Maemo / Symbian and external libraries - symbian

How can I know, whether an external library can be compiled to work on a different platform? the library for instance is tesseract-ocr
And if it possible, how do I do this?? (Basically I would like to create a Qt application that uses this library)

To find out, try building the library yourself. At the moment your question is quite broad. Post new questions when you have something more specific to ask.
If building the library fails, it is most probably due to some unsupported dependencies that you need to port first yourself.
Porting to Maemo is probably straightforward as it is a Debian-based environment and supports all the build tools such as autotools.
Symbian doesn't have autotools. Perhaps the fastest way to get started there is to first configure and build the library on e.g. cygwin and then generate the required bld.inf and .mmp files to build it on Symbian.
You can link your Qt application to regular C/C++ libraries. Just include the necessary header files in your code and link to the library using LIBS += -lfoo in your .pro file.


Best practice for cmake package dependency

I have two separate git repositories that I am not sure how to best bring together using cmake. I would like a solution that is cross platform.
I have a C++ library project which produces a static library (and C++ headers). This project has its own cmake which will produce a static library. I haven't yet written an install step in the cmake.
I have a UI (Qt) project which visualizes the product of this library. This also is based on cmake and should be using the library; in fact, it does not make sense without the library.
What is the best practice for a situation such as this? I could imagine a few things:
The library is a git submodule of the UI project and the cmake of the UI uses add_subdirectory()
The UI build expects the user to have built and installed (to the system) the static library & headers
The UI build has a hard coded path (or ENV var) to the cmake of the library (or something like LibraryConfig.cmake, but I'm not familiar enough with this yet)
My end goal is that the user should be able to pull, build, and use the library in their own projects, but if in the future they feel necessary, they can grab the visualization tool additionally and use it with the library. Also, people who are not comfortable with using the library themselves might just want to clone the visualization tool repo and build & use it.

Kotlin Native libcurl example on Windows

I'm trying to learn how Kotlin Native works with this tutorial from JetBrains:
But these tutorials are only fro macOS and Linux. Sometimes i use a windows computer and i want to know how it works there.
How can i add the libcurl library in windows and how can i add it to the libcurl.def file?
It isn't explained anywhere.
You need to install MSYS2, then in MSYS2 console install libcurl:
$ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-curl
A more detailed step-by-step explanation on how to use dynamically built libcurl (aka DLL) with Kotlin/Native.
I do not think it is covered somewhere right now. The idea is still the same, and you should be able to make it work. The first step is to download and build libcurl locally from There are instructions and documentation on how to build it. I do recommend to pick the Windows own implementation for SSL.
Once you are done with building you will have both the includes and the library. Note, on Windows, you will always have a static library. Even if you build curl as a dynamic library (DLL), you will have a generated static library that you use for linking. DLL is easier to build and use. A true static library is better because you will have no dependencies in your Kotlin/Native program binary. At that point, the tutorial instructions should work.
For Windows, if you need only basic HTTP communication, you can also try WinINet API which is a part of Windows and so no dependency is necessary. No hassle with the libcurl library.
See my example of how to use WinInet API with Kotlin MPP:
For macOS and Linux, instead of going through the hassle with libcurl manually, just use ktor clients:
I'm studying Kotlin too and it took many hours until I realize how to handle def file, includes and static library.
I made an example of how to use static library (curl with gzip and SSL support compiled with mingw) on kotlin-native. This way you dont need to dll files to be supplied with your app
On libcurl.def file you can see:
headers = curl/curl.h // path to curl header
libraryPaths = src/nativeInterop/cinterop // path to your static library
staticLibraries = libcurl.a // the static library
linkerOpts.mingw = -lws2_32 -lwldap32 // linking dependences
I based on the nice post of jonnyzzz:

Can a library that uses CMake also be built with SCons?

