User inputs to sql script - sql

I have a SQL Script with the following line
declare #input varchar(20)
Select * from Employees where [dept] =
What I want is When I execute the above script in SQL 2005 I want to prompt for an input By opening an inputbox etc., such that the value is accepted in '#input' variable and so the user retrieves the records giving dynamic inputs.

You can't do that. The database doesn't have a user interface, so there are no means of prompting for a value.
You have to make an application that prompts for the value, queries the database and displays the result.

You're really asking for a nonexistent feature but there are a few workarounds:
SSRS allows you to define a "report" with parameters that will take the form of input boxes etc for your users.
If you're ok with the users using SSMS, create the query as a stored procedure and have them use the execute option in the left-hand tree (this prompts for parameter inputs).

Here's what you want
Accepting User Input
But it's for Oracle( ! ) . I hope this will work for other dbs also

Or use C#; Rapid Application Development Using SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition and Visual C#.NET


Allow Drop Downs in an SSRS Report (2008) to accept text as an input

Okay, so I have an SSRS report that has a parameter with available values from a query. All of this works fine, but I would like the user to be able to select multiple items using: "SomeText%" which will retrieve all like: SomeText12, SomeTextHeyThere etc. The sql for this is all set up, but once you set the parameter to get values from a query in visual studio, you don't have the option to enter in text as well. This seems like it should be a common feature. Does anyone know how to add it so that the user can enter text and select from the drop down at the same time? I can create 2 parameters to do this, but that is just clunky.

Change select statement in SQL from Excel - end user

I have a decent size SQL statement that I have connected to an Excel worksheet and it runs fine. The question I have is would it be possible to have the end user enter a list of values in an excel sheet or somewhere else and have those values added to a WHERE clause in my SQL to limit the results per the users needs without the user having to go into connection and alter the SQL etc.? Thank you.
Yes. I do it as part of a VB script. I'm not a VB expert and I didn't set it up- I just know enough to tweak some changes that the users require.
Conceptually- provide an area in th Excel template for users to enter the parameters, use VB to get the values of those parameters, then pass them to the SQL statement.
You can create a Data Connection in Excel that utilizes a parameter. Whether you are calling a Stored Procedure on the DB or sending raw SQL, you can replace part of the statement with a ?. Tie that parameter to a specific cell. Now all your user needs to do is enter/change the value in that cell and it will re-query the database using that value as the parameter.
(I don't have Excel in front of me, otherwise I'd walk you through the exact steps)

How do I pass system variable value to the SQL statement in Execute SQL task?

SSIS 2008. Very simple task. I want to retrieve a System Variable and use it in an SQL INSERT. I want to retrieve the value of System:MachineName and use it in an insert statement.
Using the statement INSERT INTO MYLOG (COL1) SELECT #[System::MachineName] gives the error Error: ..failed to parse. Must declare the scalar variable "#"
Using the statements SELECT #System::MachineName or SELECT ##[System::MachineName] gives the error 'Error Incorrect systax near '::'
I am not trying to pass a parameter to the query. I have searched for a day already but couldn't find how to do this one simple thing!
Here is one way you can do this. The following sample package was created using SSIS 2008 R2 and uses SQL Server 2008 R2 as backend.
Create a sample table in your SQLServer database named dbo.PackageData
Create an SSIS package.
On the SSIS, add an OLE DB connection manager named SQLServer to connect to your database, say to an SQL Server database.
On the Control flow tab, drag and drop an Execute SQL Task
Double-click on the Execute SQL task to bring the Execute SQL Task Editor.
On the General tab of the editor, set the Connection property to your connection manager named SQLServer.
In the property SQLStatement, enter the insert statement INSERT INTO dbo.PackageData (PackageName) VALUES (?)
On the Parameter Mapping tab, click Add button, select the Package variable that you would like to use. Change the data type accordingly. This example is going to insert the PackageName into a table, so the Data Type would be VARCHAR. Set the Parameter Name to 0, which indicates the index value of the parameter. Click OK button.
Execute the package.
You will notice a new record inserted into the table. I retained the package name as Package. That's why the table
Hope that helps.
Per my comment against #ZERO's answer (repeated here as an answer so it isn't overlooked by SSIS newcomers).
The OP's question is pretty much the use case for SSIS property expressions.
To pass SSIS variables into the query string one would concatenate it into an expression set for the SqlStatementSource property:
"INSERT INTO MYLOG (COL1) SELECT " + #[System::MachineName]
This is not to suggest the accepted answer isn't a good pattern, as in general, the parameterised approach is safer (against SQL injection) and faster (on re-use) than direct query string manipulation. But for a system variable (as opposed to a user-entered string) this solution should be safe from SQL injection, and this will be roughly as fast or faster than a parameterised query if re-used (as the machine name isn't changing).
I never use it before but maybe you can check out the use of expression in Execute SQL task for that.
Or just put the whole query into an expression of a variable with evaluateAsExpression set to true. Then use OLE DB to do you insert
Along with #user756519's answer, Depending on your connection string, your variable names and SQLStatementSource Changes

