Creating a split view application similar to 'settings' app - objective-c

I am trying to build an iPad app set-up as a split-view, but on the detail page being able to drill down like a navigation controller.
An example of this working is the setting app on the iPad where if you select the 'General' tab you can then drill down on the detail page from say general > network > VPN
Any help or tips on this would be great. I thought it might be two navigation controllers on the root nib, but couldn't get this working.

you mean like General -> About ->.. (in ipad simulator) right .
if all your detail view needs the TableView, then its better to make your detailviewcontroller as the subclass of UITableViewCOntroller.
OR If you need different views when click on the cells of rootcontroller(left pane)
Create a method in DetailViewController say setDetailView{}. And call this method when click on the cell of RootController
inside this method,
remove all subviews from detailview
create UITableView and set its delegates
on tableview didSelect method, we can push other UIViewController instance
[self.navigationController push...]
Hope it helps.


Storyboard - insert a Searchbar and linked it to the containerview (tableviewcontroller)

I had a tableviewcontroller with a SearchController I managed programmatically. For some reasons, I need to have a storyboard to display things a bit differently not anymore a tabéeview in full screen.
Everything is going fine with a container view inside my storyboard. The container view is linked to my custom tableviewcontroller which was managing my searchbar. When I instantiate an object, I can see my custom tableView (with a searchbar lying at the top) in the same way it was before.
I would like to remove the search bar embeded to my tableview (i.e in my tableviewcontroller) and add it directly in the storyboard (to have more at the top of my screen with free space between the search bar and the table view. I tried to insert a searchbar and displaycontroller but I am stuck in the sense I cannot link the searchBar to my tableViewController.
How can I do to link the searchbar in the UIViewController to the tableviewcontroller in the containerview? My tableviewcontroller conforms to the protocol necessary to have a searchbar working still there was no problem when they were not gathered inside a storyboard.
Here is an image if it can help.
If anyone could help me to link the searchbar and the tableviewcontroller...

UINavBarController connecting the same UIViewController to multiple navigation controllers

I have a storyboarded app with a chain of tableviews followed by a detail view. Kind of the classic iPhone app. There are 4 tabs and each one leads to a navigation controller.
The issue is I really want to avoid unnecessary glue code since the app is basically finished. If it was possible to connect the Search and Favorites (bottom two off the tab bar) controller as 'Root View Controllers' to the same UIViewController I would be done. However, this won't work since a view controller can only be the root view controller to one tab. So as you can see I've instituted two dummy UIViewControllers that forward you to the UIViewController in the middle. Now, unfortunately, I have to write code to make that central view controller a fake root view controller to disable the appearance of the back button, and prevent popping to the blank root when you double-tap the tab bar.
Has anyone got a more elegant solution?
This appears to be a flaw in Storyboards. One workaround would be to use simple view controllers for each navigation controller's rootViewController. Put a UIContainerView in each that points to the UIViewController you want to share.

UISearchBar on iPad table view disappearing below navigation controller bar

I'm working on a Universal app, using storyboards, and I've added a UISearchBar and a UISearchDisplayController to one of my table views. I've hooked it all up, and can search fine. The problem is when I push a new view controller onto the navigation stack. On the iPhone, this is fine, but on the iPad, it results in the pushed view controller being offset underneath the navigation bar (I had to manually make the navigation bar reappear so that you could get back).
Then, when you navigate back to the original table view where the search was taking place, the search is still active, but the UISearchBar is now hidden behind the navigation bar, meaning there is no way to dismiss it without deleting the query. It also means that it is not longer usable, since you can't get back in to it.
Probably best illustrated using some screenshots.
Here is how it looks when you first open the tableview:
Then doing the search is fine:
Clicking through to the next screen, we can see the issue:
And then back on the original screen, still doing the search but no search box:
Then, if I delete everything from the search box, and get rid of the overlay, I can see the search box when I scroll the table view up, but can never reach it. I can't get a reliable screen grab of that though.
I've looked everywhere for a solution but haven't been able to find one. I've tried calling [self setNeedsDisplay] and [self setNeedsLayout] in the viewDidAppear method, but that seems to have no effect. It seems to rectify itself if I change the orientation of the device, and I was trying to replicate what it would do in that situation by calling those methods.
The structure of the iPad storyboard is: SplitViewController -> Navigation Controller -> UITabBarController -> UITableViewController (contains UISearchBar etc.f) -> UITableViewController
I submitted this issue to Apple DTS, and they responded:
The structure of the iPad storyboard is: SplitViewController -> Navigation Controller -> UITabBarController -> UITableViewController (contains UISearchBar etc.f) -> UITableViewController
The fact is that your project architecture does not follow our guidelines which are:
From the Combined View Controller Interfaces section of the View Controller Catalog for iOS:
When combining view controllers, however, the order of containment is important; only certain arrangements are valid. The order of containment, from child to parent, is as follows:
Content view controllers, and container view controllers that have flexible bounds (such as the page view controller)
Navigation view controller
Tab bar controller
Split view controller
Basically, you should have a structure as follows:
SplitViewController -> UITabBarController ->Navigation Controller-> UITableViewController (contains UISearchBar etc.f) -> UITableViewController>