I want to use KDL (Kinematics and Dynamics Library) in robot control box. But robot control box uses SCons as their build system while KDL uses CMake.
It turned out that the control box doesn't have CMake installed. Should I install CMake in the control box? Or write SCons file for compiling KDL?
My question is ambiguous. Sorry for that. And unfortunately, I cannot show the link of Control Box, it's not public. Here is link of KDL installation manual.
Let me make it more clear.
Forget all of previous question above and all about Control box, KDL. Let's say that you want to use one library. But the library can be built using CMake according to installation manual. Your PC doesn't have CMake installed but it has SCons, and unfortunately you should not install CMake on your PC.
If you can only use SCons, what can you do?
I know this situation is not usual, I want to know your opinion.
To answer your initial question: Yes, you should always try to install CMake, if that is a build requirement for you library and if you need to build that library from the sources.
To answer your later question: Replacing or rewriting the build system scripts is a major effort and not advisable. In general there is no script to convert build-systems. Such script might help to make the manual transformation. If you have a look at LLVM's effort to replace Autotools by CMake or Boost replacing it's own build system by CMake, you find out it takes several people several years and still not everybody is satisfied.
Often you don't need to build the library yourself. Either there are already built packages from the project directly of from your distribution (Debian etc. packages) or third party packagers like Mac Ports or NuGet.
In your case KDL provides Debian/Ubuntu packages.
Additional KDL is part of ROS, which is experimental in Homebrew for OS X.

how to compile objective c file in google native client?

I have a npapi plugin(bundle) for chrome, which use C++ and objective-c. now it needs to be build by google native client.
I wonder that can nacl support objective-c? how to compile o-c file by MakeFile
And if possible, how to build nacl plugin in Xcode? I tried, but i found that the libraries of nacl are " archive with no architecture specification".(use lipo -info *.a)
I hope someone to help me, thanks a lot!!!
If you use Objective-C without any of its usual libraries then you should be able to use the PNaCl toolchain (which is based on LLVM) to have it parse Objective-C. I'm not aware of projects that have done this, so you should definitely let folks on the mailing list know if you get something working (do keep the questions on SO, though!).
It sounds like your application won't be running on the open web (where only architecture-independent PNaCl can run, not NaCl), so you could either use the PNaCl toolchain to create a .pexe, or you could use the same toolchain to create a .nexe for each architecture you target. The documentation I linked to helps with both approaches, but note that using the PNaCl toolchain to create a .nexe is currently being improved. You can therefore follow the instructions on the bug tracker, or try out nacl-clang when it's released (or build it yourself if you're brave).

Library search path for libstdc++

I have compiled shared libraries dynamically linked against using GLIBCXX_3.4.11. I want to send my code to someone whose stdc++ library is only of version 3.4.10. Rather than ask him to update his library version (this is a software customer, so I can't assume they'll be willing or able to change system files) I would like to ship the appropriate version of, placed in a lib folder with the directory location of my code. How do I get my own code to use the appropriate (later) version? I find that /etc/ includes the directory /lib64, where an offending older version of resides. Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not override this. This seems to deviate from the advertised behavior. Any idea why this is happening? How do I complete my rather simple task?
I understand that this question is old, but I found it while trying to sort out my own linking trouble which was similar. You will have to build your program against a version of libstdc++ which is compatible with your colleague's version of the library. The easiest solution, of course, is to link against his version of the library so he doesn't need to make special tweaks on his side to link your library.
To do this, you will want to install a version of GCC which can build binary compatible libraries so you can actually link against his version of libstdc++. GLIBCXX_3.4.11 is from gcc-4.4 and later, so you will need gcc-4.3. Build your program using this and you should be in good shape.
You can consult the following page for a list of library ABI compatabilities:
You could also build an rpm/deb which requires the version of libstdc++ you already have and if it's not available, refuse to install. This gives you a bit of an interface which gives him a promise that if his system is setup with the correct dependencies, he can use your library. In that sense, it's like a loose SLA for your library in what you do and don't support.
Hope that helps!