How to inspect the responder chain? - objective-c

I'm doing some crazy multiple documents inside a single window stuff with the document-based architecture and I'm 95% done.
I have this two-tier document architecture, where a parent document opens and configures the window, providing a list of "child" documents. When the user selects one of the children, that document is opened with the same window controller and it places a NSTextView in the window. The window controller's document association is changed so that the "edited dot" and the window title track the currently selected document. Think of an Xcode project and what happens when you edit different files in it.
To put the code in pseudo form, a method like this is invoked in the parent document when a child document is opened.
-(void)openChildDocumentWithURL:(NSURL *)documentURL {
// Don't open the same document multiple times
NSDocument *childDocument = [documentMapTable objectForKey:documentURL];
if (childDocument == nil) {
childDocument = [[[MyDocument alloc] init] autorelease];
// Use the same window controller
// (not as bad as it looks, AppKit swaps the window's document association for us)
[childDocument addWindowController:myWindowController];
[childDocument readFromURL:documentURL ofType:#"Whatever" error:NULL];
// Cache the document
[documentMapTable setObject:childDocument forKey:documentURL];
// Make sure the window controller gets the document-association swapped if the doc came from our cache
[myWindowController setDocument:childDocument];
// Swap the text views in
NSTextView *currentTextView = myCurrentTextView;
NSTextView *newTextView = [childDocument textView];
[newTextView setFrame:[currentTextView frame]]; // Don't flicker
[splitView replaceSubview:currentTextView with:newTextView];
if (currentTextView != newTextView) {
[currentTextView release];
currentTextView = [newTextView retain];
This works, and I know the window controller has the correct document association at any given time since the change dot and title follow whichever document I'm editing.
However, when I hit save, (CMD+S, or File -> Save/Save As) it wants to save the parent document, not the current document (as reported by [[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] currentDocument] and as indicated by the window title and change dot).
From reading the NSResponder documentation, it seems like the chain should be this:
Current View -> Superview (repeat) -> Window -> WindowController -> Document -> DocumentController -> Application.
I'm unsure how the document based architecture is setting up the responder chain (i.e. how it's placing NSDocument and NSDocumentController into the chain) so I'd like to debug it, but I'm not sure where to look. How do I access the responder chain at any given time?

You can iterate over the responder chain using the nextResponder method of NSResponder. For your example, you should be able to start with the current view, and then repeatedly print out the result of calling it in a loop like this:
NSResponder *responder = currentView;
while ((responder = [responder nextResponder])) {
NSLog(#"%#", responder);

Here is another version for Swift users:
func printResponderChain(_ responder: UIResponder?) {
guard let responder = responder else { return; }
Simply call it with self to print out the responder chain starting from self.

I'll improve a bit on the Responder category answer, by using a class method which feels more "useable" when debugging (you don't need to break in a specific view or whatever).
Code is for Cocoa but should be easily portable to UIKit.
#interface NSResponder (Inspect)
+ (void)inspectResponderChain;
#implementation NSResponder (Inspect)
+ (void)inspectResponderChain
NSWindow *mainWindow = [NSApplication sharedApplication].mainWindow;
NSLog(#"Responder chain:");
NSResponder *responder = mainWindow.firstResponder;
NSLog(#"\t%#", [responder debugDescription]);
while ((responder = [responder nextResponder]));

You can also add a category to class UIResponder with appropriate method that is possible to be used by any subclass of UIResponder.
#interface UIResponder (Inspect)
- (void)inspectResponderChain; // show responder chain including self
#implementation UIResponder (Inspect)
- (void)inspectResponderChain
UIResponder *x = self;
do {
NSLog(#"%#", x);
}while ((x = [x nextResponder]));
Than you can use this method somewhere in code as the example below:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
UIView *myView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100)];
[self.view addSubview:myView];
[myView inspectResponderChain]; // UIView is a subclass of UIResponder

extension UIResponder {
var responderChain: [UIResponder] {
var chain = [UIResponder]()
var nextResponder = next
while nextResponder != nil {
nextResponder = nextResponder?.next
return chain
// ...

Here is the simplest one
extension UIResponder {
func responderChain() -> String {
guard let next = next else {
return String(describing: self)
return String(describing: self) + " -> " + next.responderChain()
// ...


