Where can I find a list of all Xulrunner preferences available? - xul

I'm looking for a list of all preferences that I can set on prefs.js, looks like there's no such thing in the mozilla's page.

As far as I know, you can set any preference.
If you are wanting to see a list of all preferences, you can open the Preferences window - just open the chrome in a window : chrome://global/content/config.xul
If you're asking for a single place where every existing preference from a vanilla xulrunner install i documented, I don't think that exists.


WebStorm - How to focus on the most recent opened tab when closing file

I'm not sure if this is a bug or this is normal behaviour.
I'm using WebStorm on Mac (I think I remember having the same behaviour on Windows but I'm not sure).
I have always many files open. When I close a file, WebStorm is not doing what I want:
Expected behaviour:
The focus is on the most recently used tab, i.e. on the last file I had focus on before focusing on the file that I closed.
Actual behaviour:
The focus goes on the file where its name is the closest alphabetically. I'm not entirely sure that is the behaviour but it is definitely not on the Most recent used file.
Example with file names:
I have 5 tabs open, the most recent used tab list look like
So when I will close navbar.controller.js, I expect changeLanguage.controller.js to have the focus.
But instead when I closed it, the focus went on jwt.js
This is super confusing as in real work environment, I am used to have ~20tabs open and this confuses me a lot.
After looking a lot, it seems that the answer was already provided on this wonderful website: Change to most recently used tab when closing a tab in IntelliJ IDEA?

Change default tool window behaviour in IntelliJ IDEA 2016

Every time I open a new project in IntelliJ IDEA, the first time I open a particular tool window, for example 'Maven Projects', it appears in 'pinned' mode and remains visible until either I close it, or I go to the view settings for the window (the little cog) and deselect "Pinned Mode". I don't want any of my tool windows to be pinned so this gets a little annoying.
Do you know of a way to change the default behaviour of new project / tool windows?
As far as IJ 2016.2 I don't know about a dedicated setting for this. However I used an approach which allows you to define a default layout for all projects. Although the window-pinning works, which is what this question is about, some may not be persisted, such as Group Modules setting in the maven tool-window.
Nonetheless, to configure the pinning, you need to do 2 simple things, which you can also see in the GIF below:
1) Manually go and unpin all desired windows
2) Open the Windows menu and select Store current layout as default
P.S. If you'll be using tool-windows that you've never opened before, or install new plugins which add their own tool-windows, just follow these steps again.

How to have folders first before any file in finder (Mac) programmatically?

I am new to Mac OS. I want to have the folders first before any other file in finder through my cocoa app.
Can anyone suggest me a way of doing this like xtraFinder, PathFinder etc apps do?
I have gone through the followings links. One way is this:
And the other way I got is to drag the folders to first in the spotlight (in system preferences) then sort by kind.
But in both ways I don't know how to do this programmatically. Can anyone tell me step by step how to do this through my app?
OS X Sierra finally has an option for this:
Open Finder
Go to Finder Menu -> Preferences
Go to "Advanced" tab
Check the "Keep folders on top when sorting by name"
Now, When you sort by name, can see folders at top of files (like as windows)
Good Luck ;)
For Mavericks and Yosemite: From any Finder window either right-click in the window or select the icon that looks like a gear from the menu bar.
Next, select "Show View Options".
Set "Arrange by" to Name.
Set "Sort by" to Kind.
Optionally, you can save these settings as a default.
Also note that you may need to do this for each drive and/or "top" folder.
I pretty much like everything mac, but this windows-like feature is kinda nice to your eyes.
Memariaan solutions also works in 10.14.2 Mojave but there are two selections now instead of one.
According to crunchgeek (And validated myself on Mac OSX 10.9.5)
cd /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/
sudo plutil -convert xml1 InfoPlist.strings
sudo nano InfoPlist.strings
Now change <string>Folder</string> by adding a space to get <string> Folder</string>. Finally "encode [the] file back into binary format."
sudo plutil -convert binary1 InfoPlist.strings
Now open Finder View Options via Command+J and select Kind under "Sort by".
To make the folders come first in finder, change the order of data categories in spotlight.
Hit Command plus spacebar and then type spotl. That opens spotlight preferences. You will see all the data categories you have checked, or are checked by default. Simply drag "folders" to the top of the list. You can also arrange all the data categories in the order you want. So when you are looking in Finder and opt to arrange by "kind" the folder show up first together with any other changes in the order that you made.
Thanks to David Pogue's OSX Yosemite, the missing manual, Page 132.

Applescript Access Print and Scan

I'm getting my feet wet with AppleScript. It seems pretty neat, but totally different than the kind of scripting I'm used to working with. My problem lies here:
I want to open up System Preferences and then Print&Scan.
I can do it for many other preference panes, but not Print&Scan. For example,
tell application "System Preferences"
set current pane to pane id "com.apple.preference.sound"
end tell
will get me to the preference pane for sound. How would I open Print&Scan?
Also, is there a place that lists all the panes you can use? I looked in the Applescript dictionary, but couldn't seem to find where they might be? Is that something listed in the dictionary?
Thank you in advance,
I just find the particular preference pane I want to use, for example in the /System/Library/PreferencePanes folder, and look up the bundle identifier (in the Info.plist file) - in this case it would be com.apple.preference.printfax.

How to open files in Intellij-IDEA with double click?

My first day using this IDE...
is there a way to configure the IDE to open files in the project by double click? It is rather painful having to drag files from the project overview into the editor window.
You can change the KeyMap.
Go to File->Settings and find the keymap section.
You will have to create a new KeyMap by clicking copy, and then look in the View section for "Jump to Source" and change/add the keymap you want.
However, as Bozhidar Batsov noted, double clicking may not always work so well. Whether it works may vary by OS and/or windowing system. I have no trouble with it in Mac OS X, but it doesn't seem to work well in openSUSE.
There are also other predefined keymaps that you can select from this settings screen. They're set up to resemble other IDEs, so you might find them helpful if you're transitioning from something else.
It is easy way to do in windows.
I found a great solution to this problem by Jelmer Kuperus over at Orange11.
Create an .Xresources file in your home directory. Add the following line:
*multiClickTime: 400
Jelmer explains that this setting changes the default double-click speed from 200ms to 400ms, effectively slowing it down. Save the file and then run:
xrdb ~/.Xresources
The effect is immediate, no need to logout or reboot. Double-click in Intellij works as expected. I did try changing the mouse double-click speed in System Settings first before trying this out to see if that made a difference but it did not.
I am using Ubuntu 11.04, Intellij 10.5.2, and Sun JDK 1.6.0_26. YMMV
Use F4 to open quickly the selected files. Btw double clicking on files should work as well(at least in theory). Swing's buggy handling of such events, however, causes the double click to not always work in IDEA, so I eventually stopped double clicking and switched to using F4. You can also use "Autoscroll to source" from the projects menu - this will open the source files as soon as you select them in the project browser.