How to programmatically access an NSTableView that was created in Interface Builder? - objective-c

I am new to Objective-C and Cocoa programming (coming from a background of C/C++ development years ago on other platforms). I am writing an application to download remote data on a recurring basis (i.e. every X number of seconds), parse through it, sort/filter it into an NSArray, and display/update said data in an NSTableView. After reading a few books, a lot of Apple OS X Reference material, and experimenting I have managed to implement everything (the remote data download, parse/filter logic, in-memory storage, etc.) except actually updating the NSTableView with the data.
I am not sure if I am just missing something obvious or just how my application should be laid out following the MVC concept, or if Interface Builder's lack of actual code generation is just not what I am used to, but I cannot seem to determine how I can programmatically access/manipulate the NSTableView that was created in Interface Builder.
I tried (in Interface Builder) dragging a NSObject instance of my NSArray-based object in, where-then I can connect my NSTableView's Outlet/datasource, but this results in an another instance of my NSArray-based object (not connecting the NSTableView to my existing, programmatically-declared and instantiated object). Likewise, I thought to set my NSTableView's datasource programmatically, but I have not been able to determine how I can programmatically refer to the NSTableView object stored in the .xib/.nib file other than via a Tag (for which I have not been able to determine what object to call the viewWithTag: method from, after setting my NSTableView's Tag value in Interface Builder).
Any suggestions, advice, or guidance would be greatly appreciated. This feels like one of those things that will be very simple (and once I have it working in front of me, it will make a lot more sense), but I just cannot seem to get a starting point/example working.

You need to attach an instance variable in your table's controller class to the table in interface builder. Declare a table in your class like this:
IBOutlet NSTableView* myTable;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet NSTableView* myTable;
And be sure to synthesize it.
In the connections tab of the info window in interface builder, connect your controller's new outlet to your table. Then when your view is loaded from the XIB, this outlet will be connected.
Hope that helps some.


cocoa could not connect action

I've been fiddling with Objective-C + Cocoa and writing a fairly simple Cocoa application. Then I encountered a runtime error that has no effect on my program execution:
Could not connect the action textField: to target of class BarController
I'm experimenting with pulling some of the windows out of MainMenu.xib and loading them with separate controllers and xib files.
In one window within a new xib I've created a Text Field and linked it to an IBOutlet NSTextField (textField) in a new NSWindowController subclass. It works and I am able to use textField to update the contents of the Text Field.
I am curious why I am getting the above runtime error and I'm hoping that understanding it will clear up some of the magic around the UI construction process.
Not much magic with plain IBOutlets, really - the fun starts when using Bindings or actions sent to some yet unknown target via First Responder and the responder chain :-)
Regarding your error:
Sounds like you've connected an outlet to a target that doesn't exist in your target class?
You might have established a connection to a property in File Owner (or some other proxy object) at some point where the owner's class was e.g. MyAppDelegate.
Then you've moved the window (or other object containing the outlet) to some other .xib and now the owner's class is MyWindowController that doesn't have a property of the same name you've connected your outlet to - and voila, the runtime won't be able to establish the connection for your outlet at runtime.
Just double-check your outlets in the Interface Editor, there's probably already some kind of warning message displayed next to outlets that look fishy.
Delete or reassign them and you're done.

