selecting unique row from a table- ORACLE - sql

I have a table employee that has employee’s benefit data.
I have a field in the table called isenrolled if field is 1 that means employee has enrolled for benefit and if field is 0 that means not enrolled.
My problem is i have multiple recs of a employee, that means Scott has two entries with isenrolled =1 and isenrolled =0.
I want to select only one rec of SCOTT where his isenrolled =1 and reject the one where isenrolled =0, that way i will get only unique recs for employees who has enrolled and who has not enrolled. How do i select those employees? I tried the qry below and it doesn't work
select * FROM employee e
WHERE e.empid not IN( SELECT empid FROM employee e2
WHERE e2.isenrolled =1)

First I set up some test data using:
create table t4
as select * from scott.emp
alter table t4 add (isenrolled number(10))
update t4
set isenrolled = 0
insert into t4
(select emp.*, 1
from scott.emp)
At this point the t4 table has now two records for each employee (one where isenrolled = 0 and one where isenrolled = 1)
so I change ALLEN's data so he has "opted" out
delete from t4
where ename = 'ALLEN'
and isenrolled = 1
This query then shows the data for ALLEN (1 record) and SMITH (2 records)
select *
from t4
where ename IN ('ALLEN', 'SMITH')
order by ename
Then to show just one record per employee (restricted to ALLEN and SMITH in this case) you could use:
select t.*
from t4 t
where isenrolled = (select MAX(isenrolled)
from t4
where t4.empno = t.empno)
and ename IN ('ALLEN', 'SMITH')
Hope this helps

select unique(e.empid) from employee e where e2.isenrolled =1
this will give you unique list of employees who are enrolled. Is that what you want to get?


Query For getting the Salary of employee

Insert into Employee values (1,'Abdul Rehman','Street No 12','Kamra Kalan')
Insert into Employee values (2,'Iram Bhatti','Street No 10','Attock')
Insert into Employee values (3,'Danial Aziz','Street No 12','Kamra Kalan')
Insert into Employee values (4,'Kashif Butt','Street No 10','Attock')
Insert into Employee values (5,'Zohaib Butt','Street No 13','Peshawar')
insert into Company values (1,'First Bank Co-Operation','Hydrabaad');
insert into Company values (2,'Small Bank Co-Operation','Kashmir');
Insert into Works values (1,2,5000)
Insert into Works values (2,1,40000)
Insert into Works values (1,3,56000)
Insert into Works values (1,4,8000)
Insert into Works values (2,2,78000)
Write a query for getting the name of employees who earn more than every employee of Small Bank Co operation.
My query Solution:
Select Employee.person_name from Works
inner join Employee on Employee.person_Id
=Works.Person_Id inner join Company on
and Salary>(Select Salary from works
Where Company.Company_name='Small Bank Co-Operation')
But This query not works for me how can I get this one?
I think the simplest solution is just to join all of the tables and then find the employee who has a salary equal to the max salary from the works table.
SELECT e.person_name
FROM employee e inner join works w
on e.person_Id = w.Person_Id
inner join company c
on w.Company_Id = c.Company_Id
WHERE c.Company_name = 'Small Bank Co-Operation'
and w.Salary = (SELECT max(works.Salary)
FROM works)
How much does an employee earn?
select person_id, sum(salary)
from works
group by person_id;
We can even extend this to see whether this is Small Bank employee:
max(case when Company_Id =
(select Company_Id from company where company_name = 'Small Bank Co-Operation')
then 1 else 0 end
) as is_small_banker
from works
group by person_id;
Now, use this to compare:
with salaries as
sum(salary) as total,
max(case when Company_Id =
(select Company_Id from company where company_name = 'Small Bank Co-Operation')
then 1 else 0 end
) as is_small_banker
from works
group by person_id
select e.person_name
from employee e
join salaries s on s.person_id = e.person_id
where total > all
select total
from salaries
where is_small_banker = 1
order by e.person_name;
This is just one way to do this. You can do the same with NOT EXISTS for example (i.e. where not exists a Small Bank worker with the same or a higher salary).
You have meanwhile tagged your request with SQL Server and told me that you are getting this error:
Msg 130, Level 15, State 1, Line 126 Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery
Obviously, SQL Server has problems with the conditional aggregation. You can circumvent this by joining the compabny table instead:
with salaries as
sum(w.salary) as total,
max(case when c.company_name = 'Small Bank Co-Operation' then 1 else 0 end
) as is_small_banker
from works w
join company c on c.company_Id = w.company_Id
group by w.person_id
Update 2
If the works table could only have one work (company and salary) per employee, the whole query would reduce to:
select e.person_name
from employee e
join works w on w.person_id = e.person_id
where salary > all
select salary
from works
where id_company =
(select company_Id from company where company_name = 'Small Bank Co-Operation')
order by e.person_name;

