Rails 3 - Authlogic...ARGH - ruby-on-rails-3

Have looked for a solution for 2 days now and am beating my head against the wall. I have tried both the normal authlogic build and the fork
authlogic or 'authlogic', :git => 'git://github.com/odorcicd/authlogic.git', :branch => 'rails3'
I have everything working except for when I create a UserSession it will not take the current_account details, so I"m left with every login will allow you to log into any of the subdomains. I can't seem to find a solution for this issue
def new
#user_session = #current_account.user_sessions.new

I think this is what you are looking for (from Not able to set a current_user using Authlogic on Rails 3.0.1)
class UserSession < Authlogic::Session::Base
allow_http_basic_auth false


Devise Parameter Sanitizer "For" Method Not Found Rails 5

I have just added devise to my shiny new Rails 5 app. All's good and dandy until I try to add a username to the Devise user model. Everything worked until I ran it and went to localhost:3000/users/sign_up, where I was greeted by this error:
undefined method `for' for #<Devise::ParameterSanitizer:0x007fa0dc31c1b0> Did you mean? fork
I have searched the wonderful place of Google for any results, only being given outdated, Rails 4 errors and solutions, the same with searching Stack Overflow itself. I cannot get my mind to find a working solution. I would appreciate help very much. Here is how I prepared for this:
Create the migration: rails generate migration add_username_to_users username:string:uniq
Migrate the database rake db:migrate
Add strong parameters to the application controller devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:sign_up) { |u| u.permit(..) }
Add username parameters to the Devise views
Restart the server
Is there anything I missed or did wrong?
The .for method is deprecated, from devise 4.1+ .permit method is available
Try .permit. It should work.
devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:my_action) { |u| u.permit(..) }
Hope this will help you :)
The problem was well mentioned by #Shadow but this syntax worked for me:
def configure_permitted_parameters
devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_up, keys: [:first_name, :last_name, :email])
devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:account_update, keys: [:first_name, :last_name, :phone, :email, bank_attributes:
[:bank_name, :bank_account]])

Cancan is not working well with active_admin

I have implemented the cancan with active_admin using below link.
Just in my case the only change is below written code.
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize(user)
user ||= AdminUser.new # guest user (not logged in)
if user.id == 1
can :manage, :all
puts ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manage all"
can :read, :all
puts ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> read all"
For now just put condition on user.id.
so when i run my application i can see my puts are on right login.
so if i login with user whos user.id != 1 then also i can manage all my modules in active_admin.
cancan ability not working for me.
(In short my can :code isn't working in any condition)
Using rails 3.1.1, cancan 1.6.7, activeadmin 0.4.4, ruby 1.9.3
Followed commands in link correctly, double checked.
Used authorize_resource in AdminUser.
Using socery not devise, does this thing affecting the cancan?
I write the following in code in every model in /admin
then my conditions in ability model start working.
menu :if => proc{ can?(:manage, #ModelName) }
Before posting this question i just written the above code only in admin users

Thinking sphinx not indexing belongs_to relationship properly in production but works fine in dev

I want to display the movies associated to a given author. On the author's page, I want users to be able to paginate, sort, and filter by keyword.
Everything works fine on my local machine. But, in production, the list of movies on the author's page is empty, and I can't figure out why. In production, in the console, I tested the following expressions, but no luck (always returns 0, while it returns values > 0 in dev):
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :042 > Movie.search(:with => {:author_ids => [6]}).count
=> 0
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :043 > Movie.search(:with => {:author_ids => 6}).count
=> 0
The weird thing is that I'm using a very similar code to display the movies associated to a topic on a topic's page, and it works great in development AND in production. For instance:
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :051 > Movie.search(:with => {:topic_ids => 2}, :per_page => 1000).count
=> 295
Here is how I define my Movie class:
class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :author
has_many :topics
define_index('movie') do
has author(:id), :as => :author_ids,
:facet => true
has topics(:id), :as => :topic_ids,
:facet => true
And here is what my Author show controller looks like:
def show
#author = Author.find(params[:id])
keywords = params[:what] || ""
with_params[:author_ids] = [#author.id]
#movies = Movie.search(
:with => with_params
This leads me to believe there is something wrong with the Sphinx index in production, but I'm not sure how to investigate further to find the root of the problem...
UPDATE: Following Pat's suggestion, I updated Sphinx and everything was solved (I upgraded from 0.9.8 to 0.9.10)! I was confused because Sphinx is NOT a Gem (even though a Sphinx gem exists)... So I had to go through the regular download, make, make install process.
I'll start with the obvious, but maybe this has already been tried - is the author_ids attribute something relatively new? Have you rebuilt (indexed and restarted) Sphinx since adding that attribute? rake ts:rebuild is the easy way to do that.
Update: It turns out updating Sphinx was the fix here - Alex can confirm which version, but I'm guessing 0.9.9 or better should do the trick.