Cocoa - explanation of view handling

I'm learning Cocoa at the moment, and have followed 'generic' tutorials on getting a basic form with a button and label.
With the .xib, I've added an 'Object' (instance of NSObject subclass), and have also created a ViewController class, which I connect to my view by setting Custom Class to ViewController. I then code up my ViewController.h and .m files adding a pressedButton method, and a label (myLabel). This all works OK (ie. the label updates when the button is pressed).
My question is: what am I actually doing with this process in C++ terms (a language I'm more familiar with)? As I understood it, my 'Object' (set to class ViewController) represents an instance of the .xib file (may be wrong here), and with this set to the ViewController class, I'm able to make outlets and actions in ViewController.h/.m, but I'm still not sure what's really going on behind the scenes.
Lastly, the XCode template provides an AppDelegate class 'free'. Given I'm managing my controls via my ViewController class, what would this file/object be used for - is it for application specific things that do not relate to the view itself, or is it also used to manage the controls on the form too (like you see in some tutorials I think)?
I hope, I understood the first part of your question well. The .xib (xml verison of nib file) does not represent a class or object. It is rather used to create a view object with all its subviews (each an object) and link it properly to your view controller.
It is most common and automatically generated that way, that the underlying view within your nib file corersponds to self.view (from your view controller's point of view).
You could access each view created by the nib file by navigating though the subview hierarchy of self.view. Alternatively you could define tags within nib/IB (Interface builder) to access individual view objects more easily.
"Just for your convenience" the IBOutlets were introduced. You can define an IBOutlet in the interface of your view controller and link it using IB to the dedicated object that is created using the xib file.
I am saying "Just for your covenience" because it is not really neccessary, considering other ways of addressing your view objects. But it is more than convenient and therfore strongly recommended and stimply the standard way of doing it.
You could even add further views programmatically to a form/view that was created using IB. You can change properties of those views programmatically.
The view and the subvies are created in that very moment when your view controller is initialized with a nib file using the initWithNibName:bundle: method. Then the nib file (xib these days) is opened, its content is parsed and interpreted and all views are created and added to their superviews respectively and their properties and action: selectors etc. are set accordingly. Again, the whole process is designed for your convenience. You could even create all the views etc. programmatically - witout any nib file at all. The loadView method of your custom view controller would be the appropriate place of dong so.
Second question:
AppDelegate is designed for application wide actions etc. If you can manage everything fine within your view controllers then you would not need to change anything on the AppDelegate.
It is often used as a container for variables or functions of global character (which are then properties and members of the app delegate object). Sometimes you may see it neccessary to override some of the AppDelegates methods like application:didFinishLanuncing or applicationDidBecomeActive.
Strictly spoken, UIApplicationDelegate is no class that you subclass. It is a protocol that you implement. (Very much like interfaces within Java - sort of overcoming the lack of multiple inheritance that you are familiar with from C++).

Curiosities noticed while learning Objective-C and Xcode in general

While specifying an instance variable that provides a connection between the view controller and the View, we use the IBOutlet keyword prior to the View object type. This helps indicate that it is an instance variable connecting to the View.
However, is there a scenario where I would not require the IBOutlet keyword preceding my view Object type? For example: can we have a scenario where a:
UIButton *display ;
has some kind of use vs
IBOutlet UIButton *display ;
This question stemmed out of curiosity.
Another question that I have probably has to do with understanding the nuances of interfaces and C in general.
In the view controller or any controller as such, we tend to "import" the header files and not the implementation files. I am at odds with this concept and again it is just a curiosity?
The "IBOutlet" keyword doesn't change anything about your program, it just allows Interface Builder to recognize what connections are available. If you don't need to connect something in your interface (for example, if you just want an instance variable for private storage, or if you want to use an #property), then you don't have to use IBOutlet.
We import header files just so the compiler knows what classes and methods are available when using them from other places in the program. An implementation file doesn't need to be imported; it only needs to be compiled into the program and the things it contains will be available.
To the compiler, IBOUTLET is a null operator. It means nothing. It's only purpose is to tell Interface Builder that you intend to connect it to an interface object.
Header files define the interface, and that's all the other class implementations need.
IBOutlet and IBAction helped Interface Builder detect what outlet and actions you wish to connect to your UI controls, at compile time these IBOutlet and IBAction are ignored and have no use.
I believe you don't need these keywords anymore in Xcode 4.0+.
You can have a scenario where you don't need IBOutlet or IBAction, when you are building UI controls programmatically (in code).

What describes an "Outlet" best in objective-c / Cocoa?