SSRS Text Query: Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure

I am developing an SSRS 2008 report, but instead of using stored procedures, I want to use all Text queries. This report was working with stored procedures, but when I changed this report to use same logic but via text queries, I got the following error:
An error occurred during local report processing
    Query execution failed for dataset 'BRSR_Totals'
        The variable name '#END_yEAR' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.
Operation cancelled by user.
The problem is that some of my datasets (text queries) re-use the same parameters and END_YEAR is one of these parameters. How do I make this report run correctly?
One area that you might want to check is case sensitivity. SSRS is case-sensitive when considering parameter names but T-SQL does not have that case sensitivity. Take another look at your code and make sure that all parameters are using the same case.
I just resolved a similar issue using a text query to populate a dataset. It worked in SQL Server Management Studio and it worked in the Query Designer within BIDS, but failed at runtime.
The issue turned out to be BIDS helpfully adding parameters to the Dataset that this query was referencing. Switching to the Parameters tab of the Dataset Properties showed that BIDS had duplicated the parameters I had already added earlier. Deleting the duplicates resolved my problem.
To respond to the suggestion that the logic be off-loaded into a stored procedure: in this case, the report is a custom report for a single customer. The query will only ever be used in this report and makes a few assumptions about the customer's configuration that should not be available globally
I also just fixed this same issue in one of my queries. I was using a text query and had datetime variables/parameters. SSRS added a second set into the parameters for the dataset properties. I deleted them and my query ran fine after that and my graph populated.
I ran into a similar issue on a report where I had declare a substantial number of parameters at the beginning that I didn't want the end user to see. The issue I had was I was using a comma at the beginning of the line, so I had:
DECLARE #Parameter VARCHAR(4) = 'text'
, #Parameter VARCHAR(4) = 'text2'
It worked just fine in SSMS, but when I ran it in Report Builder 3.0 it threw the error shown in this thread. I changed it to remove the comma and to restate DECLARE at the beginning of each line and it worked perfectly.
Check that you didn't declare it twice, once in the CREATE PROC statement you're creating and another in the actual code...I've seen this problem while testing changes to SP code.

SQL Server Report Parameter

I'm create a SQL Server Report using Business Intelligence tool (visual studio shell 2005) for SQL Server 2008.
I'm calling a stored procedure with 2 parameters. I've tried - Report-> Report Parameter, Added two parameters name them Days and Count.
In the Data panel "command type:text"
exec dbo.DataReport #Days, #Count
error: Must delcare the scalar variable "#Days"
Does anyone know how do get this too work.
Try changing the command type to Stored Procedure, i'm sure its worked for me in the past
If changing the command type to Stored Procedure like was suggested didn't work, try opening the Dataset dialog box and going to "Parameters" tab. Make sure that both parameters ("#Days" and "#Count") are in the list and that each one has a value.