stringify_keys error after supplementing session variables in functional tests

I'm in the process of upgrading to Rails 3.1.0 from 3.0.10, and I'm using Devise for authentication.
I have a number of functional tests that require me to set a single session variable. Stuff along the lines of:
test "new clears current_lesson_id from session" do
get :new, nil, {'current_lesson_id' => '234234'}
assert_response :success
assert_nil session[:current_lesson_id]
This was failing as my session info was clobbering the devise authentication session data, so my previous solution was to merge with the default session:
test "new clears current_lesson_id from session" do
get :new, nil, authenticated_sesion_with({'current_lesson_id' => '234234'})
assert_response :success
assert_nil session[:current_lesson_id]
def authenticated_session_with(hash)
All of this worked fine with rails 3.0.10 (with warden 1.0.4 and devise 1.4.2), but no longer with rails 3.1.0 (and warden 1.0.5, devise 1.4.4). Now I'm getting the following error:
NoMethodError: private method `stringify_keys' called for <ActionController::TestSession:0x000001060db590>
I gather this is because the 'session' object is an instance of ActionController::TestSession, and in rails 3.1.0 there are a bunch of instance variables that can't and shouldn't be 'stringified'.
How should I properly access the devise user information (preferably dynamically) so I can add 'current_lesson_id', etc.?
Thanks much,
try this to fix your error in Rails 3.1
sign_in user
hashy = session['warden.user.user.key'][2]
get :action, nil, {"warden.user.user.key"=>["User", [user.id],hashy]}, nil
Worked for me. Seems to not like the new way Rails handles TestSessions.
I think you better do:
def valid_session
my_session_values = {:some_key => :some_value}
session.to_hash.merge my_session_values

FactoryGirl + RSpec + Rails 3 'undefined method <attribute>='

I'm fairly new to rails and TDD (as will no doubt be obvious from my post) and am having a hard time wrapping my brain around Rspec and FactoryGirl.
I'm using Rails 3, rspec and factory girl:
gem 'rails', '3.0.3'
# ...
gem 'rspec-rails', '~>2.4.0'
gem 'factory_girl_rails'
I have a user model that I've been successfully running tests on during development, but then needed to add an attribute to, called "source". It's for determining where the user record originally came from (local vs LDAP).
In my factories.rb file, I have several factories defined, that look something like the following:
# An alumnus account tied to LDAP
Factory.define :alumnus, :class => User do |f|
f.first_name "Mickey"
f.last_name "Mouse"
f.username "mickeymouse"
f.password "strongpassword"
f.source "directory"
I have a macro defined (that's been working up until now) that looks like this:
def login(user)
before(:each) do
sign_out :user
sign_in Factory.create(user)
I'm calling it in multiple specs like so (example from users_controller_spec.rb):
describe "for non-admins or managers" do
it "should deny access" do
get :index
response.should redirect_to(destroy_user_session_path)
If I don't specify the "source" attribute, everything works OK, but as soon as I do, I get an error like so when running the test
12) UsersController for non-admins or managers should deny access
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `source=' for #<User:0x00000100e256c0>
I can access the attribute no problem from the rails console and the app itself, and it's listed in my attr_accessible in the user model. It's almost as though Rspec is seeing an old version of my model and not recognizing that I've added an attribute to it. But if I put the following line into my user model, the error disappears
attr_accessor :source
... which indicates to me that it is actually looking at the correct model.
How about running this?
rake db:test:load
[If you added a new attribute you'd need to migrate it to the test database.]
if you don't use schema.rb (e.g. you have set config.active_record.schema_format = :sql)
you should run
rake db:test:prepare