What I need is "System.Data.SQLite ADO.NET 4.0", which I cannot find in the home-page.
So I downloaded "Precompiled Binary (Windows) Zip Archive " from here (I think this is for .Net 3.5).
Now I am suppose to Copy SQLite.DLL to my project and add a reference.
But for some reason VS-2010 says "Cannnot be added . Please make sure that the file is accessible, and that it is a valid assembly or COM component."
I am reffering this site
You'd need an existing SQLite database. To help create your own SQLite databases outside of Visual Studio, use the SQLite Admin tool. It's very easy to use, and if you're
familiar with SQL Server Management Studio and the like, you'll get it easy. Design your tables, etc, and you'll save it as a file (.s3db).
To give your application access to the SQLite database, download System.Data.SQLite at the SourceForge page for SQLite ADO.NET Provider. This will install the binaries into a directory like C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLite.NET\bin\. You can then reference these binaries from your .NET project. System.Data.SQLite and System.Data.SQLite.Linq.
This library is easy to use in your .NET project. This is an ADO.NET provider for a SQLite database. Basically it gives you the ability to use classes like SQLiteConnection and SQLiteCommand.
The original developer's site: http://sqlite.phxsoftware.com/.
My ultimate goal here is to install the correct SQLite package in Visual Studio 2019 on a Windows 7 SP 1 64 bit
The project is a WinForms app and I might try UWP apps
It seems the NuGet Ice Cream Store has a lot of flavors of SQLite
The official SQLite database engine for both x86 and x64 along with the ADO.NET provider.
This package includes support for LINQ and Entity Framework 6.
The official SQLite database engine for both x86 and x64 along with the ADO.NET provider.
sqlite 3.13.0
SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. This package contains native libraries for SQLite on Linux, macOS, and Windows (desktop and Universal Windows apps).
The Last option here seemed like the correct and logical choice then I looked at this SO Post
After 3 days of reading and searching I have given up hence the confusion has won
While I stated my ultimate goal above can I also assume NuGet will put the SQLite package in the project Reference Folder
The question is I want to have a self contained EXE project once packaged
The last one was last updated almost 4 years ago, so clearly not the right option. That was from before Microsoft embraced SQLite as it's recommended file-based database system. Microsoft used to provide its own SQL Server CE but presumably decided that there was no point trying to compete withy SQLite as it already did what .NET developers needed. Notice that the new options start with System.Data, which is generally reserved for Microsoft's own types.
As for the other two, if you check the dependencies for each you will see that the first has a dependency on the second. As the descriptions say, they are both the official SQLite database engine and ADO.NET provider but, unlike the Core package, the first adds support for LINQ and EF6. Do you want that support? That is what determines which package to add.
If you don't know which you need then you can just add the Core package for now and add the other later if you need it. Also be aware that NuGet packages are added on a per-project basis. Even within the same solution, projects can have different packages added. You should/will add just the packages needed for each project you create.
I asked a server if they could install aspJpeg so I can use it in my classic asp project but they told me that I should put its DLL in my own bin folder.
I have read some answers and guidelines using Visual Studio . But I didn't use visual studio in my project. There is no bin folder and no more extra files and settings to add and consume a dll in my project.
Can I consume a dll using manual code through web.config or inline with my asp codes (or vbscript code) or something like that? I have no access to command prompt and server administration and I want to do that through pure coding.
DLL must be registered on server side by using command
regsvr32 <youdll>
Your hosting company/hosting support team have to do this. You cannot do this remotely.
By the way, what IIS version are you using?
"There is no bin folder"
Yes, because it's not an ASP.NET project.
"but they told me that I should put its DLL in my own bin folder."
When you contacted hosting support team, did you mentioned that you are running Classic ASP website? You could upload DLL, but you cannot register it on their server.
I'm building a windows mobile 6.0 application and I wanted to use restsharp library to consume data from a rest service. I've found information that RestSharp can be compiled for compact framework 3.5 (as is not available from the official site).
