Is it possible to use WHERE IN along with LIKE? - sql

If I have to search for some data I can use wildcards and use a simple query -
And, if I have to look through many values I can use -
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COL1 IN (Select col from AnotherTable)
But, is it possible to use both together. That is, the query doesn't just perform a WHERE IN but also perform something similar to WHERE LIKE? A query that just doesn't look through a set of values but search using wildcards through a set of values.
If this isn't clear I can give an example. Let me know. Thanks.
Example -
lets consider -
AnotherTable -
id | Col
1 | one
2 | two
3 | three
Table -
Col | Col1
aa | one
bb | two
cc | three
dd | four
ee | one_two
bb | three_two
Now, if I can use
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COL1 IN (Select col from AnotherTable)
This gives me -
Col | Col1
aa | one
bb | two
cc | three
But what if I need -
Col | Col1
aa | one
bb | two
cc | three
ee | one_two
bb | three_two
I guess this should help you understand what I mean by using WHERE IN and LIKE together

INNER JOIN AnotherTable B on
A.COL1 = B.col
WHERE COL1 LIKE '%test_string%'
Based on the example code provided, give this a try. The final select statement presents the data as you have requested.
create table #AnotherTable
ID int IDENTITY(1,1) not null primary key,
Col varchar(100)
INSERT INTO #AnotherTable(col) values('one')
INSERT INTO #AnotherTable(col) values('two')
INSERT INTO #AnotherTable(col) values('three')
create table #Table
Col varchar(100),
Col1 varchar(100)
INSERT INTO #Table(Col,Col1) values('aa','one')
INSERT INTO #Table(Col,Col1) values('bb','two')
INSERT INTO #Table(Col,Col1) values('cc','three')
INSERT INTO #Table(Col,Col1) values('dd','four')
INSERT INTO #Table(Col,Col1) values('ee','one_two')
INSERT INTO #Table(Col,Col1) values('ff','three_two')
SELECT * FROM #AnotherTable
SELECT * FROM #Table WHERE COL1 IN(Select col from #AnotherTable)
SELECT distinct A.*
FROM #Table A
INNER JOIN #AnotherTable B on
A.col1 LIKE '%'+B.Col+'%'
DROP TABLE #AnotherTable

Yes. Use the keyword AND:
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COL1 IN (Select col from AnotherTable) AND COL1 LIKE '%test_string%'
But in this case, you are probably better off using JOIN syntax:
SELECT TABLE.* FROM TABLE JOIN AnotherTable on TABLE.COL1 = AnotherTable.col WHERE TABLE.COL1 LIKE '%test_string'

no because each element in the LIKE clause needs the wildcard and there's not a way to do that with the IN clause

The pattern matching operators are:
IN, against a list of values,
LIKE, against a pattern,
REGEXP/RLIKE against a regular expression (which includes both wildcards and alternatives, and is thus closest to "using wildcards through a set of valuws", e.g. (ab)+a|(ba)+b will match all strings or bab...ab),
FIND_IN_SET to get the index of a string in a set (which is represented as a comma separated string),
SOUNDS LIKE to compare strings based on how they're pronounced and
MATCH ... AGAINST for full-text matching.
That's about it for string matching, though there are other string functions.
For the example, you could try joining on Table.Col1 LIKE CONCAT(AnotherTable.Col, '%'), though performance will probably be dreadful (assuming it works).

Try a cross join, so that you can compare every row in AnotherTable to every row in Table:
FROM AnotherTable at
WHERE t.col1 LIKE ('%' + at.col + '%')
To make it safe, you'll need to escape wildcards in at.col. Try this answer for that.

If I understand the question correctly you want the rows from "Table" when "Table.Col1" is IN "AnotherTable.Col" and you also want the rows when Col1 IS LIKE '%some_string%'.
If so you want something like:
[Table] t
[AnotherTable] at ON t.Col1 = at.Col
OR t.Col1 LIKE '%some_string%')

Something like this?
COL1 IN (Select col from AnotherTable)
AND COL1 LIKE '%test_string%'

Are you thinking about something like EXISTS?
SELECT * FROM TABLE t WHERE EXISTS (Select col from AnotherTable t2 where t2.col = t.col like '%test_string%' )


