Can I create personal bookmarks for pdf-Documents? - pdf

Is there a way to bookmark pages in a PDF document?
For instance, in PDF documentation of a well known commercial database I very often have to navigate my favorite pages. I'd like to bookmark these, so I can reach them with one click. The pre-generated bookmarks in these documents are not useable like personal bookmarks because they are way too many.
An obvious alternative is to just bookmark pages in the corresponding HTML documentation. That would be possible for the well known database's documentation but not every PDF is available in HTML or has a pleasant HTML rendering.
I have looked through the Acrobat Reader menus, SO and googled a bit for no result.

That depends on your pdf-reader.
On linux you could use 'okular' where you even can mark text or add comments in your documents. This information will be stored in a separate file.


Can you embed a separate pdf into Indesign and open it after exporting to PDF?

I would like to ask the following if possible. We have a client that wants a separate pdf document, embedded in a main pdf document and opens when you click it. Like the function in MS Word where you can attach another Word document inside a Word document (Word-ception, lol) and you can still open it.
I've tried it in Acrobat Pro with the Attachment and Link tools. Another option was to put the link document in an ftp server for accessibility. but our client really wants this functionality. Is this possible in Indesign?
Thank you!
Using Word as your example vehicle there are several ways to link 2 documents.
One is an appendix to the other, in PDF terms is a merge or binding but its one flowing document with separate sequential sections/chapters.
Another way is to link to an external file, in PDF terms a hyperlink to a relative second file, which can be locally folder relative or a web absolute reference. You have tried that.
In Word we can add objects internally with icons, in PDF that can be an annotation comment attachment to save externally and action accordingly. You also seem to discount that approach.
Finally PDF offers an Adobe Specific Structure where multiple PDFs attachments can be imbedded in an overall PDF wrapper. These are called Portfolios and not! to be confused with their portfolio service
They are unpopular since in a browser without Adobe Reader they should only offer the cover page.
Whilst in securer offline readers the files may well be shown as attachments that you need to save or independently open to view them.
Only some non Acrobat viewers may view them as a collection. And in the past that required runing insecure SWFlash, But I understand that has changed ?
Here is how the 3 internal PDF files seen above were shown in older Acrobat 9.
Possibly the best experience is using Foxit Reader

Does anyone know of a technology that allows one to edit the tags on pdfs?

I am looking to programmatically edit the tags in a pdf document.In particular I would like to be able to copy tags from one document to another, and edit them as I copy them over.
I have looked at coherent pdf, pythons pdfrw and pythons pdfedit and not been sucessful. I am creating the pdfs in Latex so any Latex based solution would be amazing, but i have not come up with anything that allows me to create tags).
Any advise?

Accessibility concerns for website providing massive amounts of PDFs

I am working on a website providing massive amount of PDFs for download and I am trying to improve the website accessibility. All I can think of is:
Provide equivalent content for the PDFs when possible (text or HTML for example).
Provide description for the PDF documents before the use can download them.
Make it possible to search within the PDF files when the users use the website search.
Make the links to the PDFs labelled by a nice icon.
Inform the users that they will need a third party application (Acrobat or other PDF viewers) in order to open the documents.
Are there other ways to improve it?
Like Jared said, assistive technology works decently with PDFs. The question is what kind of quality control do you have. There is a few different ways of putting together a PDF. One way is scanning a document and the result is a PDF made out of images. When assistive technology hits it, all it says is image image image, great help right?
Now Adobe built in an Optical Character Recognition ability (second way), which has improved over the years, but is far from quality. For example, I was given a PDF that had OCR on it. One of the first lines had the word Articles, in italics, the OCR spit out Art/e5. The third way is to produce PDFs containing actual text. Now Office 2007/2010, have the ability to save as a PDF. Before hitting save, click the options button and ensure the "document tags for accessibility" box is checked.
PDFs have a tag structure, like HTML, found via the Tags panel/pane. The output in 2010, is a bit cleaner than 2007, but I still recommend something like Commonlook Office to create your PDFs.
4.Make the links to the PDFs labelled by a nice icon.
You could put an icon within the link. Some people do:
Link text <img src=".." alt="PDF icon"/>
Some people using assistive tech just browse via links, so they won't know it is a PDF before they open it. So, it is better to do:
Link text <img src="" alt="PDF"/>
5.Inform the users that they will need a third party application (Acrobat or other PDF viewers) in order to open the documents.
It is a good idea to do this, in fact Section 508 requirements say to do this. I recommend linking to Adobe Reader for two reasons.
1- if the person does not have a PDF viewer, they'll probably call their "computer expert" who probably heard of Adobe Reader, and knows the site isn't pushing some ad-ware.
2- Adobe Reader has the most built-in accessibility of the readers out there, to my knowledge. So, why would you not give the best.
There are several things you can do to improve the accessibility of the PDFs themselves.
Provide "Alternate Descriptions" for images
Provide "Replacement Text" for items such as equations or abbreviations
Replacement Text can also be used to hint at the pronunciation of names
Mark the language, especially if it is mixed
This will assist a screen reader in properly understanding the PDF. This isn't crucial for pages that contain only text in regular paragraph layout - the reader can usually figure things out. If there are pictures, captions, jargon, names, etc, this will greatly improve the reader's performance.

