MDX , Calculate Number of days when the cummulative sum of Revenues from end of a month date match with the given debt amount - mdx

I have a financial cube and i have to calculate Daily Sales Outstanding as :
Number of Days between the selected month last date and the earliest transaction date when cummulative sum of Revenue from last date of the month till the date where sum revenue <= the debt amount for the date .
On 31/12/2009 my debt amount = 2,500,000
31-Dec-09 30-Nov-09 15-Oct-09 31-Oct-09
Revenue 1,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 1,0000
Cummulative sum of revenue 1,000,000 2,00,000 2,500,000 4,000,000
No of Days 31 30 16
On 15/Oct/09 cummulative revenue is 2,500,000 which equals my debt amount on that day
Count of Days = 31 + 31 + 16 = 76 Days.
In other words Sum Revenue from the selected date backwards until sum total equals or exeeds the total to date balance of the debtors.
Any help will be highly appreciated .
If i haven't explained clearly enough or if you need more information then please let me know.
Thanks in advance .

Have you examined this blog:
He covers a few ways of approaching this, it sounds to me like a recursive problem, in that you need to 'walk backwards up along the calendar' adding up revenue, until you find the day where the added up revenue meets/exceeds the initial debt?
The above link should give you a few different approaches to tackle this, shout if you get stuck.


Power BI - Difference between amount per day and total in a table

I have a table with the sales from last 2 years, and I want to compare the sales from this year with the same natural day last year. For example, Sunday 1st of April 2018 will be compared with Sunday 2nd April 2017.
In order to do that I have created the measure
sales_last_year = CALCULATE(Sales[Revenue]); SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(DATEADD('Calendar'[Date];+1;DAY)))
And I have created another measure where I have the value from the same day last year:
Prueba_sales_last_year = CALCULATE(Sales[Revenue]); SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR('Calendar'[Date]))
The result is the following:
Sales last year
As you can see the sales per day shows 5.316€ and 3.546€, which is correct, but the total is 111.796 €, which is not correct. However, the measure with the formula without the natural day the sum of the two rows is correct. How could I solve this?
Thank you very much in advance
I just changed the order to calculate the date and it was solved.
sales_last_year = CALCULATE(Sales[Revenue]);DATEADD( SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR('Calendar'[Date]);+1;DAY))

SQLite - Determine average sales made for each day of week

I am trying to produce a query in SQLite where I can determine the average sales made each weekday in the year.
As an example, I'd say like to say
"The average sales for Monday are $400.50 in 2017"
I have a sales table - each row represents a sale you made. You can have multiple sales for the same day. Columns that would be of interest here:
Id, SalesTotal, DayCreated, MonthCreated, YearCreated, CreationDate, PeriodOfTheDay
Day/Month/Year are integers that represent the day/month/year of the week. DateCreated is a unix timestamp that represents the date/time it was created too (and is obviously equal to day/month/year).
PeriodOfTheDay is 0, or 1 (day, or night). You can have multiple records for a given day (typically you can have at most 2 but some people like to add all of their sales in individually, so you could have 5 or more for a day).
Where I am stuck
Because you can have two records on the same day (i.e. a day sales, and a night sales, or multiple of each) I can't just group by day of the week (i.e. group all records by Saturday).
This is because the number of sales you made does not equal the number of days you worked (i.e. I could have worked 10 saturdays, but had 30 sales, so grouping by 'saturday' would produce 30 sales since 30 records exist for saturday (some just happen to share the same day)
Furthermore, if I group by daycreated,monthcreated,yearcreated it works in the sense it produces x rows (where x is the number of days you worked) however that now means I need to return this resultset to the back end and do a row count. I'd rather do this in the query so I can take the sales and divide it by the number of days you worked.
Would anyone be able to assist?
I think I got it - I would love someone to tell me if I'm right:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT CAST(( julianday((datetime(CreationDate / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) ) / 7 AS INT))
FROM Sales
WHERE strftime('%w', datetime(CreationDate / 1000, 'unixepoch'), 'localtime') = '6'
AND YearCreated = 2017
This would produce the number for saturday, and then I'd just put this in as an inner query, dividing the sale total by this number of days.
You can group your query by getting the day of week and week number of day created or creation date.
DATEPART(WEEK,'2017-08-14') // Will give you week 33
DATEPART(WEEKDAY,'2017-08-14') // Will give you day 2
WEEK('2017-08-14') // Will give you week 33
DAYOFWEEK('2017-08-14') // Will give you day 2
See this figures..
Day of Week
1-Sunday, 2- Monday, 3-Tuesday, 4-Wednesday, 5-Thursday, 6-Saturday
Week Number
1 - 53 Weeks in a year
This will be the key so that you will have a separate Saturday's in every month.
Hope this can help in building your query.

