Does an isolate / sandbox access modifier exist in any language? - oop

Is there a language which has a feature that can prevent a class accessing any other class, unless an instance or reference is contained?
isolated class Example {
public Integer i;
public void doSomething()
i = 5; // This is ok because i belongs to this class
* This is forbidden because this class can only
* access anything contained within, nothing outside
System.out.println("This does not work.");
[edit]An example use case might be a plugin system. I could define a plugin object with references to certain objects that class can manipulate, but nothing else is permissible. It could potentially make security concerns much easier.[/edit]

I'm not aware of any class-based access modifiers with such intent, but I believe access modifiers to be misguided anyway.
Capability-based security or, more specifically, the object-capability model seems to be what you want.
The basic idea is that in order to do anything with an object, you need to hold a reference to it. Withhold the reference and no access is possible.
Global things (such as System.out.println) and a few other things are problematic features of a language, because anyone can access them without a reference.
Languages such as E, or tools like google caja (for Javascript) allow proper object-capability models. Here an example in JS:
function Example(someObj) {
this.someObj = someObj;
this.doStuff() = function() {; //allowed, we have been given a reference to it
alert("foobar"); //caja may deny/proxy access to global "alert"

Any language where you must include headers would probably count: Just don't include any headers.
However, I would wager that there's no language that explicitly forbids external access. What's the point? You can't do anything if you can't access the outside world. And, why would the reference to Integer be okay, but System.out.println not be?
If you clarify the potential use-case, we can probably help you better...
Edit for your Edit:
I thought you might be going there.
If this is for security, it's flawed from the start. Let's examine:
class EvilCode {
void DoNiceThings() {
What incentive do I have to voluntarily place a keyword on my class? I'm certainly not going to because I'm nice, since I'm not!
One thing to consider is that any time you're loading native code that's not your own (native, in this case, means not scripted), you're potentially allowing a bad guy to run his code. No language features are going to protect you from that.
The proper answer depends on your target language. Java has Security descriptors, .NET lets you create AppDomains with restricted permissions, etc. Unfortunately, I'm not an expert in these fields.


