does the order of columns in a SQL select matters? - sql

my question is regarding a left join I've tried to count how many people are tracking a certain project.
(there can be zero followers)
now the only way i can get it to work is by adding
group by idproject
my question is if the is a way to avoid using this and only selecting and implicitly
setting that group option.
select `project_view`.`idproject` AS `idproject`,
count(`track`.`iduser`) AS `c`,`name`
from `project_view` left join `track` using(idproject)
I expected it count null as zero but it doesn't appear at all, if i neglect counting then it shows as null where there are no followers.

If you have a WHERE clause to specify a certain project then you don't need a GROUP BY.
SELECT project_view.idproject, COUNT(track.iduser) AS c, name
FROM project_view
LEFT JOIN track USING (idproject)
WHERE idproject = 4
If you want a count for each project then you do need a GROUP BY.
SELECT project_view.idproject, COUNT(track.iduser) AS c, name
FROM project_view
LEFT JOIN track USING (idproject)
GROUP BY idproject

Yes the order of selecting matters. For performance reasons you (typically) want your most limiting select first to narrow your data set. This makes every subsequent query operate on a smaller dataset.


In PostgreSQL, return rows with unique values of one column based on the minimum value of another

I've got this PostgreSQL join that works pretty well for me:
from people."People" m
LEFT JOIN people.person_to_person_composite_crosstable c on =
As you can see, I'm joining two tables to bring in a combined_id, which I need for later analysis elsewhere.
The Goal
I'd like to write a query that does so by picking the combined_id that's got the lowest value of next to it (along with the other variables too). This ought to result in a new table with unique/distinct values of combined_id.
The Problem
The issue is that the current query returns ~300 records, but I need it to return ~100. Why? Each combined_id has, on average, 3 different's. I don't actually care about the's; I care about getting a unique combined_id. Because of this, I decided that a good "selection criterion" would be to select rows based on the lowest value for rows with the same combined_id.
What I've tried
I've consulted several posts on this and I feel like I'm fairly close. See for instance this one or this one. This other one does exactly what I need (with MAX instead of MIN) but he's asking for it in Unix Bash 😞
Here's an example of something I've tried:
from people."People" m
LEFT JOIN people.person_to_person_composite_crosstable c on =
WHERE IN (select min(
This returns the error ERROR: aggregate functions are not allowed in WHERE.
Any ideas?
Postgres's DISTINCT ON is probably the best approach here:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (c.combined_id),
FROM people."People" m
LEFT JOIN people.person_to_person_composite_crosstable c
ON =
As for performance, the following index on the crosstable might speed up the query:
CREATE INDEX idx ON people.person_to_person_composite_crosstable (id, combined_id);
If used, the above index should let the join happen faster. Note that I cover the combined_id column, which is required by the select.

When to Use * in SQL Query Containing JOINs & Aggregations?

Web_events table contain id,..., channel,account_id
accounts table contain id, ..., sales_rep_id
sales_reps table contains id, name
Given the above tables, write an SQL query to determine the number of times a particular channel was used in the web_events table for each name in sales_reps. Your final table should have three columns - the name of the sales_reps, the channel, and the number of occurrences. Order your table with the highest number of occurrences first.
SELECT,, COUNT(*) num_events
FROM accounts a
JOIN web_events w
ON = w.account_id
JOIN sales_reps s
ON = a.sales_rep_id
ORDER BY num_events DESC;
The COUNT(*) is confusing to me. I don't get how SQL figure out thatCOUNT(*) is COUNT( Can anyone clarify?
I don't get how SQL figure out that COUNT(*) is COUNT(
COUNT() is an aggregation function that counts the number of rows that match a condition. In fact, COUNT(<expression>) in general (or COUNT(column) in particular) counts the the number of rows where the expression (or column) is not NULL.
In general, the following do exactly the same thing:
COUNT(<primary key used on inner join>)
In general, I prefer COUNT(*) because that is the SQL standard for this. I can accept COUNT(1) as a recognition that COUNT(*) is just feature bloat. However, I see no reason to use the third version, because it just requires excess typing.
More than that, I find that new users often get confused between these two constructs:
People learning SQL often think the first really does the second. For this reason, I recommend sticking with the simpler ways of counting rows. Then use COUNT(DISTINCT) when you really want to incur the overhead to count unique values (COUNT(DISTINCT) is more expensive than COUNT()).

Select Statement with Distinct returning multiple rows and need only first result

