Bending the rules of UNIQUE column SQLITE - sql

I am working with an extensive amount of third party data. Each data set has items with unique identifiers. So it is very easy for me to utilise UNIQUE column in SQLITE to enforce some data integrity.
Out of thousands of records I have id from third party source A matching 2 unique ids from third party source B.
Is there a way of bending the rules, and allowing a duplicate entry in a unique column? If not how should I reorganise my data to take care of this single edge case.
CREATE TABLE "trainer" (
Problem data:
Miss Beverley J Thomas
Miss B J Thomas
vs. Miss Beverley J. Thomas
Both Racingpost entires (my primary data source) match a single Betfair entry. This is the only one (so far) out of thousands of records.

If racingpost should have had only 1 match it is an error condition.
If racingpost is allowed to have 2 matches per id, you must either have two ids, select one, or combine the data.
Since racingpost is your primary source, having 2 ids may make sense. However if you want to improve upon that data set combining that data or selecting the most useful may be more accurate. The real question is how much data overlaps between these two records and when it does can you detect it reliably. If the overlap is small or you have good detection of an overlap condition, then combining makes more sense. If the overlap is large and you cannot detect it reliably, then selecting the most recent updated or having two ids is more useful.


Composite primary key: Finding one attribute using another

Data fields
I am designing a database table structure. Say that we need to record employee profiles from different companies. We have the following fields:
| Company | EmployeeName | Age | Gender | Tel |
It's possible that two employees from different company may have the same name (and assume that no 2 employee has the same name in the same company). In this case a composite primary key (Company, EmployeeName) would be necessary in my opinion.
Now I need to get all information by using only one of the 2 attributes in the primary key. For example,
I want to search all employees' profile of Company A:
SELECT EmployeeName, Age, Gender, Tel FROM table WHERE Company = 'Company A'
And I can also search all employees from different company named Donald:
SELECT Company, Age, Gender, Tel FROM table WHERE EmployeeName = 'Donald'
In order to implement this requirement, my strategy would be storing all data in a single table, which is easy to read and understandable. However I noticed that it may take a long time to search as the query may need to iterate through all rows. I would like to retrieve these information as quick as possible. Would there be a better strategy for this?
First, your rows should have a unique identifier for each row -- identity/auto-increment/serial, depending on the database. Second, you might reconsider names being unique. Why can't two people at the same company have the same name?
In any case, you have a primary key on, say, (company, name). For the opposite search you simply want another index on (name, company):
create index idx_profiles_name_company on profiles(name, company);
A note explaining Gordon's suggestion for an identity on each row. This is supplemental to his answer above.
In theory there is nothing wrong with a primary key that crosses columns and in a db like PostgreSQL I like to have identity values as secondary keys (i.e. not null unique) and specify natural primary keys. Of course on MS SQL Server or MySQL/InnoDB that would be a recipe for problems. I would also not say "all" but rather "almost all" since there are times when breaking this rule is good.
Regardless, having an identity row simplifies a couple of things and it provides an abstraction around keys in case you get things wrong. Composite keys provide a couple issues that end up eating time (and possibly resulting in downtime) later. These include:
Joins on composite keys are often more expensive than those on simple values, and
Adding or changing a natural primary key which crosses columns is far harder when joins are involved
So depending on your db you should either specify a unique secondary key or make your natural primary key separate (which you should do depends on storage and implementation specifics).

Why is this table not normalized?