How to create switchable multi-language pdf form?

I want to create a pdf form for two language (Chinese/English) UI, and there's a button(s) or somethings on the form for language switch, is there anyway can make it? and how to do?
Thanks for all reply!
Actually I got a sample like this,
PDF Sample
there're two checkbox on the top-left of the form, one is for English UI, the other is Chinese, I just want to know how to make PDF like that sample? (and I don't see any layers on the sample...)
mkl's comment (which he should turn into a full answer, really) already hinted at the option to use different page templates residing in the same file.
Another option you could explore is this:
put the two language versions into 2 different layers (or 'optional content groups' in PDF parlance)
make the visibility of the two layers toggeable
let the user activate that layer which he/she needs.
Layer activation can be handled through normal Acrobat Reader user interface elements.
The layer switching can be made accessible via a "button" on the PDF page too -- but that requires additional JavaScript to be embedded in the PDF (something many people are not particularly keen about).
As Kurt proposed, I make my comment on Frank's answer an answer in its own right:
Actually there is a pdf feature seldomly used nowerdays, page
templates. Thus, those two forms can reside in the same file in
different page templates, and based on some initially present buttons
("English version", ...) the desired form is spawned.
Unfortunately I don't know how to create page templates using some easy-to-use tool, I only came a cross them in the context of integrated PDF signatures (depending on the signature type, page template instantiation is a document change not breaking the signature) and tested them with low-level tools.
Essentially page templates are PDF objects just like page dictionaries of the normal pages, they are not XFA stuff. They merely are not referenced in the pages tree but instead in the name tree.
There is a JavaScript command which creates a visible page based on such a template --- I don't know which anymore; I may be able to find out when I'm back in office next week. This command would have to be bound to the inital language selection button in the file.
The problem will be in switching the static text - PDF does not allow this.
If I were you, I would split the document into two identical forms in the respective languages. You can use bookmarks and links on the first page to navigate to the right part of the document.
Note that it is possible to assign the same field names to the Enlgish/Chinese versions of your fields. This will make it easier to process the submitted form data because the process path would be independent of the chosen language. It will also simplify any JavaScript (validation, summing, etc.) you plan to add.

How to delete first page from muliple PDF's

I have a collection of PDF's that sometimes have a info page for the first page of the document that I want to remove.
If there a quick way to delete this info page from all of my pdf's or at least a way to show all pdf's that have more than one page so I can better find the ones that need to be fixed?
Do you know of any program that can do this? Or way to do this with python?
Note: The info page has text on it that that always remains the same "LAND TITLE OFFICE"
Using Windows 7 OS
Some Research turned up the following:
You can try these two ways:
PdfTK is an utility to manipulate PDFs. Check this link, they are doing something similar to what you need (in the comments someone also posted a script for windows)
PDFsam is a graphical powerful tool to manipulate PDFs in bulk. The split+merge sections should do the trick.
Both of them are free, I'd suggest to study the first if you want to write a "recipe" that you can use often, but the later if you have to do it once.
You can use the opensource PDFBox as a command line utility to split PDF's.
The link for PDFBox is here: link
The documentation for splitting a PDF using PDFBox is here: link
You could use the PDFBox extract text functionality from a batch script and combine with grep to identify pages that contain the text you are looking for. The extract text documentation is here: link