What is a good Silverlight resource for finding out what controls are available and what they're for? - xaml

I'm used to winforms development, haven't done any WPF and I'm starting a Silverlight project. I understand xaml and all (and I've got some resources for learning it) but I'm wondering if there's any resources available that shows what controls are used in what kinds of situations.
For instance, if you look at the BusinessApplication template in vs2010, they use a border or a grid in cases where I would think of a panel. Things like that.
I'm looking for more of a 'tips' kind of thing than a tutorial or reference. References normally just say what a control is; not when, where or why you would use a particular control.

These two should help you out...


Report and Invoice UWP Application

I design a UWP application.
In this one I am asked to make many reports that they are invoices or print delivery for example.
These can therefore have different models and these can be fixed or dynamic.
I explore different ideas:
   - In the old application in WPF, we used an old version of DevExpress but it's really not easy to make reports simply and scalable ways easily
   - There are indeed things like Telerik, ComponentOne but it's really expensive for what it does and I can not find an open source component.
   - I looked to be able to make the models in XAML and be able to print them which would be ideal, however it works well with text but with tables (listbox, listview, datagrid ...) I can not manage the pagination.
Do you have any ideas? I do not know Power Bi Embedded well but maybe be an idea? I would like something scalable and simple to implement and without having to pay exhobirating sums for this kind of component.
use all in one DataGrid for enterprise LOB apps on uwp platform, it offers you editing, filtering and sorting etc as well : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/communitytoolkit/controls/datagrid
use Print helper to print stuff from your uwp app. : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/communitytoolkit/helpers/printhelper
Also please do look through other controls and helpers within windows community toolkit you might find some other stuff as well to help and simplify your uwp app developing experience :)

How to 'host' a Work Item inside a WinForms application?

I've come across a couple applications in the past that run outside VS2010 (or MTM) but display TFS Work Items 100% as they are shown in VS2010 as if there was a way to get the WorkItem including all its controls as a complete 'control' and place it inside my own application.
Does anyone know how to do that? I am currently trying to remember where I saw that, but maybe someone knows what I am talking about and can point me in the right direction TFS client api wise!?
Use the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Controls.WorkItemFormControl class. Doc on the MSDN.
This class has a property Item of type WorkItem, set the object and you're good to go.
If you want an application that uses it, I made this one, go get the sources, it's in the CegWICreator Project in the MainForm.cs file. If I remember correctly (the app is quite old) this control is pretty well used at some different places.

C++ DirectShow in Rendering Behavior

Does anyone know how to display DirectShow video in HTML container (e.h. DIV) instead of separate pop-up-like window.
Already I did all the things needed to run custom Rendering Behavior, it includes all interfaces and events handling, but cannot find anything related with my problem neither in the Internet nor in books I have.
Anyone can give me a hint what I need to do?
MSDN articles mention only DirectDraw and Direct3D when setting IFlags on IHTMLPainter - but maybe it's a wrong place I'm looking for :-)
In general, this is sort of a messy topic. As far as I know, your options are a custom activex control (yuck...in general, this approach is a logistical nightmare) or leveraging an existing player like Silverlight or Flash.
Silverlight doesn't give you control on a DirectShow level, but it does have additional support through the MediaStreamSource that may meet your needs. And once your audio/video is in Silverlight, you have all sorts of options for advanced overlays and interface elements.
I won't comment on Silverlight, as I have no experience of it, but I wouldn't agree with kidjan's summary of using an ActiveX control.
A custom ActiveX control has served our company well for many uses - including native apps, managed apps, web pages ...
The beauty of using an ActiveX control is that you have total control over the code in your player, stream authentication mechanisms, rendering capabilities etc.
I wrote an entire player in less than a month (network code included), then wrapped it in a COM control in less than a week.
Be under no illusion though, DirectShow and COM programming isn't easy. It's all about trade off - a Flash or Silverlight solution will probably get you going quickly. An ActiveX ctrl will give you total control.
I also read that HTML5 standard will include support for embedding video content(!) Might be worth looking into, although I don't know how many browsers support the (emerging) standard.

Free schedule/timetable GUI library for .NET

Does anyone know of any good free libraries providing Windows Forms controls for displaying schedules/timetables in .NET? I'm really looking for something similar to what the guy who asked this question was seeking, with a couple of differences:
I don't need any help organizing the underlying data or generating the schedule (that's all set) -- I just want a clean way of displaying it.
I'm actually looking for a custom control in Windows Forms, not an ASP.NET control.
One thing I've considered doing is just using a TableLayoutPanel control, but ideally I'm looking for something that will be more straightforward code-wise (as in, something actually designed for displaying a timetable) and sharper-looking visually.
How about this control? It is very similar to the calendar in Outlook. It does come with source code, so if it's not quite what you need you could maybe use this as a base for your own implementation.
Download the source code for http://www.monocalendar.com
He built a control (CalWidget) that you can easily recompile in your own project that's pretty nice. I recompiled it in .net 4.0 with little problems.

Xaml not WPF

I am interested in using Xaml with expression blend for creating user interfaces in an application. However, because of the limitations of the target architecture, I cannot use WPF or C#.
So, what I am interested in is in any examples / existing projects or advice from anyone who has experiance of this technology on the use of Xaml in it's "Pure" form as a specification language not tied to WPF.
Specific questions:
1) Is it possible to use Blend + Xaml without the WPF elements, or without C# backing classes?
2) Are there any other implementations of Xaml parsers etc. which use different architectures, and can they work with blend or similar tools.
3) Are there alternative editor / designer tools which can help in this situation?
I am aware of the MyXaml and MycroXaml projects, and have found a lot of resources on the web about Xaml, but 99% of it relates directly to WPF. This is fine for understanding the concepts of Xaml, but doesn't help with the implimentation I need.
Many thanks!
Have you checked out the XAML spec.
XAML 2009 and the system.xaml.dll in clr 4.0 is probably going to be a god send for you if you can wait for it.
here is the PDC presentation on it.
Now since you said you can't use C#, I am guessing you are not able to use the .net framework?? or using Mono. as far as I know there are no plans to implement XAML support in Mono. So either you would have to write your own XAML parser, and Object graph.
Of course if you are willing to do that you may want to wait for XAML 2009 spec as it adds significant improvements to the xaml language.
Does Silverlight help you in anyway?. Now there is an Eclipse plug-in available for you to use Silverlight with eclispe. So you will be able to use Expression blend to design your UI and use Java for the backend coding(Future plan I think). Check out this link for more details. http://www.eclipse4sl.org/
I am using a XAML-based XML document as the core of the new AppMaker v3. I'm currently parsing it in Ruby to generate various output including pure XAML/C# WPF apps.
XAML is very easy to parse especially if you take an XPath approach:
windows = []
REXML::XPath.each(doc, "//Window") do |xml|
windows << Window.new(xml)
#... invoking ...
#items = []
xml.each_element("Canvas/*") do |itemXML|
#items << WindowItem.makeItem(itemXML)
The real issue, about which we need more information, is what kind of GUI you are trying to generate. The Canvas explicit positional layout in XAML is easy to parse and generate some simple Win32 controls and drawing. If you get into the constraint-based layout like StackPanel then you will have to recreate much WPF behaviour.
If your not using WPF then Xaml as its core is no better than XML really. Xaml has a few flavours but they are essentially addition functionality in the form of libraries. You could use Vanilla Xaml as a base but then you would essentially have to build a parser that reads it and then a framework of code that it essentially maps to. Xaml does not know what a StackPanel is it essentially sends the Textual data off to be compiled by whatever does know what it is, this is the part you would be missing, and its a pretty big part.