Stick UISplitViewController in its own XIB?

my iPad app starts with a normal UIView showing a login. After the user logged in the screen is supposed to switch to a split view.
XCode's SplitViewTemplate (and all examples on the web I found) however, place UISplitViewController in the main window's xib and define an outlet in the app delegate.
I find that unlogical in my case because I don't need the controller at startup and would like to (following Apple's guidelines) place the split view controller in its own XIB.
Has anybody a working example or a small step by step instruction? I always end up with the XIB not being loaded.
Or is it just NOT possible? But why would it not?
You can put a UISplitViewController into a different XIB. You cannot have it be the owner, but you can have your app's delegate be the owner and load it when it removes the login view.
Add UISplitViewController IBOutlet to app delegate
Create a new, empty XIB for iPad
Set the File's Owner to your app delegate class
Add a UISplitViewController, connect to outlet in delegate
Add views to split vew controller
Then, you just have to handle your login in the app delegate, load the new XIB, and display it.
maybe not the answer to your question but I have in my App also a login window. What I do is to put the login view above - in my case - TabBar.
I found this post. Best way to switch between UISplitViewController and other view controllers?
It seems it really is not supposed to work. You have to put it in the main xib and then apply tricks...

Can I use a UINavigationController as the detail view of a UISplitViewController?

I'm running into a problem with an iPad app where I would like to have UINavigationControllers in both of the views within a UISplitView. I've looked through other similar questions here, but most link to a tutorial online that doesn't completely solve the problem. Here's a 2-minute walkthrough to re-create the problem I'm having:
Create a New Project in XCode, starting from the Split View-based Application template.
Add the following NSLog statement as the first line within the DetailViewController's willHideViewController method:
NSLog(#"toolbar: %#", toolbar);
If you run the application now, the log will show that the DetailViewController's toolbar is alive and well. Now...
Open MainWindow.xib and expand the SplitViewController.
Drag a Navigation Controller from the library on top of the DetailViewController.
Expand the new Navigation Controller and change the class of the UIViewController within to a DetailViewController.
Ctrl-drag from the SplitViewController to the DetailViewController and assign it as the delegate.
Save MainWindow.xib and run the app again.
At this point, the detail view has a navigation bar and an empty toolbar. If you view the logs, you should find that the toolbar is null. Why is this? Am I missing some sort of connection in Interface Builder? Is the navigation bar the problem for some reason?
Unlike the tutorial at, I would like to keep both the navigation bar and the toolbar (preferably with the toolbar at the top when in portrait and not visible when in landscape), so that I still have a functional "Back" button when the iPad is in portrait orientation.
Does anyone have any suggestions for fixing this problem? An example project with this sort of set-up would be ideal.
You can certainly use a navigation controller on the detail view of a split view controller. In fact, the iPad Settings app uses this approach. Probably the best way to get this setup is to create a new project in Xcode 4.x and select the "Master-Detail Application" template. It will generate a split view controller with 2 navigation controllers, one for the left view and one for the right view.
To your toolbar question, to keep things simple I would put a toolbar in the bottom. You can still put bar button items on the top navigation bar, although you can only put them in the left, middle, or right. If you need lots of items on the top bar, one way is to add a toolbar to the detail view and hide the navigation bar in the viewWillAppear event of the detail view class.
Here is an example on how to hide the navigation bar and show the toolbar:
- (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
self.navigationController.toolbarHidden = NO;
self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden = YES;
I've found the built-in UISplitViewController to behave badly when trying to combine it with most of the other built-in view controller subclasses. Matt Gemmell's MGSplitViewController is a lot more flexible and has worked pretty well for me, despite the odd glitches (though those are at least fixable as the source code is provided).