RegAsm: Method 'LoadContent' in type 'MyAlgorithms.MyAlgorithm' from assembly 'A' does not have an implementation - com

I have the following types(see code part below). It is compiled but RegAsm gives the following error: " Method 'LoadContent' in type 'MyAlgorithms.MyAlgorithm' from assembly 'A' does not have an implementation. "
Has any idea why? If I would not implemented LoadContent() method it would not be compiled.
I saw a nearly same question, here:
TypeLoadException says 'no implementation', but it is implemented
but it did not help, because:
A, B and C projects are in the same solution, and the build order is C, B and A.
"Post-build event command line" of all projects contains the next lines:
"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\RegAsm.exe" /u $(TargetPath)
"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\RegAsm.exe" $(TargetPath)
"c:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\gacutil.exe" /u $(TargetName)
"c:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\gacutil.exe" /if $(TargetPath)
So I think project A refers to the right assemblies.
And why solves the problem if I added to MyAlgorithmBase class the next:
protected override void LoadContent(PersistenceReader reader) { }
// C.dll from project C
namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.DataMining.PluginAlgorithms
public abstract class AlgorithmBase : IDisposable
protected abstract void LoadContent(PersistenceReader reader);
//in B.dll from project B, refers C.dll
namespace AlgorithmCommons
public abstract class MyAlgorithmBase : AlgorithmBase
// Why solves the problem if the next line is commented out?
// protected override void LoadContent(PersistenceReader reader) { }
//in A.dll from project A, refers B.dll and C.dll
namespace MyAlgorithms
public class MyAlgorithm : MyAlgorithmBase
protected override void LoadContent(PersistenceReader reader)

The compiler verifies this. Which almost surely means that at runtime, when Regasm.exe loads the assembly, it doesn't load the assembly you think it does. There's plenty of opportunity for this since you use the GAC. Which can produce an old version of a dependent assembly, based on an [AssemblyVersion] number in the reference assembly.
Troubleshoot this with Fuslogvw.exe, log all the binds. It shows you where every assembly came from.
Stay out of this kind of trouble by not putting your assemblies in the GAC. It is a deployment detail and not appropriate on your dev machine where assembly versions can rapidly change, especially when you let the build system automatically increment them. You do so by using the /codebase option for Regasm.exe


Why no intellisense in VB6?

I wrote a DLL in C# in VS2012:
namespace COMTest
public class MyClass
public int Fun()
return 3;
And then I set "Make Assembly COM Visible=True" and in the Build page, I set "Register COM for intercrop". Then create a new VB6 project, add a reference to the generated dll file but failed……Later tried tlb file succeeded but without intellisense after saying "a." (No "Fun" tip)
Dim a As MyClass
Set a = New MyClass
MsgBox (a.Fun())
So my questions are:
1) Why must I refer tlb file instead of dll file?
2) Why no intellisense?
Try placing a check mark in:
Tools->Options->Editor->Auto List Members
If that does not help, then to resolve this problem, define a public interface by using methods and properties that you want to expose in the TLB, and then implement the interface in the class. Also, add the ClassInterface (ClassInterfaceType.None) attribute to the class. As you develop the component, you can use this approach to avoid using the ComVisible(False) attribute.
You can have more details here

calling a class constructor present in a dll managed C++

I've a class created in a DLL (which uses /clr runtime, ManagedC++) and a constructor defined in that class. Code as follows:
//Following is defined in something.h//
namespace ABC
public ref Class XYZ
public: int a;
public: XYZ();
//In something.cpp, I've the below code to define the constructor of the class created//
#include something.h
namespace ABC
a = 100;
Above project is built into a DLL
In another project, I try to use the Class XYZ as follows:
#include something.h
using namespace ABC;
//inside main, I've following code
ABC::XYZ^ prq = gcnew ABC:XYZ();
In this, I get the an error saying -
unresolved token (06000001) ABC.XYZ::.ctor
Could you please help what's the problem here?
The problem is that the linker can't find the definition of the constructor. It is located in another DLL. In a managed project, you solve that by adding a reference to the assembly. Right-click your project, Properties, Common Properties, Framework and References. Click the Add New Reference button. Use the Project tab if the project is located in the same solution. The Browse tab otherwise.
Also note that you now no longer need the .h file anymore. Declarations are imported from the metadata in the assembly.

