race condition UPDATE modification of credit column - what happens on rollback? - sql-server-2005

ok, I tried searching and have not found an answer to this - I am curious how the ROLLBACK handles race conditions. For example:
If I have a table (CompanyAccount) which keeps track of how many credits an company has available for purchase (there is only one row in a database table per company) and there are potentially multiple users from the same company who can decrement the credits from the single company account, what happens in case of an error when a ROLLBACK occurs?
Assumptions: I have written the update properly to calculate the "Credit" new balance instead of guessing what the new credit balance is (i.e. we don't try to tell the UPDATE statement what the new Credit balance/value is, we say take whatever is in the credit column and subtract my decrement value in the UPDATE statement)...
here is an example of how the update statement is written:
UPDATE dbo.CompanyAccount
SET Credit = Credit - #DecrementAmount
WHERE CompanyAccountId = #CompanyAccountId
If the "Credit" column has 10,000 credits. User A causes a decrement of 4,000 credits and User B causes a decrement of 1000 credits. For some reason a rollback is triggered during User A's decrement (there are about a 1/2 dozen more tables with rows getting INSERTED during the TRANSACTION). If User A wins the race condition and the new balance is 6,000 (but not yet COMMIT'ed) what happens if User B's decrement occurs before the rollback is applied? does the balance column go from 6,000 to 5,000 and then gets ROLLBACK to 10,000?
I am not too clear on how the ROLLBACK will handle this. Perhaps I am over-simplifying. Can someone please tell me if I misunderstand how ROLLBACK will work or if there are other risks I need to worry about for this style.
Thanks for your input.

In the example you have given there will be no problem.
The first transaction will have an exclusive lock meaning the second one can not modify that row until after the first one has committed or rolled back. It will just have to wait (blocked) until the lock is released.
It gets a bit more complicated if you have multiple statements. You should probably read up on different isolation levels and how they can allow or prevent such phenomena as "lost updates".

Rollback is part of the transaction and locks will be maintained during the rollback. The *A*tomic in ACID.
User B will not start until all locks are released.
What happens:
User A locks rows
User B won't see the rows until locks are released
User A rolls back, release locks, changes never happened.
User B sees the rows. -1000 will result in 9000
However, if User B has already read the balance then it my be inconsistent when it comes to UPDATE. It depends on what you're actually doing and in what order, hence the need to understand isolation levels (and the issues with phantom and non-repeatable reads)
An alternative to SERIALIZABLE or REPEATABLE READ may to use sp_getapplock in transaction mode to semaphore parts of the transaction.


Is it possible to lock on a value of a column in SQL Server?