Cocoa Subclassing weirdness

I'm trying to understand how Subclassing works in Cocoa.
I've created a new Cocoa Application Project in XCode 5.1.
I drag a new Custom View onto the main window.
I create a new Objective-C class CustomViewClass and set it as a Subclass of NSView. This generates the following :
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface CustomViewClass : NSView
#import "CustomViewClass.h"
#implementation CustomViewClass
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
// Initialization code here.
NSLog(#"Custom View initialised");
return self;
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect
[super drawRect:dirtyRect];
// Drawing code here.
Note that I added the NSLog(#"Custom View initialised"); line so I can track what is going on.
In interface Builder, I select the Custom View and within the Idenditiy Inspecter set it's custom Class to CustomView. Then I run the Application.
As expected I get a Custom View initialised message in the Console.
I do exactly the same with an NSTextField adding it to the window, creating a new class TextFieldClass and the NSTextField custom Class is to TextFieldClass. I also add a NSLog(#"Text Field initialised"); in the same place as above to track things.
However when I run the App, I only get the Custom View initialised message in the Console and not the NSLog(#"Text Field initialised");message.
So initially I think that NSTextField doesn't recieve the initWithFrame message when it is created. So I add an initialiser to TextFieldClass :
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Initialization code here.
NSLog(#"Text Field initialised");
return self;
However this still doesn't seem to get called.
I assumed therefore that NSTextField just wasn't being subclassed. However, when I add this method to TextFieldClass :
-(void)textDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification {
NSLog(#"My text changed");
Run the app and lo and behold, every time I type in the text field I get the My text changed message in the Console.
So my question is, what is going on here? How does the NSTextField get initialized and how can you override it's initialiser?
Why does the Custom View seem to act differently to the NSTextField?
Source code here
For your first question, NSTextFiled gets initialised via
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
In this case, you have dragged a NSTextField from the palette and then changed the class to your custom text field class in the identity inspector. Hence the initWithCoder: will be called instead of initWithFrame:. The same is true for any object (other than Custom View) dragged from the palette
Instead, if you drag "Custom View" from the palette and change the class to your custom text field class, the initWithFrame: will be invoked.
The CustomViewClass you have created is the second case, hence initWithFrame: is invoked. The TextFieldClass is the first case, hence initWithCoder: is invoked.
If you use the Interface Builder in XCode, you should use awakeFromNib to initialise your subclass.
- (void)awakeFromNib
// Your init code here.
If you want to use your subclass programatically and using the interface builder, then use code like this:
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
[self initView];
return self;
- (void)awakeFromNib
[self initView];
- (void)initView
// Your init code here

Presenting modal dialogs from XIB in Cocoa: best/shortest pattern?

Below is my typical WindowController module for presenting a modal dialog (could be settings, asking username/password, etc) loaded from a XIB. It seems a bit too complex for something like this. Any ideas how this can be done better/with less code?
Never mind that it's asking for a password, it could be anything. What frustrates me most is that I repeat the same pattern in each and every of my XIB-based modal window modules. Which of course means I could define a custom window controller class, but before doing that I need to make sure this is really the best way of doing things.
#import "MyPasswordWindowController.h"
static MyPasswordWindowController* windowController;
#interface MyPasswordWindowController ()
#property (weak) IBOutlet NSSecureTextField *passwordField;
#implementation MyPasswordWindowController
NSInteger _dialogCode;
- (id)init
return [super initWithWindowNibName:#"MyPassword"];
- (void)awakeFromNib
[super awakeFromNib];
[self.window center];
- (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification*)notification
[NSApp stopModalWithCode:_dialogCode];
_dialogCode = 0;
- (IBAction)okButtonAction:(NSButton *)sender
_dialogCode = 1;
[self.window close];
- (IBAction)cancelButtonAction:(NSButton *)sender
[self.window close];
+ (NSString*)run
if (!windowController)
windowController = [MyPasswordWindowController new];
[windowController loadWindow];
windowController.passwordField.stringValue = #"";
if ([NSApp runModalForWindow:windowController.window])
return windowController.passwordField.stringValue;
return nil;
The application calls [MyPasswordWindowController run], so from the point of view of the user of this module it looks simple, but not so much when you look inside.
Set tags on your buttons to distinguish them. Have them both target the same action method:
- (IBAction) buttonAction:(NSButton*)sender
[NSApp stopModalWithCode:[sender tag]];
[self.window close];
Get rid of your _dialogCode instance variable and -windowWillClose: method.
-[NSApplication runModalForWindow:] will already center the window, so you can get rid of your -awakeFromNib method.
Get rid of the invocation of -[NSWindowController loadWindow]. That's an override point. You're not supposed to call it. The documentation is clear on that point. It will be called automatically when you request the window controller's -window.
Get rid of the static instance of MyPasswordWindowController. Just allocate a new one each time. There's no point in keeping the old one around and it can be troublesome to reuse windows.

