Add a random number between 30 and 300 to an existing field - sql

I have looked on the net as well as here but can't find an answer to the following MySQL question. I'm looking to replace the value of an existing field with a query that has a random number between 30 and 300.
Reason was because I've moved galleries and had 250,000,000 views on my images and there have been lost with the migration and a lot of my members are upset that they have lost views....

UPDATE the_table SET the_field = the_field + FLOOR(RAND() * (270 + 1)) + 30

Use RAND()
UPDATE table
SET field = FLOOR(30 + (RAND() * 270));
WHERE foo = 'bar'

I think this will do the trick:
UPDATE table SET field = ROUND(30 + (RAND() * 270)) WHERE id =1;


How to insert the result in the desired row? SQL Server

I need the result that I got to be inserted in the right row.
DECLARE #DiscPrice float;
SET #DiscPrice = (SELECT Prod.priceProd - Prod.priceProd / 100 * Prod.disc
WHERE id_prod = 1);
SET priceDisc = #DiscPrice
WHERE id_prod = 1;
That is, instead of WHERE id_prod = 1, there was something that inserted the desired result in all rows.
I'm not sure I made myself clear, but I hope that you will understand.
I think you want
SET priceDisc = ((priceProd - priceProd) / 100) * disc
WHERE id_prod = 1;
There is no need to use a variable or a query to assign the value to it.
You can directly update the query as below
UPDATE Prod SET priceDisc =((priceProd - priceProd) / 100 * disc)
This will update the data in all rows

Percentage of two values returning NULL

Same as yesterdays question which has been answered successfully but different problem. I have two values, 1 and 0 for which I need to calculate the percent change. Based on this website the percent change between 1 and 0 is -100%. Based on the suggested formula which is (((y2- y1))/ y1) my code looks like this.
DefinedYearVSPriorYearIndividual = ((( CTEDefinedYear.IndividualCases - CTEPreviousYear.IndividualCasesLastYear ))
/ ( CTEPreviousYear.IndividualCasesLastYear ) ) * 100
which returns NULL.
The two numbers are
CTEDefinedYear.IndividualCases = 1
CTEPreviousYear.IndividualCasesLastYear = 0
The desired result should be -100%.
Can anybody see what I'm doing wrong?
Here is the answer.
Declare #y1 as int =1;
Declare #y2 as int =0;
select (((#y2- #y1))/ #y1)*100
Output is -100. You missed the *100 part.
In your case, You switched variables. attached formula is right one.
select ((0 - 1) / 1)*100;
But you used select ((1 - 0) / 0)*100;
so, you will get an error:
Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Divide by zero error encountered.
You have to handle 0 in the division side, with CASE logic, to avoid divide by zero error.
DECLARE #CTEDefinedYear_IndividualCases INT = 1
DECLARE #CTEPreviousYear_IndividualCasesLastYear INT = 0
SELECT ((#CTEDefinedYear_IndividualCases - #CTEPreviousYear_IndividualCasesLastYear) / (CASE WHEN #CTEPreviousYear_IndividualCasesLastYear = 0 THEN 1 ELSE #CTEPreviousYear_IndividualCasesLastYear END)) * 100
Got it to work with this code.
DefinedYearVSPriorYearIndividual = ISNULL(100.0 *
- ISNULL(CTEPreviousYear.IndividualCasesLastYear,0))
/ NULLIF(CTEPreviousYear.IndividualCasesLastYear,0),0)

SQL update only values whose value is not already updated

I have a Query it updates the whole tickets in table.
I want it to update only the tickets whose values needs to be updated not update all rows.
If slabreachdays is already 10 then new value is also 10 it should not update.
This is my update query.
update ticket
set TICKET.slabreachdays =
FLOOR(((DAYS(TICKET.creationdate) - DAYS(current timestamp)+10)
* 86400 + (MIDNIGHT_SECONDS(TICKET.creationdate) -
MIDNIGHT_SECONDS(current timestamp)))/86400.0)
where TICKET.VENDOR like 'ABC'
This is my select query which selects only the tickets that needs to be updated. This is the query I need to convert to an update query
select * from (
select ticketid,slabreachdays,
FLOOR(((DAYS(TICKET.creationdate) - DAYS(current timestamp)+10) * 86400 + (MIDNIGHT_SECONDS(TICKET.creationdate) - MIDNIGHT_SECONDS(current timestamp)))/86400.0)
as newValue
from ticket
where SLABREACHDAYS != newValue
Try it
Where .... And slabeachdays<> aller calculated expression
Try this
update ticket
set TICKET.slabreachdays =
FLOOR(((DAYS(TICKET.creationdate) - DAYS(current timestamp)+10)
* 86400 + (MIDNIGHT_SECONDS(TICKET.creationdate) -
MIDNIGHT_SECONDS(current timestamp)))/86400.0)
where TICKET.VENDOR like 'ABC'
TICKET.slabreachdays <>
(FLOOR(((DAYS(TICKET.creationdate) - DAYS(current timestamp)+10)
* 86400 + (MIDNIGHT_SECONDS(TICKET.creationdate) -
MIDNIGHT_SECONDS(current timestamp)))/86400.0))

