what is the name of the web color #ccc? - stylesheet

googled but no answer

Not all colors have official names.
W3C have listed only 17 valid color names:
aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, grey, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red,
silver, teal, white, and yellow.
From w3schools

http://www.perbang.dk says "Grey80", but that's probably inofficial.


How can I set the color for subsequent plot commands?

I have to issue many plot commands to create a picture. As in the following example:
plt.plot([1,5,4], color)
plt.plot([3,7,8], color)
To simplify code I would prefer something like:
plt.set_color("C0-") # ERROR
Is this possible?
If no color argument is given, the color of the plots is determined by the color cycle in use. You may change the color cycle at runtime to only have one single color, which effectively makes all subsequent plots that same color.
plt.gca().set_prop_cycle('color', ["blue"])
To get the first color of the current color cycle you may use
c0 = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"][0]
plt.gca().set_prop_cycle('color', [c0])

Additive Color Mixing (Blending) of images in Universal Windows XAML

I have a image of a scene with default lighting. Let's call this image_baseline.
I have another image of the same scene, but an extra red spot light is added. Let's call this image_with_extra_red. Some surfaces show a lot of red, while other surfaces remain unchanged since the red spot light does not uniformly light the scene. No place in this picture is darker than the original since the default lighting was not removed, just a red spot is added.
I have another image of the same screen, but extra green light is added just like the above. Let's call this image_extra_green.
Likewise, I have image_extra_blue.
Now I have 3 variables. Percent_of_extra_red, percent_of_extra_green, percent_of_extra_blue.
I would like to add to image_baseline the proportions of the extra color lighting.
Pseudo code :
red_adder = image_with_extra_red - image_baseline; // now red_adder contains only the incremental effect of the red light
green_adder = image_with_extra_green - image_baseline;
blue_adder = image_with_extra_blue - image_baseline;
new_picture = image_baseline + (Percent_of_extra_red * red_adder ) + (Percent_of_extra_green * green_adder ) + (Percent_of_extra_blue * blue_adder )
The purpose of the above is to allow the user to control the intensity of the added red, green or blue spot light.
Hoping this can be done by overlaying 4 pictures in XAML and binding 3 variables Percent_of_extra_red , Percent_of_extra_green, and blue.
If it makes it easier, red_adder, green_adder, and blue_adder can be constructed offline with some graphic sw.

How to use Inversable features in prestashop

This is a very special problem I met in Prestashop.
I have a product, let's say a two color wooden stick, which is a normal 10" long stick. Half of it (5") can be blue and the other half red for example.
My product is this: Two color wooden stick. I have the following features: color 1 and and color 2 .
In the admin at the product's features I check red for the color 1 and blue for color 2.
Now the problem: when user filters using layered navigation, maybe they select blue for color 1 and red for color 2. This will result displaying 0 products as our wooden stick is inverse, but in the reality it's the same product.
How could I make that possible without duplicating the wooden stick product?
I see there is mismatching, your product 10" is not blue OR red, but blue-red in same time, so set two different colors is bad idea, instead I can propose you to do next, I hope when you said that you use color features it is named in Presta backoffice attributes, there is the difference between two this things in Presta, so:
in Catalog -> Product Attributes create new P.Attribute with name Color and for last option choose Color or textures in dropdown
add new Value for this new Color p.atrribute named e.g. "blue-red" and upload texture (img) that contains both colors. Repeat this procedure as much as needed.
in Layered navigation use this new p.attribute instead old
another idea, create using same way 2 different color attributes Color1 and Color2, no textures, just use real separate colors there like "red", "blue". Then in product create combinations of this two colors and assign it to product.
In this case in layered navigation you will can set 2 filters - Color1, Color2 and customers will can to choose it. But, imho, first solution is better for UX.

SKOS multiple broader term effect

There is one thing which confuses me with the use of multiple broader terms and classification.
Suppose I have the following thesaurus:
> colors
> green
> red
> blue
> yellow
> orange
> favorite colors
> orange
> red
> yellow
where the concepts orange, red and yellow have two broader concepts:
favorite colors and colors.
What is the effect then if I give a document the concept 'orange'?
Can I make the difference between 'favorite color' and just 'color'?
SKOS does support polyhierarchies as you have shown here. This means that a concept can have multiple "contexts", where the context is defined by its broader concepts. In your case, <orange> has two contexts: <favorite colors><colors> and <colors>. There isn't a way to say is one or the other - it is both. That's what polyhierarchies are all about.
But I would expect that the kinds of questions one would ask of this hierarchy are along the lines of "What are the colors?" "What are 'favorite colors'?", and that is what determines which context is being used in.

Available Colors for SetConsoleTextAttribute

im working with SetConsoleTextAttribute API (Delphi to be specific), well anyway i cannot find a list of available colors anywhere?? can anyone help me out
There a 4 Bits used for the foreground color
which will give 16 possible colors. (0-15)
The next 4 bits are used for background color with the same scheme
See this. Colors are formed by ORing different constants. For instance:
An application can combine the foreground and background constants to
achieve different colors. For example, the following combination
results in bright cyan text on a blue background.
For more Turbo/Borland Pascal CRTish implementations of such, see this. The colors available in the Windows console via SetConsoleTextAttribute work out roughly to be the same ones as the CRT unit, so any more relevant details can be found there.