Automatically run gem tasks in test environment - testing

I have a Rails 3 gem which has some rake tasks that should only be run in the test environment. Running in other environments doesn't really make sense.
My problem is Rake loads the Rails system in order to find my tasks in my gem. So by the time it gets to my tasks Rails is already loaded in the "development" environment (or whatever environment the user specified). This means in order to run my rake tasks properly the user must do:
RAILS_ENV=test rake mytask
Since my task only make sense in the "test" environment this is annoying as I would much rather the user be able to just type:
rake mytask
This is similar to how test:units and test:functionals automatically assume the test environment and the user doesn't need to specify RAILS_ENV=test at the command line. So the question is how do I modify my test so that Rails switches to the test environment?
My current workaround is:
Rails.env = 'test'
ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :test
require Rails.root.join('test/test_helper')
This seems to somewhat work but it is still logging to log/development.log and I think it is still actually running the "development" config. Anybody have any ideas? Looking at how the test tasks are defined in Rails itself doesn't reveal how to do it that I can see.

UPDATE: I've updated my code after taking inputs from Eric's implementation at
For original code see -
desc "Do something in Test environment"
task :example => :environment do
if not Rails.env.test?
Dir.chdir(Rails.root) do
system "rake example RAILS_ENV=test"
#.... stuff ....
I didn't check for the correctness of code, but you get the idea, right?


No migration at deploy

I have simple question. My app at deploy dont't start rake db:migrate at production env. I Did not create deploy.rb I got it already prepared. deploy.rb is working, but command 'deploy:migrate' don't work. I don't know, how correctly ask this question. But I think this problem with :role. Maybe rake db:migrate need to describe? Like this:
namespace :db do
desc "Rake migration"
task :migrate, :roles => :db do
run "cd #{current_path} && #{rake} RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate"
I'm not sure if I've understood your question...
There is already a deploy:migrate task defined as part of capistrano, which you just have to add a hook for in your deploy.rb and it will run. See this answer for details on doing that.
You shouldn't need the code you've defined above, but if you do then note that you aren't defining deploy:migrate you're defining db:migrate.

How do I create a rake task for a Rails engine which is not exposed to the host application?

# lib/tasks/test.rake
task :hello do
puts 'hello'
$ rake app:hello
To run the task I need to prefix it with "app:" and it runs in the context of the dummy app. It is also exposed to the host application (i.e when used as a plugin in a parent Rails app) as rake hello.
I want to run a rake task which does not require a Rails environment and runs some command, but it is run from the engine root, not the dummy app root.
I know that's a bit late, but for others here searching for the correct answer, do the following :
Create your task :
# lib/tasks/your_engine_tasks.rake
desc "Explaining what the task does"
task :your_task do
# Task goes here
Then go to your engine ./Rakefile and add
load 'lib/tasks/your_engine_tasks.rake'
Here we go, now:
$ rake -T
gives you your task.
Hope I helped.
I want a better answer to this question however I did figure out that you can add tasks in the Rakefile for the engine (so ./Rakefile not in the spec/dummy application) like so:
task :my_task do
puts "hi!"
task :default => [:spec, :my_task]
I would prefer to have my task in another file but at least this provides a way to go forward. In my case, I want to run Konacha javascript tests in the dummy application so my Rakefile looks like this:
task :spec_javascript do
exec 'cd spec/dummy && rake konacha:run' # exec passes command return value up stack!
task :default => [:spec, :spec_javascript]

how can I troubleshoot "rake test" missing from my list of rake tasks?

I have two apps. One is a very simple app that I built with rails new..., added a unit test to and ran the unit test. The other is an existing app that is running fine but I'd like to add some tests to it. In AppA (the simple one) when I run rake -vT I see:
rake test # Runs test:units, test:functionals, test:integrati...
rake test:recent # Run tests for {:recent=>"test:prepare"} / Test re...
rake test:single # Run tests for {:single=>"test:prepare"}
rake test:uncommitted # Run tests for {:uncommitted=>"test:prepare"} / Te...
Which seems normal. But when I run that same command in AppB (the existing app) I don't see any of the commands related to rake test. My first thought was to just 'bring over' the tests from AppA to AppB to see if that would help. So I wiped all content from the test directory in AppB and copied over the test directory from AppA. Still no rake test in the list of apps. But I can run a unit test in AppB via ruby -Itest test/unit/first_test.rb (oddly I have to comment out fixtures :all to get it to work, maybe that's a clue).
Found the answer to this last night. Where a new app's application.rb has:
require 'rails/all'
I had:
require "action_controller/railtie"
require "action_mailer/railtie"
require "active_resource/railtie"
require "sprockets/railtie"
require "rails/test_unit/railtie"
I did that because I was following a guide about MongoMapper I think. Go forward a few versions and the last line is commented out -- that's the real reason. I commented it out at the same time I switched my ODM over to Mongoid. I'm not sure why I commented it out, but that definitely did it.
Without knowing the contents of your Rakefile it's really hard to debug this, but you might be missing the .load_tasks call in the Rakefile.
If you're using Rails 3 you should have something like this:
That line will take care of loading the default Rails tasks. You might be able to accomplish the same calling require "rails/tasks" in your Rakefile.

rails 3.1 assets pipeline + acceptance test

we have a rather extensive acceptance test suite, running on our CI server triggered by a Github push hook. i'd like to add a feature or spec to basically test wether rake assets:precompile runs smoothly. we run this task usually in a capistrano callback, but it has happened, that, for whatever reason, some assets couldn't/wouldn't be precompiled, and i missed the warning in that painfully cluttered capistrano output. in my opinion, it would make sense if this breaks a build in our CI.
now my question is, is anybody doing that? is there a 'standard' or easy solution? is there something more comprehensive than just invoking the rake task with should_not raise_error ...?

System rake test task doesn't run my tests

I'm sure I'm doing something naive or stupid, I'm just not sure what it is.
I'm writing a simple library for parsing data URIs. Being so simple, I figured I'd go ahead and just give ruby-1.9's minitest a whirl. The tests run great when I run them by hand, but when I try to run them with 'rake test', hoping to invoke the system rake test task, I get no joy. Specifically, with trace and verbose:
Donalds-Decisiv-MacBook-Pro:data_uri dball$ rake test -t -v
(in /Users/dball/src/data_uri)
** Invoke test (first_time, not_needed)
I've got tests in the test folder, they all start with test_ and end in .rb. Any ideas?
The repository of the project is
Tests are not invoked because you didn't give rake any information about them.
Put this task in Rakefile:
require 'rake/testtask' do |i|
i.test_files = FileList['test/test_*.rb']
i.verbose = true
Or grab a patch for your project.