JIRA Backup downgrade - backup

I need to import a backup of higher JIRA Version.
Is it possible to downgrade a backup of a higher JIRA version to be able to import it?

It's not possible!
Solution: upgrade Jira version


how to remediate CVE-2022-42889 in graphdb-free-9.11.1

We using graphdb-free-9.11.1. To remediate CVE-2022-42889, Can we replace commons-text-1.9.jar with commons-text-1.10.0.jar?
For the free version of GraphDB, instead of 9.11.5, better consider upgrading to the latest 10.1.4. The commons.text is version 1.10.0. As I don't know your environment, you can request a free version from here https://www.ontotext.com/products/graphdb/download/.

Aerospike Version, any other major upgrades before 3.13.x necessary?

Our Enterprise AS cluster is on v 3.7.3, do we need to upgrade to any of the versions before 3.13.x or can we directly upgrade to the major 3.13.x version?
Nope, shouldn't be a problem to upgrade from 3.7 to 3.13.
Note: As an Enterprise user you have access to our 24 hr support team at support.aerospike.com.

Datapipeline and Mule

Which version of MULE will be compatible for AWSSDK for Datapipeline, We need to activate Datapipeline through Enterprises version of Mule. Since its Cloud, we can use any mule version from 3.6. Please help us. Right now the Jar version are causing issues, such as NoSuchmethod error or Field not found.
You should be able to use the latest version of AWS SDK.

What version of Hive is packed in CDH 5.5.x?

I would like to know the version of Hive that comes along with the CDH 5.5.x version?
I have managed to get the answer. CDH 5.5.x comes with Hive 1.1.0. For more details of various other tools' version check out this link.

Monotouch: Downgrade to 3.2.6 (More Stable) Version

Since MT 4 version still has some bugs for WCF services, I would downgrade it to 3.2.6.
I've recovered this old version but now it doesn't work because I have a more recent mono-framework version. What steps do I have to follow for disinstalling mono-framework 2.10.1_3 and recovering the old one?
Thank you. Regards.
Update: For those interested in, rembember to uninstall previous mono version. See this link: Uninstall Mono
Old mono-framework will recognize, that you are installing an older version over an newer one and prompt you to continue