I have a table that looks like that:
Id GroupId
1 G1
2 G1
3 G2
4 G2
5 G2
It should at any time be possible to read all of the rows (committed only). When there will be an update I want to have a transaction that will lock on group id, i.e. there should at any given time be only one transaction that attempts to update per GroupId.
It should ideally be still possible to read all committed rows (i.e. other transaction/ordinary reads that will not try to acquire the "update per group lock" should be still able to read).
The reason I want to do this is that an update can not rely on "outdated" data. I.e. I do make some calculations in a transaction and another transaction cannot edit row with id 1 or add a new row with the same GroupId after these rows were read by the first transaction (even though the first transaction would never modify the row itself it will be dependent on it's value).
Another "nice to have" requirement is that sometimes I would need the same requirement "cross group", i.e. the update transaction would have to lock 2 groups at the same time. (This is not a dynamic number of groups, but rather just 2)
Here are some ideas. I don't think any of them are perfect - I think you will need to give yourself a set of use-cases and try them. Some of the situations I tried after applying locks
SELECTs with the WHERE filter as another group
SELECTs with the WHERE filter as the locked group
UPDATES on the table with the WHERE clause as another group
UPDATEs on the table where ID (not GrpID!) was not locked
UPDATEs on the table where the row was locked (e.g., IDs 1 and 2)
INSERTs into the table with that GrpId
I have the funny feeling that none of these will be 100%, but the most likely answer is the second one (setting the transaction isolation level). It will probably lock more than desired, but will give you the isolation you need.
Also one thing to remember: if you lock many rows (e.g., there are thousands of rows with the GrpId you want) then SQL Server can escalate the lock to be a full-table lock. (I believe the tipping point is 5000 locks, but not sure).
Old-school hackjob
At the start of your transaction, update all the relevant rows somehow e.g.,
UPDATE YourTable
SET GrpId = GrpId
WHERE GrpId = N'G1';
-- Do other stuff
Nothing else can use them because (bravo!) they are a write within a transaction.
Convenient - set isolation level
See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/sql-server-transaction-locking-and-row-versioning-guide?view=sql-server-ver15#isolation-levels-in-the-
Before your transaction, set the isolation level high e.g., SERIALIZABLE.
You may want to read all the relevant rows at the start of your transaction (e.g., SELECT Grp FROM YourTable WHERE Grp = N'Grp1') to lock them from being updated.
Flexible but requires a lot of coding
Use resource locking with sp_getapplock and sp_releaseapplock.
These are used to lock resources, not tables or rows.
What is a resource? Well, anything you want it to be. In this case, I'd suggest 'Grp1', 'Grp2' etc. It doesn't actually lock rows. Instead, you ask (via sp_getapplock, or APPLOCK_TEST) whether you can get the resource lock. If so, continue. If not, then stop.
Anything code referring to these tables needs to be reviewed and potentially modified to ask if it's allowed to run or not. If something doesn't ask for permission and just does it, there's no actual real locks stopping it (except via any transactions you've explicity specified).
You also need to ensure that errors are handled appropriately (e.g., still releasing the app_lock) and that processes that are blocked are re-tried.

Update table statement

have a great day to everyone.
I have some confusion about UPDATE TABLE statement in Oracle DB 12cr2.
Let's assume we have 3 users:
U1 has a table called TEST_1, and U2 and U3 both have UPDATE privilege on that table.
My question is that: If U2 and U3 try to update same rows in that particular table at the same time what will happen? How Oracle will control such kind of processes?
Thanks in advance
Although the first answer already explains very well what is the locking mechanism, let me add a bit more information.
In your case, we are talking about Row Locks (TX). Row-level locks are primarily used to prevent two transactions from modifying the same row. When a transaction needs to modify a row, a row lock is acquired.
There is no limit to the number of row locks held by a statement or transaction, and Oracle does not escalate locks from the row level to a coarser granularity. Row locking provides the finest grain locking possible and so provides the best possible concurrency and throughput.
When two transactions ( updates in your case ) are attacking the same row, the first will acquire the lock , and it won't release it until it either commits or rollback. A system change number (SCN) which is a logical, internal time stamp used by Oracle Database will be assigned to each transactions. System Change Numbers or SCNs order events that occur within the database, which is necessary to satisfy the ACID properties of a transaction.
SCNs occur in a monotonically increasing sequence. Oracle Database can use an SCN like a clock because an observed SCN indicates a logical point in time and repeated observations return equal or greater values. If one event has a lower SCN than another event, then it occurred at an earlier time with respect to the database. Several events may share the same SCN, which means that they occurred at the same time with respect to the database.
Every transaction has an SCN. For example, if a transaction updates a row, then the database records the SCN at which this update occurred. Other modifications in this transaction have the same SCN. When a transaction commits, the database records an SCN for this commit.
Oracle Database increments SCNs in the system global area (SGA). When a transaction modifies data, the database writes a new SCN to the undo data segment assigned to the transaction. The log writer process then writes the commit record of the transaction immediately to the online redo log. The commit record has the unique SCN of the transaction. Oracle Database also uses SCNs as part of its instance recovery and media recovery mechanisms.
When two transactions occur at the very same time, for example the same second, the one which its timestamp is sooner is the one acquiring lock. Keep in mind that TIMESTAMP stores fractional_seconds_precision which specifies the number of digits in the fractional part of a SECOND. This fraction can be a number in the range 0 to 9.
In short One of the three users will acquire a lock on the table while updating it (whichever users executes the query first by micro secs differences) and rest of the two users have to wait for U1 to commit and release the lock, So now U2 or U3 will get updated data to work upon.
Snippet from another article:
When a COMMIT statement is issued to the database, the transaction has ended, and the following results are true:
All work done by the transaction becomes permanent.
Other users can see changes in data made by the transaction.
Any locks acquired by the transaction are released.