I am taking a database course and I am studying table normalization.
Could anyone explain to me, why the second table in the first row on the right not normalized?
It is not normalized because
For a student who has signed for more than one course, the entries in the table will be:
23 Jake Smith CS101 B+
23 Jake Smith B102 C+
Clearly the data is being repeated(redundant data). It is leading to anomalies(insert, update, delete anomalies).
Ex:When you have to change the name of a Student say Jake Smith, you have to modify all of the rows,this is called an update anomalie.
Normalization is used to avoid these kind of anomalies and redundant data storage.
The table on the right hand side in the second row handles this situation in a better way, as it stores id, name and DOB in a separate table, the edits can be made easily using id attribute on a single row.
There are several normal forms like 1NF, 2NF, 3NF etc. Each normal form has some constraints associated with it. Each Higher form being stricter than the previous one.
I suppose it is table for students grades. It is not normalized because it contains students names directly, instead of references to students records.
It's better not to include student_name into this table, but store all students data in separate students table and reference it by student_id foreign key (something like first table in second row except the ids.).
It's not normalised because neither id nor student_name is the key (both have duplicates) so the key must be one of those (probably id) together with the course code. The other one (name) then doesn't depend on that key, but just on id.
The simple rule for 3NF is that every non-key column must depend on "the key, the whole key, and nothing but the key" - to which we all solemnly intone "so help me Codd"!
The higher normal forms deal with dependencies inside the parts of a key.
Because in your first right table you have twice values
23 - j.smith
that is repeated and do not adhere to Codd 1 normal form

Uniqueness in many-to-many

I couldn't figure out what terms to google, so help tagging this question or just pointing me in the way of a related question would be helpful.
I believe that I have a typical many-to-many relationship:
id integer PRIMARY KEY);
CREATE TABLE elements (
id integer PRIMARY KEY);
CREATE TABLE groups_elements (
groups_id integer REFERENCES groups,
elements_id integer REFERENCES elements,
PRIMARY KEY (groups_id, elements_id));
I want to have a constraint that there can only be one groups_id for a given set of elements_ids.
For example, the following is valid:
groups_id | elements_id
1 | 1
1 | 2
2 | 2
2 | 3
The following is not valid, because then groups 1 and 2 would be equivalent.
groups_id | elements_id
1 | 1
1 | 2
2 | 2
2 | 1
Not every subset of elements must have a group (this is not the power set), but new subsets may be formed. I suspect that my design is incorrect since I'm really talking about adding a group as a single entity.
How can I create identifiers for subsets of elements without risk of duplicating subsets?
That is an interesting problem.
One solution, albeit a klunky one, would be to store a concatenation of groups_id and elements_id in the groups table: 1-1-2 and make it a unique index.
Trying to do a search for duplicate groups before inserting a new row, would be an enormous performance hit.
The following query would spit out offending group ids:
with group_elements_arr as (
select groups_id, array_agg(elements_id order by elements_id) elements
from group_elements
group by groups_id )
select elements, count(*), array_agg(groups_id) offending_groups
from group_elements_arr
group by elements
having count(*) > 1;
Depending on the size of group_elements and its change rate you might get away with stuffing something along this lines into a trigger watching group_elements. If that's not fast enough you can materialize group_elements_arr into a real table managed by triggers.
And I think, the trigger should be FOR EACH STATEMENT and INITIALLY DEFERRED for easy building up a new group.
This link from user ypercube was most helpful: unique constraint on a set. In short, a bit of what everyone is saying is correct.
It's a question of tradeoffs, but here are the best options:
a) Add a hash or some other combination of element values to the groups table and make it unique, then populate the groups_elements table off of it using triggers. Pros of this method are that it preserves querying ability and enforces the constraint so long as you deny naked updates to groups_elements. Cons are that it adds complexity and you've now introduced logic like "how do you uniquely represent a set of elements" into your database.
b) Leave the tables as-is and control the access to groups_elements with your access layer, be it a stored procedure or otherwise. This has the advantage of preserving querying ability and keeps the database itself simple. However, it means that you are moving an analytic constraint into your access layer, which necessarily means that your access layer will need to be more complex. Another point is that it separates what the data should be from the data itself, which has both pros and cons. If you need faster access to whether or not a set already exists, you can attack that problem separately.

