Detecting if a user is online in SharePoint 2010 - sharepoint-2010

Is there a built-in way to find out whether or not a user has logged in?
Basically I would want to know if a user has logged in.
I mean, I could keep track of the users that are logging via overriding methods in authentication and storing session info.
Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks.

There is no built-in way to do this. If you want to develop a solution for this, then you need to clarify which authentication methods you are looking for: Windows, Forms, Claims ?
See this thread:


Meteor: Dealing with authentication token without registered user

Hard to find a meaningful title. I hope I get clearer now.
I'm building a service which is similar to doodle regarding the authentication model. The user can "create" something (using a form). There will be two different views. One for the creator where he can modify his settings and another one for public access.
I don't want to force users to register / log in. So I came up with a URL structure like doodle has:
/{some-id} -> public access
/{some-id}/admin/{some-token} -> settings page for the owner
The question now is how I can deal with this best. Currently I pass the token to all admin related Methods. But I don't feel comfortable with that.
I also thought about some server side session. I found two meteor packages but they are both not actively maintained anymore.
Another idea was to misuse the built in user management but without the user to recognize it. But I don't think that's feasible.
So now I'm asking you if you have a nice way of dealing with this. I hope I made clear what I want to do.
There are many ways of doing it. One way is to reuse Accounts package.
You user id is {some-id} and the password is {some-token}.
When you create new page. You create new user on server side using Account.createUser.
When you enter url /{some-id}/admin/{some-token}Meteor.loginWithPassword.

Facebook Unity SDK login permission request pop up for authorized user

I've followed through the InteractiveConsole and FriendsSmash example in Unity and learnt how to request permissions during login and get the friend list of the user.
But there's one little problem bothering me a lot.
When FB.Login("email,user_birthday", LoginCallback) is called for an authorized user. The user will be redirected to the Facebook page saying "You have already authorized App-Name".
I'm thinking to only call FB.Login("",LoginCallback) to every user, and then use the FB.API to check if the correct permissions exist, and after that call the original FB.Login method. However, this doesn't seem a very wise way to do this to me.
I did a bit of research but still can't seem to find a nice way to solve this. Can anyone please help me out on this?
If you have status=true in your FB.Init(), it should come back with login info if the user is logged in. You can then use FB.API() and do your permissions check.
I had PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll being called for testing purposes. I found that it was removing the Facebook data so it wasn't authorising on initialisation.
Make sure you don't call PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll()

how to provide authentication and authorization in application

I m creating an application in which i have three roles.
(a) Admin
(b) Manager
(c) Supervisor
What i want is when user enter details on lo-gin page first system check whether user is whether its a valid user or not and then what kind of access he have. i think window authentication is good for this purpose now i want from you guys to tell how to should i go on this and can any one provide me a good article for it with example.
as i have create all my pages but i don't know how to communicate with database for it.
Thanks in advance..
You should take a look at the Membership Providers as these provide functionality for user authentication, and also at Role Providers that can provide functionality for managing user roles.
If you have any specific questions about how to go about implementing them, then please ask further questions here on stackoverflow.

Box API Automatic Login for Authentication

This question was previously asked here but the OP never responded to the comment left and therefore it is left unanswered. I'm looking to sign into a specific Box account via API and am hoping there's a way to automatically set the login and password instead of asking users for theirs. I'm coding my app in PHP and so far I'm using the basic OAuth2 process that asks the user to login (/auth/ticket&api_key). So far the only suggestions I've found requires saving files to local storage but that's not an option as I need my app users to do as little work as possible to get in. I just need to tweak this authentication process. Any suggestions??
this is the answer i got from Box API technical support:
Unfortunately, there's no way to do this at this point. You do have to go through the web based login to authenticate, however once you authenticate the first time, you can automate the refresh token so you won't have to do it again. I apologize for that and just let me know if you have anymore questions about this.

How to get current user permissions using JIRA SOAP API?

I'm developing a JIRA Client using the SOAP API and I want to check in advance what features the user will have available.
For example I don't want to show a button to comment on an issue if the user doesn't have Add Comments RemotePermission.
I tried with getAllPermissions method, but it seems it gets all permissions int the application, not the ones that the user has.
Not easy. There is a method for checking comment permission in 4.4 but not for all permissions in general, IIRC., com.atlassian.jira.rpc.soap.beans.RemoteComment)
Better to go with REST if you can.