How to store binary data in SQLite tables with FTS3 enabled? - sql

I'm transitioning an application from using a normal SQLite database to one with full text search enabled. It has several BLOB columns that store things like digital signatures, which obviously do not need to be indexed. I've read that other people solve this by moving all non-TEXT data to a separate, non-FTS3 table that they inner join with the FTS3 table when necessary, but this is a very inelegant solution. Is there no way to simply exclude certain columns from indexing?

It's not inelegant. SQL is relational, joins are a natural part of life. Thinking they're "inelegant" is what leads to stereotypically poor database designs.
You've determined you have two different kinds of data -- text you often need to search, and blobs you do not. There is absolutely nothing wrong or inelegant about storing these in two different tables.

You can make it less of a hassle by creating a view of the join that you can then select over. You can still use MATCH on the columns that originated in the fts table, and you don't have to do that join every time you want to query.


Are one-to-one related tables good for distributed sql databases?

Suppose i have a User table, and other tables (e.g. UserSettings, UserStatistics) which have one-to-one relationship with a user.
Since sql databases don't save complex structs in table fields (some allow JSON fields with undefined format), is it ok to just add said tables, allowing to store individual (complex) data for each user? Will it complicate performance by 'joining' more queries?
And in distirbuted databases cases, will it save those (connected) tables randomly in different nodes, making more redundant requests with each other and decreasing efficiency?
1:1 joins can definitely add overhead, especially in a distributed database. Using a JSON or other schema-less column is one way to avoid that, but there are others.
The simplest approach is a "wide table": instead of creating a new table UserSettings with columns a,b,c, add columns setting_a, setting_b, setting_c to your User table. You can still treat them as separate objects when using an ORM, it'll just need a little extra code.
Some databases (like CockroachDB which you've tagged in your question) let you subdivide a wide table into "column families". This tends to let you get the best of both worlds: the database knows to store rows for the same user on the same node, but also to let them be updated independently.
The main downside of using JSON columns is they're harder to query efficiently--if you want all users with a certain setting, or want to know just one setting for a user, you're going to get at least a minor performance hit if the database has to parse a JSON column to figure that out, or you have to fetch the entire blob and do it in your app. If they're more convenient for other reasons though, you can work around this by adding inverted indexes on your JSON columns, or expression indexes on the specific values you're interested in. Indexes can have a similar cost to 1:1 joins, but you can mitigate that in CockroachDB using by using the STORING keyword to tell the DB to write a copy of all the user columns to the index.

SQL - multiple tables vs one big table

I want to move multiple SQLite files to PostgreSQL.
Data contained in these files are monthly time-series (one month in a single *.sqlite file). Each has about 300,000 rows. There are more than 20 of these files.
My dilemma is how to organize the data in the new database:
a) Keep it in multiple tables
b) Merge it to one huge table with new column describing the time period (e.g. 04.2016, 05.2016, ...)
The database will be used only to pull data out of it (with the exception of adding data for new month).
My concern is that selecting data from multiple tables (join) would not perform very well and the queries can get quite complicated.
Which structure should I go for - one huge table or multiple smaller tables?
Think I would definitely go for one table - just make sure you use sensible indexes.
If you have the space and the resource 1 table, as other users have appropriately pointed out databases can handle millions of rows no problem.....Well depends on the data that is in them. The row size can make a big difference... Such as storing VARCHAR(MAX), VARBINARY(MAX) and several per row......
there is no doubt writing queries, ETL (extract transform load) is significantly easier on a single table! And maintenance of that is easier too from a archival perspective.
But if you never access the data and you need the performance in the primary table some sort of archive might make since.
There are some BI related reasons to maintain multiple tables but it doesn't sound like that is your issue here.
There is no perfect answer and will depend on your situation.
PostgreSQL is easily able to handle millions of rows in a table.
Go for option b) but..
with new column describing the time period (e.g. 04.2016, 05/2016, ...)
Please don't. Querying the different periods will become a pain, an unnecessary one. Just put the date in one column, put a index on the column and you can, probably, execute fast queries on it.
My concern is that selecting data from multiple tables (join) would not perform very well and the queries can get quite complicated.
Complicated for you to write or for the database to execute? An Example would be nice for us to get an image of your actual requirements.

