Can someone look into a web servers folders? - apache

More a web server security question.
Is it possible for someone to "probe" into a folder on a web server, even if an index file is in place?
I assume they can't, but if I wanted to store .pdf applications as random names (93fe3509edif094.pdf) I want to make sure there's no way to list all the pdfs in the folder.
Thank you.

Just disable the directory listing in your web server

Generally, no. Instead of creating an "index" file, you may also unset the apache "Options Indexes"

Generally speaking, no. Especially if you explicitly turn off the directory listing for that specific directory.
<Directory /path/to/directory>
Options -Indexes
However, you should be securing files through some sort of authentication process rather than just file names. What you propose can be found by simply brute forcing the file name. Also, people can share URLs, folks can sniff and find the URL, etc. Use a better method.

Web servers have a setting that controls whether or not the directory listing can be browsed. Apache's is called Options Indexes:
If a URL which maps to a directory is requested, and the there is no DirectoryIndex (e.g., index.html) in that directory, then the server will return a formatted listing of the directory.
However, if anyone knows the URL in advance, or can easily guess the filename, they can still load the pdf.

Depends on the server. The server always decides what the client may and may not see. In your case, Apache, see Mitro's answer.


How can i know if my apache server is using .htaccess or not?

I want to know if my Apache server uses .htaccess files or not. If it uses them, then why and how?
How can I know if my Apache server is using .htaccess or not?
Thank you.
As for why, it's a convenient way for shared-hosting providers to give some access to users who would like to set some configuration options. You obviously wouldn't want everyone to have access to the main configuration file for security purposes. It's also useful for development purposes since you can set different options for different directories.
As for how Apache uses the file, I recommend reading the documentation.
As for how to know if Apache is using .htaccess files, it most likely is. I've yet to meet a shared hosting provider that doesn't. And if you are running your own server, I assume you would know how you set it up. Worst case scenario, you could follow this advice from the docs:
A good test for this is to put garbage in your .htaccess file and reload the page. If a server error is not generated, then you almost certainly have AllowOverride None in effect.

Security problems regarding +FollowSymLinks and -SymLinksIfOwnerMatch?

I'm using this for one of my applications:
Options +FollowSymLinks -SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
And I worry about the security problems this may bring. Any idea what measures I can take to make this approach as secure as possible?
There's nothing specific you can do to make using those options as secure as possible. The risk in using them is that a user, or a process running under a user, can disclose information or even hijack content by creating symlinks. For example, if an unpriviliged user (who may have been compromised) wants to read a file that they normally can't, they can sort of escalate it by creating a symlink from their public_html directory to it, and if apache can read it, they can then just access their webpage and read the file. There's nothing specific you can do to prevent something like that from happening except to make sure you're system is properly patched and configured.
Note that this threat isn't just from users on your system. If you are running a webapp in, say php, and it got compromised somehow, an attacker can upload a php file browser and create symlinks to content outside of your document root (like to /etc/passwd or some other file you don't want exposed to the web).
If you're worried about stuff like that, it's better not to use these options.

How to prevent server files from being viewable online?

I have a website running on an Amazon EC2 Linux server, and everything works fine, but when I point the address bar to something like or, it prints out a list of all the files in that directory to the brower and they're all readable and viewable. I tried chmod'ing some of the folders to have fewer permissions, and that prevented viewing of these files, but it also made them not appear on the site at all. Is there a way that I can protect my documents and server files while also keeping full functionality?
You can prevent the directory listing by disabling it in the Apache config. Just remove "Indexes" from whatever lines it appears on. For example, change from:
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
Options FollowSymLinks
Edit: Note, you can also add (or edit) the .htaccess in those directories, explicitly disabling indexing for that directory:
Options -Indexes
That's the nature of the web, these files are downloaded to the user's computer so the browser can display them. You cannot protect them from being called from your own site / URL but you can put rules into place that prevent "hotlinking," that is, it will prevent people from linking to the image in their website from your URL. But even then, they could download the file(s) then upload to their own space and carry on.
Sorry I don't have better news, hope this helps!

How do I hide my Scripts folder?

I have a directory on my website specifically for javascript files, I want these javascript files to be hidden, so if I type the url to it it says Forbidden or disallows access, but my front-end website files can still access them to execute them when needed. Is there a way to do this through a FTP client?
You can't do this trough a ftp client. It is the task of your webserver to forbid access to certain files.
If you change permission, the webserver won't have access to them anymore, so this is not the way to go.
You must configure your webserver to restrict the access. If you're using Apache, you can use an .htaccess file. There's different ways of doing this, many depends on the way the webserver is configured.
The easiest is to put an .htaccess file in your Scripts folder which contain only this none line :
deny from all
However, like peeter said, there's a good chance this will break your site, since the browser must access theses files, so you can't restrict access.
Put a htaccess file in your scripts folder containing deny from all, but this will stop your pages from accessing the scripts also (though not if you pass them through the PHP engine first)
You're trying to hide JavaScript files that are executed on the clients side. If a client(browser) cannot access the files means non of your javascript code is executed.
If I understood your question correctly then you cannot achieve what you're trying to achieve.

Updating Files on Apache

I'm having trouble with my Apache Web Server. I have a folder (htdocs\images) where I have a number of images already in place. I can browse them and see them on my web server (and access them via HTML). I added a new image in there today, and went to browse to it, and it can't be found. I double and triple checked the path and everything. I even restarted Apache and that didn't seem to help.
I'm really confused as to what's going on here. Anybody have any suggestions?
Thank you.
Edit I just turned on the ability for the images directory to be listed, browsed to it ( and I was able to see all the previous images that were in the folder, but not the new one.
Turn directory indexes on for htdocs\images, remove (or move out of the way) any index.* files, and point your browser at http://yoursite/images/
That should give you a full listing of files in that directory. If the file you're looking for isn't there, then Apache is looking at a different directory than you think it is. You'll have to search your httpd.conf for clues -- DocumentRoot, Alias, AliasMatch, Redirect, RedirectMatch, RewriteRule -- there are probably dozens of apache directives that could be causing the web server to get its documents from somewhere other than where you think it's looking.
make sure the caSE and spelling are 100% correct.
There is not magic in programming (some may disagree:), so look for silly errors. Wrong server? Case of your letters? Wrong extension?
There's a chance it could be due to the cookies stored on your device. I would delete all cookies to the website you're working on before you refresh again