sql server: Is this nesting in a transcation sufficient for getting a unique number from the database? - sql

i want to generate a unique number from a table.
It has to be thread safe of course, so when i check for the last number and get '3', and then store '4' in the database, i don't want anybody else just in between those two actions (get the number and store it one higher in the database) also to get '3' back, and then also storing '4'
So i thought, put it in a transaction like this:
begin transaction
declare #maxNum int
select #maxNum = MAX(SequenceNumber) from invoice
where YEAR = #year
if #maxNum is null
set #maxNum = 0
set #maxNum = #maxNum + 1
commit transaction
return #maxNum
But i wondered, is that enough, to put it in a transaction?
my first thought was: it locks this sp for usage by other people, but is that correct? how can sql server know what to lock at the first step?
Will this construction guarantee me that nobody else will do the select #maxnum part just when i am updating the #maxnum value, and at that moment receiving the same #maxnum as i did so i'm in trouble.
I hope you understand what i want to accomplish, and also if you know if i did choose the right solution.
also described as 'How to Single-Thread a stored procedure'

If you want to have the year and a sequence number stored in the database, and create an invoice number from that, I'd use:
a InvoiceYear column (which could totally be computed as YEAR(InvoiceDate))
an InvoiceID INT IDENTITY column which you could reset every year to 1
create a computed column InvoiceNumber as:
ALTER TABLE dbo.InvoiceTable
ADD InvoiceNumber AS CAST(InvoiceYear AS VARCHAR(4)) + '-' +
RIGHT('000000' + CAST(InvoiceID AS VARCHAR(6)), 6) PERSISTED
This way, you automagically get invoice numbers:
Of course, if you need more than 6 digits (= 1 million invoices) - just adjust the RIGHT() and CAST() statements for the InvoiceID column.
Also, since this is a persisted computed column, you can index it for fast retrieval.
This way: you don't have to worry about concurrency, stored procs, transactions and stuff like that - SQL Server will do that for you - for free!

No, it's not enough. The shared lock set by the select will not prevent anyone from reading that same value at the same time.
Change this:
select #maxNum = MAX(SequenceNumber) from invoice where YEAR = #year
To this:
select #maxNum = MAX(SequenceNumber) from invoice with (updlock, holdlock) where YEAR = #year
This way you replace the shared lock with an update lock, and two update locks are not compatible with each over.
The holdlock means that the lock is to be held until the end of the transaction. So you do still need the transaction bit.
Note that this will not help if there's some other procedure that also wants to do the update. If that other procedure reads the value without providing the updlock hint, it will still be able to read the previous value of the counter. This may be a good thing, as it improves concurrency in scenarios where the other readers do not intend to make an update later, but it also may be not what you want, in which case either update all procedures to use updlock, or use xlock instead to place an exclusive lock, not compatible with shared locks.

As it turned out, i didn't want to lock the table, i just wanted to execute the stored procedure one at a time.
In C# code i would place a lock on another object, and that's what was discussed here
So that's what i used
declare #Result int
EXEC #Result =
sp_getapplock #Resource = 'holdit1', #LockMode = 'Exclusive', #LockTimeout = 10000 --Time to wait for the lock
IF #Result < 0
RAISERROR('Procedure Already Running for holdit1 - Concurrent execution is not supported.',16,9)
where 'holdit1' is just a name for the lock.
#result returns 0 or 1 if it succeeds in getting the lock (one of them is when it immediately succeeds, and the other is when you get the lock while waiting)


SQL number generation in concurrent environment (Transation isolation level)