Contextual menu on only certain items in a "Source List"

I have a window with a Source List (NSOutlineView). My source list has just two levels. Level one is header and level two is data. I want to have a contextual menu on some of the data cells. Not all.
First, I try to attach a menu on the table cell view who represents the data cell -> nothing happens.
Second, I attach a menu on the Outline View in IB -> the contextual menu opens on each cells (header and data). I search for stopping the opening of the menu, but I don't find anything.
Do you have some ideas ?
Thank you
OS X 10.8.2 Lion, Xcode 4.5.2, SDK 10.8
If you subclass NSOutlineView, you can override menuForEvent: to return a menu only if the user clicked on the correct row. Here's an example:
- (NSMenu *)menuForEvent:(NSEvent *)event;
//The event has the mouse location in window space; convert it to our (the outline view's) space so we can find which row the user clicked on.
NSPoint point = [self convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil];
NSInteger row = [self rowAtPoint:point];
//If the user did not click on a row, or is not exactly one level down from the top level of hierarchy, return nil—that is, no menu.
if ( row == -1 || [self levelForRow:row] != 1 )
return nil;
//Create and populate a menu.
NSMenu *menu = [[NSMenu alloc] init];
NSMenuItem *delete = [menu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString( #"Delete", #"" ) action:#selector(delete:) keyEquivalent:#""];
[self selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:row] byExtendingSelection:NO];
//Set the Delete menu item's represented object to the clicked-on item. If the user chooses this item, we'll retrieve its represented object so we know what to delete.
[delete setRepresentedObject:[self itemAtRow:row]];
return menu;
This assumes we're compiling with ARC, so you don't need to autorelease the menu object being created.
This extension + subclass (both NSOutlineView and NSTableView) does the sensible thing of seeing whether a menu is attached to a cell view or row view. Just a general, reusable subclass!
Set the menu on the cell view in outlineView:viewForTableColumn:item: – menu is a NSResponder property.
(Below is in Swift)
// An extension lets us both subclass NSTableView and NSOutlineView with the same functionality
extension NSTableView {
// Find a cell view, or a row view, that has a menu. (e.g. NSResponder’s menu: NSMenu?)
func burnt_menuForEventFromCellOrRowViews(event: NSEvent) -> NSMenu? {
let point = convertPoint(event.locationInWindow, fromView: nil)
let row = rowAtPoint(point)
if row != -1 {
if let rowView = rowViewAtRow(row, makeIfNecessary: true) as? NSTableRowView {
let column = columnAtPoint(point)
if column != -1 {
if let cellView = rowView.viewAtColumn(column) as? NSTableCellView {
if let cellMenu = cellView.menuForEvent(event) {
return cellMenu
if let rowMenu = rowView.menuForEvent(event) {
return rowMenu
return nil
class OutlineView: NSOutlineView {
override func menuForEvent(event: NSEvent) -> NSMenu? {
// Because of weird NSTableView/NSOutlineView behaviour, must set receiver’s menu otherwise the target cannot be found = burnt_menuForEventFromCellOrRowViews(event)
return super.menuForEvent(event)
class TableView: NSTableView {
override func menuForEvent(event: NSEvent) -> NSMenu? {
// Because of weird NSTableView/NSOutlineView behaviour, must set receiver’s menu otherwise the target cannot be found = burnt_menuForEventFromCellOrRowViews(event)
return super.menuForEvent(event)
It's not clear from your question whether your outline is view based or cell based. That's important.
If you're view based, then your view instances can implement
- (NSMenu *)menuForEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent
and return the menu appropriate to that item -- or nil f you don't want a menu at all.
If you're cell based, or if you don't want to handle this in the view class for some reason, you'll need to subclass NSOutlineView and implement - (NSMenu *)menuForEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent there. Again, you'll figure out which cell is hit or active, and decide from that what menu you want.
- (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
An NSView will not pass this to the next view, This method looks to see that the current class has a menuForEvent:, if it does then it is called. If it does not then it is finished and nothing else will happen. This is why you will not see an NSTableCellView respond to a menuForEvent: because the table view swallows the rightMouseDown:.
You may subclass the tableview and handle the rightMouseDown: event and call the NSTableCellView's rightMouseDown: and handle displaying your menu that you have constructed in your storyboard and hooked up to your NSTableViewCell.
Here is my solution in a subclassed NSTableView:
- (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
for (NSTableRowView *rowView in self.subviews) {
for (NSView *tableCellView in [rowView subviews]) {
if (tableCellView) {
NSPoint eventPoint = [event locationInWindow];
// NSLog(#"Window Point: %#", NSStringFromPoint(eventPoint));
eventPoint = [self convertPoint:eventPoint toView:nil];
eventPoint = [self convertPoint:eventPoint toView:self];
// NSLog(#"Table View Point: %#", NSStringFromPoint(eventPoint));
NSRect newRect = [tableCellView convertRect:[tableCellView bounds] toView:self];
// NSLog(#"Rect: %#", NSStringFromRect(newRect));
BOOL rightMouseDownInTableCellView = [tableCellView mouse:eventPoint inRect:newRect];
// NSLog(#"Mouse in view: %hhd", mouseInView);
if (rightMouseDownInTableCellView) {
if (tableCellView) {
// Lets be safe and make sure that the object is going to respond.
if ([tableCellView respondsToSelector:#selector(rightMouseDown:)]) {
[tableCellView rightMouseDown:event];
This will find where the right mouse event occurred, check to see if we have the correct view and pass the rightMouseDown: to that view.
Please let me know if this solution works for you.

