Sql Server Script Generator - sql

Is there a tool that will let me generate a single script containing all tables and views? Sql Publishing Wizard drops everything (so all data is lost) and recreates it. It does have an option to not drop, but in that case, it doesn't update tables that exist (if any columns have changed).

In SQL Server Management Studio 2008 you can right-click on a database in the object explorer, go to Tasks > Generate Scripts..., and that will give you the option to choose not only what object types you want to script, but whether or not you want to script the drop as well.

When you are making changes to existing tables, you should be writing alter table scripts to make the change and then putting them in source control like any other code. Then when you deploy a set of changes, you run the scripts you created for that deployment.
Otherwise, yes use SQL compare.

Should you look at the Red Gate products specifically SQL Compare. They'll handle any situation you could need concerning script generation and database synchronization. (You can get a trial license too, to try it out and see if it is what you need.)

Have a look at this tool can be used which has the capability to generate the create and drop scripts for the SQL server objects, provided in a configuration file.
This tool uses the same mechanism as SSMS tool uses to generate the script.
SQL Server Script Generator Tool (via C#)

Have a look at these:
WinSQL (Lite edition is free, other versions are reasonably priced + free trial)
OpenDbDiff (free)

You can also check out MyDbUtils which can create scripts for:
Stored Procedures


Automatic incremental SQL Script generation for incremental, nightly builds when using Team Build in TFS 2008 and Visual Studio 2008?

hope that everybody here is OK.
We are using VS 2008 as development tool, TFS 2008 as version control as well as build automation. Some of our developer use dbpro for databases changes and some use SQL Server management studio.
I am trying to automate build for Web Application built using C# and VB.Net.
Our scenario is such that we have a central database to which our web application connects.
Whenever we supply our clients with a new functionality or a bug fix, we supply them incremental builds.
The SQL script is checked into source control for every incremental build when they have made and tested there changes on our central DB Server.
I want to generate Differential script that can be run at the client as an incremental update script. Now to come about it is a problem. Sometimes our developers tend to forget the database change-sets and the script in the source control is missing an SP or a two.
Also, sometimes we need to insert default data into some of the tables that have strict stringent values and not test values. Like a table that contains Services provided by the panel, we add a new service name, signature, credentials and service address, etc etc in the ServiceTable. Besides this many other tables may have test data that may not be needed.
If we use DataCompare, it will generate changeset for required data (important for client to enable certain services) and our test data that was added to the database as a result of our testing of the functionality or bug fix.
Currently i am using SQLSchemaCompareTask (from Visual Studio 2008 Team Database Professional Power Tools API) in the TFSBuild.proj file of the build definition for TFS 2008.
Using SQLSchemaCompareTask, the script generated contains database names like [dbo]. etc which are not desired as the script fails when run against SQL Server 2000 databses (Some of our client still use SQL Server 2000) databases as teh backend of the application.
Also default data can't be generated by this process.
To overcome this problem, i have to come up with a solution that can compare databases and generate script automatically that does not have to be manually reviewed again before being sent to the client.
Please suggest effective methodology of such SQL script generation and suggest whether two different databases may be used or something ? Is there any toolkit or api that can enable build automation for SQL Server databases?
Thank you all.
Try to use SQL Examiner Suite for this:
The tool compares both schema and data and produces synchronization scrips (or differentials scripts). You can automate script creation with supplied command-line tool.
Rather than collating many individual change set scripts (and therefore occasionally missing objects out), why not use schema compare and data compare to create a single script from your database project using a database equivalent to your client's on the target? This should create a script tailored to their requirements.
In data compare you can exclude test data records that you don't want pushed to your client by unchecking them in the lower grid.


My Application Database Without Project and without Source safe, i planned to make my DB to be as project and add it to TFS, but I have no idea how to script the stored procedures, Triggers, Views, Functions, and what is the best practice to Make Update Script for All My stored procedures, Triggers, Views, and Functions to My customers DB.
The best procedure (IMHO) is to manually maintain a strict version of your schemas. Then when you need to make changes you write a delta script to move from one version to the next. I suggest you write the DDL scripts by hand -- you can make them concise and comment them.
You can use a tool like Visual Studio Team System for database architects, take a look at Running static code analysis on SQL Server database with Visual Studio Team System for database architects it will show you how to import the data, disregard the static code analysis that comes later it does not apply to your question
I've found a good way to get SQL scripts into SCM from an existing database is to use SMSS's "export all to script" option or whatever it's called, can't remember now.
Then every other change you add the change script into your SCM with a different version number in the file name.
Every release (or set cycle depending on your development/release methodology) you apply all change scripts, then re-script the entire database, tag it, and start again.
The best way to do it - save the database in TFS as set of database creation script, i.e. MyTable table should be added to TFS as MyTable.sql file (CREATE TABLE...) etc. We are using SQL Examiner to do this - see the following article: How to keep your database under version control
We are working with SVN and I never tested SQL Examiner with TFS, but I know that the tool supports TFS.