I am working with an application that generates invoice numbers (sequentially based on few parameters) and so far it has been using a trigger with serialized transaction. Because the trigger is rather "heavy" it manages to timeout execution of the insert query.
I'm now working on a solution to that problem and so far I came to the point where I have a stored procedure that do the insert and after the insert I have a transaction with isolation level serializable (which by the way applies to that transaction only or should i set it back after the transaction has been commited?) that:
gets the number
if not found do the insert into that table and if found updates the number (increment)
commits the transaction
I'm wondering whether there's a better way to ensure the number is used once and gets incrementer with the table locked (only the number tables gets locked, right?).
I read about sp_getapplock, would that be somewhat a better way to achieve my goal?
I would optimize the routine for update (and handle "insert if not there" separately), at which point it would be:
declare #number int;
update tbl
set #number = number, number += 1
where year = #year and month = #month and office = #office and type = #type;
You don't need any specific locking hints or isolation levels, SQL Server will ensure no two transactions read the same value before incrementing.
If you'd like to avoid handling the insert separately, you can:
merge into tbl
using (values (#year, #month, #office, #type)) as v(y,m,o,t)
on tbl.year = v.year and tbl.month = v.month and tbl.office = v.office and tbl.type = v.type
when not matched by target then
insert (year, month, office, type, number) values(#year, #month, #office, #type, 1)
when matched then
update set #number = tbl.number, tbl.number += 1
Logically this should provide the same guard against race condition as update, but for some reason I don't remember where is the proof.
If you first insert and then update you have a time window where an invalid number is set and can be observed. Further, if the 2nd transaction fails which can always happen you have inconsistent data.
Try this:
Take a fresh number in tran 1.
Insert in tran 2 with the number that was taken already
That way you might burn a number but there will never be inconsistent data.

Conditionally inserting records into a table in multithreaded environment based on a count

I am writing a T-SQL stored procedure that conditionally adds a record to a table only if the number of similar records is below a certain threshold, 10 in the example below. The problem is this will be run from a web application, so it will run on multiple threads, and I need to ensure that the table never has more than 10 similar records.
The basic gist of the procedure is:
SELECT #c = count(*)
FROM foo
WHERE bar = #a_param
IF #c < 10 THEN
VALUES (#a_param)
I think I could solve any potential concurrency problems by replacing the select statement with:
But I am curious if there any methods other than lock hints for managing concurrency problems in T-SQL
One option would be to use the sp_getapplock system stored procedure. You can place your critical section logic in a transaction and use the built in locking of sql server to ensure synchronized access.
CREATE PROC MyCriticalWork(#MyParam INT)
DECLARE #LockRequestResult INT
SET #LockRequestResult=0
DECLARE #MyTimeoutMiliseconds INT
SET #MyTimeoutMiliseconds=5000--Wait only five seconds max then timeouit
EXEC #LockRequestResult=SP_GETAPPLOCK 'MyCriticalWork','Exclusive','Transaction',#MyTimeoutMiliseconds
--Release the lock
Use SERIALIZABLE. By definition it provides you the illusion that your transaction is the only transaction running. Be aware that this might result in blocking and deadlocking. In fact this SQL code is a classic candidate for deadlocking: Two transactions might first read a set of rows, then both will try to modify that set of rows. Locking hints are the classic way of solving that problem. Retry also works.
As stated in the comment. Why are you trying to insert on multiple threads? You cannot write to a table faster on multiple threads.
But you don't need a declare
insert into [Table_1] (ID, fname, lname)
select 3, 'fname', 'lname'
from [Table_1]
where ID = 3
having COUNT(*) <= 10
If you need to take a lock then do so
The data is not 3NF
Should start any design with a proper data model
Why rule out table lock?
That could very well be the best approach
Really, what are the chances?
Even without a lock you would have to have two at a count of 9 submit at exactly the same time. Even then it would stop at 11. Is the 10 an absolute hard number?

How to force a running t-sql query (half done) to commit?