Lock the newly inserted row [PostgreSQL]

Is there a way to lock a recently inserted row so that other transaction do will not see it while my current transaction is still going on?
You don't have to. In fact, you can't have the opposite behaviour. There's no way to make your newly inserted row visible until your transaction commits.
Despite the fact that it's not visible to concurrent SELECT, it can still affect concurrent INSERT (or UPDATEs) though. Specifically, if you try to insert the same value into a unique index in two different transactions, one will block until the other commits or rolls back. Then it'll decide if it needs to raise a unique violation error, or if it can continue. So while you cannot directly see uncommitted data, sometimes you can see its side effects.

Batch Job Transaction

Lets say there are 100 records in the database for a batch job, when batch job runs and pick up those 100 record and then start processing. During process if error occurs at 10th record then should I rollback all 9 records which are already been processed.
How can we design this scenario??? Your suggestions are welcomed.
I believe you're asking if you should roll back successful records if an error occurs part-way through batch processing.
You want your DB updates to occur in transactions in a way that leaves database records consistent and legal (with respect to DB and business rules) after each transaction is committed or rolled back.
If each item in your list of 100 records can be processed and recorded individually, then I'd suggest using a flag of some sort (this could be a status field, as well) to indicate whether each record has been processed, then loop through the records to update each one. If you encounter an error, note that somewhere (log file, exception, error table... your call) and move on. When you're done, you'll have logged which records were successful and which failed. You should then be able to go back and fix whatever caused the problem(s) on bad records and re-process the skipped records.
If all 100 of your records must succeed or fail together, then you'll need to wrap your updates in a transaction so they all succeed or fail as one. This will work for dozens of records or (maybe) hundreds of records, but trying to scale up to thousands of records in the same transaction could create scalability problems (performance and contention issues), so you'd want a different solution for a pattern like that.
There is different transaction granularity possible. Java (JTA) allows for multiple writes in a single commit.
Open transaction
write record
write record
write record
Most databases also support transactions that can handle multiple rows or record writes.
This is very common.
Take a look at SAVEPOINTS - they basically allow inner-transaction transactions. So you can do quite a lot of work, make a SAVEPOINT, and do more work, only rolling back to the last save point. If things go really wrong, you can just roll the entire transaction back.

