'm a little confused.

SUM(contractWon) AS Won,
SUM(contractPassedToCS ) AS PassedtoCS,
SUM(1-contractPassedToCS) AS OutstandingWithSales,
SUM(contractIssued) AS contractIssued ,
SUM(contractReturned) AS contractReturned,
100.0 * SUM(contractReturned) / SUM(contractIssued) AS '% Outstanding'
Alternate formulations for "bit" datatypes which can not be aggregated. If the columns are int, say, then the above query works
--Either CAST first to a type that aggregates...
SUM(CAST(contractWon AS int)) AS Won,
-- .. or rely on COUNT ignores NULL values


Query - display zero where null in one column and select sum of two columns where not null in next column

I need to display a zero where "Silo Wt" is null, and display the sum of the two values in the Total column even if "Silo Wt" is null.. may not require any changes if I can get a zero in the Silo column
SELECT DISTINCT (coffee_type) AS "Coffee_Type",
(SELECT ItemName
FROM [T01_Item_Name_TBL]
WHERE Item = B.Coffee_Type) AS "Description",
(SELECT COUNT(Green_Inventory_ID)
FROM [Green_Inventory] AS A
WHERE A.Coffee_Type = B.Coffee_Type
AND current_Quantity > 0) AS "Current Units",
SUM((Unit_Weight) * (Current_Quantity)) AS "Green Inv Wt",
FROM [P04_Green_STotal_TBL] AS C
WHERE TGItem = Coffee_type) AS "Silo Wt",
(SUM((Unit_Weight) * (Current_Quantity)) +
FROM [P04_Green_STotal_TBL] AS C
WHERE TGItem = Coffee_type)) AS Total
[Green_Inventory] AS B
Pallet_Status = 0
SS of query results now
You just need to wrap them in ISNULL.
However, your query could do with some serious cleanup and simplification:
DISTINCT makes no sense as you are grouping by that column anyway.
Two of the subqueries can be combined using OUTER APPLY, although this requires moving the grouped Green_Inventory into a derived table.
Another subquery, the self-join on Green_Inventory, can be transformed into conditional aggregation.
Not sure whether I've got the logic right, as the subquery did not have a filter on Pallet_Status, but it looks like you would also need to move that condition into conditional aggregation for the SUM, and use a HAVING. It depends exactly on your requirements.
Don't use quoted table or column names unless you have to.
Use meaningful table aliases, rather than A B C.
Specify table names when referencing columns, especially when using subqueries, or you might get unintended results.
(SELECT ItemName
FROM T01_Item_Name_TBL AS n
WHERE n.Item = gi.coffee_Type
) AS Description,
ISNULL(gst.TGWeight, 0) AS SiloWt,
ISNULL(gi.GreenInvWt, 0) + ISNULL(gst.TGWeight, 0) AS Total
COUNT(CASE WHEN gi.current_Quantity > 0 THEN 1 END) AS CurrentUnits,
SUM(CASE WHEN gi.Pallet_Status = 0 THEN gi.Unit_Weight * gi.Current_Quantity END) AS GreenInvWt
Green_Inventory AS gi
SUM(CASE WHEN gi.Pallet_Status = 0 THEN gi.Unit_Weight * gi.Current_Quantity END) > 0
) AS gi
SELECT SUM(gst.TGWeight) AS TGWeight
FROM P04_Green_STotal_TBL AS gst
WHERE gst.TGItem = gi.Coffee_Type
) AS gst;

SQL: identify if there are multiples (not duplicates) in a column

I am currently struggling in identifying a possibility to identify certain patterns in my data using SSMS.
I wish to identify rows that contain multiples (x2, x3, or x*4) of an entry within the same column.
I really have no clue on how to even start my "where" statement right now.
SELECT [numbers], [product_ID]
FROM [db].[dbo].[tablename]
WHERE [numbers] = numbers*2
My problem is that with the code above I can obviously only identify zeros.
Google only helps me out with finding duplicates but I can't find a way to identify multiples of a value...
My desired result would be a table that only contains numbers (linked to product_IDs) that are multiples of each other
Anyone can help me out here?
If a column contains multiples, then all are multiples of the smallest non-zero value. Let me assume the values are positive or zero for this purpose.
So, you can determine if this is the case using window functions and modulo arithmetic:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
min(case when number > 0 then number end) over () as min_number
from t
) t
where number % min_number = 0 or min_number = 1;
If you want to know if all numbers meet this criteria, use aggregation:
select (case when min(number % min_number) = 0 then 'all multiples' else 'oops' end)
from (select t.*,
min(case when number > 0 then number end) over () as min_number
from t
) t
My desired result would be a table that only contains numbers (linked to product_IDs) that are multiples of each other
You'll need to test all pairs of rows, which means a CROSS JOIN.
Something like this:
with q as
SELECT [numbers],
cast(a.numbers as float) / coalesce(b.numbers, null) ratio
FROM [tablename] a
CROSS JOIN [tablename] b
select *
from q
where ratio = cast(ratio as bigint)
and ratio > 1

How to perform division over two SELECT queries?

I have two query results that produce numbers. I am wondering how I can combine the two queries into one division operation.
I have my query as
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Games WHERE Title = "Zelda" - This gets me my numerator
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Games - This is my denominator.
I want to write a query that is the result set of the numerator / denominator. Is this possible?
You can use SELECT inside FORM:
(SELECT COUNT(*) AS N FROM Games WHERE Title = "Zelda") T1,
Each query of yours could be treated as a table (with one result variable), just give them names using AS and then create outer query that selects the arithmetic operation you want. (Casting the result to float to get the ratio).
With conditional sum:
select sum(case when Title = 'Zelda' then 1 else 0) / count(*) as result from Games
The above code will do integer division.
If you need more precision:
select 1.0 * sum(case when Title = 'Zelda' then 1 else 0) / count(*) as result from Games
Also if your rdbms allows it you can do this:
I would simply do:
SELECT AVG( (Title = 'Zelda)::int)
FROM Games;
I think this is the simplest query that does what you want (assuming that Title is never NULL.

