JSFL - Flash CS4: replace textfields' font by an embedded font - flash-cs4

I have tried a bunch of JSFL scripts to change textfields' fonts of a fla library. I used those scripts to change textfields' fonts for an embedded font which do exist in the library. All scripts run fine through Flash CS3 but always fail through Flash CS4
Let's give an example: replacing the "Arial" font used by all textfields in the fla scene by the "myEmbeddedArial*" embedded font (symbol).
The jsfl font replacement instruction is the following one:
textElement.setTextAttr("face", "myEmbeddedArial*");
I can give a lots of all details about this issue but does someone already observed it and may know about its root cause ?
P.S: Note the Find/Replace "Font" feature of Flash CS4 IDE works properly only if the textfields contain not emtpy strings and only if the symbol including this textfield is in a scene and only if you search in "Current Document" (and not in "Current Scene").

I am not sure if it works for you but maybe:
Good luck,

I think I found a successful workaround. So the only way to properly do that in CS4 IDE is to use the find/replace function, but the textfields' content must not be empty.
Use your jsfl script to fulfill all empty textfields of your symbol library with a marker string like '####'.
Ensure all the embedded font symbols used on your textfields are in your fla library. Because find/replace tool will not parse the textfields which use some embedded font symbols which don't exist in the library. Indeed some embedded font symbols may have been deleted and/or mapped on a default font (manually or during a file conversion from CS3 to CS4). Especially take care to case sensitivity on the embedded font symbol names.
Create the missing embedded font symbols used on your textfields (with the right case sensitive names) before using find/replace feature.
Create the new embedded font symbols you want to use to replace the old embedded font symbols.
Now you should be able to use find/replace feature of CS4 properly even with embedded font symbols. Open find/replace window. Select "Search in: Current Document" (not in "Current Scene"). Create a new layer on your main scene. Create an instance of all the movie clips you have in your library in this layer (e.g: select all the symbol library then drag & drop the selection in the scene).
Don't forget to remove your '####' string marker from all the textfields by using your jsfl script or the find/replace Text feature of the IDE. Finally delete the layer you created for the font replacement operation and all the symbol instances in it.


Does a DCL Fonts Reference Exist?

I'm was going reviewing a few autolisp and dcl tutorials (afralisp & autolisp-exchange) to brush up on the dcl code. To cut to the question, I see that the text can be underlined by the mnemonic in afralisp and the & in autolisp-exchange.
Is there a better way to underline a string of characters?
Can a string be made bold, italicized, or strike-though with this
file type?
If the above is true, is there a reference webpage that has a list of fonts that can be used with the dcl file type?
This webpage may contain the solution, but I haven't seen how: AutoDesk.com
In short, you cannot arbitrarily change the GUI font face or style using standard DCL.
The ability to underline text is purely an exploit of the mnemonic property which allows DCL controls to be manipulated using keys on the keyboard which correspond to the underlined letters as opposed to using the mouse to click such controls.
Whilst DCL text has the is_bold property, this has never worked (and likely never will). One alternative is to feign bold text using the set_tile function in conjunction with an image tile; or you can use the fixed_width_font property, but, as the name implies, this will change the text to use a fixed width font (the exact font cannot be changed).
One other possibility is to display text using the vector_image function applied to an image tile, as I demonstrate in the 'About' dialog for my Incremental Numbering Suite application.

Interface Builder: custom fonts don't appear in list

I've added some custom fonts to the project:
The fonts are added to the target, are included in the "Copy Bundle Resources" list, and are also added to Info.plist under Fonts Provided by Application.
However, those fonts don't show correctly in the Interface Builder. It shows the font family (CentraleSans), but gives me only 2 font choices for that family.
Moreover, the actual font IB ends up using seems random (the final selection can be CentraleSansBold or CentraleSansBook, or other ones, for the same family/font values I pick). Notice how in the screenshot above it says "CentraleSansBook", even though that was not an option in the drop down list. Is this an IB bug?
OK, I found a way to make it work. I had to install the custom fonts on my Mac. Double-click on the font file in Finder, then click "Install Font". After that the font will appear in the drop down list in IB.

