Sql Query To read from 4 tables - sql

i have 3 tables
table A, table B and a relational table C
table A has ta_id as primary key along with other columns
table B has tb_id as primary key along with other columns
table C has ta_id, tb_id as foreign keys along with other columns.
i wanted to find all the rows of table B which have a common ta_id in table C.
my sql query for the that is.
SELECT B.ta_id,
ON B.tb_id=C.tb_id
where C.ta_id = 1
ORDER BY B.user_id
the above query seems to be working..
but now i have another table called table D with D.tb_id as a foreign key (which is primary key in table B ).
each row of table B has 0 or more rows associated in table D or we can say
1 or more rows in table D has exactly one corresponding row in table B.
Now i want to list my each row of table B with all the associated rows of table D.
so it should look like this.
first row of table B
first corresponding row of table D
second corresponding row of table D
second row of table B
first corresponding row of table D
second corresponding row of table D
so in a way i am mixing the contents of 2 tables in display
Please tell me how to achieve this using a sql query..?
Waiting for reply..!
Big O

Just add another inner join like this:
SELECT B.ta_id, B.type, B.language, B.user_id
ON B.tb_id=C.tb_id
ON B.tb_id=D.tb_id
WHERE C.ta_id = 1
ORDER BY B.user_id

I believe that you can use SQL views easily to query data with lot of tables

You cannot do this in one simpl query, you need a loop. Think about what you are trying to do...
TABLE D ROW 1 (Matching Row 1 Table B)
TABLE D ROW 2 (Matching Row 1 Table B)
TABLE D ROW 3 (Matching Row 1 Table B)
TABLE D ROW 1 (Matching Row 2 Table B)
TABLE D ROW 2 (Matching Row 2 Table B)
TABLE D ROW 3 (Matching Row 2 Table B)
The only way you can do this is inside a stored procedure using temp tables and looping.


Almost equal table with different running time

I’m using oracle. I have two table A and B
Table A has 8000 rows and 5 five columns
Table B has 5500 rows and same 5 columns
All of 5500 rows in table B are contained in Table A and they are the same
I have a query like
With t1 as (select distinct(id) from table A/B)
,T2 as (select a.id, c.value, d.value from Table A/B a
Join table c c on “conditions”
Join table d d on “conditions”
) select * from t2
So the query with Table A works excellent but with Table B it freezes for eternity.
Data types and other properties are equal in table A and table A.
Where should i look for the problem?
I tried to explain plan but differences only in row “PX PARTITION HASH JOIN-FILTER” in Table A and “PX BLOCK ITERATOR ADAPTIVE” in table B

How does JOIN works when it sees two tables with duplicate entries

I have two tables. Say A and B.
Table A:
Id value
1 A
2 B
1 C
Table B:
Id value
2 AA
2 BB
4 CC
Now I write a simple left join
select A.Id
from A
left join B
on A.Id = b.Id
This shows me multiple entries. Why so?
When you left join two tables together in SQL, you are asking the database to look at all the values in the first table's specified column and find any and all that match in the specified column of your second table.
This means that if the database finds two rows of data with ID = 2 as per your example, it will bring both back.

SQL Query using Join

I have to create a table A which selects few columns from table B and B joins with another table C. But C takes few values as input from another table D. I just want to know the format of the query.
This is what I tried:
SELECT a,b,c,d
WHERE 1=1, few other conditions
I am not sure where should I put D

Join 2 tables by ID who from first table

I have 2 tables, One with Auto Increment ID and the other with a column ID but no auto increment. I want IDs from the first table will be in the column ID of the second table.
I know Inner Join/ left/ right but it seems this is not what I really want.
select *
from table_a a
inner join table_b b on a.auto_increment_id = b.column_id

Oracle SQL to subtract 2 values from different table joins

I am trying to subtract sequences MN_SEQ from Table C generated based on join with other tables.
Here is the problem.
Query 1 -
Select M_Seq from Table C, Table A, Table B where C.date_sk=A.MTH_END_DT
and B.Loan_seq=A.Loan_seq
Query 2 -
Select M_Seq from Table C, Table B where C.date_sk=B.ORIG_DT
I have to get difference between 2 M_SEQ generated from the result set of query 1 and Query 2.
Below is what i tried, but I am getting error.
select mn_seq -mn_seq from
((select mn_seq from Table C, Table A, Table B where B.MTH_END_DT=C.DATE_SK and B.LOAN_SEQ=A.LOAN_SEQ)a,
(select mn_seq from Table C , Table B where B.ORIG_DT=C.DATE_SK
Kindly provide inputs . I am not sure if this is the right way to do it. I tried just using "-" between queries but didnt work. Thanks!
Try this..
WHERE b.mth_end_dt = c.date_sk
AND b.loan_seq = a.loan_seq) -
(SELECT mn_seq FROM TABLE c, TABLE b WHERE b.orig_dt = c.date_sk)
FROM dual
I assume both the mn_seq are NUMBER and also your WHERE clause returns only one record in each of the inner queries.