How to Display and Manage a Simple Application-Modal Dialog in Cocoa

I am not sure I am doing things the right way, or if I have it all hacked up.
I have a really simple test application (not document-based) I created for learning how to work with application-modal dialogs in Cocoa applications.
With the application project "TestModalDialog", I have a simple MainMenu.xib with the default view and a button, "Show Dialog", I added. I created a second XIB called TheDialog.xib that has "Cancel" and "OK" buttons. That xib has as its owner a class derived from NSWindowController called "TheDialogController"; the window outlet and delegate are connected to the controller.
Selection of "Show Dialog" on the main view will launch the dialog. Selection of "Cancel" or "OK" will dismiss the dialog. Here is the pretty simple code:
// TestModalDialogAppDelegate.h
// TestModalDialog
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#class TheDialogController;
#interface TestModalDialogAppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate>
NSWindow *window;
TheDialogController* theDialogController;
#property (assign) IBOutlet NSWindow *window;
- (IBAction)showDialog:(id)sender;
// TestModalDialogAppDelegate.m
// TestModalDialog
#import "TestModalDialogAppDelegate.h"
#import "TheDialogController.h"
#implementation TestModalDialogAppDelegate
#synthesize window;
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
theDialogController= [[TheDialogController alloc] init];
- (void)dealloc
if(nil != theDialogController)
[theDialogController release];
[super dealloc];
- (IBAction)showDialog:(id)sender
if(nil == theDialogController)
NSAlert* alert= [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:#"Dialog Error" defaultButton:nil alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:#"The dialog controller was not allocated."];
[alert runModal];
NSInteger result= [NSApp runModalForWindow:[theDialogController window]];
// Do something with result....
// TheDialogController.h
// TestModalDialog
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface TheDialogController : NSWindowController
// BOOL userClickedCloseOrOk; // Removed based on answer.
// Should declare a common define - just being lazy.
NSInteger userClickedOk; // Added based on answer.
UInt16 timesShown;
- (IBAction)showWindow:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)closeDialog:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)okDialog:(id)sender;
//- (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender; // Removed based on answer.
- (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification*)notification; // Added based on answer.
- (void)windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification*)notification; // To set title when modal.
// TheDialogController.m
// TestModalDialog
#import "TheDialogController.h"
#implementation TheDialogController
- (id)init
self = [super initWithWindowNibName:#"TheDialog"];
userClickedOk= 0; // Added based on answer.
// userClickedCloseOrOk= FALSE; // Removed based on answer.
return self;
// Do member cleanup if needed.
[super dealloc];
- (void)windowDidLoad
[super windowDidLoad];
// Initialize as needed....
[[self window] center]; // Center the window.
// Does not show with runModalForWindow.
- (IBAction)showWindow:(id)sender
// Just playing with the window title....
NSString* newTitle= [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Shown %d Times", timesShown];
[[self window] setTitle:newTitle];
return [super showWindow:sender];
// This method no longer used for this solution based on the answer.
//- (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender
// if(!userClickedCloseOrOk) // The user did not click one of our buttons.
// [NSApp abortModal];
// else
// userClickedCloseOrOk= FALSE; // Clear for next time.
// return TRUE;
// Added based on answer.
- (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification*)notification
[NSApp stopModalWithCode:userClickedOk];
userClickedOk= 0; // Reset for next time.
// Note - the title will update every time the window becomes key. To do the
// update only once per modal session, a flag can be added. There might be a better
// notification to catch.
- (void)windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification*)notification
NSString* newTitle= [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Shown %d Times", timesShown];
[[self window] setTitle:newTitle];
- (IBAction)closeDialog:(id)sender
//userClickedCloseOrOk= TRUE; // Removed based on answer.
//[NSApp abortModal]; // Removed based on answer.
//[[self window] performClose:self]; // Removed based on answer.
[[self window] close]; // Know we want to close - based on answer.
- (IBAction)okDialog:(id)sender
userClickedOk= 1; // Added based on answer.
//userClickedCloseOrOk= TRUE; // Removed based on answer.
//[NSApp stopModal]; // Removed based on answer.
//[[self window] performClose:self]; // Removed based on answer.
[[self window] close]; // Know we want to close - based on answer.
I had trouble with the modality - before I put in userClickedCloseOrOk and tests, if the user hit the close button (upper-left red dot), the dialog would close but the modal session was still running.
I realize I could just leave the close-button off the dialog to start with, but with it there, is what I have demonstrated a good way to catch that scenario, or is there a better way? Or, am I doing something wrong to start with, which creates that problem for me?
Any advice would be appreciated.
NOTE - Code from the original example commented out and replaced with code based on the answer. Also added a new notification handler.
In the okDialog: and closeDialog: methods call close instead of performClose: to avoid the window calling the windowShouldClose: delegate method. That way you don't need userClickedCloseOrOk.
Also I think you want to be calling stopModalWithCode: instead of stopModal since in the app delegate you seem to be interested in the result. And you can call stopModal or stopModalWithCode: instead of abortModal because you are always in the runloop when you call it (abort is for when you are outside of the modal runloop, like in another thread or timer's runloop).
In windowShouldClose: you are doing an action (abortModal) when you should only be answering the question "should this window close". The windowWillClose: delegate method is where you should do actions if you need to.
Sheets are useful when there is one window and it tells the user they can't do anything with it until they complete whatever is in the sheet. Application-modal windows are useful when you have multiple windows that the user can't interact with until they complete whatever is in the modal window or where there is an error that involves the whole application but is not tied to the content of one window. In their HIG Apple suggests avoiding the use of Application-modal windows whenever possible.
I have actually just been struggling with the same problem and found this link :
Stopping modal when window is closed (Cocoa)