But, does anybody have successfully compiled the assembly for CF? If yes, could anybody provide a link to download the assembly. Thanks
I do not know a download location for the ready-to-use assembly.
I would start a new CF2 project and in another instance of VS open the original restsharp solution. Additionally open two file explorer to copy files of the restsharp source to the new CF2 project directory. You should maintain the same solution layout and folders (if any). Then copy the files over to CF2 dirs and use Add Existing Files in the CF2 solution. You need to use the same namespace and project and solution names (makes live easier).
Now try to compile. If you are lucky, everything compiles without error. But mostly you have to either adjust code or write CF2 compatible wrappers. If there are two many FullFramework constructs that can not be 'emulated' in CF2, you may have to give up. But as you said, there are CF compatible sources.
You mentionend CF3.5 and asked for CF2. Possibly RestSharp will only compile as CF3.5 assembly.
See also: RestSharp: Don’t Serialize null Properties
BTW: the GitHub repo (https://github.com/restsharp/RestSharp) shows a CF solution file RestSharp.Compact.sln and RestSharp.Compact.csproj. These should work with VS2008.
I have a CLR project that calls a simple HTTP web service. Its x64-targeted and I got it to serialize properly only after going through the steps outlined at the following link which talks about the changes required to have VS2010 point to the correct target architecture (x64) - the changes just required unloading and changing the .csproj file with a few extra lines to reference the correct version of sgen.exe: http://geekswithblogs.net/akraus1/archive/2011/12/10/148002.aspx
Now, I am able to build this project and its .XmlSerializers.dll by setting "Generate serialized assembly" to on. I wanna do this because my CLR project is going to get deployed on the database, and I don't want it to runtime serialize any objects since those DLLs are not referenced in my database and I don't want to give my CLR project permissions higher than EXTERNAL_ACCESS for security reasons because this will be used in a production environment where security is important, and also because my database is NOT trustworthy.
Long story short, I am following the guide at the following link to upload my serialized assembly into the database but I get an error: http://footheory.com/blogs/bennie/archive/2006/12/07/invoking-a-web-service-from-a-sqlclr-stored-procedure.aspx
The error is: CREATE ASSEMBLY for assembly '.XmlSerializers' failed because the assembly is built for an unsupported version of the Common Language Runtime.
Does anyone know how to correct this by forcing sgen.exe to serialize a CLR-supported version of the assembly? Viva the Stack.
SQL Server 2005/2008/2008R2 supports only .Net 2.0. You need to change your project to target this, see How to: Target a Specific .NET Framework Version or Profile. You do not need to specify x64 for the build target, SQLCLR assemblies should be Common target built.
That said, calling web services from SQLCLR is a really really really bad idea. Don't do it. Have an external process handle the HTTP calls.
I found that the problem was actually not the fact that I'm using .NET 3.5 as a target, but I was referencing the wrong version of the sgen.exe tool, which in this case I needed the x64 version of 6.0A (which translates to .NET 3.5) at this path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bin\x64\sgen.exe. Now I am able to build the correct version of the serialization assembly, upload it, and also use it.
I developed Vb.net project.
My project name is Lone.
My front-end is Vb.net Backend is Ms Access.
I completed my project.
Now I copy the Lone.exe and put shortcut into my system desktop.
Now I want to run that Lone.exe to all system.
I don’t no how to share that one.
Tell me how I want to run my project to all system.
Note: In my system only having Vb.net.
Remaining systems doesn’t installed vb.net.
You have to install the correct version of the .Net framework on all 6 systems, you don't need the whole VB.Net development environment, just the framework. This might already have been installed using Windows Update or similar, so this step might not be needed.
Just try googling download .net framework x.x where x.x is the version you need and you should find a link to download the correct version from Microsoft if needed.
After that just copy that executable to each system and run it.