How to display multiple values in on column using postgres

Given the following table structure:
first | pkey <- column names
val1 | 1
second | fkey <- column names
val2 | 1
val3 | 1
val4 | 1
I would like some output like the following:
first | second <- column names
val1 | val2, val3, val4
I have tried:
select table1.first, (select table2.second where table1.pkey=table2.fkey)
from table1 join on table2 where table1.pkey=table2.fkey;
Something about that looks wrong, so I get the following:
more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
I also tried
select table1.first, (select table2.second where table1.pkey=table2.fkey)
from table1, table2;
Try the following using string_agg. Here is the DEMO
string_agg(second, ',') as second
from table1 t1
join table2 t2
on t1.pkey = t2.fkey
group by
| first second |
| val1 val2,val3,val4 |
I would recommend aggregating the second column as an array rather than a string:
select t1.first, array_agg(t2.second)
from table1 t1 join
table2 t2
on t1.pkey = t2.fkey
group by first
You are almost there. Depending on the result you want to get there are three options:
(select string_agg(table2.second, ', ') from table2 where table1.pkey=table2.fkey)
from table1;
to get a plain text value, or
(select array_agg(table2.second) from table2 where table1.pkey=table2.fkey),
array(select table2.second from table2 where table1.pkey=table2.fkey)
from table1;
to get an array of values (in two syntactic ways), or
(select json_agg(table2.second) from table2 where table1.pkey=table2.fkey)
from table1;
to get JSON array.
Note that I moved table2 completely to the subquery.
When I posted this question, I remember I had inadvertently done what was asked a while ago. But I could not remember how. Turns out this might be an easier way to do this.
select table1.first, table2 as second
from table1 join table2 on table1.pkey=table2.fkey;
Seems as though selecting the table in a join, puts the whole row of table returned in one column named the table name. Then you can use as to name the column the name you want.

sql distinct duplicates cross values

I am trying to tidy up a database removing duplicates.
Let's say I have a database that looks like this one
Date | Value1 | Value2
01/01/2018 A B
01/01/2018 B A
02/01/2018 A B
In this case, according to my needs, the first two rows are identical, so I would like to drop one (let's say the second one). If I use SELECT DISTINCT it won't drop it because they are, in fact, different.
Is there an easy procedure to do so?
Thank you
You could use the exists operator to find (and delete!) them:
DELETE FROM mytable a
FROM mytable b
WHERE a.value1 = b.value2 AND
a.value2 = b.value1 AND
a.value1 < b.value1)
Here's one possibility:
create table t(date,value1,value2);
insert into t values
select distinct date,min(value1,value2) value1,max(value1,value2) value2 from t;

SQL group data (find data family)