Enforcing API boundaries at the Module (Distribution?) level

How do I structure Raku code so that certain symbols are public within the the library I am writing, but not public to users of the library? (I'm saying "library" to avoid the terms "distribution" and "module", which the docs sometimes use in overlapping ways. But if there's a more precise term that I should be using, please let me know.)
I understand how to control privacy within a single file. For example, I might have a file Foo.rakumod with the following contents:
unit module Foo;
sub private($priv) { #`[do internal stuff] }
our sub public($input) is export { #`[ code that calls &private ] }
With this setup, &public is part of my library's public API, but &private isn't – I can call it within Foo, but my users cannot.
How do I maintain this separation if &private gets large enough that I want to split it off into its own file? If I move &private into Bar.rakumod, then I will need to give it our (i.e., package) scope and export it from the Bar module in order to be able to use it from Foo. But doing so in the same way I exported &public from Foo would result in users of my library being able to use Foo and call &private – exactly the outcome I am trying to avoid. How do maintain &private's privacy?
(I looked into enforcing privacy by listing Foo as a module that my distribution provides in my META6.json file. But from the documentation, my understanding is that provides controls what modules package managers like zef install by default but do not actually control the privacy of the code. Is that correct?)
[EDIT: The first few responses I've gotten make me wonder whether I am running into something of an XY problem. I thought I was asking about something in the "easy things should be easy" category. I'm coming at the issue of enforcing API boundaries from a Rust background, where the common practice is to make modules public within a crate (or just to their parent module) – so that was the X I asked about. But if there's a better/different way to enforce API boundaries in Raku, I'd also be interested in that solution (since that's the Y I really care about)]
I will need to give it our (i.e., package) scope and export it from the Bar module
The first step is not necessary. The export mechanism works just as well on lexically scoped subs too, and means they are only available to modules that import them. Since there is no implicit re-export, the module user would have to explicitly use the module containing the implementation details to have them in reach. (As an aside, personally, I pretty much never use our scope for subs in my modules, and rely entirely on exporting. However, I see why one might decide to make them available under a fully qualified name too.)
It's also possible to use export tags for the internal things (is export(:INTERNAL), and then use My::Module::Internals :INTERNAL) to provide an even stronger hint to the module user that they're voiding the warranty. At the end of the day, no matter what the language offers, somebody sufficiently determined to re-use internals will find a way (even if it's copy-paste from your module). Raku is, generally, designed with more of a focus on making it easy for folks to do the right thing than to make it impossible to "wrong" things if they really want to, because sometimes that wrong thing is still less wrong than the alternatives.
Off the bat, there's very little you can't do, as long as you're in control of the meta-object protocol. Anything that's syntactically possible, you could in principle do it using a specific kind of method, or class, declared using that. For instance, you could have a private-class which would be visible only to members of the same namespace (to the level that you would design). There's Metamodel::Trusting which defines, for a particular entity, who it does trust (please bear in mind that this is part of the implementation, not spec, and then subject to change).
A less scalable way would be to use trusts. The new, private modules would need to be classes and issue a trusts X for every class that would access it. That could include classes belonging to the same distribution... or not, that's up to you to decide. It's that Metamodel class above who supplies this trait, so using it directly might give you a greater level of control (with a lower level of programming)
There is no way to enforce this 100%, as others have said. Raku simply provides the user with too much flexibility for you to be able to perfectly hide implementation details externally while still sharing them between files internally.
However, you can get pretty close with a structure like the following:
# in Foo.rakumod
use Bar;
unit module Foo;
sub public($input) is export { #`[ code that calls &private ] }
# In Bar.rakumod
unit module Bar;
sub private($priv) is export is implementation-detail {
unless callframe(1).code.?package.^name eq 'Foo' {
die '&private is a private function. Please use the public API in Foo.' }
#`[do internal stuff]
This function will work normally when called from a function declared in the mainline of Foo, but will throw an exception if called from elsewhere. (Of course, the user can catch the exception; if you want to prevent that, you could exit instead – but then a determined user could overwrite the &*EXIT handler! As I said, Raku gives users a lot of flexibility).
Unfortunately, the code above has a runtime cost and is fairly verbose. And, if you want to call &private from more locations, it would get even more verbose. So it is likely better to keep private functions in the same file the majority of the time – but this option exists for when the need arises.