finding a value in multi-values column

I have 2 tables as following:
Tam trying to get the department name of each employee (DepName column in table Emp table) from Dep table:
I have written this query:
update Emp
set DepName= (
select DepName
from Dep
where array_to_string(EmpID, ',') like EmpID
It did not update the table Emp with the requested information, although I haven't got any error. Any help?
You can do:
update emp
set dept = d.depname
from dep
where emp.empid = any (dep.empid);
Having pointed that out, you should not do this. Instead, I would suggest that you have a proper link to the department table and use join to bring in the department name.
you have to convert id int to character varying array data type and then use contains operator with table dept and update as usual
UPDATE emp t1
SET dept = dname
from dept t2
where t2.eid #> concat(concat('{',(,'}') ::varchar[]

To find subset of data in Oracle

I have some records in emp1 :
SELECT distinct
substrb(emp.employee_NAME,1,50) employee_NAME
FROM employee emp , employee_sites sites , (SELECT DISTINCT employee_id ,
FROM abc
) abc
where emp.employee_id = sites.employee_id
and abc.employee_id=emp.employee_id
and abc.emp_site_number = sites.emp_site_number ;
and some records in emp:
SELECT distinct emp.employee_NAME employee_NAME
FROM employee emp
(SELECT 1 FROM employee_ACCOUNTS acc WHERE acc.employee_id = emp.employee_id
rowcount of emp : 205001
rowcount of emp1 : 18003
I want to find out if emp has all the records of emp1 ,in other words if emp is superset of emp1. I tried this :
select count(*) from (SELECT distinct emp.employee_NAME employee_NAME
FROM employee emp
(SELECT 1 FROM employee_ACCOUNTS acc WHERE acc.employee_id = emp.employee_id
) ) emp ,
(SELECT distinct
substrb(emp.employee_NAME,1,50) employee_NAME
FROM employee emp , employee_sites sites , (SELECT DISTINCT employee_id ,
FROM abc
) abc
where emp.employee_id = sites.employee_id
and abc.employee_id=emp.employee_id
and abc.emp_site_number = sites.emp_site_number) emp1
where emp.employee_NAME = emp1.employee_NAME ;
Rowcount for the above query : 12360.
So I have concluded that emp is not a superset of emp1
Someone please let me know what I have done is fine or it needs some modification.
Also please share if you know some better way of doing it .
You could avoid the correlated subqueries and just do a simple set MINUS operation:
select employee_name -- or whatever makes the employee the same in 2 tables
from emp1 -- the table which may have rows not in the other table
select employee_name
from emp2 -- the table which you think may be missing some rows
You could also use a left join:
select emp2.employee_name from emp2
left join emp1 on emp2.employee_name = emp1.employee_name
where emp1.employee_name is null
The performance will depend on factors like indexes, data volumes. Inspection of the query plans and benchmarking will give you a good idea of which is the better option.