Visual C++ 2010: ``unresolved token" LNK2020

I have a VC++ 2010 solution containing two projects: ProjectX and ProjectXTests. In the current configuration, ProjectX builds as a static library and ProjectXTests as a DLL intended to test various methods in ProjectX. Now, in ProjectX I have a class User with a method getUserName(), as follows:
// User.h
public ref class User
User(String^ userName);
String^ getUserName();
String^ userName;
The constructor and method are implemented in User.cpp. In ProjectXTests, I have a class UserTests, which tests, among other things, the getUserName() method, in a, say, getUserNameTest() method. It is declared in UserTests.h and implemented as follows in UserTests.cpp:
// UserTests.cpp
#include "UserTests.h"
#include "User.h"
void UserTests::getUserNameTest()
User^ testUser = gcnew User("name");
Assert::AreEqual("name", testUser->getUserName());
In the project properties (Common Properties -> Framework and References) of ProjectXTests, I have added a reference to ProjectX. In VC++ Directories, I have added the appropriate directories for header files and library files. When building the solution, the header file "User.h" is found. However, I get a link error
error LNK2020: unresolved token (06000005) User::getUserName
The same thing happens for all other methods being tested. I just can't figure out why this happens. So far, the only thing I've found to work, is to include the file "User.cpp" instead of "User.h" in "UserTests.cpp", but this seems like cheating. Does anybody know what I might be missing?
Somehow you have to include the code from ProjectX in ProjectXTests. This is not done by literally using the #include directive, instead the simplest is to add the source files from ProjectX to the ProjectXTests project workspace. If ProjectX is made as a static of dynamic library, then link with that instead.

Provide C#'s namespace from IronPython

I want to write Tomboy add-on using IronPython and I'm stuck and very beginning -- I need to provide C#'s namespace.
I mean, here's howto in writing Tomboy add-on's
Let's start with creating the plugin
file called InsertDateTime.cs with the
following content:
using Tomboy;
namespace Tomboy.InsertDateTime
public class InsertDateTimeAddin : NoteAddin
public override void Initialize ()
public override void Shutdown ()
public override void OnNoteOpened ()
Can I do that with IronPython? Thank you.
From Python you can import the clr module and then call clr.AddReference('AssemblyName') where assembly name is a partial or full assembly name - maybe in your case it's Tomboy, it's whatever you'd compile against with C#. Then you can do "import Tomboy" or "from Tomboy import NoteAddin".
If you're hosting IronPython via the hosting APIs you can instead do scriptRuntime.LoadAssembly(typeof(NoetAddin).Assembly); so that you don't have to do it in Python. That can be particularly useful to avoid various loader context issues depending on how the assembly gets loaded.

Internal references in a VS2005.NET project

I have a C++/CLI class library project in VS2005 that i am having some problems with. I have defined a class called Languages which is a an enum class. which looks like this:
namespace Company
namespace product
public eunm class Languages : int
English = 1,
German = 2,
//etc for other languages
I then have another class that tries to references this which lives in the same namespace:
namespace Company
namespace product
public class LanguageConsumer
Languages DoSomething(Languages input)
if (input == Languages::English)
//Do something and return
However my project doensn't compile. From what i can figure out the different classes can't see each other even thought they are in the same namespace. I assume that i might need to have header files and #includes for the header files but i just don't know enough about C++/CLI to be sure (i come from C# background with hardly any C experience) and i have tried as many different combinations as i can think of. I'm sure i'm missing something very obvious to anybody who knows what they are doing, but alas i do not.
Thanks in advance.
C++/CLI still compiles like C++, file files are compiled separately and then linked together. This is different from C# which compiles all the files together. At compile time the files don't know about each other so the code doesn't compile (what is this enum?!). You need to have the enum definition in the same file (compilation unit) as the class.
The simple way to do this is to move the code into the same file. The header file solution is to move the enum definition into a header file and then include it (#include) in the other file. #include inserts the text of another file, giving the same effect.