DDD reusable functionality in an Entity/Aggregate

I have the following desing in DDD
Post Aggregate with
Body: HTML of the post
Banner entity with
Html: HTML of the banner
The Banner entity belongs to Post aggregate, so I want to create a method BodyWithBanners in the Post aggregate.
The point of this method will be to search into the HTML of the Post.Body and insert the HTML of the Banner.
So far, so good.
However I have intention of reuse this functionallity in abstract: "Insert some HTML inside another HTML". So I'm creating a diffent class for doing that: BannerReplacer
Here comes the problem, how should I invoke this new class?
Just create an instance inside the Post.BodyWithBanners method (breaking Dependency Injection)
Passing the BannerReplacer in the constructor of the Post aggregate (This can be a nightmare for creating Post instances)
Passing the BannerReplacer to the BodyWithBanners method (which implies the client using Post must handle the BannerReplacer)
I have chosen for now the first option, but I don't feel really confortable with it, I believe there must be a better way of doing this.
I have chosen for now the first option, but I don't feel really comfortable with it, I believe there must be a better way of doing this.
Much of the time, the first option is fine -- so you should practice being comfortable with it. That mostly means thinking more about what dependency injection is for, and having a clear picture in your mind for whether or not those forces are at play here.
If Banner is an entity, in the domain-driven-design sense, then it is probably something analogous to an in memory state machine. It's got a data structure that it manages, and some functions for changing that data structure, or answering interesting questions about that data structure, but it doesn't have I/O, database, network etc concerns.
That in turn suggests that you can run it the same way in all contexts - you don't need a bunch of substitute implementations to make it testable. You just instantiate one and call its methods.
If it runs the same way in all contexts, then it doesn't need configurable behavior. If you don't need to be able to configure the behavior, then you don't need dependency injection (because all copies of this entity will use (copies of) the same dependencies.
When you do have a configurable behavior, then the analysis is going to need to look at scope. If you need to be able to change that behavior from one invocation to the next, then the caller is going to need to know about it. If the behavior changes less frequently than that, then you can start looking into whether "constructor injection" makes sense.
You know that you intend to use a single BannerReplacer for a given method invocation, so you can immediately start with a method that looks like:
class Banner {
void doTheThing(arg, bannerReplacer) {
/* do the bannerReplacer thing */
Note that this signature has no dependency at all on the lifetime of the bannerReplacer. More particularly, the BannerReplacer might have a longer lifetime than Banner, or a shorter one. We only care that the lifetime is longer than the doTheThing method.
class Banner {
void doTheThing(arg) {
this.doTheThing(arg, new BannerReplacer())
// ...
Here, the caller doesn't need to know about BannerReplacer at all; we'll use a new copy of the default implementation every time. Caller's that care which implementation is used can pass in their own.
class Banner {
bannerReplacer = new BannerReplacer()
void doTheThing(arg) {
this.doTheThing(arg, this.bannerReplacer)
// ...
Same idea as before; we're just using an instance of the BannerReplacer with a longer lifetime.
class Banner {
Banner() {
this(new BannerReplacer())
Banner(bannerReplacer) {
this.bannerReplacer = bannerReplacer;
void doTheThing(arg) {
this.doTheThing(arg, this.bannerReplacer)
// ...
Same idea as before, but now we are allowing the "injection" of a default implementation that can outlive the given instance of Banner.
In the long term, the comfort comes from doing the analysis to understand the requirements of the current problem, so that you can choose the appropriate tool.

Why don't oop languages have a 'read only' access modifier?

Every time I write trivial getters (get functions that just return the value of the member) I wonder why don't oop languages simply have a 'read only' access modifier that would allow reading the value of the members of the object but does not allow you to set them just like const things in c++.
The private,protected,public access modifiers gives you either full (read/write) access or no access.
Writing a getter and calling it every time is slow, because function calling is slower than just accessing a member. A good optimizer can optimize these getter calls out but this is 'magic'. And I don't think it is good idea learning how an optimizer of a certain compiler works and write code to exploit it.
So why do we need to write accessors, read only interfaces everywhere in practice when just a new access modifier would do the trick?
ps1: please don't tell things like 'It would break the encapsulation'. A public foo.getX() and a public but read only foo.x would do the same thing.
EDIT: I didn't composed my post clear. Sorry. I mean you can read the member's value outside but you can't set it. You can only set its value inside the class scope.
You're incorrectly generalizing from one or some OOP language(s) you know to OOP languages in general. Some examples of languages that implement read-only attributes:
C# (thanks, Darin and tonio)
Delphi (= Object Pascal)
Objective-C (thanks, Rano)
... more?
Personally, I'm annoyed that Java doesn't have this (yet?). Having seen the feature in other languages makes boilerplate writing in Java seem tiresome.
Well some OOP languages do have such modifier.
In C#, you can define an automatic property with different access qualifiers on the set and get:
public int Foo { get; private set; }
This way, the class implementation can tinker with the property to its heart's content, while client code can only read it.
C# has readonly, Java and some others have final. You can use these to make your member variables read-only.
In C#, you can just specify a getter for your property so it can only be read, not changed.
private int _foo;
public int Foo
get { return _foo; }
Actually, no they aren't the same. Public foo.getX() would still allow the internal class code to write to the variable. A read-only foo.x would be read-only for the internal class code as well.
And there are some languages that do have such modifier.
C# properties allow to define read only properties easily. See this article.
Not to mention Objective-C 2.0 property read-only accessors
In Delphi:
strict private
FAnswer: integer;
property Answer: integer read FAnswer;
Declares a read-only property Answer that accesses private field FAnswer.
The question largely boils down to: why does not every language have a const property like C++?
This is why it's not in C#:
Anders Hejlsberg: Yes. With respect to
const, it's interesting, because we
hear that complaint all the time too:
"Why don't you have const?" Implicit
in the question is, "Why don't you
have const that is enforced by the
runtime?" That's really what people
are asking, although they don't come
out and say it that way.
The reason that const works in C++ is
because you can cast it away. If you
couldn't cast it away, then your world
would suck. If you declare a method
that takes a const Bla, you could pass
it a non-const Bla. But if it's the
other way around you can't. If you
declare a method that takes a
non-const Bla, you can't pass it a
const Bla. So now you're stuck. So you
gradually need a const version of
everything that isn't const, and you
end up with a shadow world. In C++ you
get away with it, because as with
anything in C++ it is purely optional
whether you want this check or not.
You can just whack the constness away
if you don't like it.
So, the reason wy const works in C++ is because you can work around it. Which is sensible for C++, which has its roots in C.
For managed languages like Java and C#, users would expect that const would be just as secure as, say, the garbage collector. That also implies you can't work around it, and it won't be useful if you can't work around it.