I have database on Sql Server 2008 R2.
On that database a delete query on 400 Million records, has been running for 4 days , but I need to reboot the machine. How can I force it to commit whatever is deleted so far? I want to reject that data which is deleted by running query so far.
But problem is that query is still running and will not complete before the server reboot.
Note : I have not set any isolation / begin/end transaction for the query. The query is running in SSMS studio.
If machine reboot or I cancelled the query, then database will go in recovery mode and it will recovering for next 2 days, then I need to re-run the delete and it will cost me another 4 days.
I really appreciate any suggestion / help or guidance in this.
I am novice user of sql server.
Thanks in Advance
There is no way to stop SQL Server from trying to bring the database into a transactionally consistent state. Every single statement is implicitly a transaction itself (if not part of an outer transaction) and is executing either all or nothing. So if you either cancel the query or disconnect or reboot the server, SQL Server will from transaction log write the original values back to the updated data pages.
Next time when you delete so many rows at once, don't do it at once. Divide the job in smaller chunks (I always use 5.000 as a magic number, meaning I delete 5000 rows at the time in the loop) to minimize transaction log use and locking.
set rowcount 5000
delete table
while ##rowcount = 5000
delete table
set rowcount 0
If you are deleting that many rows you may have a better time with truncate. Truncate deletes all rows from the table very efficiently. However, I'm assuming that you would like to keep some of the records in the table. The stored procedure below backs up the data you would like to keep into a temp table then truncates then re-inserts the records that were saved. This can clean a huge table very quickly.
Note that truncate doesn't play well with Foreign Key constraints so you may need to drop those then recreate them after cleaned.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[deleteTableFast] (
#TableName VARCHAR(100),
#WhereClause varchar(1000))
-- input:
-- table name: is the table to use
-- where clause: is the where clause of the records to KEEP
declare #tempTableName varchar(100);
set #tempTableName = #tableName+'_temp_to_truncate';
-- error checking
if exists (SELECT [Table_Name] FROM Information_Schema.COLUMNS WHERE [TABLE_NAME] =(#tempTableName)) begin
print 'ERROR: already temp table ... exiting'
if not exists (SELECT [Table_Name] FROM Information_Schema.COLUMNS WHERE [TABLE_NAME] =(#TableName)) begin
print 'ERROR: table does not exist ... exiting'
-- save wanted records via a temp table to be able to truncate
exec ('select * into '+#tempTableName+' from '+#TableName+' WHERE '+#WhereClause);
exec ('truncate table '+#TableName);
exec ('insert into '+#TableName+' select * from '+#tempTableName);
exec ('drop table '+#tempTableName);
You must know D(Durability) in ACID first before you understand why database goes to Recovery mode.
Generally speaking, you should avoid long running SQL if possible. Long running SQL means more lock time on resource, larger transaction log and huge rollback time when it fails.
Consider divided your task some id or time. For example, you want to insert large volume data from TableSrc to TableTarget, you can write query like
DECLARE #Max = ...;
WHILE Id < #Max
FROM TableSrc
WHERE PrimaryKey >= #Id AND #PrimaryKey < #Id + #BatchCount;
SET #Id = #Id + #BatchCount;
It's ugly more code and more error prone. But it's the only way I know to deal with huge data volume.