Limit the data set of a single table within a multi-table sql select statement

I'm working in an Oracle environment.
In a 1:M table relationship I want to write a query that will bring me each row from the "1" table and only 1 matching row from the "many" table.
To give a made up example... ( * = Primary Key/Foreign Key )
There are many phone numbers for one employee.
Let's say I wanted to return all employees and only one of their phone numbers. (Please forgive the far-fetched example. I'm trying to simulate a workplace scenario)
I tried to run:
SELECT emp.*, phone.num
ON emp.emp_id = phone.emp_id
WHERE phone.ROWNUM <= 1;
It turns out (and it makes sense to me now) that ROWNUM only exists within the context of the results returned from the entire query. There is not a "ROWNUM" for each table's data set.
I also tried:
SELECT emp.*, phone.num
ON emp.emp_id = phone.emp_id
WHERE phone.num = (SELECT MAX(num)
That one just returned me one row total. I wanted the inner SELECT to run once for each row in EMPLOYEE.
I'm not sure how else to think about this. I basically want my result set to be the number of rows in the EMPLOYEE table and for each row the first matching row in the PHONE_NUMBER table.
Obviously there are all sorts of ways to do this with procedures and scripts and such but I feel like there is a single-query solution in there somewhere...
Any ideas?
I'd use a rank (or dense_rank or row_number depending on how you want to handle ties)
rank() over (partition by emp.emp_id
order by phone.num) rnk
ON emp.emp_id = phone.emp_id)
WHERE rnk = 1
will rank the rows in phone for each emp_id by num and return the top row. If there could be two rows for the same emp_id with the same num, rank would assign both a rnk of 1 so you'd get duplicate rows. You could add additional conditions to the order by to break the tie. Or you could use row_number rather than rank to arbitrarily break the tie.
All above answers will work beautifully with the scenario you described.
But if you have some employees which are missing in phone tables, then you need to do a left outer join like below. (I faced similar scenario where I needed isolated parents also)
emp_id Name
1 AA
2 BB
3 CC
emp_id no
1 7555
1 7777
2 5555
select emp.emp_id, from emp left outer join
select emp_id,no,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY emp_id ORDER BY emp_id) as rnum
FROM phone) ph
on emp.emp_id = ph.emp_id
where ph.rnum = 1 or ph.rnum is null
1 7555
2 5555
3 (null)
If you want only one phone number, then use row_number():
SELECT e.*, p.num
(SELECT p.*,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY emp_id ORDER BY emp_id) as seqnum
) p
ON e.emp_id = p.emp_id and seqnum = 1;
Alternatively, you can use aggregation, to get the minimum or maximum value.
This is my solution. Simple but maybe wont scale well for lot of columns.
Sql Fiddle Demo
select e.emp_id,, e.dep, min(p.phone_num)
EMPLOYEE e inner join
PHONE_NUMBER p on e.emp_id = p.emp_id
group by e.emp_id,, e.dep
order by e.emp_id;
And this fix the query you try
Sql Fiddle 2
SELECT emp.*, phone.num
ON emp.emp_id = phone.emp_id
WHERE phone.num = (SELECT MAX(num)
WHERE p.emp_id = emp.emp_id );

does anyone know how to list the empid and the name of all supervisors if supervisors are in employee table too?

I have a table that contains empid, name, salary, hiredate, position and supervisor (which includes empid, not the name). How do I list the empid and name of all supervisors?
The output has to have to columns supervisor (and a list of their empid) and their names. This is the create statement used to create the Employee table:
/* Create table Employee */
emp_id NCHAR(5),
name NVARCHAR(20),
position NVARCHAR(20),
hire_date DATETIME,
salary MONEY,
bcode NCHAR(3),
supervisor NCHAR(5)
I have tried a variety of statements using having statement and count but they don't seem to work.
select emp_id, name from employee where position='manager';
I tried this but it doesn't work. Anyone smart that knows how to do it?
You will have to join the table back on itself:
select, a.position, a.hiredate, a.salary, a.supervisorid,
isnull(, '') as SupervisorName
from EmployeeTable a
left join EmployeeTable b
on a.SupservisorID=b.ID
The left join will make sure that the employees who do not have supervisors are returned, and isnull(, '<NONE>') can be used if you would like to have something other than NULL as a value in those cases.
SELECT e.empid ,ISNULL(, 'No supervisor') SupervisorName
FROM employee e LEFT JOIN employee b
ON e.supervisorid = b.empid
Inner join will leave out the people who do not have a supervisor , Use left join to get all the employees
If you want supervisors only, you just need to select rows whose emp_id values are found in the supervisor column:
SupervisorID = emp_id,
SupervisorName = name
FROM dbo.Employee
WHERE emp_id IN (SELECT supervisor FROM dbo.Employee)