C#4 dynamic keyword - why not?

After reading many of the replies to this thread, I see that many of those who dislike it cite the potential for abuse of the new keyword. My question is, what sort of abuse? How could this be abused so badly as to make people vehemently dislike it? Is it just about purism? Or is there a real pitfall that I'm just not seeing?
I think that a lot of the revulsion that people are expressing to this feature boils down to "this is a bad language feature because it will allow bad developers to write bad code." If you think about it, by that logic all language features are bad.
When I run into a block of VB code that some genius has prefixed with On Error Resume Next, it's not VB that I curse. Maybe I should, I suppose. But in my experience a person who is determined to put a penny in the fuse box will find a way. Even if you empty his pockets, he'll fashion his own pennies.
Me, I'm looking forward to a more useful way of interoperating between C# and Python. I'm writing more and more code that does this. The dynamic keyword can't come soon enough for that particular use case, because the current way of doing it makes me feel like I'm a Soviet academic in the 1950s who's traveling to the West for a conference: there's an immense amount of rules and paperwork before I get to leave, I am pretty sure someone's going to be watching me the whole time I'm there, and most of what I pick up while I'm there will be taken away from me at the border when I return.
Some see it as a tool that will be abused. Like "Option Strict Off" and "On Error Resume Next" in VB which "pure" languages like C# and Java have never had.
Many said the same about the "var" keyword, yet I don't see it being abused, once it became understood that it wasn't the same as VB's "Variant"
It could be abused in places that lazy developers don't want type checking on classes and just try catch dynamic calls instead of writing "if blah is Blah ...".
I personally feel it could be used properly in situations like this recent question that I answered.
I think the ones really understanding it's power are those heavily into the dynamic .NET languages.
dynamic is bad because code like this will pop all over the place:
public dynamic Foo(dynamic other) {
dynamic clone = other.Clone();
return clone ;
instead of:
public T Foo<T>(T other) where T: ICloneable, IAssignData{
T clone = (T)other.Clone();
return clone;
The first one, has no static type info, no compile time checking, it's not self documenting, no type inference so people will be forced to use a dynamic reference at the call site to store the result, leading to more type loss, and all this spirals down.
I'm already starting to fear dynamic.
The real pitfall? Severe lack of documentation. The entire application's architecture exists in the mind of the person (or persons) who wrote it. At least with strong-typing, you can go see what the object does via its class definition. With dynamic-typing, you must infer the meaning from it's use, at best. At worst, you have NO IDEA what the object is. It's like programming everything in JavaScript. ACK!
When people realize that they don't get good IntelliSense with dynamic, they'll switch back from being dynamic-happy to dynamic-when-necessary-and-var-at-all-other-times.
The purposes of dynamic include: interoperability with dynamic languages and platforms such as COM/C++ and DLR/IronPython/IronRuby; as well as turning C# itself into IronSmalltalkWithBraces with everything implementing IDynamicObject.
Good times will be had by all. (Unless you need to maintain code someone else wrote.)
This is sort of like discussing public cameras, sure they can and will be misused but there are benefits to having them as well.
There is no reason why you couldn't outlaw the "dynamic" keyword in your own coding guideline if you don't need them. So whats the problem? I mean, if you want to do crazy things with the "dynamic" keyword and pretend C# is the some mutant cousin of JavaScript, be my guest. Just keep these experiments out of my codebase. ;)
I don't see a reason why the current way of invoking methods dynamicly is flawed:
It takes three lines to do it, or you can add a extension method on System.Object to do it for you:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var foo = new Foo();
static class DynamicDispatchHelper
static public object Invoke(this object ot, string methodName, params object[] args)
var t = ot.GetType();
var m = t.GetMethod(methodName);
return m.Invoke(ot, args);
class Foo
public string Hello(string name)
return ("Hello World, " + name);

