Getting IP address of my computer -

How can I get the IP address of my computer (on which my application is running)

See System.Net.DNS.
Something like this should work:
Dim ips As IPAddress() = Dns.GetHostAddresses(Dns.GetHostName())
Dim index As Integer
For Each ip in ips
Next ip

One way is to use System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses, passing it the empty string. Note that it will give you an array of addresses, this is because a host can have multiple addresses, one for each interface. A common example would be the loopback address ( and one or more public facing IP addresses (eg If your machine has a specific host name you can use that instead of the empty string.


Bro Script: Hardcoded IP addresses

Ich have one assignment and I need a little help. I have infected.pcap and the following task:
Hardcoded IP addresses Sometimes, malware contains hardcoded IP addresses to download their payload or to communicate with their command and control (C&C) server. Find all such communication. Hint: Such IPs have no preceding DNS request.
I need to solve it with Bro script. This was my idea, but unfortunatelly all my connections have no DNS request:
#load base/protocols/dns/main.bro
event file_timeout(f: fa_file)
for ( cid in f$conns )
print f$conns[cid]$dns;
print "DNS";
}else {
print "No DNS";
Do you know maybe what is wrong with my code?
I would suggest that you're using the wrong event for this. The file_timeout only occurs if a file transfer was occurring and then stopped without completing. A much more interesting event correlation would be:
Track DNS address lookup responses (I would likely use event
dns_A_reply(c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, a:
Record the addresses returned in a set; this will provide
you a set of all addresses that were discovered through a DNS query.
Examine outbound requests (where orig_h on the SYN is an internal
Check to see if the address in id$resp_h is in the set of
addresses step 2. If it is, return, if it isn't,
generate a notice since you have an outbound connection attempt with
no corresponding DNS lookup.

How to get the desired octet in an IP address that includes port number?

If I have this kind of IP address the way to get the desired octet is already answered here, but it's not applicable to the IP that includes port number like this
You can't parse this into an IPAddress object as port is not part of the IP address. It belongs to TCP/UDP.
Instead you will have to parse it into a URI and then get the host value of that, parse that into an IPAddress and there you go:
Dim address As String = ""
Dim ip = IPAddress.Parse(New Uri("http://" & address).Host)

Get client IP in

I am trying to get client ID with My code is as under :
Partial Class foo
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Private ipv4 As New clsIPv4
Dim ref As String = 0
Dim client_ip As String
client_ip = Request.UserHostAddress()
Dim myHost As String = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()
client_ip = ipv4.ResolveAddress(myHost)
This code is returning me list of ip adresses (i.e;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;118).
Please guide where I am wrong
If you are using ASP.NET, you can use: Request.UserHostAddress
to get your client IP address.
But if you are using a windows application to get local IP address, in fact you may receive multiple IP addresses! In this case, if you want to get a specific address which you know the netid part of the IP address you can compare all IP addresses with a corresponding netid address.
This worked perfectly for me

determining country or language using url

I have written simple code to determine country location using the suffix on the url eg. .cn, .se, .br etc.
Does anyone have any ideas or even if its possible to determine country or location using urls that end in .com or .net?
I was just reading up on something and found online apps that can determine location/country from the ip so how would I determine the ip or look it up using the url? can I do this in .net?
So I have the following code and I get an exception when the url is invalid or faulty, can anyone help me to catch the error and add the url to another list and continue with my loop.
Public Sub getIpAddress(ByVal querylist As ArrayList)
Dim IPList As New ArrayList
Dim badList As New ArrayList
Dim badHost As String
For Each prod In querylist
Dim ipEntry As IPHostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(prod)
Dim IPAdd As IPAddress() = ipEntry.AddressList
Catch ex As Exception
If ex.Message.Contains("No such host is known?") Then
End If
End Try
End Sub
You could easily use an IP-to-country mapping file such as this to build a little tool to infer location from the IP. I would also supplement this with the TLD of country specific domains such as and
You can get the IP from the host name in java using something like:
InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName("");
Long ipNum = ipToInt(addr.getHostAddress());
You'll have to map to the equivalent in your language.
If it is .net or .com you cannot read the location from the url.
You can read the language of the browser, see
You could also read the IP address of request, and then use a location service to find where the request came from.
Not from the URL, but from the IP, you can do this. There are publicly available files which map an IP range to a country.
Note that the location within a country is quite hard to get, as you can only know the address of an ISP, not of a Web site.
You can determine the country where the servers are located.
You can find out the location of the domain registrar.
But then, the company or a person behind the site may live in some third place.
Whose geolocation are you trying to find out?

How to display the ip address and port number in an text box that should be generated dynamically

Is there a way to display the system ip address and port number in a text box that is generated dynamically???
I want the system to put the ip address into a text box according to the machine.
Since you mentioned a text box, I can only postulate that you are talking about a web browser, and in that case 99.9% of the time you are talking about http and then 99.999% of the time a TCP connection. This means that your connection will have a 4-Tuple consisting of the source ip:port and the destination ip:port. In most cases the port numbers are fairly standard (80) for the destination (client).
Then you get into the very common issues of NAT and the like, so again I think you need to clarify what type of ip address you want. The publicly routable ip address is obtained server side and the LAN address will be obtained from the localhost.
For the more interesting case (publicly routable ip) I would just use a server side script (python, PHP, C, etc...) to read the incoming ip address and then use a little ajax to set the value of the text box. I did something similar for a project and it worked really well. Our client program was written in Python and C but this will give you an idea...
# Returns the client's public IP address (past any NATs)
def get_public_ip():
return urllib.urlopen('').read().strip()
I think something like set the inner html... from that webpage...
Hope this helps.
Your system does not have a port number. Port numbers are a software concept to differentiate different IP or UDP applications that might want to listen for connections on your IP address.
Also, it is quite possible to have more than one IP address. In fact, your system almost always has two if you count the loopback address ( Even if you don't these days even many consumer PC's have multiple ethernet jacks.
You didn't say you were using Win32 so I don't know that it will be useful to you, but here's some code I wrote once that puts all local IP addresses (loopback excepted) into a an MFC CComboBox. It's a bit more C-ish than I'd like to see these days, but here it is.
size_t const Max_Expected_Addresses = 20; // Something rediculous
unsigned long IPADDRTBL_Size = sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(MIB_IPADDRROW) * Max_Expected_Addresses;
if (GetIpAddrTable (IP_Address_Table, &IPADDRTBL_Size, TRUE) == NO_ERROR) {
for (DWORD i = 0; i < IP_Address_Table->dwNumEntries; i++) {
// Skip the loopback.
if (IP_Address_Table->table[i].dwAddr == 0x0100007f) continue;
if (m_IP_Address == "") m_IP_Address = String_Address(IP_Address_Table->table[i].dwAddr);
m_IP_Address_List.AddString (String_Address(IP_Address_Table->table[i].dwAddr));
m_IP_Address_List is an MFC control defined as a CComboBox which gets filled in by this snippet.
m_IP_Address is a CString tied to an MFC textbox control (IIRC) which I use to store the currently selected (or first found on startup) IP address.