MPI-2 file format options - file-io

I am trying to speed up my file I/O using MPI-2, but there doesn't appear to be any way to read/write formatted files. Many of my I/O files are formatted for ease of pre and post-processing.
Any suggestions for an MPI-2 solution for formatted I/O?

The usual answer to using MPI-IO while generating some sort of portable, sensible file format is to use HDF5 or NetCDF4 . There's a real learning curve to both (but also lots of tutorials out there) but the result is you hve portable, self-describing files that there are a zillion tools for accessing, manipulating, etc.
If by `formatted' output you mean plain human-readable text, then as someone who does a lot of this stuff, I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't urge you enough to start moving away from that approach. We all by and large start that way, dumping plain text so we can quickly see what's going on; but it's just not a good approach for doing production runs. The files are bloated, the I/O is way slower (I routinely see 6x slowdown in using ascii as vs binary, partly because you're writing out small chunks at a time and partly because of the string conversions), and for what? If there's so little data being output that you actually can feasibly read and understand the output, you don't need parallel I/O; if there are so many numbers that you can't really plausibly flip through them all and understand what's going on, then what's the point?


Is it better better to open or to read large matrices in Julia?

I'm in the process of switching over to Julia from other programming languages and one of the things that Julia will let you hang yourself on is memory. I think this is likely a good thing, a programming language where you actually have to think about some amount of memory management forces the coder to write more efficient code. This would be in contrast to something like R where you can seemingly load datasets that are larger than the allocated memory. Of course, you can't actually do that, so I wonder how does R get around that problem?
Part of what I've done in other programming languages is work on large tabular datasets, often converted over to a R dataframe or a matrix. I think the way this is handled in Julia is to stream data in wherever possible, so my main question is this:
Is it better to use readline("my_file.txt") to access data or is it better to use open("my_file.txt", "w")? If possible, wouldn't it be better to access a large dataset all at once for speed? Or would it be better to always stream data?
I hope this makes sense. Any further resources would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not an extensive user of Julia's data-ecosystem packages, but CSV.jl offers the Chunks and Rows alternatives to File, and these might let you process the files incrementally.
While it may not be relevant to your use case, the mechanisms mentioned in #Przemyslaw Szufel's answer are used other places as well. Two I'm familiar with are the TiffImages.jl and NRRD.jl packages, both I/O packages mostly for loading image data into Julia. With these, you can load terabyte-sized datasets on a laptop. There may be more packages that use the same mechanism, and many package maintainers would probably be grateful to receive a pull request that supports optional memory-mapping when applicable.
In R you cannot have a data frame larger than memory. There is no magical buffering mechanism. However, when running R-based analytics you could use a disk.frame package for that.
Similarly, in Julia if you want to process data frames larger than memory you need to use am appropriate package. The most reasonable and natural option in Julia ecosystem is JuliaDB.
If you want to do something more low-level solution have a look at:
Mmap that provides Memory-mapped I/O that exactly solves the issue of conveniently handling data too large to fit into memory
SharedArrays that offers a disk mapped array with implementation based on Mmap.
In conclusion, if your data is data frame based - try JuliaDB, otherwise have a look at Mmap and SharedArrays (look at the filename parameter)