Ms ACCESS: calculating past annual averages over varying date ranges

In a form on Ms ACCESS, a user can select a commodity (such as copper, nickel, etc.) from a list and a commodity price date from a list. A trailing 12 month average commodity price should then be calculated.
For example: the user selects Copper as commodity and February 1st 2010, 02/01/2010. I then want the average price to be calculated over the time period: [02/01/2009 - 02/01/2010].
I'm not sure how to write this in query form. This is the current incomplete code;
SELECT Avg(CommPrices.Price) AS Expr1,
FROM CommPrices
WHERE (((CommPrices.Commodity)=[Forms]![Tool Should Cost]![List243]))
AND CommPrices.DateComm = [Forms]![Tool Should Cost]![List55];
List243 is the list of commodities the user can select from, list55 is the list of dates the user can select. All data is obtained from the table CommPrices.
Note: the earliest dates in the column DateComm is 01/01/2008. So if the user selects a date for example 02/01/2008, then calculating the average over the past 12 months before 02/01/2008 won't be possible. I do want the code to still calculate the average using the dates available. (in the example it would just be the average over the past month)
Second Note: the column DateComm only has monthly dates for the first day of every month (e.g 01/01/2008, 02/01/2008, 03/01/2008). The dates listed in list55 can refer to different days in the month (e.g 03/16/2009), in that case I want the code to still calculate the past 12 month average using the closest commodity dates possible. So if the user selects date 03/16/2009, I want the code to calculate the 12 month average for 03/01/2008 - 03/01/2009.
For "integer" months it would be:
Avg(CommPrices.Price) AS AveragePrice,
CommPrices.Commodity=[Forms]![Tool Should Cost]![List243]
CommPrices.DateComm = BETWEEN
DateSerial(Year([Forms]![Tool Should Cost]![List55]) - 1, Month([Forms]![Tool Should Cost]![List55]), 1)
DateSerial(Year([Forms]![Tool Should Cost]![List55]), Month([Forms]![Tool Should Cost]![List55]), 1)

SQL: Calculate the number of Days in a Month with no stock

I am trying to create a query than can calculate the number of days, in a given month, that a particular stock item was unavailable (ie: No. = 0).
Currently, I have developed a query that can calculate the number of days it has been from today's date where stock has been unavailable but what I am trying to actually calculate is, during a month, how many days was stock quantity = 0. ie: Month of Jan - on Jan 5, Jan 7 and Jan 20 there was no stock for Item A - this means that the number of days out of stock was = 3.
Extra Details:
Currently, I am basing my query in determining stock levels of the last transaction (ie: if, at the last transaction, the QTY of Stock = 0) then calculate the number of days between the transaction date and today.
Select [StockItems].StockCode,
Case When SUM([StockItems].Qty_On_Hand)=0 Then (Datediff(day, GETDATE(),MAX([Transactions].TransactionDate))) ELSE 0 END AS 'Days Out of Stock',
From dbo.[Transactions]
INNER JOIN [StockItems]
ON [Transactions].[AccountLink] = [StockItems].[StockLink]
Where [StockItems].StockCode LIKE '%XXX%'
AND [Transactions].TransactionDate>31/10/14
Group By [StockItems].StockCode
My Thoughts
There are different sorts of transactions - one of which is a good received transaction. Perhaps it is possible to calculate the days where Stock Qty was zero and a transaction occurred then count that date until goods were received.
Thank You.
SELECT COUNT([StockItems].Qty_On_Hand
From dbo.[Transactions]
INNER JOIN [StockItems] ON [Transactions].[AccountLink] = [StockItems].[StockLink]
WHERE [StockItems].Qty_On_Hand)=0

SQL (Access), subquery: Find saleperson that exceeds $2000 in sales by month and what date in the month sales exceed $2000

I'm having trouble creating a subquery in Access to cough up what I need:
Input: SalespersonID, Amount, Date
I need to find what SalespersonID exceeds $2000 in a month (easy) AND what day in that month the running sum of Amount for that month exceeded $2000 (argh!).
I can groupby and get the first month any salesperson sum Amount > $2000 but I just can't figure out how to get the first date in that month when the month running sum of Amount>$22000
So you've got running-total in your tags - what did you try?
I would create a temporary table and generate the running total, and derive the month using the 'Month' function, and also derive the day of the month. If you sort by month and day each month's data will give you a running total that is what you want. This means you go month-by-month, and calculate the temp table for all salespersons.
It's not super elegant, but it'll give you what you want.