modifying/ getting rid of characters in text from txt file ussing -

I have a string of text i captured within AutoCAD (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) wich is saved to a text based file named position.txt.
as you probably have gatherd with a file name such as position.txt the text could be composed of any random number combination eg: (5.745379, 0.846290, 150.6459046).
However for it to be of any use to me I need the captured string to exist without spaces or brackets how can i achiev this in

Use String.Replace. Its probably not the most efficient way but it will get the job done.
Dim file as String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("position.txt")
Dim output as String = file.Replace(" ", "") _
.Replace("(", "") _
.Replace(")", "")
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("output.txt", output, false)

as above
s = "(5.745379, 0.846290, 150.6459046)"
s = s.replace("(","")
s = s.replace(")","")
and then
dim answer() as string = s.split(",")
dim number as double
For each a as string in answer
if double.tryparse(a,n) then
console.writeline(n.tostring & " is a number")
console.writeline(n.tostring & " is rubbish")


Extract PDF table and insert into Excel

I have a PDF file that contains a table. I want to use Excel-VBA to search just the first column for an array of values. I have a work around solution at the moment. I converted the PDF to a text file and search it like that. The problem is sometimes these values can be found in multiple columns, and I have no way of telling which one it's in. I ONLY want it if it's in the first column.
When the PDF converts to text, it converts it in a way such that there is an unpredictable amount of lines for each piece of information, so I can't convert it back to a table in an excel sheet based on the number of lines (believe me, I tried). The current method searches each line, and if it sees a match, it checks to see if the two strings are the same length. But like I mentioned earlier, (in a rare case but it does happen) there will be a match in a column that is NOT the column I want to search in. So, I'm wondering, is there a way to extract a single column from a PDF? Or even the entire table as it stands?
Public Sub checkNPCClist()
Dim lines As String
Dim linesArr() As String
Dim line As Variant
Dim these As String
lines = Sheet2.Range("F104").Value & ", " & Sheet2.Range("F105").Value & ", " & Sheet2.Range("F106").Value & ", " & Sheet2.Range("F107").Value
linesArr() = Split(lines, ",")
For Each line In linesArr()
If line <> " " Then
If matchlinename(CStr(line)) = True Then these = these & Trim(CStr(line)) & ", "
End If
Next line
If these <> "" Then
Sheet2.Range("H104").Value = Left(these, Len(these) - 2)
Else: Sheet2.Range("H104").Value = "Nope, none."
End If
End Sub
Function matchlinename(lookfor As String) As Boolean
Dim filename As String
Dim textdata As String
Dim textrow As String
Dim fileno As Integer
Dim temp As String
fileno = FreeFile
filename = "C:\Users\...filepath"
lookfor = Trim(lookfor)
Open filename For Input As #fileno
Do While Not EOF(fileno)
temp = textrow
Line Input #fileno, textrow
If InStr(1, textrow, lookfor, vbTextCompare) Then
If Len(Trim(textrow)) = Len(lookfor) Then
Close #fileno
matchlinename = True
GoTo endthis
End If
End If
'Debug.Print textdata
Close #fileno
matchlinename = False
End Function

How to replace a character within a string

I'm trying to convert WText into its ASCII code and put it into a TextBox; Numencrypt. But I don't want to convert the spaces into ASCII code.
How do I replace the spaces with null?
Current code:
Dim withSpace As String = Numencrypt.Text
For h = 1 To lenText
wASC = wASC & CStr(Asc(Mid$(WText, h, 1)))
Next h
Numencrypt.Text = wASC
Numencrypt2.Text = Numencrypt2.Replace(Numencrypt.Text, " ", "")
By the way, the TextBox Numencrypt2 is the WText without a space inside it.
Without knowing whether or not you want the null character or empty string I did the following in a console app so I don't have your variables. I also used a string builder to make the string concatenation more performant.
Dim withSpaces = "This has some spaces in it!"
withSpaces = withSpaces.Replace(" "c, ControlChars.NullChar)
Dim wASC As New StringBuilder
For h = 1 To withSpaces.Length
wASC.Append($"{AscW(Mid(withSpaces, h, 1))} ") ' Added a space so you can see the boundaries ascii code boundaries.
Dim theResult = wASC.ToString()
You will find that if you use ControlChars.NewLine as I have, the place you had spaces will be represented by a zero. That position is completely ignored if you use Replace(" ", "")