gfortran change/find out write buffer size

I have this molecular dynamics program that writes atom position and velocities to a file at every n steps of simulation. The actual writing is taking like 90% of the running time! (checked by eiminating the writes) So I desperately need to optimize that.
I see that some fortrans have an extension to change the write buffer size (called i/o block size) and the "number of blocks" at the OPEN statement, but it appears that gfortran doesn't. Also I read somewhere that gfortran uses 8192 bytes write buffer.
I even tried to do an FSTAT (right after opening, is that right?) to see what is the block size and number of blocks it is using but it returns -1 on both. (compiling for windows 64 bit)
Isn't there a way to enlarge the write buffer for a file in gfortran? Will it be diferent compiling for linux than for windows?
I'd really really rather stay in fortran but as a desperate measure isn't there a way to do so by adding some c routine?
IanH question is key. Unformatted IO is MUCH faster than formatted. The conversion from base 2 to base 10 is very CPU intensive. If you don't need the values to be human readable, then use unformatted IO. If you want to be able to read the values in another language, then use access='stream'.
Another approach would be to add your own buffering. Replace the write statement with a call to a subroutine. Have that subroutine store values and write only when it has received M values. You'll also have to have a "flush" call to the subroutine to cause it to write the last values, if they are fewer them M.
If gcc C is faster at IO, you could mix Fortran and C with Fortran's ISO_C_Binding: There are examples of the use of the ISO C Binding in the gfortran manual under "Mixed Language Programming".
If you spend 90% of your runtime writing coords/vels every n timesteps, the obvious quick fix would be to instead write data every, say, n/100 timestep. But I'm sure you already thought of that yourself.
But yes, gfortran has a fixed 8k buffer, whose size cannot be changed except by modifying the libgfortran source and rebuilding it. The reason for the buffering is to amortize the syscall overhead; (simplistic) tests on Linux showed that 8k is sufficient and more than that goes far into diminishing returns territory. That being said, if you have some substantiated claims that bigger buffers are useful on some I/O patterns and/or OS, there's no reason why the buffer can't be made larger in a future release.
As for you performance issues, as already mentioned, unformatted is a lot faster than formatted I/O. Additionally, gfortran has rather high per-IO-statement overhead. You can amortize that by writing arrays (or, array sections) rather than individual elements (this matters mostly for unformatted, for formatted IO there is so much to do that this doesn't help that much).
I am thinking that if cost of IO is comparable or even larger than the effort of simulation, then it probably isn't such a good idea to store all these data to disk the first place. It is better to do whatever processing you intend to do directly during the simulation, instead of saving lots of intermediate data them later read them in again to do the processing.
Moreover, MD is an inherently highly parallelizable problem, and with IO you will severely cripple the efficiency of parallelization! I would avoid IO whenever possible.
For individual trajectories, normally you just need to store the initial condition of each trajectory, along with its key statistics, or important snapshots at a small number of time values. When you need one specific trajectory plotted you can regenerate the exact same trajectory or section of trajectory from the initial condition or the closest snapshot, and with similar cost as reading it from the disk.

Is there any performance difference between creating an NSFileHandle for a large versus a small file?

This question strikes me as almost silly, but I just want to sanity check myself. For a variety of reasons, I'm welding together a bunch of files into a single megafile before packing this as a resource in my iOS app. I'm then using NSFileHandle to open the file, seek to the right place, and read out just the bytes I want.
Is there any performance difference between doing it this way and reading loose files? Or, supposing I could choose to use just one monolithic megafile, versus, say, 10 medium-sized (but still joined) files, is there any performance difference between "opening" the large versus a smaller file?
Since I know exactly where to seek to, and I'm reading just the bytes I want, I don't see how there could be a difference. But, hey -- Stranger things have proved to be. Thanks in advance!
There could be a difference if it was an extremely large number of files. Every open file uses up resources in memory (file handles, and the like), and on some storage devices, a file will take up an entire block even if it doesn't fill it. That can lead to wasted space in extreme cases. But in practice, it probably won't be a problem. To know for sure, you can profile your code and see if it's faster one way vs. the other, and see what sort of space it takes up on a typical device.

