Rails3 - Validate a unique pair of indexes - sql

I created an index in my migrations:
add_index "enrollments", ["student_id", "lecture_id"], :name => "index_enrollments_on_student_id_and_lecture_id", :unique => true
How is it possible to validate this pair of keys in Rails? I tried:
validates_uniqueness_of :enrollment_id, :scope => [:student_id, :lecture_id]
But it doesn't work properly.
Also, I need to find out in a view, if this key already exists, or if it is possible to create a new entry.

class Enrollment < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_uniqueness_of :student_id, :scope => :lecture_id
If you want to determine in the view before submitting new enrollment that this pair exists then you can use ajax request (I prefer RJS with JQuery) and check it with:
class Enrollment < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.pair_exists?(student_id, lecture_id)
Enrollment.find_all_by_student_id_and_lecture_id(student_id, lecture_id).any?
Hope this will help you.

Sorry for opening an old thread but since it's 2011 and I still couldn't find a proper validator, I created one myself:
class UniqueSetValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
setup record
record.errors[attribute] << "- collection of fields [" + #fields + "] is not unique" if record.class.count(:conditions => #conditions) > 0
def check_validity!
raise ArgumentError, "Must contain an array of field names' symbols" unless options[:in] && options[:in].respond_to?(:each)
def setup record
conditions = []
fields = []
options[:in].each do |field|
conditions |= [ field.to_s + " = '" + record[field].to_s + "'" ]
fields |= [ field.to_s ]
#conditions = conditions.join(" AND ")
#fields = fields.join(", ")
It seems to work to me. To use it paste the code into:
and enable it in:
by adding this line:
config.autoload_paths += %W( #{config.root}/lib )
Then you can simply use it in your model:
validates :field, :unique_set => [ :field, :field2 ]
It will validate the uniqueness of pair [ :field, :field2 ], and any error would be returned to :field. I haven't tried but it should work for more that 2 fields.
I hope that I didn't messed up anything, and that this will help someone. :)

Try this!
validates_uniqueness_of :enrollment_id, student_id, :scope => [:student_id, :lecture_id], :lecture_id], :message => "combination of enrollment, student and lecture should be unique."
If combination of student and lecture is not unique than you will get message in your error messages.
validates_uniqueness_of :student_id, :scope => [:lecture_id], :message => "combination of student and lecture should be unique."
The way voldy define in answer that's the correct way.


Group By multiple column for sql count statement , in rails environment

I have two Relations (class)
class RecommendedForType < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :description, :name
has_many :recommended_for_type_restaurants
class RecommendedForTypeRestaurant < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :recommended_for_type_id, :restaurant_id, :user_id
belongs_to :restaurant
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :recommended_for_type
def self.get_count(rest_id)
r = RecommendedForTypeRestaurant.where(restaurant_id: rest_id)
#result = r.includes(:recommended_for_type)
.select("recommended_for_type_id, recommended_for_types.name")
.group ("recommended_tor_type_id, recommended_for_types.name")
if I call
RecommendedForTypeRestaurant.get_count(1) # get stat of restaurant_id: 1
I get
{"dinner"=>1, "fast food"=>1, "lunch"=>3, "romantic dinner"=>1}
My goal is to get both id and name of RecommendTypeFor in the return result as well. currently i can only make it return either id or name. Something like this
{{"id" => 1, "name" => "dinner", "count" => 1}, {"id" =>2, "name" => "lunch", "count" => 3} }
For sure i can do another round of sql once i get id or name to create that hash but i think that not the efficient way. Appreciate any help or suggestion :)
You need to group separately, try the following group.
.group ("recommended_tor_type_id", "recommended_for_types.name").count
I believe that if you remove the .count at the end and change the select to:
.select("count(*), recommended_for_type_id, recommended_for_types.name")
You will get an array of models that will have the attributes you need and the count.
You should be able to test it out in the console by do something like this:
r = RecommendedForTypeRestaurant.where(restaurant_id: rest_id)
#result = r.includes(:recommended_for_type)
.select("recommended_for_type_id, recommended_for_types.name, count(*)")
.group ("recommended_tor_type_id, recommended_for_types.name")
#result.each do |r|
puts r.recommended_for_type_id
puts r.name
puts r.count
Hope it helps!

