In Flex 3 Textarea, how to implement Text Search functionality - flex3

I wish to implement 'find...' functionality on the text present in mx:TextArea control. I could find the word using indexOf() function. I am finding difficult to:
highlight correct word
continue search using shortcut key say Ctrl+f (or F3)
wrap search functionality
Please let me know a way to overcome these issues?

The text to find can be highlighted using textArea.setSelection(). For reference see this link


Vscode "next search result" shortcut does not work

When I use the shortcut associated with "search.action.focusNextSearchResult" in vscode while searching something nothing happens.
This action is initially associated with F4 which is also used for other shortcuts. I thought it may be the problem so I reassigned it to an unused shortcut but it did not help.
I am using the extension "Emacs Friendly Keymap" (don't know if it can cause the problem).
Do you know how I could make it work?
That shortcut, used to go to the next search result, only works in a search editor. It has these context keys:
hasSearchResult || inSearchEditor
Are you using it in a separate search editor? It does work there. Here is one way to open a Search Editor:
If you are using the Find widget then use either of these:
Enter when focus is still in the Find widget or F3 when focus is in the editor.
If you are doing a search across files, then just a downarrow will go to the next result.

How to move cursor to Vue methods, computeds, data quickly in VS Code?

I already tried using the symbol explorer in VSCode (CTRL+P then write #). It allows me to jump to data (because it's a method) but it won't jump to normal properties like "computed:" or "methods:"?
This would be useful when eg. I look at my component and think "Aha! I need to add a computed, so let's jump to computeds". I could just CTRL+F but this sometimes doesn't work if another variable or comment has 'computed' in its name
Currently, you can
use Ctrl+R to open Go To Symbol in Editor,
then enter some words like data, computed or methods and etc.,
then press Enter
The cursor would be moved to the selected symbol. Tested in Win10/v1.48.2
The easiest way how to do that is probably using Bookmarks extension.
I am using them and also I haven't find a better way how to solve same problem as you have.

How to bring "Match" word near Match Radio Buttons in ADF

I am working on af:query for Search functionality in ADF. The code for same is given below
<af:query id="qu1" headerText="Search" disclosed="true" styleClass="quButton" saveButtonText="Save"
This provides me a Search region with various fields and 2 radio buttons named as "All" and "Any".
My requirement is that the word "Match" should come before the radio button "All". I have checked on different links that the word "Match" comes by default when we use af:query. But, its not coming in my case. Please suggest some ways in which I can get it done.
My Jdeveloper version is "Studio Edition Version".
Check your view object. Ensure that show match all/match any is checked as shown in the screenshot.
OP was using custom skin. Causing the issue. After removing the custom skin, the issue went away as suggested.

How do I do a project wide find/replace in Flash Builder 4.6?

I am trying to do a project wide find and replace in Flash Builder 4.6 but it is not obvious to me how this can be done.
I have tried Edit->Find/Replace then Replace All but it only replaces matches in the file that is currently open.
There is a Replace option in Search->Search but I'm not sure how to use this if it is what I am looking for.
Search -> Search is the correct place for that.
Type in the search term in the upper textinput and select your working set at the bottom. You can either explicitly select classes or packages or the whole project(s). The Replace button at the bottom lets you specify the replacement term after the search has been completed.
Pretty straightforward really, just try it. ;)

intellij ide shortcut

I was wondering, if anyone know about this kind of shortcut:
lets say I'm searching for something and get a results window with many results, is there a shortcut that can navigate me inside the list without mouse help?
In IntelliJ IDEA 11.0.2
Whenever I do a "Find in Path" using Ctrl+Shift+F and the search completes, the focus is already in the search results and the arrow keys can be used to navigate.
If the focus isn't in the search window, there can be an Alt+# combo that will take you to the window. In my setup, it is Alt+3 (the label on my "Find" tab is "3: Find", so it's easy to see that Alt-3 is the right combo.)
I suspect that I may not understand what you're looking for, but maybe it is helpful.