What's more efficient: string searches, or joins through SQL?

I have two lists of words and I need to find matches (intersection of the two sets.)
Should I store each list as a string and find matches through string functions (like a regular expression) or store the words in a table, and have SQL find matches by joining?
It is almost impossible to say without more information about the problem. Here are some things to consider:
How many different distinct items do you have?
How many different combinations would be on a typical row?
Do your searches require looking for wildcards?
How long are the individual items?
Specifics on the database engine and hardware you are running on.
I want to emphasize that in almost all situations, you want to store the values in another table. Performance is not necessarily the primary reason. More important are ease of updating and deleting individual values, and the ability to support many more types of queries (such as a list of all available values).
But, we can still think about the performance issues. Storing values in a single string simply requires fetching the page with the record on it, and then applying a function that goes through the string. For simple patterns (such as identifying the presence of a fixed substring), this should go quite fast. There are few things that computers do faster than looping through strings and comparing values (assuming a reasonable implementation).
In the fastest possible join, both tables need to be read in, and the keys need to be matched. This requires additional effort. The situation is even worse, because you really want two additional tables, one for the individual string items and the other for the relationship between the original records and the items.
At this point, you may think "gosh, strings seem like a better idea". This is wrong. One of the big differences is in average size. If you items are, on average, longer than, say, 4 characters, then you save space by using a reference table. This saved space immediately translates into improved performance, because there is less I/O. With indexes, the additional tables would be in memory anyway, so the matching would be quite fast.
And, there is the issue of querying. You can use standard SQL functions for queries such as records that have A and B (many string functions are database specific). You can easily find out exactly which items are in the database, and relatively easily find what pairs exist on records. You can keep track of when an item is added to a record, and the first time it appears in the database. Generally, this flexible functionality -- which is just basic SQL functionality -- is what you need when managing this type of data.
Storing in a table will be much faster than a SQL string manipulation function in most circumstances especially if you can index the words.
I think you're asking if this:
SELECT word FROM table_one WHERE word in (SELECT word FROM table_two)
is faster than this:
SELECT table_one.word FROM table_one
INNER JOIN table_two ON table_one.word = table_two.word
The first answer should be faster, because the second creates a (potentially large) temporary object (the joined table).
Note that I assume you have an index on word. Also: if the strings are very long (URLs, for example), this will be very slow, and you should match on a hash instead.

