Why and how do I change my buttons style, my the other compose button is fine? - objective-c

I've changed my navigation bar style to black opaque but my done button remains blue, yet the compose button is fine / black.
Why is is happening and more importantanly how do I fix this ?
The buttons was added in IB and shows blue there, while the nav bar is black.

The best thing to do is to make sure you're using the UIBarButtonSystemItemDone system button item, unaltered. If you really want to change the appearance of your Done button, you will need to assign a custom view to the bar button item's customView property. Then you'll be able to control every aspect of its appearance.


Add button to white background NSPopover, but the button has shadow area

I have one customized NSPopover, and I set it's background color into white. Then I add one Button without border into the viewcontroller, and put the viewcontroller into the NSPopover. The question is that, there will be shadow area for the button in this NSPopover, could someone have any ideas about this?
The issus is also exist for Label.
The customized NSPopover code is as follow:
and the result is:The final result of adding button to NSPopover
This is a known bug.
Set the appearance property of the textfield to NSAppearanceNameAqua.

Disable/Customize NSPopUpButton animation in 10.10 Yosemite

In OS 10.10, Apple added some new subtle animations to various controls. For example, when you check a checkbox, the blue "checked" state now animates in by expanding outward from the center of the checkbox rather than abruptly switching to the "checked" image.
Similarly, when you open an NSPopUpButton and choose an item from the menu, the menu animates closed and the selected item appears to "zoom into" the popUpButton.
The Problem:
I have customized NSPopUpButtons that draw themselves differently than the default NSPopUpButton:
When I select an item in the pop-up menu, the new animation in 10.10 briefly shows the system-default popUpButton style while animating in (blue right-hand side, etc.).
Here's a screenshot of the animation in progress, showing the system-default popUpButton animating in. (The dark-grey rectangle in the back is the "pressed" state of my custom NSPopUpButton):
What I Need
This animation obviously looks terrible with customized controls. Is there any way to disable it or to customize it? I have been unable to find one.
Turning off the Bordered property in Interface Builder seems to do the trick.
Here’s a comparison of Bordered on and Bordered off.
Please note that the Bordered property was showing as being off by default, when it’s actually on. I just had to check then uncheck it to disable it.

How animate the title / buttons in the UINavigationBar

I have in the UINavigationBar status information about the health of the app. It change the title text color, and one of the buttons there.
The changes work fine, but I wish to provide a smooth animation (because the status update on data changes) but don't know how. I'm not asking about moving to another views, but about how animate only the UINavigationBar titles & buttons.
I don't think you can animate those things without some extra work.
A navigation bar is a complex beast, and by default the UI objects that appear on the screen are private and maintained by the navigation bar or the current navigation item.
There should be a way to make it work however.
The current navigation item has a property titleView. normally it's nil and the navigation bar displays a title string itself. But if you plug a UILabel into the titleView property then you should be able to do animations on the animatable properties of the titleLabel.
Likewise with the bar button items.

Cocoa - Replicate mail button bar

How do I replicate the appearance of the button bar in the Mail App? I'm pretty close, but I cannot seem to get the colors to work the way I want.
If I set the background color for the view containing the buttons, it won't look the same as the NSTableView above it when the window loses focus.
Here is my app with focus:
My app without focus:
Mail.app with focus:
Mail.app without focus:
So in short, I want the same behaviour as the mail button bar with or without focus. How would one do that?
After spending a lot of time on this and then after finally asks a question here, I manage to fix it.
What I did was adding a bottom bar in IB and then programmatically setting the same color on the bottom bar as the background color on the NSTableView.

custom navigation bar?

I have a custom navigation bar that looks like this:
I set it as the background image of the navigation bar. But how do I implement the buttons? I want to be able to click on the individual text and have an action happen
Could I possibly add a gesture recognizer over each word on the image?
Put an invisible button on the toolbar for each place you want to have a button. If you want this to look and behave exactly like a normal toolbar, however, you can't have the buttons be part of the background image. It's very easy to make a toolbar that looks like what you have in IB.
It took longer to upload this to imgur than it did to make it!