Possible to edit PDF without embedded font installed?

I have a PDF and need to edit its text.
It has an embedded font and I'm not able to find the font to install. Is it possible to edit the text and maintain its embedded font when I don't have the font installed?
I'm editing with Acrobat X and its warning me that I don't have the font and forcing me to change the font of the text I want to edit to one that I have installed. I've Googled for a couple hours and found the font family, but not the variation that's embedded. Because the font is already in the document, I would have thought Acrobat or another software program could tap it to allow me to edit, though I'm guessing I'm missing something.
It depends...
Most likely, your embedded font is a subset of the full font. That means that it contains only these glyphs (shapes that represent printable characters) which were required as representations for characters used by the original PDF.
If your edit wants to insert a character that wasn't present in the original PDF, Acrobat (or any other editing method) has to use a different font. The font embedded in the PDF simply doesn't have glyph that is suitable for your edit!
Also, your subsetted font's name is not exactly like the full set font's name: it uses has a randomly composed 6 uppercase character prefix with a +-sign to build the used font name, like ABCXYZ+Arial.
You could employ the free (as in beer) Acrobat Plugin FontReporter to generate a list of all glyphs contained in your font.
You can also use this answer:
"How can I extract embedded fonts from a PDF as valid font files?"
to extract the font in question.
Then open the extracted font (which will be the subset variant, mind you!) in FontForgehttp://fontforge.github.io/en-US/), and there check two things:
the original font's license
the original font's creator
With that knowledge you could then definitely find the variant of the family that is embedded (or rather: that was present when the PDF generating and font embedding software created the subset).
If the (subsetted) font you are looking at uses a so called "custom encoding", it may be almost impossible to edit the PDF file with standard tools (even if you have the same font locally installed that was used to create the PDF file).

How to bold a text in PDF?

I'm developing a new function to "my" program. This function is able to write PDF files by the simple way, making a simple text file with some codes of PDF standard.
I'm trying to understand how it works yet, but my first problem is about how to apply bold on some line of my document.
I've already downloaded the PDF REFERENCES GUIDE, but I've not found nothing about it.
Any idea?
PDF is not like HTML where you can apply formatting tags for emphasis. As you've read in the PDF reference, all that you do in PDF is to setup a graphics environment (colours used, fonts used, etc) and then put text on the page.
If you want to have something show in bold, use a font that is bold. If you want to have something show in italic, use a font that is italic.
Older software used dirty tricks to create "bold-alike" text, but the good (and easy) way to do it is to make sure you select the correct font before you start drawing text.

TTF webfont to desktop-useable TTF

I'm using a CC-BY FontAwesome typeface for icons on my Twitter Bootstrap-driven website. Now I want to use it in an image editor for a prototype of another website. But it does not work. I cannot use its webfont-TTF with my image editing application. How can I convert it to a normal font?
Please dont give me links to free-/shareware closed-source utilites. I want to know, why does this happening and implement my own script which would "fix" this font.
FontAwesome should work out of the box. Heres how to use it:
Download FontAwesome. Then open fonts/FontAwesome.otf and install it (either with fontbook on osx or by adding it to your fonts folder on windows).
Use the Cheatsheet to actually use specific icons. Find the icon you want there, select the icon and copy it.
Switch to your image editor, create a text item, set the font to FontAwesome, and paste the symbol you copied.
I assume you are talking about http://fontawesome.io/ .
If so there is nothing wrong with the TTF version of this font and no reason to convert it. I have tested the font on linux by dropping the .ttf file in /usr/share/fonts/ and it is useable in LibreOffice, Gimp and Terminal.
You problem is almost certainly one of:
The process you used to install the font
You aren't entering the correct Unicode characters or your image editor doesn't support Unicode.
However you failed to provide enough details. You haven't even defined what you mean by "it does not work". Please update your question with details like the process you used, a link to the actual font you downloaded and the operating system and image editor you're using.
In case you're still looking for a solution: the easy way is to convert the included SVG font to usable TrueType or OpenType, using e.g. FontForge or an online service.
AFAIK SVG fonts have no DRM flags, unlike TrueType.