MySQL: Transactions vs Locking Tables

I'm a bit confused with transactions vs locking tables to ensure database integrity and make sure a SELECT and UPDATE remain in sync and no other connection interferes with it. I need to:
if (condition passes) {
// Update row I got from the select
UPDATE table SET column = "value" WHERE (...)
... other logic (including INSERT some data) ...
I need to ensure that no other queries will interfere and perform the same SELECT (reading the 'old value' before that connection finishes updating the row.
I know I can default to LOCK TABLES table to just make sure that only 1 connection is doing this at a time, and unlock it when I'm done, but that seems like overkill. Would wrapping that in a transaction do the same thing (ensuring no other connection attempts the same process while another is still processing)? Or would a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE or SELECT ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE be better?
Locking tables prevents other DB users from affecting the rows/tables you've locked. But locks, in and of themselves, will NOT ensure that your logic comes out in a consistent state.
Think of a banking system. When you pay a bill online, there's at least two accounts affected by the transaction: Your account, from which the money is taken. And the receiver's account, into which the money is transferred. And the bank's account, into which they'll happily deposit all the service fees charged on the transaction. Given (as everyone knows these days) that banks are extraordinarily stupid, let's say their system works like this:
$balance = "GET BALANCE FROM your ACCOUNT";
if ($balance < $amount_being_paid) {
$balance = $balance - $amount_being paid;
$balance = "GET BALANCE FROM receiver ACCOUNT"
$balance = $balance + $amount_being_paid
UPDATE receiver ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = $balance
Now, with no locks and no transactions, this system is vulnerable to various race conditions, the biggest of which is multiple payments being performed on your account, or the receiver's account in parallel. While your code has your balance retrieved and is doing the huge_overdraft_fees() and whatnot, it's entirely possible that some other payment will be running the same type of code in parallel. They'll be retrieve your balance (say, $100), do their transactions (take out the $20 you're paying, and the $30 they're screwing you over with), and now both code paths have two different balances: $80 and $70. Depending on which ones finishes last, you'll end up with either of those two balances in your account, instead of the $50 you should have ended up with ($100 - $20 - $30). In this case, "bank error in your favor".
Now, let's say you use locks. Your bill payment ($20) hits the pipe first, so it wins and locks your account record. Now you've got exclusive use, and can deduct the $20 from the balance, and write the new balance back in peace... and your account ends up with $80 as is expected. But... uhoh... You try to go update the receiver's account, and it's locked, and locked longer than the code allows, timing out your transaction... We're dealing with stupid banks, so instead of having proper error handling, the code just pulls an exit(), and your $20 vanishes into a puff of electrons. Now you're out $20, and you still owe $20 to the receiver, and your telephone gets repossessed.
So... enter transactions. You start a transaction, you debit your account $20, you try to credit the receiver with $20... and something blows up again. But this time, instead of exit(), the code can just do rollback, and poof, your $20 is magically added back to your account.
In the end, it boils down to this:
Locks keep anyone else from interfering with any database records you're dealing with. Transactions keep any "later" errors from interfering with "earlier" things you've done. Neither alone can guarantee that things work out ok in the end. But together, they do.
in tomorrow's lesson: The Joy of Deadlocks.
I've started to research the same topic for the same reasons as you indicated in your question. I was confused by the answers given in SO due to them being partial answers and not providing the big picture. After I read couple documentation pages from different RDMS providers these are my takes:
Statements are database commands mainly to read and modify the data in the database. Transactions are scope of single or multiple statement executions. They provide two things:
A mechanism which guaranties that all statements in a transaction are executed correctly or in case of a single error any data modified by those statements will be reverted to its last correct state (i.e. rollback). What this mechanism provides is called atomicity.
A mechanism which guaranties that concurrent read statements can view the data without the occurrence of some or all phenomena described below.
Dirty read: A transaction reads data written by a concurrent
uncommitted transaction.
Nonrepeatable read: A transaction re-reads data it has previously read
and finds that data has been modified by another transaction (that
committed since the initial read).
Phantom read: A transaction re-executes a query returning a set of
rows that satisfy a search condition and finds that the set of rows
satisfying the condition has changed due to another recently-committed
Serialization anomaly: The result of successfully committing a group
of transactions is inconsistent with all possible orderings of running
those transactions one at a time.
What this mechanism provides is called isolation and the mechanism which lets the statements to chose which phenomena should not occur in a transaction is called isolation levels.
As an example this is the isolation-level / phenomena table for PostgreSQL:
If any of the described promises is broken by the database system, changes are rolled back and the caller notified about it.
How these mechanisms are implemented to provide these guaranties is described below.