Can someone explain in an humanly understandable way what an "Outlet" is?
It's an instance variable that shows up in Interface Builder, so that you can use IB to plug another object into the outlet.
When you load the nib, the nib-loading system will do the requisite magic to make sure the right object shows up in each outlet.
Edit: I'd intended to write a full blog post around this image (I changed my mind after finishing the image), but even alone, it should help clarify outlets for people. Here you go:
From a code point-of-view and IBOutlet is only a hint for Interface Builder. It's actually a macro that compiles to, well, nothing at all. That is, the compiler completely removes when compiling.
But Interface Builder can scan your code for IBOutlet so when you right-click on an object in IB you can see all the outlets that you could connect to other objects.
alt text
In this example, delegate is a member variable of UIApplication and it is an IBOutlet too.
I just think of it as a pointer to a UI control. Once I made that mental connection in my mind, it made sense.
I would say they are the bridge that connects your user interface objects to the code that uses them. Like the name suggests, they provide a spot to "plug in" your UI to your code.
The IBOutlet keyword is defined like this:
#ifndef IBOutlet
#define IBOutlet
IBOutlet does absolutely nothing as far as the compiler is concerned. Its sole
purpose is to act as a hint to tell Interface Builder that this is an instance variable that we’re
going to connect to an object in a nib. Any instance variable that you create and want to
connect to an object in a nib file must be preceded by the IBOutlet keyword.
IBOutlet is a symbol that indicates to Interface Builder that an object instance variable delcared as
IBOutlet id ivar_name;
should be presented as an outlet of an instance of the associated class. This allows you to graphically connect objects in Interface Builder such that, after the NIB is loaded (i.e. when the object is sent an -awakeFromNib message), the value of ivar_name will be a pointer to the object you selected as the outlet's value in Interface Builder.
From the Objective-C language standpoint, IBOutlet means nothing.
An outlet is an instance variable in your code (in X-code) that can be assigned a reference to a user interface object (in Interface Builder). You plug the user interface object into the instance variable. The assignment is specified in the NIB file created by Interface Builder.

Connecting delegate classes in Objective-C

I've got two controls in my Interface Builder file, and each of those controls I've created a separate delegate class for in code (Control1Delegate and Control2Delegate). I created two "Objects" in interface builder, made them of that type, and connected the controls to them as delegates. The delegates work just fine. My problem is, I need to share information from one delegate to the other delegate, and I'm not sure how.
What is the best way to do this? Combine the two delegates into one class, or somehow access a third class that they can both read? Since I'm not actually initializing the class anywhere in my code, I'm not sure how to get a reference to the actual instance of it (if there is an actual instance of it), or even access the "main" class that the project came with.
You can add outlets from either delegate to the other delegate. There are two ways to add an outlet to an object in IB (assuming you're using Xcode/IB version 3.0 or later:
If you have not generated the code for your delegate classes yet, select the desired delegate, then open the "Object Identity" tab in the IB inspector. Add a "Class outlet" of type NSObject. You should then be able to set this new outlet to the other delegate. Of course you will have to generate the code for your delegate class and add the generated source files to your Xcode project before you can load the nib.
If you've already generated the code for the delegate class (or added an NSObject to your NIB and set its Class to an existing class in your Xcode project), add an instance variable to the delegate class:
IBOutlet id outletToOtherDelegate;
As long as your Xcode project is open (as indicated by the green bubble in the lower-left of your NIB window), IB will automatically detect the new outlet and allow you to assign it to the other delegate object in your NIB.
Cocoa automatically connects these outlets at NIB load time. Once awakeFromNib is called on instances of your delegate objects, you may assume that all the other objects in the NIB have been instantiated and all outlets have been connected. You should not assume an order on calls to awakeFromNib, however.
I think you can create outlets on each one and cross-bind them so that they each have the same data all the time. If there's one model object they need to share, that's pretty tidy. I don't actually know how to do this; I think I saw it in an iPhone tutorial one time!
I don't have my Mac in front of me currently since I'm at work, but would it be possible to bind an instance of one delegate to a member of the other delegate? This would be similar to binding an NSArrayController to a member of another controller class, for example.
However, depending on what the delegate classes are doing, if the tasks are similar I would probably just combine them into once class. That would eliminate the problem altogether.