Please help me, I need to find out a SQL solution for grouping data using SQL Server database.
I'm pretty sure that it could be done in one SQL request but I can't see the trick.
Let' see the problem :
I have a two columns table (please see below an example). I just want to add a new column containing a number or a string which indicates the group
Col1 | Col2
A | B
B | C
D | E
F | G
G | H
I | I
J | U
Col1 | Col2 | Group
A | B | 1
B | C | 1
D | E | 2
F | G | 3
G | H | 3
I | I | 4
J | U | 5
In other words: A, B, C are in the same group; D and E too; F, G, H in group 3 ....
Do you have any lookup table to get this group mapping?
Or if you just have a logic defined to decide a group, i would recommend to add a UDF which will return group for supplied values.
SELECT Col1,Col2,GetGroupID(Col1,Col2) AS Group
FROM Table
Your UDF will be something like following
-- Add the parameters for the function here
#Col1 varchar(10),
#Col2 varchar(10)
DECLARE #groupID int
IF (#Col1="A" AND #Co2 = "B") OR (#Col1="B" AND #Co2 = "C")
SET #groupID = 1
IF #Col1="D" AND #Co2 = "E"
SET #groupID = 2
-- You can write saveral conditions in the same manner.
return #groupID
However, in case you have this mapping defined somewhere in another table, let us know the structure of the table and we can then update the query to join with that table instead of using UDF.
Considering the performance of the query, if the amount of data is huge in your table , it is recommended to have these mappings to one fix table and Join that table in query. Using UDF may harm performance if data amount is huge.
There is absolutely no need for a UDF here. Regardless of whether you are looking to update the table with a new column or simply pull out the data with the grouping applied, you will be best off using a set based solution, ie: create and join to a table.
I am assuming here that you don't have messy data, such as a row with Col1 = 'A' and Col2 = 'F'.
If you are able to add new tables permanently you can use the following to create your lookup table:
create table Col1Groups(Col1 nvarchar(10), GroupNum int);
insert into Col1Groups(Col1,GroupNum) values ('A',1),('B',1),('C',1),('D',2),('E',2),('F',3),('G',3),('H',3);
and then join to it:
select t.Col1
from Table t
inner join Col1Groups g
on t.Col1 = g.Col1
If you can't, you can just create a derived table via a CTE:
with Col1Groups as
select Col1
from (values('A',1),('B',1),('C',1),('D',2),('E',2),('F',3),('G',3),('H',3)) as x(Col1,GroupNum)
select t.Col1
from Table t
inner join Col1Groups g
on t.Col1 = g.Col1
You get the first rows per group with
select col1, col2 from mytable where col1 not in (select col2 from mytable) or col1 = col2;
We can give these rows numbers with
rank() over (order by col1) as grp
Now we must iterate through the rows to find the ones belonging to those first ones, then those belonging to these, etc. A recursive query.
with cte(col1, col2, grp) as
select col1, col2, rank() over (order by col1) as grp
from mytable where col1 not in (select col2 from mytable) or col1 = col2
union all
select mytable.col1, mytable.col2, cte.grp
from cte
join mytable on mytable.col1 = cte.col2
where mytable.col1 <> mytable.col2
select * from cte
order by grp, col1;
Additional answer for a more flexible approach
Originally you asked for chains A|B -> B|C, F|G -> G|H etc., but in your comment to my other answer you introduced forks like A|B -> B|C, B|D and I've adjusted my answer.
If you want to go one step further and introduce net-like relations such as A|B -> B|C, D|C, we can no longer follow chains forward only (in the example D belongs to the A group, because though A doesn't lead to D directly, it leads to C and D also leads to C. Here is a way to solve this:
Get all letters from the table (no matter whether in col1 or col2). Then for each of them find related letters (again no matter whether in col1 or col2). And for these again find related letters and so on. That will give you complete groups. But duplicates (as D is in the A group, A is in the D group also), which you can get rid of by simply taking the smallest (or greatest) group key per letter. Then join the Groups to the table.
The query:
with cte(col, grp) as
select col, rownum as grp from
(select col1 as col from mytable union select col2 from mytable)
union all
select case when mytable.col1 = cte.col then mytable.col2 else mytable.col1 end, cte.grp
from cte
join mytable on cte.col in (mytable.col1, mytable.col2)
where mytable.col1 <> mytable.col2
cycle col set is_cycle to 'y' default 'n'
select mytable.col1, mytable.col2, x.grp
from mytable
join (select col, min(grp) as grp from cte group by col) x on x.col = mytable.col1
order by grp, col;