trying to determine unique identifier for database table

I have a database table with many columns and there is no specified primary key. There isn't a list of super keys either. Besides iteratively trying all candidate keys/columns, is there a way for me, using SQL, to try and figure our whether a subset of keys can make a unique identifier for my table?
For example, a table may have 4 columns first name, last name, address and zip and the data I see is:
John, Smith, 1 main st, 00001
Mary, Smith, 1 main st, 00001
Mary, Smith, 2 sub st, 00002
In this case, I'll need first, last and zip as my unique key.
John, Smith, 1 main st, 00001
John, Smith, 1 main st, 00001
In this case, there is no unique key.
Please don't comment on my table construction and/or normalization of databases, I'm just trying to find a practical answer. Thanks.
This is my question: Besides iteratively trying all candidate keys/columns, is there a way for me, using SQL, to try and figure our whether a subset of keys can make a unique identifier for my table?
Looking for a subset of unique values in this case seems so specific to the particular data set. What if you arrive at a subset today and find you can't insert a new row tomorrow?
Use an artificial key, like an auto-incrementing integer.
In short: no, there's no way to do this in T-SQL really.
My advice: just add a ID INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY column to the table. It's guaranteed to be unique, it will be filled automagically when you create it, it's fast and easy, no messy "is this really unique or are there any combinations of rows that violate the uniqueness" questions......
Just do it - it's the easiest way to go!!
You cannot find if a combination "can" make a primary key. You can find if one WILL make a good primary key for an existing set of data.
To find if a set of fields is candidate or not, you can count the distinct of those fields (using group-by with rollup) and compare that with count (*)
There is a much faster method.
Enterprise dbms have had it for many years but MS SQL Server 2005 (useable in 2008) and later provided the HashBytes() function. Convert the columns to CHAR() (VARCHAR on MS), concatenate them; then hash them; then compare the hashes. You can compare the two tables in a single SELECT command. IIRC max 8000 characters per row.
(If you use this answer, please undo and redo your Answer choice.)
if you are comparing two databases, then you can see if any duplicate rows exist in the source db with structures like this:
select a,b,c,d
from mytable
having count(*) > 1
group by a,b,c,d
include all columns.
then use all columns as the 'row key' to see if it exists in the target system
there are update anomalies in this schema:
you cannot a person without knowing his address
better approach is to separate to three tables, one for persons and one for PersonAddress
> perons: id,firstname, lastname
> address: id,address:
> personaddress: personid, addressid
You cannot find if a combination "can" make a primary key.
I actually disagree with this, I think it is possible to write a query that will SELECT all possible permutations of columns from the table and combine each permutation into a single unique value (the simplest, crudest way is to CAST them all to VARCHAR and connect them with a spacer character - a better way would be some kind of hash function).
With a single pass you would then have set of columns like P1, P12, P123, P2, P23, P3 etc (in case of three columns). Then you can do a query with COUNT(*) vs COUNT(DISTINCT) for each permutation column and you will see which permutations are unique.
Using dynamic SQL you could probably make it so that it would work on any table, although I don't know about the column limit for SQL Server.