How can I accelerate the generation of the an MD5 Checksum within

I'm working with some very large files residing on P2 (Panasonic) cards. Part of the process we employ is to first generate a checksum of the file we are going to copy, then copy the file, then run a checksum on the file to confirm that it copied OK. The problem is, is that files are large (70 GB+) and take a long time to complete. It's an issue since we will eventually be dealing with thousands of these files.
I would like to find a faster way to generate the checksum other than using the System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider
I don't care if this means using a specialized hardware card, provided it works and is not to ungodly expensive. I would prefer to have a method of encoding that provided some feedback as to how far the process has gone along so I can display it like I do now.
The application is written in I would prefer to be able to use it as component, library, reference within my application, but I'm willing to call an outside application if there is enough improvement in the speed of generating the checksum.
Needless to say, the checksum must be consistent and correct. :-)
Thank you in advance for your time and efforts,
I see one potential way to speed up this process: calculate the MD5 of the source file while performing the copy, not prior to it. This will reduce the number of times you'll need to read the entire file from 3 (source hash, copy, destination hash) to 2 (copy, destination hash).
The downside of this all is that you'll have to write your own copying code (as opposed to just relying on System.IO.File.Copy), and there's a non-zero chance that this will turn out to be slower in the end anyway than the 3-step process.
Other than that, I don't think there's much you can do here, as the entire process is I/O bound by design. You're spending most of your time reading/writing the file, and even at 100MB/s (a respectable I/O speed for your typical SATA drive), you'll do about 5.8GB/min at best.
With a modern processor, the overhead of calculating the MD5 (or anything else) doesn't factor into things very much, so speeding it up won't improve your overall throughput. Crypto accelerators in particular won't help you here, as unless the driver implementation is very efficient, they'll add more overhead due to context switches required to feed the data to the external card than they'll save.
What you do want to improve is the I/O speed. The .NET framework is already pretty efficient when it comes to this (using nicely-sized buffers, overlapped I/O and such), but it's possible an optimized native Windows application will perform better here. My advice: Google around for a few native MD5 calculators, and see how they compare to your current .NET implementation. If the difference in hash calculation speed is >10%, it's worth switching to using said external app.
The correct answer is to avoid using MD5. MD5 is a cryptographic hash function, designed to provide certain cryptographic features. For merely detecting accidental corruption, it is way over-engineered and slow. There are many faster checksums, the design of which can be understood by examining the literature of error detection and correction. Some common examples are the CRC checksums, of which CRC32 is very common, but you can also relatively easily compute 64 or 128 bit or even larger CRCs much much faster than an MD5 hash.

On Disk Substring index

I have a file (fasta file to be specific) that I would like to index, so that I can quickly locate any substring within the file and then find the location within the original fasta file.
This would be easy to do in many cases, using a Trie or substring array, unfortunately the strings I need to index are 800+ MBs which means that doing them in memory in unacceptable, so I'm looking for a reasonable way to create this index on disk, with minimal memory usage.
(edit for clarification)
I am only interested in the headers of proteins, so for the largest database I'm interested in, this is about 800 MBs of text.
I would like to be able to find an exact substring within O(N) time based on the input string. This must be useable on 32 bit machines as it will be shipped to random people, who are not expected to have 64 bit machines.
I want to be able to index against any word break within a line, to the end of the line (though lines can be several MBs long).
Hopefully this clarifies what is needed and why the current solutions given are not illuminating.
I should also add that this needs to be done from within java, and must be done on client computers on various operating systems, so I can't use any OS Specific solution, and it must be a programatic solution.
In some languages programmers have access to "direct byte arrays" or "memory maps", which are provided by the OS. In java we have java.nio.MappedByteBuffer. This allows one to work with the data as if it were a byte array in memory, when in fact it is on the disk. The size of the file one can work with is only limited by the OS's virtual memory capabilities, and is typically ~<4GB for 32-bit computers. 64-bit? In theory 16 exabytes (17.2 billion GBs), but I think modern CPUs are limited to a 40-bit (1TB) or 48-bit (128TB) address space.
This would let you easily work with the one big file.
The FASTA file format is very sparse. The first thing I would do is generate a compact binary format, and index that - it should be maybe 20-30% the size of your current file, and the process for coding/decoding the data should be fast enough (even with 4GB) that it won't be an issue.
At that point, your file should fit within memory, even on a 32 bit machine. Let the OS page it, or make a ramdisk if you want to be certain it's all in memory.
Keep in mind that memory is only around $30 a GB (and getting cheaper) so if you have a 64 bit OS then you can even deal with the complete file in memory without encoding it into a more compact format.
Good luck!
I talked to a few co-workers and they just use VIM/Grep to search when they need to. Most of the time I wouldn't expect someone to search for a substring like this though.
But I don't see why MS Desktop search or spotlight or google's equivalent can't help you here.
My recommendation is splitting the file up --by gene or species, hopefully the input sequences aren't interleaved.
I don't imagine that the original poster still has this problem, but anyone needing FASTA file indexing and subsequence extraction should check out fastahack:
It uses an index file to count newlines and sequence start offsets. Once the index is generated you can rapidly extract subsequences; the extraction is driven by fseek64.
It will work very, very well in the case that your sequences are as long as the poster's. However, if you have many thousands or millions of sequences in your FASTA file (as is the case with the outputs from short-read sequencing or some de novo assemblies) you will want to use another solution, such as a disk-backed key-value store.