How to combine results of two queries into a single dataset

I have two queries :
Queries Simplified excluding Joins
Query 1 : select ProductName,NumberofProducts (in inventory) from Table1.....;
Query 2 : select ProductName, NumberofProductssold from Table2......;
I would like to know how I can get an output as :
ProductName NumberofProducts(in inventory) ProductName NumberofProductsSold
The relationships used for getting the outputs for each query are different.
I need the output this way for my SSRS report .
(I tried the union statement but it doesnt work for the output I want to see. )
Here is an example that does a union between two completely unrelated tables: the Student and the Products table. It generates an output that is 4 columns:
FirstName as Column1,
LastName as Column2,
email as Column3,
null as Column4
ProductName as Column1,
QuantityPerUnit as Column2,
null as Column3,
UnitsInStock as Column4
Obviously you'll tweak this for your own environment...
I think you are after something like this; (Using row_number() with CTE and performing a FULL OUTER JOIN )
Fiddle example
;with t1 as (
select col1,col2, row_number() over (order by col1) rn
from table1
t2 as (
select col3,col4, row_number() over (order by col3) rn
from table2
select col1,col2,col3,col4
from t1 full outer join t2 on t1.rn = t2.rn
Tables and data :
create table table1 (col1 int, col2 int)
create table table2 (col3 int, col4 int)
insert into table1 values
insert into table2 values
Results :
| COL1 | COL2 | COL3 | COL4 |
| 1 | 2 | 10 | 11 |
| 3 | 4 | 30 | 40 |
| (null) | (null) | 50 | 60 |
How about,
null col3,
null col4
from Table1
union all
null col1,
null col2,
col4 col3,
col5 col4
from Table2;
The problem is that unless your tables are related you can't determine how to join them, so you'd have to arbitrarily join them, resulting in a cartesian product:
select Table1.col1, Table1.col2, Table2.col3, Table2.col4
from Table1
cross join Table2
If you had, for example, the following data:
col1 col2
a 1
b 2
col3 col4
y 98
z 99
You would end up with the following:
col1 col2 col3 col4
a 1 y 98
a 1 z 99
b 2 y 98
b 2 z 99
Is this what you're looking for? If not, and you have some means of relating the tables, then you'd need to include that in joining the two tables together, e.g.:
select Table1.col1, Table1.col2, Table2.col3, Table2.col4
from Table1
inner join Table2
on Table1.JoiningField = Table2.JoiningField
That would pull things together for you into however the data is related, giving you your result.
If you mean that both ProductName fields are to have the same value, then:
SELECT a.ProductName,a.NumberofProducts,b.ProductName,b.NumberofProductsSold FROM Table1 a, Table2 b WHERE a.ProductName=b.ProductName;
Or, if you want the ProductName column to be displayed only once,
SELECT a.ProductName,a.NumberofProducts,b.NumberofProductsSold FROM Table1 a, Table2 b WHERE a.ProductName=b.ProductName;
Otherwise,if any row of Table1 can be associated with any row from Table2 (even though I really wonder why anyone'd want to do that), you could give this a look.
Old question, but where others use JOIN to combine unrelated queries to rows in one table, this is my solution to combine unrelated queries to one row, e.g:
(select count(*) c from v$session where program = 'w3wp.exe') w3wp,
(select count(*) c from v$session) total,
from dual;
which gives the following one-row output:
----- ----- -------------------
14 290 2020/02/18 10:45:07
(which tells me that our web server currently uses 14 Oracle sessions out of the total of 290 sessions; I log this output without headers in an sqlplus script that runs every so many minutes)
Load each query into a datatable:
load both datatables into the dataset:
This is what you can do. Assuming that your ProductName column have common values.
FROM Table1
ON Table1.ProductName= Table2.ProductName
Try this:
SELECT ProductName,NumberofProducts ,NumberofProductssold
FROM table1
JOIN table2
ON table1.ProductName = table2.ProductName
Try this:
$analyticsData = $this->user->getMemberInfoCurrentMonth($userId);
$analyticsData1 = $this->user->getMemberInfoLastMonth($userId);
$analyticsData2 = $this->user->getMemberInfAllTime($userId);
foreach ($analyticsData2 as $arr) {
foreach ($analyticsData1 as $arr1) {
if ($arr->fullname == $arr1->fullname) {
$arr->last_send_count = $arr1->last_send_count;
$arr->last_send_count = 0;
foreach ($analyticsData as $arr2) {
if ($arr->fullname == $arr2->fullname) {
$arr->current_send_count = $arr2->current_send_count;
$arr->current_send_count = 0;
echo "<pre>";

Adding Row Numbers To a SELECT Query Result in SQL Server Without use Row_Number() function

i need Add Row Numbers To a SELECT Query without using Row_Number() function.
and without using user defined functions or stored procedures.
Select (obtain the row number) as [Row], field1, field2, fieldn from aTable
i am using SAP B1 DIAPI, to make a query , this system does not allow the use of rownumber() function in the select statement.
I'm not sure if this will work for your particular situation or not, but can you execute this query with a stored procedure? If so, you can:
A) Create a temp table with all your normal result columns, plus a Row column as an auto-incremented identity.
B) Select-Insert your original query, sans the row column (SQL will fill this in automatically for you)
C) Select * on the temp table for your result set.
Not the most elegant solution, but will accomplish the row numbering you are wanting.
This query will give you the row_number,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #table t2 WHERE t2.field <= t1.field) AS row_number,
FROM #table t1
but there are some restrictions when you want to use it. You have to have one column in your table (in the example it is field) which is unique and numeric and you can use it as a reference. For example:
field INT,
otherField VARCHAR(10)
INSERT INTO #table(field,otherField) VALUES (1,'a')
INSERT INTO #table(field,otherField) VALUES (4,'b')
INSERT INTO #table(field,otherField) VALUES (6,'c')
INSERT INTO #table(field,otherField) VALUES (7,'d')
SELECT * FROM #table
field | otherField
1 | a
4 | b
6 | c
7 | d
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #table t2 WHERE t2.field <= t1.field) AS row_number,
FROM #table t1
row_number | field | otherField
1 | 1 | a
2 | 4 | b
3 | 6 | c
4 | 7 | d
This is the solution without functions and stored procedures, but as I said there are the restrictions. But anyway, maybe it is enough for you.
RRUZ, you might be able to hide the use of a function by wrapping your query in a View. It would be transparent to the caller. I don't see any other options, besides the ones already mentioned.