firstResponder in NSViewController

I've got two classes. ManagingViewController, a subclass of NSViewController, and ViewController, a subclass auf ManagingViewController. In Viewcontroller I've got a NSTextField which I want to become the firstResponder, but I didn't manage that.
So it is nearly the same like the Chapter 29 in Hillegass' book Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X (Download of the book's examples) except of an NSTextField which is set to firstResponder.
Can anybody point me to the correct way?
You need to set the text field as the first responder by using -[NSWindow makeFirstResponder:].
Since this is an NSWindow method, it only makes sense after you’ve added the corresponding view to the window, i.e., after you’ve added the view as a subview inside the window view hierarchy. In the book’s example, this happens when you set the view as the content view of the box inside the window. For example:
- (void)displayViewController:(ManagingViewController *vc) {
// Try to end editing
NSWindow *w = [box window];
// Put the view in the box
NSView *v = [vc view];
[box setContentView:v];
// Set the first responder
if ([vc class] == [ViewController class]) {
[w makeFirstResponder:[(ViewController *)vc myTextField]];
This assumes ViewController exposes a getter method called -myTextField.
You can make this more generic by having your view controllers expose a method that returns the object that the view controller recommends as the first responder. Something like:
#interface ManagingViewController : NSViewController
- (NSResponder *)recommendedFirstResponder;
#implementation ManagingViewController
- (NSResponder *)recommendedFirstResponder { return nil; }
And, in your concrete subclasses of ManagingViewController, have -recommendedFirstResponder return the object that should be the window’s first responder:
#implementation ViewController
- (NSResponder *)recommendedFirstResponder { return myTextField; }
Having done that, you can change your -displayViewController: to something like:
- (void)displayViewController:(ManagingViewController *vc) {
// Try to end editing
NSWindow *w = [box window];
// Put the view in the box
NSView *v = [vc view];
[box setContentView:v];
// Set the first responder
NSResponder *recommendedResponder = [vc recommendedFirstResponder];
if (recommendedResponder) [w makeFirstResponder:recommendedResponder];
Have you tried [[myTextField window] makeFirstResponder:myTextField]; ?
simple. Goto you xib file in interface builder. right click the first responder field. it will show the connection , remove the connection and connect it to the desired responder. let me know if this works