Specifying an upper bound for an int in UPDATE

Given a table, for example Article(Id,Body,Revisions), I would like to increment the Revisions attribute, and, once a certain limit is reached (it's a constant provided by the developer), an error should be thrown. Is this possible to achieve with a single UPDATE ... SET statement in T-SQL?
What I've done:
To increment Revisions attribute by one, I solved as shown here: Is UPDATE command thread safe (tracking revisions) in MS SQL.
To find a way that is thread safe, which would allow incrementation of Revisions until a certain upper bound is reached.
Since I'm using EF, the ideal solution would be to either thrown an error or specify a flag of some sort. The code I'm using (shown below) is encapsulated into a try-catch:
context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("UPDATE dbo.Articles SET Revisions = Revisions + 1 WHERE Id=#p0;", articleId);
You could do this with a WHERE clause in your UPDATE statement, which would do the test. If the test fails, the update will not happen and your call with context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand will return 0 instead of 1.
In case of a limit of 1000, the update SQL would be:
count = context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(
"UPDATE dbo.Articles SET Revisions = Revisions + 1 WHERE Id=#p0 AND Revisions < 1000;", articleId);
Then afterwards you would test whether count == 0 and raise an error message if so.
Use a CHECK constraint. No update statement can violate bounds that are implemented by a CHECK constraint. Not even an update statement issued by a sleep-deprived DBA at the console.
create table article (
id integer primary key,
body nvarchar(max) not null,
-- Allow six versions. (Original plus five revisions.)
revisions integer not null
check (revisions between 0 and 5)
insert into article values (1, 'a', 0);
update article
set body = 'b', revisions = 1
where id = 1;
update article
set body = 'c', revisions = 2
where id = 1;
-- Other updates . . .
-- This update will *always* fail with an error.
update article
set body = 'f', revisions = 6
where id = 1;
Kind of whacked but
UPDATE dbo.Articles
SET Revisions = Revisions + 1
WHERE Id=#p0
AND sqrt(Revisions - #MaxRevisions - 2) >= 0;
If Revisions - #Revisions - 2 is negative it will throw an
An invalid floating point operation occurred.
If the limit is 100,
UPDATE Article
SET Revisions = LEAST(Revisions + 1, 100)
where Id = #p0

Update multiple columns with Different Values

I have table following this format :
Id BillNo: Voucher No:
1 W2015-16/0001 W2015-16/0001
2 W2015-16/0002 W2015-16/0002
3 W2015-16/0003 W2015-16/0003
4 W2015-16/0004 W2015-16/0004
5 W2015-16/0005 W2015-16/0005
6 W2015-16/0006 W2015-16/0006
7 W2015-16/0007 W2015-16/0007
8 W2015-16/0008 W2015-16/0008
9 W2015-16/0009 W2015-16/0009
10 W2015-16/0010 W2015-16/0010
But Instead of this Format:
Now I want to Update All "Voucher No" and "Bill No" below on this format :
Id BillNo: Voucher No:
1 W0001/2015-16 W0001/2015-16
2 W0002/2015-16 W0002/2015-16
3 W0003/2015-16 W0003/2015-16
4 W0004/2015-16 W0004/2015-16
5 W0005/2015-16 W0005/2015-16
6 W0006/2015-16 W0006/2015-16
7 W0007/2015-16 W0007/2015-16
8 W0008/2015-16 W0008/2015-16
9 W0009/2015-16 W0009/2015-16
10 W0010/2015-16 W0010/2015-16
11 W0011/2015-16 W0011/2015-16
like this i have a 1000+ records i should update , But i don't know is this possible to do in Lesser time, Kindly give your suggestion , i am new to SQL
Thanks Advance
Assuming everything is in a fixed format, then you would just use update and string manipulations:
update table t
set billno = left(billno, 1) + right(billno, 4) + '/' + substring(billno, 2, 7),
VoucherNo = left(VoucherNo, 1) + right(VoucherNo, 4) + '/' + substring(VoucherNo, 2, 7);
UPDATE YourTable
SET BillNo = SUBSTRING(BillNo,1,1) + SUBSTRING(BillNo,10,4) + '/' + SUBSTRING(BillNo,2,7)
, VoucherNo = SUBSTRING(VoucherNo,1,1) + SUBSTRING(VoucherNo,10,4) + '/' + SUBSTRING(VoucherNo,2,7)
DECLARE #a NVARCHAR(max) = 'W2015-16/0001'
SUBSTRING(#a,10,4) + '/' + SUBSTRING(#a,2,7)
There is no straight forward way to achieve this. You may need to define some patterns in SQL to replace and play with all string functions. Here is
declare #name varchar(50) ='W2015-16/0001';
select SUBSTRING(STUFF(#name,2,0,(SUBSTRING(#name,CHARINDEX('/',#name) + 1,len(#name)) + '/')),0,14)
This gives you the result that you are looking for. So you need to set this into your update statement by joining with the table by ID. This would work only if the pattern you have given is correct.