scalable windows in os x - objective-c

i'm trying to create a window that can be scaled, just like the iPhone/iPad simulator. in the iPad simulator, you can select Window > Scale and select either 100% or 50%.
is there a way to make an NSWindow do this? i've looked at applying scaleUnitSquareToSize to the window's contentView but no matter what i do in InterfaceBuilder, the contentView keeps resizing itself to fill the window. is this the correct behavior even after removing all struts for the contentView?

This is a great open source implementation of a zoomable NSView:GCZoomView
the contentView keeps resizing itself
to fill the window
The content view's autoresizing behavior has nothing to do with the unit square's scale factor.


Force NSPopover resizing with animation

I have an NSPopover that I want to resize with animation. In my case, setContentSize works, but without animation (apple says that animation is not guaranteed).
I'm investigating the use of NSViewAnimation. With this approach, the popover does resize with animation, but this requires setting the popover (window) frame origin, not just its size.
Here lies the problem, I need to know the edge to which the popover is "attached" to its positionRect because this edge should not move during resizing.
To this end, have set a rather inelegant method that involves comparing the position of the popover to that of the view to which it is attached in screen space, but I'd like to know if there is a more elegant solution to reach my goal (suggestions in obj-c are preferred, I'm already old.)

Layer-backed view cuts a hole in NSWindow shadow

I turned on layer-backing for a view which lies on the edge of the window and now this window doesn't draw shadow in that area. Is there anything I can do to prevent window from losing its shadow?
Window has setOpaque:NO, if I set it to YES then everything is ok, but I need it to be NO.
Is there a reliable way to draw a custom shadow around window? Then I can disable default shadow and draw it myself.

Storyboard editor layout confusion

I am having layout problems with the storyboard editor with a fairly simple screen. I have a UIViewController to which I have added a 320x440 UIScrollView at 0,0 followed by a 320x20 UIProgressBar at 0,440. It looks fine in Storyboard editor. I'm not entirely sure how the 20 pixel status bar at the top of the screen is accommodated given the CGRect frame coordinates that Storyboard calculates.
On loading ( in -(void)viewDidLoad ), the UIScrollView frame seems to be set to 320x460 pixels at 0,0 but the UIProgressBar is still 320x20 at 0,440.
When I add subviews to the UIScrollView, (UIImageViews in particular), they get stretched and get clipped on the screen because although the UIScrollView thinks it is 460 pixels high, it only has 440 pixels of screen to display in.
Can anyone point me to a solution?
OK - I have identified what was going on - there were a number of issues, nearly all to do with mutually incompatible settings in storyboard attributes on various view controllers.
In summary, the main view controller containing the UIScrollView had the 'wants full screen' checkbox ticked - goodness knows how, but it appears that I had then gone through other views trying to compensate for that initial error by clipping, resizing, setting layout constraints etc. which resulted in rather confusing outcomes.
My advice would be to not touch ANYTHING in storyboard editor unless you know what it's effect will be - it is a dangerous place. I found the issue by going back to basics and creating a trivially simple replication of my app and then observing the differences between that app and my own. Sorry if I wasted anybody's time researching an answer.

Resize NSTableView or NSScrollView depending on number of rows in table

I have a view-based NSTableView which is embedded in an NSScrollView. It has custom cells that are x number of pixels high. The NSScrollView is the same size as the panel that it is a subview of. I want to resize the entire NSTableView depending on how many rows are in the table.
Everything is working except the resizing. Resizing the scroll view manually in IB seems to have the desired affect, but NSSrollView does not seem to have a class method to resize its view (like NSView has setFrame). Should I be resizing the scollview, the tableview, both, or something else? Does NSScrollView have a setFrame method or similar that I am missing?
Before you try to do it programmatically, make sure you have the outline view's autosizing masks set up properly in the nib file. It sounds like you simply want the outline view (and its scroll view) to always remain the same size as the window that it's inside.
By default, the autosizing masks of an NSScrollView/NSOutlineView combo that you place into a window looks like the following:
In other words, it's set up to always remain the same size as it is now, no matter how large you resize the window to be.
What you want to do is to change the autosizing masks to look like in the image below:
To do that, you click in the white autosizing box wherever there's a dotted red line to toggle it into a solid red line. Once it's configured that way, the scroll view (and table view) will always (automatically) be resized to be the same size as the window that it's in.
There may also be a way to achieve this using Lion's new "auto layout" feature, but I'll have to leave that to someone who has more experience with it.
In case you really need to do this (such as when you want all rows to fit in the scrollview alleviating the need to scroll) and the scroll view is only a portion of the window/view you can do:
[[myTableView enclosingScrollView] setFrame:newFrameRect];
scrollview.frame = CGRrectMake(x, y, w, h);

UIImage View shifting in Interface Builder

I am using interface builder to create my create my .nib file. THe first thing I did was to add an UIImage view to cover the screen with a background image that serves as part of the interface graphic. Everything was working fine, now the image is shifted up slightly in the simulator. THe Status, Top, and Bottom bar are all "Unspecified". Has anyone encountered this issue and found a way to resolve it?
Is the size of your view in the nib the same size as it will be in the simulator? If it's smaller, your autoresizing masks may be centering it vertically. Verify that it's the correct size, and then verify the autoresizing masks in IB are set the way you want them to be.