Rails 3 validates_uniquess_of virtual field with scope

I am working on a Rails 3 app that is needing to run a validation on a virtual field to see if the record already exists... here is my model code:
attr_accessible :first_name, :last_name, :dob, :gender
validates_presence_of :first_name, :last_name, :gender, :dob
validates :fullname, :uniqueness => { :scope => [:dob] }
def fullname
"#{first_name} #{last_name}"
I am not getting any errors, its passing the validation.
I don't think you can do something like that with standard validates. Reason is, it usually is a "simple" sql look-up for uniqueness. But to check uniqueness of what's sent back from your method, it'd have to :
Get all entries of your scope
For each, execute the fullname method.
Add every result in an array while testing for uniqueness
Simple when the data set is small, but then it'd just take ages to do as soon as you reach 10K plus matches in your scope.
I'd personally do this with a standard before_save using the dob scope
before_save :check_full_name_uniqueness
def check_full_name_uniqueness
query_id = id || 0
return !Patient.where("first_name = ? and last_name = ? and dob = ? and id != ?", first_name, last_name, dob, query_id).exists?
Add error message (before the return):
errors.add(:fullname, 'Your error')
Back in the controller, get the error :
your_object.errors.each do |k, v| #k is the key of the hash, here fullname, and v the error message
#Do whatever you have to do

Rails assigning names to variables

I'm building a user ranking system, and am trying to assign user.rank values with a name.
I wanted to define something like this in my User model and then be able to reference it when displaying each user's rank, but this probably isn't the best way:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
'Peasant' => (0..75),
'Craftsman' => (76..250),
'Vassal' => (251..750),
'Noble' => (750..1500),
'Monarch' => (1501..999999)
Perhaps it would be better to define a method in a controller or helper like:
if user.rank == 0..75
rank_name = "Peasant"
But not sure how to do that. Anyone have any thoughts? I'm not even sure what to call what it is I'm trying to do, thus making it difficult to research on my own.
It could be something even as simple as this, assuming user.rank exists.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def rank_name
case self.rank
when 0..75
when 76..250
when 251..750
when 750..1500
when 1501..999999
If rank_name is specific to the User, I'd make it a method of User.
You could try something like below. It might give you some ideas.
class User
{:name => 'Peasant', :min => 0, :max => 75},
{:name => 'Craftsman', :min => 76, :max => 250}
# ...
attr_accessor :rank
def rank_name
# TODO what happens if rank is out of range of all ranks or rank is nil
# or not an integer
def rank_index
User::RANKS.index { |r| (r[:min]..r[:max]).include? #rank }
user = User.new
user.rank = 76
puts user.rank_name # -> Craftsman

Rails 3 noob - difficulty populating an array

Users invite others to review their work. To track this, the invitations table has reviewer_id and reviewee_id fields. The model contains:
belongs_to :user
has_many :users
To display all invitations for a user we first get all the invitations:
#invitations = Invitation.where("reviewee_id = ?", current_user.id ).select(:reviewer_id).order("updated_at")
Then we get all the users who were invited: (this part is wrong)
#reviewers = []
#invitations.each do |i|
#reviewers << User.where("id = ?", i.reviewer_id )
This current solution produces the following:
undefined method `first_name' for []:ActiveRecord::Relation
I did a test with the following code to see what is in #reviewers:
<% #reviewers.each do |r| %>
<%= r.id %><br>
<% end %>
Instead of returning the ids it returned:
So the array is not getting populated appropriately.
I am grateful for your help and most grateful for specific code.
You want to gather up all the IDs then pass them to where.
reviewer_ids = #invitations.collect { |i| i.reviewer_id }
#reviewers = User.where(:id => reviewer_ids)
This grabs all the reviewers in a single database call.
Do the following to get the reviewers:
#reviewers = []
#invitations.each do |i|
#reviewers << User.where("id = ?", i.reviewer_id )
The << adds elements to the array. And, before the iteration we create an array.

How can I map between strings and attributes automatically?

I have a tiny logical error in my code somewhere and I can't figure out exactly what the problem is. Let's start from the beginning. I have the following extension that my order class uses.
class ActiveRecord::Base
def self.has_statuses(*status_names)
validates :status,
:presence => true,
:inclusion => { :in => status_names}
status_names.each do |status_name|
scope "all_#{status_name}", where(status: status_name)
status_names.each do |status_name|
define_method "#{status_name}?" do
status == status_name
This works great for the queries and initial setting of "statuses".
require "#{Rails.root}/lib/active_record_extensions"
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
has_statuses :created, :in_progress, :approved, :rejected, :shipped
after_initialize :init
attr_accessible :store_id, :user_id, :order_reference, :sales_person
def init
if new_record?
self.status = :created
Now I set a status initially and that works great. No problems at all and I can save my new order as expected. Updating the order on the other hand is not working. I get a message saying:
"Status is not included in the list"
When I check it seems that order.status == 'created' and it's trying to match against :created. I tried setting the has_statuses 'created', 'in_progress' etc but couldn't get some of the other things to work.
Anyway to automatically map between string/attribute?
from your description, looks like you're comparing a string to a symbol. Probably need to add:
define_method "#{status_name}=" do
self.status = status_name.to_sym
or do a #to_s on the status_names