How To Remove Last Word With Slash In A Textbox VB.NET

I'm trying to remove the last word on a Label with it's slash without putting it in a String or an Array because the words are typed, looks something like this D:\Folder1\Folder2\Folder3\Folder4 and if i click a button it should remove the Folder4 and when i click the button again it should remove the Folder3 and so on.
Dim s As String = Label5.Text
Dim r As String = Replace(s, "\", "")
Label5.Text = r
And this only removes the slash, how do i add the texts?
I tried something like this:
Replace(s, "\" & Label5.Text.TrimEnd, "")
but nothing happens. Help?
The string class has a method called LastIndexOf that tells you the index of the last character that you pass as parameter.
Then the Substring method allows you to keep only the part before that index
' Label.Text = "D:\Folder1\Folder2\Folder3\Folder4"
Dim pos As Integer = Label.Text.LastIndexOf("\")
if pos <> -1 Then
Label.Text = Label.Text.Substring(0, pos)
End If
No need to split the input in an array and then rebuild your string.
Another method, very simple, (but that carries also an assumption) is to use the Path class
' Label.Text = "D:\Folder1\Folder2\Folder3\Folder4"
Label.Text = Path.GetDirectoryName(Label.Text)
The assumption, of course, is in the fact, that you have a correctly typed folder name (not necessary that the folder exists though)
Idea is, to find last word by splitting the string with \ and then finding last element in the splitted array
Dim s As String = Label5.Text '"D:\Folder1\Folder2\Folder3\Folder4"
Dim r As String = s.Replace("\" & s.Split("\")(s.Split("\").Length-1), String.Empty)
Label5.Text=r 'Console.Write(r)
Try this:
Dim r as String = Replace(s, s.Split("\").Last(), "")
.Last() will make sure you get the last word after the "\"

Get only the line of text that contains the given word

I have a text file on my website and I download the whole string via webclient.downloadstring.
The text file contains this :
cookies,dishes,candy,(new line)
back,forward,refresh,(new line)
This is just an example it's not the actual string , but it will do for help purposes.
What I want is I want to download the whole string , find the line that contains the word that was entered by the user in a textbox, get that line into a string, then I want to use the string.split with as delimiter the "," and output each word that is in the string into an richtextbox.
Now here is the code that I have used (some fields are removed for privacy reasons).
If TextBox1.TextLength > 0 Then
words = web.DownloadString("webadress here")
If words.Contains(TextBox1.Text) Then
'retrieval code here
Dim length As Integer = TextBox1.TextLength
Dim word As String
word = words.Substring(length + 1) // the plus 1 is for the ","
Dim cred() As String
cred = word.Split(",")
RichTextBox1.Text = "Your word: " + cred(0) + vbCr + "Your other word: " + cred(1)
MsgBox("Sorry, but we could not find the word you have entered", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
MsgBox("Please fill in an word", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
Now it works and no errors , but it only works for line 1 and not on line 2 or 3
what am I doing wrong ?
It's because the string words also contains the new line characters that you seem to be omitting in your code. You should first split words with the delimiter \n (or \r\n, depending on the platform), like this:
Dim lines() As String = words.Split("\n")
After that, you have an array of strings, each element representing a single line. Loop it through like this:
For Each line As String In lines
If line.Contains(TextBox1.Text) Then
'retrieval code here
End If
Smi's answer is correct, but since you're using VB you need to split on vbNewLine. \n and \r are for use in C#. I get tripped up by that a lot.
Another way to do this is to use regular expressions. A regular expression match can both find the word you want and return the line that contains it in a single step.
Barely tested sample below. I couldn't quite figure out if your code was doing what you said it should be doing so I improvised based on your description.
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Public Class Form1
Private Sub ButtonFind_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonFind.Click
Dim downloadedString As String
downloadedString = "cookies,dishes,candy," _
& vbNewLine & "back,forward,refresh," _
& vbNewLine & "mail,media,mute,"
'Use the regular expression anchor characters (^$) to match a line that contains the given text.
Dim wordToFind As String = TextBox1.Text & "," 'Include the comma that comes after each word to avoid partial matches.
Dim pattern As String = "^.*" & wordToFind & ".*$"
Dim rx As Regex = New Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Multiline + RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
Dim M As Match = rx.Match(downloadedString)
'M will either be Match.Empty (no matching word was found),
'or it will be the matching line.
If M IsNot Match.Empty Then
Dim words() As String = M.Value.Split(","c)
For Each word As String In words
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(word) Then
RichTextBox1.AppendText(word & vbNewLine)
End If
RichTextBox1.Text = "No match found."
End If
End Sub
End Class