Exclusive Locks: When an exclusive lock acquired over a resource no other exclusive lock can be acquired over that resource. Exclusive locks are always acquired before a modify statement (INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE) and they are released after the transaction is finished. To explicitly acquire exclusive locks before a modify statement you can use hints like FOR UPDATE(PostgreSQL, MySQL) or UPDLOCK (T-SQL).
Shared Locks: Multiple shared locks can be acquired over a resource. However, shared locks and exclusive locks can not be acquired at the same time over a resource. Shared locks might or might not be acquired before a read statement (SELECT, JOIN) based on database implementation of isolation levels.
Row: single row the statements executes on.
Range: a specific range based on the condition given in the statement (SELECT ... WHERE).
Table: whole table. (Mostly used to prevent deadlocks on big statements like batch update.)
As an example the default shared lock behavior of different isolation levels for SQL-Server :
One of the downsides of locking mechanism is deadlocks. A deadlock occurs when a statement enters a waiting state because a requested resource is held by another waiting statement, which in turn is waiting for another resource held by another waiting statement. In such case database system detects the deadlock and terminates one of the transactions. Careless use of locks can increase the chance of deadlocks however they can occur even without human error.
This is a isolation mechanism which provides to a statement a copy of the data taken at a specific time.
Statement beginning: provides data copy to the statement taken at the beginning of the statement execution. It also helps for the rollback mechanism by keeping this data until transaction is finished.
Transaction beginning: provides data copy to the statement taken at the beginning of the transaction.
All of those mechanisms together provide consistency.
When it comes to Optimistic and Pessimistic locks, they are just namings for the classification of approaches to concurrency problem.
Pessimistic concurrency control:
A system of locks prevents users from modifying data in a way that
affects other users. After a user performs an action that causes a
lock to be applied, other users cannot perform actions that would
conflict with the lock until the owner releases it. This is called
pessimistic control because it is mainly used in environments where
there is high contention for data, where the cost of protecting data
with locks is less than the cost of rolling back transactions if
concurrency conflicts occur.
Optimistic concurrency control:
In optimistic concurrency control, users do not lock data when they
read it. When a user updates data, the system checks to see if another
user changed the data after it was read. If another user updated the
data, an error is raised. Typically, the user receiving the error
rolls back the transaction and starts over. This is called optimistic
because it is mainly used in environments where there is low
contention for data, and where the cost of occasionally rolling back a
transaction is lower than the cost of locking data when read.
For example by default PostgreSQL uses snapshots to make sure the read data didn't change and rolls back if it changed which is an optimistic approach. However, SQL-Server use read locks by default to provide these promises.
The implementation details might change according to database system you chose. However, according to database standards they need to provide those stated transaction guarantees in one way or another using these mechanisms. If you want to know more about the topic or about a specific implementation details below are some useful links for you.
SQL-Server - Transaction Locking and Row Versioning Guide
PostgreSQL - Transaction Isolation
PostgreSQL - Explicit Locking
MySQL - Consistent Nonlocking Reads
MySQL - Locking
Understanding Isolation Levels (Video)
You want a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE or SELECT ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE inside a transaction, as you said, since normally SELECTs, no matter whether they are in a transaction or not, will not lock a table. Which one you choose would depend on whether you want other transactions to be able to read that row while your transaction is in progress.
START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT will not do the trick for you, as other transactions can still come along and modify that row. This is mentioned right at the top of the link below.
If other sessions simultaneously
update the same table [...] you may
see the table in a state that never
existed in the database.
Transaction concepts and locks are different. However, transaction used locks to help it to follow the ACID principles.
If you want to the table to prevent others to read/write at the same time point while you are read/write, you need a lock to do this.
If you want to make sure the data integrity and consistence, you had better use transactions.
I think mixed concepts of isolation levels in transactions with locks.
Please search isolation levels of transactions, SERIALIZE should be the level you want.
I had a similar problem when attempting a IF NOT EXISTS ... and then performing an INSERT which caused a race condition when multiple threads were updating the same table.
I found the solution to the problem here: How to write INSERT IF NOT EXISTS queries in standard SQL
I realise this does not directly answer your question but the same principle of performing an check and insert as a single statement is very useful; you should be able to modify it to perform your update.
I'd use a
to begin with, and a
to end with.
Anything you do in between is isolated from the others users of your database if your storage engine supports transactions (which is InnoDB).
You are confused with lock & transaction. They are two different things in RMDB. Lock prevents concurrent operations while transaction focuses on data isolation. Check out this great article for the clarification and some graceful solution.