MySQL Table with TEXT column

I've been working on a database and I have to deal with a TEXT field.
Now, I believe I've seen some place mentioning it would be best to isolate the TEXT column from the rest of the table(putting it in a table of its own).
However, now I can't find this reference anywhere and since it was quite a while ago, I'm starting to think that maybe I misinterpreted this information.
Some research revealed this, suggesting that
Separate text/blobs from metadata, don't put text/blobs in results if you don't need them.
However, I am not familiar with the definition of "metadata" being used here.
So I wonder if there are any relevant advantages in putting a TEXT column in a table of its own. What are the potential problems of having it with the rest of the fields? And potential problems of keeping it in a separated table?
This table(without the TEXT field) is supposed to be searched(SELECTed) rather frequently. Is "premature optimization considered evil" important here? (If there really is a penalty in TEXT columns, how relevant is it, considering it is fairly easy to change this later if needed).
Besides, are there any good links on this topic? (Perhaps stackoverflow questions&answers? I've tried to search this topic but I only found TEXT vs VARCHAR discussions)
Yep, it seems you've misinterpreted the meaning of the sentence. What it says is that you should only do a SELECT including a TEXT field if you really need the contents of that field. This is because TEXT/BLOB columns can contain huge amounts of data which would need to be delivered to your application - this takes time and of course resources.
Best wishes,
This is probably premature optimisation. Performance tuning MySQL is really tricky and can only be done with real performance data for your application. I've seen plenty of attempts to second guess what makes MySQL slow without real data and the result each time has been a messy schema and complex code which will actually make performance tuning harder later on.
Start with a normalised simple schema, then when something proves too slow add a complexity only where/if needed.
As others have pointed out the quote you mentioned is more applicable to query results than the schema definition, in any case your choice of storage engine would affect the validity of the advice anyway.
If you do find yourself needing to add the complexity of moving TEXT/BLOB columns to a separate table, then it's probably worth considering the option of moving them out of the database altogether. Often file storage has advantages over database storage especially if you don't do any relational queries on the contents of the TEXT/BLOB column.
Basically, get some data before taking any MySQL tuning advice you get on the Internet, including this!
The data for a TEXT column is already stored separately. Whenever you SELECT * from a table with text column(s), each row in the result-set requires a lookup into the text storage area. This coupled with the very real possibility of huge amounts of data would be a big overhead to your system.
Moving the column to another table simply requires an additional lookup, one into the secondary table, and the normal one into the text storage area.
The only time that moving TEXT columns into another table will offer any benefit is if there it a tendency to usually select all columns from tables. This is merely introducing a second bad practice to compensate for the first. It should go without saying the two wrongs is not the same as three lefts.
The concern is that a large text field—like way over 8,192 bytes—will cause excessive paging and/or file i/o during complex queries on unindexed fields. In such cases, it's better to migrate the large field to another table and replace it with the new table's row id or index (which would then be metadata since it doesn't actually contain data).
The disadvantages are:
a) More complicated schema
b) If the large field is using inspected or retrieved, there is no advantage
c) Ensuring data consistency is more complicated and a potential source of database malaise.
There might be some good reasons to separate a text field out of your table definition. For instance, if you are using an ORM that loads the complete record no matter what, you might want to create a properties table to hold the text field so it doesn't load all the time. However if you are controlling the code 100%, for simplicity, leave the field on the table, then only select it when you need it to cut down on data trasfer and reading time.
Now, I believe I've seen some place mentioning it would be best to isolate the TEXT column from the rest of the table(putting it in a table of its own).
However, now I can't find this reference anywhere and since it was quite a while ago, I'm starting to think that maybe I misinterpreted this information.
You probably saw this, from the MySQL manual
If a table contains string columns such as name and address, but many queries do not retrieve those columns, consider splitting the string columns into a separate table and using join queries with a foreign key when necessary. When MySQL retrieves any value from a row, it reads a data block containing all the columns of that row (and possibly other adjacent rows). Keeping each row small, with only the most frequently used columns, allows more rows to fit in each data block. Such compact tables reduce disk I/O and memory usage for common queries.
Which indeed is telling you that in MySQL you are discouraged from keeping TEXT data (and BLOB, as written elsewhere) in tables frequently searched

How does row design influence MySQL performance?

I got an users table and some forum, where users can write. Every action on forum uses users table. User can have a profile, which can be quite big (50KB). If I got such big data in each row wouldn't it be faster to have separate table with user's profiles and other data that aren't accessed very often?
In an online RPG game each character have a long list of abilities, for example: pistols experience, machine guns experience, throwing grenades experience, and 15 more. Is it better to store them in a string as numbers separated with semicolon - which would take more space than integers, or should I make for each ability individual field? Or maybe binary? (I use c++)
If you don't need the data from
specific columns, don't get it.
Don't do SELECT * but SELECT a,
If you need to do SQL-queries over
certain columns e.g. ORDER BY
pistols_experience, you should
leave it in different columns. If
you just display it all at once, you
could serialize the different
key-value-pairs into a text field
via YAML, JSON etc.
(1) Not in itself, no. As stefan says, you should be selecting only what you want, so having stuff you don't want in the table is no issue. A 50K TEXT blob is only a pointer in the row.
However, there can be an issue if you are using MyISAM tables. In MyISAM there is only table-level locking, so when you have one user update their row (eg. last visit time), it blocks all other users from accessing the table. In this case you might experience some improvement by breaking out heavily-updated columns into a separate table from the relatively static but heavily-selected ones.
But you don't want to be using MyISAM anyway: it's a bit crap. Use InnoDB, get row-level locking (and transactions, and foreign key constraints), and don't worry about it. The only reason to use MyISAM tables today is for fulltext search, which InnoDB doesn't support.
(2) You would normally separate every independent value into its own field. If you hit a real performance issue and you don't need to do database-level manipulation of the values on their own, you could consider denormalising it, but you'd be losing the power of the database.