Generate unique ID to share with multiple tables SQL 2008

I have a couple of tables in a SQL 2008 server that I need to generate unique ID's for. I have looked at the "identity" column but the ID's really need to be unique and shared between all the tables.
So if I have say (5) five tables of the flavour "asset infrastructure" and I want to run with a unique ID between them as a combined group, I need some sort of generator that looks at all (5) five tables and issues the next ID which is not duplicated in any of those (5) five tales.
I know this could be done with some sort of stored procedure but I'm not sure how to go about it. Any ideas?
The simplest solution is to set your identity seeds and increment on each table so they never overlap.
Table 1: Seed 1, Increment 5
Table 2: Seed 2, Increment 5
Table 3: Seed 3, Increment 5
Table 4: Seed 4, Increment 5
Table 5: Seed 5, Increment 5
The identity column mod 5 will tell you which table the record is in. You will use up your identity space five times faster so make sure the datatype is big enough.
Why not use a GUID?
You could let them each have an identity that seeds from numbers far enough apart never to collide.
GUIDs would work but they're butt-ugly, and non-sequential if that's significant.
Another common technique is to have a single-column table with an identity that dispenses the next value each time you insert a record. If you need them pulling from a common sequence, it's not unlikely to be useful to have a second column indicating which table it was dispensed to.
You realize there are logical design issues with this, right?
Reading into the design a bit, it sounds like what you really need is a single table called "Asset" with an identity column, and then either:
a) 5 additional tables for the subtypes of assets, each with a foreign key to the primary key on Asset; or
b) 5 views on Asset that each select a subset of the rows and then appear (to users) like the 5 original tables you have now.
If the columns on the tables are all the same, (b) is the better choice; if they're all different, (a) is the better choice. This is a classic DB spin on the supertype / subtype relationship.
Alternately, you could do what you're talking about and recreate the IDENTITY functionality yourself with a stored proc that wraps INSERT access on all 5 tables. Note that you'll have to put a TRANSACTION around it if you want guarantees of uniqueness, and if this is a popular table, that might make it a performance bottleneck. If that's not a concern, a proc like that might take the form:
CREATE PROCEDURE InsertAsset_Table1 (
COMMIT TRANSACTION -- or roll back on error, etc.
Again, SQL is highly optimized for helping you out if you choose the patterns I mention above, and NOT optimized for this kind of thing (there's overhead with creating the transaction AND you'll be issuing shared locks on all 5 tables while this process is going on). Compare that with using the PK / FK method above, where SQL Server knows exactly how to do it without locks, or the view method, where you're only inserting into 1 table.
I found this when searching on google. I am facing a simillar problem for the first time. I had the idea to have a dedicated ID table specifically to generate the IDs but I was unsure if it was something that was considered OK design. So I just wanted to say THANKS for confirmation.. it looks like it is an adequate sollution although not ideal.
I have a very simple solution. It should be good for cases when the number of tables is small:
create table T1(ID int primary key identity(1,2), rownum varchar(64))
create table T2(ID int primary key identity(2,2), rownum varchar(64))
insert into T1(rownum) values('row 1')
insert into T1(rownum) values('row 2')
insert into T1(rownum) values('row 3')
insert into T2(rownum) values('row 1')
insert into T2(rownum) values('row 2')
insert into T2(rownum) values('row 3')
select * from T1
select * from T2
drop table T1
drop table T2
This is a common problem for example when using a table of people (called PERSON singular please) and each person is categorized, for example Doctors, Patients, Employees, Nurse etc.
It makes a lot of sense to create a table for each of these people that contains thier specific category information like an employees start date and salary and a Nurses qualifications and number.
A Patient for example, may have many nurses and doctors that work on him so a many to many table that links Patient to other people in the PERSON table facilitates this nicely. In this table there should be some description of the realtionship between these people which leads us back to the categories for people.
Since a Doctor and a Patient could create the same Primary Key ID in their own tables, it becomes very useful to have a Globally unique ID or Object ID.
A good way to do this as suggested, is to have a table designated to Auto Increment the primary key. Perform an Insert on that Table first to obtain the OID, then use it for the new PERSON.
I like to go a step further. When things get ugly (some new developer gets got his hands on the database, or even worse, a really old developer, then its very useful to add more meaning to the OID.
Usually this is done programatically, not with the database engine, but if you use a BIG INT for all the Primary Key ID's then you have lots of room to prefix a number with visually identifiable sequence. For example all Doctors ID's could begin with 100, all patients with 110, all Nurses with 120.
To that I would append say a Julian date or a Unix date+time, and finally append the Auto Increment ID.
This would result in numbers like:
since the Julian date 100yrs from now is only 2492087, you can see that 7 digits will adequately store this value.
A BIGINT is 64-bit (8 byte) signed integer with a range of -9.22x10^18 to 9.22x10^18 ( -2^63 to 2^63 -1). Notice the exponant is 18. That's 18 digits you have to work with.
Using this design, you are limited to 100 million OID's, 999 categories of people and dates up to... well past the shelf life of your databse, but I suspect thats good enough for most solutions.
The operations required to created an OID like this are all Multiplication and Division which avoids all the gear grinding of text manipulation.
The disadvantage is that INSERTs require more than a simple TSQL statement, but the advantage is that when you are tracking down errant data or even being clever in your queries, your OID is visually telling you alot more than a random number or worse, an eyesore like GUID.