Sum distinct records in a table with duplicates in Teradata

I have a table that has some duplicates. I can count the distinct records to get the Total Volume. When I try to Sum when the CompTia Code is B92 and run distinct is still counts the dupes.
Here is the query:
count(distinct a.notif_id) as Total_Volume,
sum(distinct case when a.header_comptia_cd = 'B92' then 1 else 0 end) as B92_Sum
FROM artemis_biz_app.aca_service_event a
where a.Sales_Org_Cd = '8210'
and a.notif_creation_dt >= current_date - 180
group by 1
order by 1
Is There a way to only SUM the distinct records for B92?
I also tried inner joining the table on itself by selecting the distinct notification id and joining on that notification id, but still getting wrong sum counts.
Your B92_Sum currently returns either NULL, 1 or 2, this is definitely no sum.
To sum distinct values you need something like
sum(distinct case when a.header_comptia_cd = 'B92' then column_to_sum else 0 end)
If this column_to_sum is actually the notif_id you get a conditional count but not a sum.
Otherwise the distinct might remove too many vales and then you probably need a Derived Table where you remove duplicates before aggregation:
--no more distinct needed
count(a.notif_id) as Total_Volume,
sum(case when a.header_comptia_cd = 'B92' then column_to_sum else 0 end) as B92_Sum
select repair_week_period,
from artemis_biz_app.aca_service_event
where a.Sales_Org_Cd = '8210'
and a.notif_creation_dt >= current_date - 180
-- only onw row per notif_id
qualify row_number() over (partition by notif_id order by ???) = 1
) a
group by 1
order by 1
#dnoeth It seems the solution to my problem was not to SUM the data, but to count distinct it.
This is how I resolved my problem:
count(distinct case when a.header_comptia_cd = 'B92' then a.notif_id else NULL end) as B92_Sum

SQL Nested Select statements with COUNT()

I'll try to describe as best I can, but it's hard for me to wrap my whole head around this problem let alone describe it....
I am trying to select multiple results in one query to display the current status of a database. I have the first column as one type of record, and the second column as a sub-category of the first column. The subcategory is then linked to more records underneath that, distinguished by status, forming several more columns. I need to display every main-category/subcategory combination, and then the count of how many of each sub-status there are beneath that subcategory in the subsequent columns. I've got it so that I can display the unique combinations, but I'm not sure how to nest the select statements so that I can select the count of a completely different table from the main query. My problem lies in that to display the main category and sub category, I can pull from one table, but I need to count from a different table. Any ideas on the matter would be greatly appreciated
Here's what I have. The count statements would be replaced with the count of each status:
int_tasktype "INT / TaskType",
COUNT (1) total,
COUNT (1) released,
COUNT (1) assembled
(t.invn_need_type || ' / ' || s.code_desc) int_tasktype,
t.task_genrtn_ref_nbr wave_num
FROM sys_code s, task_hdr t
WHERE t.task_genrtn_ref_nbr IN
(SELECT ship_wave_nbr
FROM ship_wave_parm
WHERE TRUNC (create_date_time) LIKE SYSDATE - 7)
AND s.code_type = '590'
AND s.rec_type = 'S'
AND s.code_id = t.task_type),
ship_wave_parm swp
GROUP BY wave_num, int_tasktype
ORDER BY wave_num
Image here:
Guessing a bit,both regarding your problem and Oracle (which I've - unfortunately - never used), hopefully it will give you some ideas. Sorry for completely messing up the way you write SQL, SELECT ... FROM (SELECT ... WHERE ... IN (SELECT ...)) simply confuses me, so I have to restructure:
with tmp(int_tasktype, wave_num) as
(select distinct (t.invn_need_type || ' / ' || s.code_desc), t.task_genrtn_ref_nbr
from sys_code s
join task_hdr t
on s.code_id = t.task_type
where s.code_type = '590'
and s.rec_type = 'S'
and exists(select 1 from ship_wave_parm p
where t.task_genrtn_ref_nbr = p.ship_wave_nbr
and trunc(p.create_date_time) = sysdate - 7))
select t.wave_num "WAVE NUMBER", t.int_tasktype "INT / TaskType",
count(*) TOTAL,
sum(case when sst.sub_status = 'LOCKED' then 1 end) "LOCKED/DISABLED",
sum(case when sst.sub_status = 'RELEASED' then 1 end) RELEASED,
sum(case when sst.sub_status = 'PARTIAL' then 1 end) "PARTIALLY ASSEMBLED",
sum(case when sst.sub_status = 'ASSEMBLED' then 1 end) ASSEMBLED
from tmp t
join sub_status_table sst
on t.wave_num = sst.wave_num
group by t.wave_num, t.int_tasktype
order by t.wave_num
As you notice, I don't know anything about the table with the substatuses.
You can use inner join, grouping and count to get your result:
suppose tables are as follow :
cat (1)--->(n) subcat (1)----->(n) subcat_detail.
so the query would be :
select cat.title cat_title ,subcat.title subcat_title ,count(*) as cnt from
cat inner join sub_cat on
inner join subcat_detail on subcat.ID=am.subcat_detail_id
group by cat.title,subcat.title
Generally when you need different counts, you need to use the CASE statment.
select count(*) as total
, case when field1 = "test' then 1 else 0 end as testcount
, case when field2 = 'yes' then 1 else 0 endas field2count
FROM table1