SQL script to show addition to tables

I have a 2 MS SQL 2005 databases,a TEST and DEV database. Now our developer added some extra columns,tables etc in the DEV database.This created differences in the TEST database.is there a script i can write tha can tell me what the changes where in the DEV database between certain dates...i found a couple of tools but they are quite basic and dont really generate change scripts etc. Also tried the change script function in management studio but it seems to be working when the change is first made and not later.
Appreciate your thoughts.
redgate SQL Compare is a good tool to check for differences between databases and even sync them.
However, if you need to do this for free, try this: within in SQL Server Management Studio do the following:
1) script the entire schema of TEST to a file, look here if you don't know how
2) repeat step #1 but for the DEV database
3) diff the files using something like Beyond Compare, should have a 30 trial
I wrote dbscript, and one of its features is to compare two database schemas and create a migration script.
What you need is a way to manage changes to your database schema and then apply them in a controlled and consistent manner. Moreover, you need a single authoritative source for the database schema.
For all this, check out Wizardby:
(source: googlecode.com)

Creating a CHANGE script in Management Studio?

I was wondering if there is a way to automatically append to a script file all the changes I am making to my columns, tables, relationships etc...
The thing is I am doing a lot of different changes on a TEST db and the idea will be to apply this change script when I move the test db to production... hence keeping production data but applying all schema and object changes.
Is there an easy way to do this? Can it also migrate database diagram changes?
I have seen how you can create a change script each time I do a change but this means I have to copy and paste into a master file. Actually pretty easy!
I was just wondering if I was missing something?
Do not make changes to the test server using the UI. Write scripts and keep them under source control. You can test your scripts starting from backups of the live data and you can tune yoru scripts untill they achieve the desired result. Then you can check in the scripts for reference and later apply them on the live server. See this article Version Control and Your Database.
BTW, check out the SSMS toolpack, I think it may do what you want (I'm not sure). My advice stand none the less: version your schema, use explicitly created/saved scripts, use source control.
There's no way to directly generate a "delta" script in SSMS.
However, if every time you publish changes, you script out the entire database, including data, to SQL using the SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard you should be able to extract diffs between the versions and get your deltas that way.
If money is no object, you can purchase Visual Studio Team System Database Architect edition and use its fantastic database comparison tools to generate and version control exactly the diffs you want.
Try using TableDiff , that came with SQL Server 2005.
SQL Server 2005 TableDiff Utility
tablediff Utility
We have the process where when a developer gets done with a change, they then script it out and check it into Subversion. In Subversion we have a folder for Tables, Stored Procs, Data, etc. They script it out so it is repeatable (i.e. don’t insert the new data if it is already there.) This is important to do anyway so you keep the history of changes for a given object in the database.
In the past, we would just enter each of the files that we wanted scripted out into a text file (i.e. FileListV102.txt). When we were ready to make a release we would do “get latest” on all of the files (from VSS back then.) We then had a simple utility that would read the “file list” file and open each of those files in turn concatenating them into an output file. That is pretty easy to code.
We outgrew that and now we have a release management tools (which can be found here and will be on sale mid September), that takes all of the files and creates a big SQL script file out of it. It does it in the order that you would expect based on the folder names – so files found in the "Tables" folder are done before those in the "Data" folder, etc.
Either way, once you are done you have a big SQL script file that you can then apply to a fresh copy of production and that is what you test against.
I know I'm way late to the party, but I just wanted to add that there are tens of third party products out there. Some are very good, some are very cheap or free, and some are a mixture. I listed 22 here:
We have been using a relatively new software called Kal Admin.
It has Change Management feature and let distributing selected changes to other databases very easily. We used to do it by comparing two databases but it not satisfy our need for change tracking.
BTW Kal Admin has Metadata and data compare capabilities as well.

What is the best way to transfer a table or tables from one SQL server to another?

I have been developing in VB.NET and SQL Server 2008 for a while now, but haven't got into live installs yet. In the database system I used be on it had the ability to archive multiple tables into a .dga file, as it was called. I could then restore the .dga file into another database or on another server.
I'm looking for the easiest way to accomplish something similar in SQL Server.
If you want to transfer specific tables, then using Data Transformation Services (right click on the database in SQL Server Management studio and select "Import Data" and it will bring the dialog up for it). Of course, this assumes that you have both databases available to you.
If you are comfortable with replacing the database as a whole, you can easily backup the database and then restore it into a new one through SQL Server Management studio (or through calling the appropriate SP).
I would go for one of the following :
From MS SQL Management Studio, right click on the database / Tasks / Generate scripts
From Visual Studio, in the Server Explorer tab, "publish to provider"
Both will launch a wizard allowing you to export the tables you want the way you want (including data or not, creation scripts or not, etc etc.)
If you want to move tabless without data, the simpliest thing is to script the tables you want and run the script.
We script all our db changes and commit them to subversion and then run them as part of the deplyment process.
If you want to put the whole database on prod including data (scrub out test records first!), then do a backup and restore onthe other server.
For future changes, wescript all our db changes and commit them to subversion and then run them as part of the deployment process. There also are tools that look at the structural differnces bewteen the two servers and creates scripts. REd-Gate's SQL Compare is really good for this.
In addition to HLGEM's suggestions, you can look into SSIS if this is an ongoing process.