Extract characters from a long string and reformat the output to CSV by using keywords with

I am new to VB.Net 2008. I have a task to resolve, it is regading extracting characters from a long string to the console, the extracted text shall be reformatted and saved into a CSV file. The string comes out of a database.
It looks something like: UNH+RAM6957+ORDERS:D:96A:UN:EGC103'BGM+38G::ZEW+REQEST6957+9'DTM+Z05:0:805'DTM+137:20100930154
The values are seperated by '.
I can query the database and display the string on the console, but now I need to extract the
Keyword 'ORDERS' for example, and lets say it's following 5 Characters. So the output should look like: ORDERS:D:96A then I need to extract the keyword 'BGM' and its following five characters so the output should look like: BGM+38G:
After extracting all the keywords, the result should be comma seperated and look like:
ORDERS:D:96A,BGM+38G: it should be saved into a CSV file automatically.
I tried already:
'Lookup for containing KeyWords
Dim FoundPosition1 = p_EDI.Contains("ORDERS")
Which gives the starting position of the Keyword.
I tried to trim the whole thing around the keyword "DTM". The EDI variable holds the entire string from the Database:
Dim FoundPosition2 = EDI
FoundPosition2 = Trim(Mid(EDI, InStr(EDI, "DTM")))
Can someone help please?
Thank you in advance!
To illustrate the steps involved:
' Find the position where ORDERS is in the string.'
Dim foundPosition = EDI.IndexOf("ORDERS")
' Start at that position and extract ORDERS + 5 characters = 11 characters in total.'
Dim ordersData = EDI.SubString(foundPosition, 11)
' Find the position where BGM is in the string.'
Dim foundPosition2 = EDI.IndexOf("BGM")
' Start at that position and extract BGM + 5 characters = 8 characters in total.'
Dim bgmData = EDI.SubString(foundPosition2, 8)
' Construct the CVS data.'
Dim cvsData = ordersData & "," & bgmData
I don't have my IDE here, but something like this will work:
dim EDI as string = "UNH+RAM6957+ORDERS:D:96A:UN:EGC103'BGM+38G::ZEW+REQEST6957+9'DTM+Z05:0:805'DTM+137:20100930154"
dim result as string = KeywordPlus(EDI, "ORDER", 5) + "," _
+ KeywordPlus(EDI, "BGM", 5)
function KeywordPlus(s as string, keyword as string, length as integer) as string
dim index as integer = s.IndexOf(keyword)
if index = -1 then return ""
return s.substring(index, keyword.length + length)
end function
for the interrested people among us, I have put the code together, and created
a CSV file out of it. Maybe it can be helpful to others...
If EDI.Contains("LOC") Then
Dim foundPosition1 = EDI.IndexOf("LOC")
' Start at that position and extract ORDERS + 5 characters = 11 characters in total.'
Dim locData = EDI.Substring(foundPosition1, 11)
Dim FoundPosition2 = EDI.IndexOf("QTY")
Dim qtyData = EDI.Substring(FoundPosition2, 11)
' Construct the CSV data.
Dim csvData = locData & "," & qtyData
' Creating the CSV File.
Dim csvFile As String = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\Test.csv"
Dim outFile As IO.StreamWriter = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(csvFile, True)
End IF
Have fun!