I having a challenge with my query returning multiple results.
SELECT DISTINCT, gpph.cname, gc2a.assetfilename, gpph.alternateURL
FROM [StepMirror].[dbo].[stepview_nwppck_ngn_getpimproducthierarchy] gpph
INNER JOIN [StepMirror].[dbo].[stepview_nwppck_ngn_getclassification2assetrefs] gc2a
WHERE gpph.subtype='Level_4' AND gpph.parentId=#ID AND gc2a.assettype='Primary Image'
A record, 5679599, has 2 'Primary Images' and is returning 2 results for that id but I only need the first result back. Is there any way to do this IN the current query? Do I need to write multiple queries?
I need some direction on how to constrain the results to only 1 result on Primary Image. I have looked at a ton of similar questions but most typically are just requiring the guidance of adding 'distinct' to the beginning of their query rather than on the where clause.
Edit: This problem is created by a user inputting 2 Primary Images on one record in the database. My business requirements only state to take the first result.
Any help would be awesome!
Given the choice is arbitary which to return, we can just use an aggregate on the value. This then needs a group by clause, which eliminates the need for the distinct.
SELECT, gpph.cname, max(gc2a.assetfilename), gpph.alternateURL
FROM [StepMirror].[dbo].[stepview_nwppck_ngn_getpimproducthierarchy] gpph
INNER JOIN [StepMirror].[dbo].[stepview_nwppck_ngn_getclassification2assetrefs] gc2a
WHERE gpph.subtype='Level_4' AND gpph.parentId=#ID AND gc2a.assettype='Primary Image'
GROUP BY, gpph.cname, gpph.alternateURL
In this instance, using max(gc2a.assetfilename) is going to give you the alphabetically highest value in the event of there being more than one record. It's not the ideal choice, some kind of timestamp knowing the order of the records might be more helpful, since then the meaning of the word 'first' could make more sense.
Replace distinct to group by :
SELECT MAX(, gpph.cname, gc2a.assetfilename, gpph.alternateURL
FROM [StepMirror].[dbo].[stepview_nwppck_ngn_getpimproducthierarchy] gpph
INNER JOIN [StepMirror].[dbo].[stepview_nwppck_ngn_getclassification2assetrefs] gc2a
WHERE gpph.subtype='Level_4' AND gpph.parentId=#ID AND gc2a.assettype='Primary Image'
GROUP BY gpph.cname, gc2a.assetfilename, gpph.alternateURL

Does Count (*) skew desired results when performing additional join?

My query works fine; however, I need to join another dataset to my query, and I expect that the count(f.*) will break.
Here's the query I start with:
MIN(received_date) AS FirstVisit
, patient_id AS PatientID
INTO #LookupTable
, COUNT(f.*) AS CountNewPatients
, MONTH(firstvisit) AS Month
, YEAR(firstvisit) AS Year
INNER JOIN #LookupTable l ON f.received_date = l.FirstVisit
AND f.patient_id = l.PatientID
, MONTH(firstvisit)
, YEAR(firstvisit)
DROP TABLE #LookupTable
I would like to Join the above query on another table.
The question is *will my count(f.*) stay the same or will it change because I've added a new dataset?*
**How do I make sure that the count(f.*) will remain the same?
Thank you so much for your guidance.
will my count(f.*) stay the same or will it change because I've added a new dataset?*
COUNT(*) counts rows. If you join another table and the number of rows increases, the result of COUNT(*) will increase.
How do I make sure that the count(f.*) will remain the same?
If there's exactly a 1 row per patient_id in the new table (and you're doing an INNER JOIN) then the count won't change. Otherwise, it will.
You could use an OUTER APPLY (SELECT TOP 1 ....) instead of a JOIN to guarantee that the count won't change.
By the way, it looks like you're missing a GROUP BY patient_id in your first SELECT.
Joins do not "skew" the COUNT(*). The count does exactly what it is advertised to do. The problem is that you may be multiplying the number of rows, without really realizing it.
One way to solve the problem is to do the aggregations at the appropriate level. Sometimes, you have to do it this way -- for instance, when SUMs and AVGs are involved.
For the count, though, you can replace it with:
count(distinct AccessionDailyID)
Even if the rows gets multiplied, then this will work to get your count. By the way, this assumes thatyour table has a unique id for each row.
By the way, you may want to be sure thatyou use LEFT OUTER JOIN rather than INNER JOIN to be sure that you don't lose any rows in the joining process.

SQL GROUP BY/COUNT even if no results

I am attempting to get the information from one table (games) and count the entries in another table (tickets) that correspond to each entry in the first. I want each entry in the first table to be returned even if there aren't any entries in the second. My query is as follows:
SELECT g.*, count(*)
FROM games g, tickets t
WHERE (t.game_number = g.game_number
OR NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tickets t2 WHERE t2.game_number=g.game_number))
GROUP BY t.game_number;
What am I doing wrong?
You need to do a left-join:
SELECT g.Game_Number, g.PutColumnsHere, count(t.Game_Number)
FROM games g
LEFT JOIN tickets t ON g.Game_Number = t.Game_Number
GROUP BY g.Game_Number, g.PutColumnsHere
Alternatively, I think this is a little clearer with a correlated subquery:
SELECT g.Game_Number, G.PutColumnsHere,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tickets T WHERE t.Game_Number = g.Game_Number) Tickets_Count
FROM Games g
Just make sure you check the query plan to confirm that the optimizer interprets this well.
You need to learn more about how to use joins in SQL:
SELECT g.*, count(*)
FROM games g
USING (game_number)
GROUP BY g.game_number;
Note that unlike some database brands, MySQL permits you to list many columns in the select-list even if you only GROUP BY their primary key. As long as the columns in your select-list are functionally dependent on the GROUP BY column, the result is unambiguous.
Other brands of database (Microsoft, Firebird, etc.) give you an error if you list any columns in the select-list without including them in GROUP BY or in an aggregate function.
"FROM games g, tickets t" is the problem line. This performs an inner join. Any where clause can't add on to this. I think you want a LEFT OUTER JOIN.