SQLServer lock table during stored procedure

I've got a table where I need to auto-assign an ID 99% of the time (the other 1% rules out using an identity column it seems). So I've got a stored procedure to get next ID along the following lines:
select #nextid = lastid+1 from last_auto_id
check next available id in the table...
update last_auto_id set lastid = #nextid
Where the check has to check if users have manually used the IDs and find the next unused ID.
It works fine when I call it serially, returning 1, 2, 3 ... What I need to do is provide some locking where multiple processes call this at the same time. Ideally, I just need it to exclusively lock the last_auto_id table around this code so that a second call must wait for the first to update the table before it can run it's select.
In Postgres, I can do something like 'LOCK TABLE last_auto_id;' to explicitly lock the table. Any ideas how to accomplish it in SQL Server?
Thanks in advance!
Following update increments your lastid by one and assigns this value to your local variable in a single transaction.
thanks to Dave and Mitch for pointing out isolation level problems with the original solution.
SET #nextid = lastid = lastid + 1
You guys have between you answered my question. I'm putting in my own reply to collate the working solution I've got into one post. The key seems to have been the transaction approach, with locking hints on the last_auto_id table. Setting the transaction isolation to serializable seemed to create deadlock problems.
Here's what I've got (edited to show the full code so hopefully I can get some further answers...):
-- Check what the next ID to use should be
SELECT #NextId = LastId + 1 FROM Last_Auto_Id WITH (TABLOCKX) WHERE Name = 'CustomerNo'
-- Now check if this next ID already exists in the database
IF EXISTS (SELECT CustomerNo FROM Customer
WHERE ISNUMERIC(CustomerNo) = 1 AND CustomerNo = #NextId)
-- The next ID already exists - we need to find the next lowest free ID
CREATE TABLE #idtbl ( IdNo int )
-- Into temp table, grab all numeric IDs higher than the current next ID
SELECT CAST(CustomerNo AS INT) FROM Customer
WHERE ISNUMERIC(CustomerNo) = 1 AND CustomerNo >= #NextId
-- Join the table with itself, based on the right hand side of the join
-- being equal to the ID on the left hand side + 1. We're looking for
-- the lowest record where the right hand side is NULL (i.e. the ID is
-- unused)
SELECT #Pointer = MIN( t1.IdNo ) + 1 FROM #idtbl t1
LEFT OUTER JOIN #idtbl t2 ON t1.IdNo + 1 = t2.IdNo
UPDATE Last_Auto_Id SET LastId = #NextId WHERE Name = 'CustomerNo'
This takes out an exclusive table lock at the start of the transaction, which then successfully queues up any further requests until after this request has updated the table and committed it's transaction.
I've written a bit of C code to hammer it with concurrent requests from half a dozen sessions and it's working perfectly.
However, I do have one worry which is the term locking 'hints' - does anyone know if SQLServer treats this as a definite instruction or just a hint (i.e. maybe it won't always obey it??)
How is this solution? No TABLE LOCK is required and works perfectly!!!
UPDATE Last_Auto_Id
SET #NextId = LastId = LastId + 1
WHERE Name = 'CustomerNo'
Update statement always uses a lock to protect its update.
You might wanna consider deadlocks. This usually happens when multiple users use the stored procedure simultaneously. In order to avoid deadlock and make sure every query from the user will succeed you will need to do some handling during update failures and to do this you will need a try catch. This works on Sql Server 2005,2008 only.
DECLARE #Tries tinyint
SET #Tries = 1
WHILE #Tries <= 3
-- this line updates the last_auto_id
update last_auto_id set lastid = lastid+1
SET #Tries = #Tries + 1
I prefer doing this using an identity field in a second table. If you make lastid identity then all you have to do is insert a row in that table and select #scope_identity to get your new value and you still have the concurrency safety of identity even though the id field in your main table is not identity.