How can I avoid global state?

So, I was reading the Google testing blog, and it says that global state is bad and makes it hard to write tests. I believe it--my code is difficult to test right now. So how do I avoid global state?
The biggest things I use global state (as I understand it) for is managing key pieces of information between our development, acceptance, and production environments. For example, I have a static class named "Globals" with a static member called "DBConnectionString." When the application loads, it determines which connection string to load, and populates Globals.DBConnectionString. I load file paths, server names, and other information in the Globals class.
Some of my functions rely on the global variables. So, when I test my functions, I have to remember to set certain globals first or else the tests will fail. I'd like to avoid this.
Is there a good way to manage state information? (Or am I understanding global state incorrectly?)
Dependency injection is what you're looking for. Rather than have those functions go out and look for their dependencies, inject the dependencies into the functions. That is, when you call the functions pass the data they want to them. That way it's easy to put a testing framework around a class because you can simply inject mock objects where appropriate.
It's hard to avoid some global state, but the best way to do this is to use factory classes at the highest level of your application, and everything below that very top level is based on dependency injection.
Two main benefits: one, testing is a heck of a lot easier, and two, your application is much more loosely coupled. You rely on being able to program against the interface of a class rather than its implementation.
Keep in mind if your tests involve actual resources such as databases or filesystems then what you are doing are integration tests rather than unit tests. Integration tests require some preliminary setup whereas unit tests should be able to run independently.
You could look into the use of a dependency injection framework such as Castle Windsor but for simple cases you may be able to take a middle of the road approach such as:
public interface ISettingsProvider
string ConnectionString { get; }
public class TestSettings : ISettingsProvider
public string ConnectionString { get { return "testdatabase"; } };
public class DataStuff
private ISettingsProvider settings;
public DataStuff(ISettingsProvider settings)
this.settings = settings;
public void DoSomething()
// use settings.ConnectionString
In reality you would most likely read from config files in your implementation. If you're up for it, a full blown DI framework with swappable configurations is the way to go but I think this is at least better than using Globals.ConnectionString.
Great first question.
The short answer: make sure your application is a function from ALL its inputs (including implicit ones) to its outputs.
The problem you're describing doesn't seem like global state. At least not mutable state. Rather, what you're describing seems like what is often referred to as "The Configuration Problem", and it has a number of solutions. If you're using Java, you may want to look into light-weight injection frameworks like Guice. In Scala, this is usually solved with implicits. In some languages, you will be able to load another program to configure your program at runtime. This is how we used to configure servers written in Smalltalk, and I use a window manager written in Haskell called Xmonad whose configuration file is just another Haskell program.
An example of dependency injection in an MVC setting, here goes:
$container = new Container();
container.add("database.driver", "mysql");
$container.add(new Database($container->get('database.driver', "")), 'database');
$container.add(new Dao($container->get('database')), 'dao');
$container.add(new Service($container->get('dao')));
$container.add(new Controller($container->get('service')), 'controller');
$container.add(new FrontController(),'frontController');
index.php continues here:
$frontController = $container->get('frontController');
$controllerClass = $frontController->getController($_SERVER['request_uri']);
$controllerAction = $frontController->getAction($_SERVER['request_uri']);
$controller = $container->get('controller');
And there you have it, the controller depends on a service layer object which depends on
a dao(data access object) object which depends on a database object with depends on the
database driver, name etc