Having TRANSACTION In All Queries

Do you think always having a transaction around the SQL statements in a stored procedure is a good practice? I'm just about to optimize this legacy application in my company, and one thing I found is that every stored procedure has BEGIN TRANSACTION. Even a procedure with a single select or update statement has one. I thought it would be nice to have BEGIN TRANSACTION if performing multiple actions, but not just one action. I may be wrong, which is why I need someone else to advise me. Thanks for your time, guys.
It is entirely unnecessary as each SQL statement executes atomically, ie. as if it were already running in its own transaction. In fact, opening unnecessary transactions can lead to increased locking, even deadlocks. Forgetting to match COMMITs with BEGINs can leave a transaction open for as long as the connection to the database is open and interfere with other transactions in the same connection.
Such coding almost certainly means that whoever wrote the code was not very experienced in database programming and is a sure smell that there may be other problems as well.
The only possible reason I could see for this is if you have the possibility of needing to roll-back the transaction for a reason other than a SQL failure.
However, if the code is literally
begin transaction
Then I see absolutely no reason to use an explicit transaction, and it's probably being done because it's always been done that way.
I don't know of any benefit of not just using auto commit transactions for these statements.
Possible disadvantages of using explicit transactions everywhere might be that it just adds clutter to the code and so makes it less easy to see when an explicit transaction is being used to ensure correctness over multiple statements.
Additionally it increases the risk that a transaction is left open holding locks unless care is taken (e.g. with SET XACT_ABORT ON).
Also there is a minor performance implication as shown in #8kb's answer. This illustrates it another way using the visual studio profiler.
(Testing against an empty table)
WHILE ( 1 = 1 )
Auto Commit
WHILE ( 1 = 1 )
Both of them end up spending time in CMsqlXactImp::Begin and CMsqlXactImp::Commit but for the explicit transactions case it spends a significantly greater proportion of the execution time in these methods and hence less time doing useful work.
| | Auto | Explicit |
| CXStmtQuery::ErsqExecuteQuery | 35.16% | 25.06% |
| CXStmtQuery::XretSchemaChanged | 20.71% | 14.89% |
| CMsqlXactImp::Begin | 5.06% | 13% |
| CMsqlXactImp::Commit | 12.41% | 24.03% |
When performing multiple insert/update/delete, it is better to have a transaction to insure atomicity on operation and it insure that all the tasks of operation are executed or none.
For single insert/update/delete statement, it depends upon what kind of operation (from business layer perspective) you are performing and how important it is. If you are performing some calculation before single insert/update/delete, then better use transaction, may be some data changed after you retrieve data for insert/update/delete.
One plus point is you can add another INSERT (for example) and it's already safe.
Then again, you also have the problem of nested transactions if a stored procedure calls another one. An inner rollback will cause error 266.
If every call is simple CRUD with no nesting then it's pointless: but if you nest or have multiple writes pre TXN then it's good to have a consistent template.
You mentioned that you'll be optimizing this legacy app.
One of the first, and easiest, things you can do to improve performance is remove all the BEGIN TRAN and COMMIT TRAN for the stored procedures that only do SELECTs.
Here is a simple test to demonstrate:
/* Compare basic SELECT times with and without a transaction */
SET #noTran = 0
SET #withTran = 0
#count INT,
#value INT
SET #count = 1
WHILE #count < 1000000
SET #date = GETDATE()
SELECT #value = ColA FROM #t WHERE ColA = 1
SET #noTran = #noTran + DATEDIFF(MICROSECOND, #date, GETDATE())
SET #date = GETDATE()
SELECT #value = ColA FROM #t WHERE ColA = 1
SET #withTran = #withTran + DATEDIFF(MICROSECOND, #date, GETDATE())
SET #count = #count + 1
#noTran / 1000000. AS Seconds_NoTransaction,
#withTran / 1000000. AS Seconds_WithTransaction
/** Results **/
Seconds_NoTransaction Seconds_WithTransaction
--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
14.23600000 18.08300000
You can see there is a definite overhead associated with the transactions.
Note: this is assuming your these stored procedures are not using any special isolation levels or locking hints (for something like handling pessimistic concurrency). In that case, obvously you would want to keep them.
So to answer the question, I would only leave in the transactions where you are actually attempting to preserve the integrity of the data modifications in case of an error in the code, SQL Server, or the hardware.
I can only say that placing a transaction block like this to every stored procedure might be a novice's work.
A transaction should be placed only in a block that has more than one insert/update statements, other than that, there is no need to place a transaction block in the stored procedure.
BEGIN TRANSACTION / COMMIT syntax shouldn't be used in every stored procedure by default unless you are trying to cover the following scenarios:
You include the WITH MARK option because you want to support restoring the database from a backup to a specific point in time.
You intend to port the code from SQL Server to another database platform like Oracle. Oracle does not commit transactions by default.